Wednesday 27 April 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In That Respect it calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"White World Religion". -"The Male-stilts, I will preach to the Holy Man the Chief Justice determined along with the charm and the investment approach. Please listen and carefully test the headphones, I will preach ". -"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
This and the Female-stilts, how certain approachable charm with the primary Scripture and the investment? The key is the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness. The Male-stilts, chums have for the mind would be with aid (ekaggata) seven genera, this section, where the Male-stilts, the so called Holy Chief intention along with the charm and the investment approach.
Here, the Male-stilts, Chief comments go top. And how, the Female-stilts, Chief Justice ant the top go? Wisdom tri TA is deviant, wisdom is the Chief Prophet of Chief Justice. So is the Chief Justice's opinion. This and the Female-stilts, what is deviant comments? No Bell, no donation, no self, no results are reported to the career of evil, there is no life, no other life, no mother, no father, no chemical types of birth; in life there are no Sa, Ba-la-Mon, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, after with the upper position itself reach back up the statement. Thus, the Male-stilts is deviant.
This and the Female-stilts, how is the Chief comments? Chief of staff of the Male-stilts, we say there are two kinds. The Male-stilts, there kinds of pirated, in Phuoc Chanh Huu comments report, brought to birth outcomes y (upadhivepakka); There, the primary type of this Male-stilts, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leadership in the genus (magganga).
This and the Female-stilts, how is pirated, in Phuoc Chanh Huu comments, taken to the result being y? There is alms, there are donation, has had the result, the international career of evil, have this life, there is another life, mother, father, there kinds of goods delivery; in life there are the Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, after with the upper position itself reached this life and other life back up the statement. Thus, the Male-stilts is pirated, in Phuoc Chanh Huu comments, taken to the result being y.
This and the Female-stilts, how is the Chief comments in Holy pirated, ranks, Super, in Scouts? What that means, this Male-stilts, in wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, sense chi, Chief of the French Scouts, Scouts of the genus of a Holy Taoist cultivation, the Shu in the Scriptures, there, had smuggled the sacred heart. Chief comments like that, the Female-stilts, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leadership in the genus.
One essential piece of Jin exorcism opinion, Chief Justice accomplishments; so is the Chief essential tons of flavor. One exorcism passages mindfulness, mindfulness and an stay Chief comments; such is mindfulness of the position. So three France follow, running round under Chief Justice opinion, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness.
Here, the Male-stilts, Chief comments go top. And how does this, the Male-stilts, Chief Justice ant the top go? Wisdom tri Ta thinking is deviant thinking, the Intelligence Chief's Chief thinking voter thinking, such is the opinion of the Chief Justice. This and the Female-stilts, how is the deviant thinking? Exercise critical thinking, thinking, thinking this, damage the Male-stilts, so is the deviant thinking. This and the Female-stilts, how is the Chief thinking? The Chief Justice, the Female-stilts, we say there are two types: primary type of thinking, the Female-stilts, smuggled in Phuoc, quote, taken to the result being y; primary type of thinking, the Female-stilts, in the ranks of Holy pirated, Super, infinite in this And the chi. The National Director-stilts, how is ownership thinking primary smuggled in Phuoc, quote, taken to the result being y? LY exercise yard, thinking, thinking, thinking so ahimsa, the Female-stilts is Chief owner, thinking in Phuoc, illegally brought to the result being this And y. c c Male-stilts, how is the Chief Justice, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super, in Scouts? That means that what the Male-stilts in reflections, video games, a language of thinking, by the completely single-minded attention of a practice direction, the Holy Scriptures, in the Shu there, had smuggled the sacred heart; the Chief Justice of such thinking, the Female-stilts, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leader in chi. One essential piece of Jin exorcism primary achievement, thinking thinking, so is the Chief essential tons of flavor. One mindfulness exorcism passages, the Chief Justice and the Chief Resident security thinking, such is mindfulness of the position. So three France follow, running round under Chief thinking, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness.
Here, the Male-stilts, Chief comments go top. And how does this, the Male-stilts leading primary go? Ta ta's language language tri wisdom, wisdom is the Chief language speech tri; so is the Chief Justice's opinion. This and the Female-stilts, what is deviant language? Hope, say the evil blade, said judgment; Thus, the Male-stilts, as deviant. This and the Female-stilts, how is speech? The Chief Justice, the Female-stilts, we say there are two types: primary language type, the Female-stilts, smuggled in Phuoc, quote, taken to the result being y; have this type of speech, the Female-stilts, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leadership in the chi. This And other Female-stilts, how is speech, smuggled in Phuoc, quote, taken to the result being y? Hope glass far far, glass said the two tongues, far far, evil cups cups frivolous language; Thus, the Male-stilts, is speech, smuggled in Phuoc, taken to the result being this And the National y-stilts, how is the Chief Justice of the Holy steps, pirated, Super, in Scouts? What's this, the Male-stilts, abandon, from snippets, from abstaining, evil, for terms of four cups with a Holy practice leader, mature in the Scriptures, there are Gentle, Sacred Heart Center of pirated; Thus, the Male-stilts is speech, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leader in chi. One essential piece of Jin exorcism, speech achievement; so is the Chief essential tons of flavor. One exorcism passages mindfulness, mindfulness and an stay speech; such is mindfulness of the position. As such, this three runs, run the loop according to the speech, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness.
Here, the Male-stilts, Chief comments go top. And how does this, the Male-stilts, Chief Justice ant the top go? Know the ties are ties career, knows the Chief Justice is the Chief industry; so is the Chief Justice's opinion. This and the Female-stilts, how is your space industry? Observation of birth, taken by not for almond, in; Thus, the Male-stilts, as deviant. This and the Female-stilts, how is the Chief industry? The Chief Justice, the Female-stilts, we say there are two types: primary type, the Female-stilts, smuggled in Phuoc, quote, taken to the result being y; Chief Justice, this type of Female-on stilts, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leadership in the chi. This And other Female-stilts, how is the Chief industry in pirated in Phuoc, owner, brought to birth the fruit? The far glass observation of birth, separation of not for railway cup almond, far in the exercise; Thus, the Male-stilts, as Chief Justice, in the possession of pirated, in Phuoc, taken to the result being this And the National y-stilts, how is the Chief industry in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super, in Scouts? What's this, the Male-stilts, abandon, from paragraphs, three cups, far environmentally abstaining from evil for a Holy Taoist cultivation, the Shu in the Scriptures, there are Gentle, Sacred Heart Center of pirated; Thus, the Male-stilts, as Chief Justice, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leader in chi. One essential piece of Jin exorcism, Chief career achievement; so is the Chief essential tons of flavor. One exorcism passages, mindfulness mindfulness achieve and stay Chief Justice; such is mindfulness of the position. So three France follow, running round under Chief Justice, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness.
Here, the Male-stilts, Chief comments go top. And how does this, the Male-stilts, Chief Justice ant the top go? Tri Ta ta's network is the intelligence network, the intelligence network is the network of Chief Justice Chief Justice be tri; so is the Chief Justice's opinion. This and the Female-stilts, how is your space online? Phishing, say, the current general anesthesia, insincere, take profit gain; Thus, the Male-stilts, is Ta network. And how this, the Male-stilts, as Chief network? Chief Justice network, the Female-stilts, we say there are two types: primary network type, the Female-stilts, smuggled in Phuoc, quote, taken to the result being y; There Chief Justice network, the Female-stilts, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leader in chi. And how this, the Male-stilts is Chief of the network, in Phuoc, illegally brought to birth the fruit? Here, the Male-stilts, Saints disciples abandon Ta network, feed with Chief Justice network, as such, the Male-stilts is Chief network, pirated, in Phuoc, owner brought to birth the fruit of this And the National y-stilts, how is the Chief of the network, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super, in Scouts? What's this, the Male-stilts belongs to waive, from snippets, from abstaining, the far glass ties with a network of Holy practice leader, mature in the Scriptures. There are Gentler, Sacred Heart Center of pirated; Thus, the Male-stilts is Chief of the network, in the ranks of Saints, smuggled, Super world leader in chi. One essential piece exorcism tons net, primary network accomplishments; so is the Chief essential tons of flavor. One exorcism passages mindfulness, mindfulness network reach and stay Chief Justice network, as such is mindfulness of the position. So this is three runs, running round under Chief Justice network, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness.
Here, the Male-stilts Chief comments go top. And how does this, Female-stilts, Chief Justice ant the top go? The Chief Justice, the Female-stilts, by the Chief Justice, was started up. Speech by the Chief Justice began thinking up. Chief Justice Chief Justice by deviant language was started up. The Chief Justice was initiated by the Chief industrial network up. Chief network was initiated by the Chief Justice effort up. Mindfulness by the Chief Justice was up tons of glass. The Chief Justice determined by mindfulness are starting up. The Chief Justice position designated by the Chief Justice was kicked up. Chief freed by the Chief Justice position was started up. Thus, the Male-stilts, Director of the friendship Highway include eight genera and sections of the highway A-la-Han, including ten genera.
Here, the Male-stilts, Chief comments go top. And how does this, the Male-stilts, Chief Justice ant the top go? The National railway sleepers-stilts, by the Chief Justice opinion make the kill. And the real friendly France is evil deviant comments pratītyasamutpāda, the France he destroyed in can Chanh. And the French charity to be the Chief Justice, the then French pratītyasamutpāda ants are practice and became the fullness. Deviant thinking this, the Male-stilts, by the Chief Justice makes the thinking and the real evil of the French charity, be deviant thinking pratītyasamutpāda, the France he destroyed in the person of the Chief Justice. And the French charity Chief thinking pratītyasamutpāda, the France he developed became the fullness. This language, the National Railway-stilts, by the Chief Justice terms make anything evil and destroy the French charity to be deviant language pratītyasamutpāda, the France he destroyed in the person of the Chief Justice. And the charity was the primary language, French is pratītyasamutpāda does cultivation and become the fullness. TA, the Female-stilts, by the Chief Justice career make destroy, and the French railway industry charity any evil pratītyasamutpāda, the France he destroyed in the person of the Chief Justice. And the French charity was the Chief industry of pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was practicing and becoming the fullness. This network, the National Railway-stilts, by the Chief Justice makes the network destroy. And the French railway network to be friendly to any evil pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was destroy in the person of Chief Justice network. And the charity was the primary starter, Coast network of France he was practicing and becoming the fullness. This effort, the National Railway-stilts, by the Chief Justice makes the effort to destroy. And the real friendly France is evil deviant effort pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was destroy in the person of the Chief essential tons. And the French charity began appasaheb particularly wrong on the Chief Justice, he was the legal practice and became the fullness. TA, the Female-stilts, due mindfulness makes destroy. And the real friendly France is evil deviant anniversary pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was destroy in the person of mindfulness. And the friendly France is mindfulness pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was practicing and becoming the fullness. TA, the Female-stilts by the Chief Justice as to destroy. And the real evil French charity ties plan pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was destroy in the person of the Chief Justice. And the French charity are deductible plan pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was practicing and becoming the fullness. Flaps position, the Male-stilts, by the Chief Justice as to destroy. And the real friendly France is evil deviant mind pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was destroy in the person of the Chief Justice position. And the French charity to be the Chief Justice position pratītyasamutpāda, the France he developed and became the fullness. Deviant freed, the Female-stilts, freed by the Chief Justice makes the kill. And the real friendly France is evil deviant freed pratītyasamutpāda, the France he was destroy in the person of the Chief Justice. And the French charity is wrong to release finances pratītyasamutpāda, the France he developed and became the fullness. Thus, the Male-stilts, there are twenty twenty, part of manmathan real friendly. Dafa forty subjects were transported not stop stop by a Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Celestial, Ma, Brahma or anyone in his life. If Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, the Female-stilts, think that this forty subjects Dafa deserved criticism, deserve to be libel, right now, ten custom legal theories are theories pros say up to criticize him. If false the Chief criticism of Religious opinion, the Sa-Division has ties, the Religion is false the value for being donation, the dominant religion is the false value for the evening was approved. If false the Chief criticism of Religious thinking, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects have deviant thinking, the dominant religion is false the value for being donation, the dominant religion is the false value for the evening was approved. If the fake Religious speech criticizing ... Chief ... Chief Justice Chief Justice network ... effort ... mindfulness ... Chief Justice--Chief Justice ... If false the Chief criticism of Religious liberation, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects have ties to release, the Religion is false the value for donation, the dominant religion is the false value for the evening was approved. If Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, the Female-stilts, think that this forty subjects Dafa deserved criticism, deserve to be libel, right now, ten legal theory are pros say up to criticize him. The Male-stilts, until the people in the circle and Ukkala Vassa, the population according to human reasoning, by Bhanna working conclusion, according to nothingness, what he also does not think that Dafa forty subjects deserve criticism, deserve to be defamatory. Why is that? Fearing rebuke, enraged, attacked.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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