Wednesday 13 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential his residence. Here, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks". - "Revered sir," his monks Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
- Hey, monks, I eat only sat once (Ekasanabhojana). This, monks, so I eat only sat once, I feel less disease, less brains, lightness, strength and stay optimistic. This, monks, eat only sat once. This, monks, eat only sat once, and he will feel less disease, less brains, lightness, strength and stay optimistic.
When saying this, venerable lord Bhaddali:
- Buddha, you are not able to eat only sat once. Venerable sir, if you only eat once sat, the children feel as regret, as remorse.
- So this Bhaddali, when he was invited, eat a meal on the spot, and bring about a meal to eat later. Thus, this Bhaddali, so he can eat and live through the day?
- Thus, venerable sir, I will not be able to eat. Venerable sir, if I have to eat like that, I still feel as sorry, as remorse.
Then venerable Bhaddali, while we abide school monks were Exalted world institutions, claiming the inability (of his). Then venerable Bhaddali, in round three months, not present because there is Exalted full practice in the teaching sex education gurus.
After some time, a large number of monks is doing for Bhagavan (Civarakamma) and says: "After he finished, after three months, the Exalted will travel". Then venerable Bhaddali to spot the monks taste it, after arriving, speaks with his monks greeting the visitors, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. The monks told venerable Bhaddali sitting on one side:
- Hey Sage Bhaddali, y plate is being done for Bhagavan. After he finished, after three months, the Exalted will travel. Sage Bhaddali this, make smart investments to recite this particular case (Desakam). Do not let on, is even more difficult for Sage.
- Ladies and yes, reverences.
Bhaddali yes venerable monks meet him, come to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, venerable lord Bhaddali:
- Buddha, a mistake has seized me, it's stupid, it is ignorance, it is immoral. While we learned monks observance was Bhagavan world institutions, I have declared my helplessness. Buddha, desire for children Bhagavan accept this mistake is a mistake to be able to hedge future.
- Hey Bhaddali, really a mistake had captured him, it was stupid, it is ignorance, it is immoral. While we learned monks observance was Bhagavan world institutions, he has stated the inability of Mr.
Bhaddali this, in time, he is not aware of this: "Stay at Savatthi Bhagavan, Bhagavan will know me as follows:" Monks name Bhaddali not fully practice the teaching sex education in masters' . Bhaddali this, in time, he is not aware of such. Bhaddali this, in time, he is not aware of this: "A large number of monks to settle in the rainy season in Savatthi. The he will know me as follows: "Monks Bhaddali name without fully studying international practice in the teaching masters". Bhaddali this, in time, he is not aware of such. This Bhaddali in time, he is not aware of this: "A large number of monks and nuns to settle-the rainy season in Savatthi. The he will know me as follows: "... (as above) ... a large number of lay people residing in Savatthi Nam, will know me as follows: ... (as above) ... a large number Female lay people residing in Savatthi, will know that I as follows: "monks name Bhaddali no full practice in the teaching sex education gurus". Bhaddali this, in time, he is not aware of such. Bhaddali this, in time, he is not aware of this: "A large number of recluses, Brahmin pagans to retreat during the rainy season in Savatthi. The he will know me as follows: "Monks are disciples Bhaddali name recluse Gotama, a monk level, there is no perfect school practice in the teaching world masters". Bhaddali this, in time, he is not aware of such.
- Buddha, a mistake has seized me, it's stupid, it is ignorance, it is immoral. While we learned monks observance was Bhagavan world institutions, I have declared my helplessness. Buddha, desire for children Bhagavan accept this mistake is a mistake to be able to hedge future.
- Hey Bhaddali, really a mistake had captured him, it was stupid, it is ignorance, it is immoral. While we learned monks observance was Ta regulatory world, He has declared His inability.
Bhaddali this, how do you think? Here, the portion monks freed. I told him as follows: "Hey monks, please come and pray for my self through out the mud". He himself needs to do, or avoid the body away, or say "No"?
- No, venerable sir.
- Bhaddali Hey, how do you think? Here, taste monks liberating insight ... evidence ... body ... even credit is won ... ... depending credits depending operating practice. I told him as follows: "Hey monks, please come and pray for my self through out the mud". He himself needs to do, or avoid the body away, or say "No"?
- No, venerable sir.
- Bhaddali Hey, how do you think? This Bhaddali, in the meantime he has to be the part of liberation, or favored liberation or certification body, or is even, or winning credit, practice or custom, practice or custom credit?
- No, venerable sir.
- Hey Bhaddali, there must in the meantime, he was empty, empty, fouled?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir. Buddha, a mistake has seized me, it's stupid, it is ignorance, it is immoral. While we learned monks observance was Bhagavan world institutions, I have declared my helplessness. Buddha, desire for children Bhagavan accept this mistake is a mistake, to be able to hedge future.
- Hey Bhaddali, really a mistake had captured him, it was stupid, it is ignorance, it is immoral. While we learned monks observance was Ta regulatory world, He has declared His inability. This Bhaddali, if he found a mistake after a mistake, such as legal and revealed, we will accept for him. Because that this Bhaddali, such as the rise in the rule of the saints, meaning that anyone, after seeing a mistake is a mistake, as to reveal and protective measures in the future.
Here, this Bhaddali that monks do not practice gender in school full teachings of gurus. He thought as follows: "I live in a remote desert abode, forests, trees, slopes, wild places, caves, cemeteries, forestry spare, outdoor, haystack. And we could see was a French merchant, knowledge wins, worthy saint ". He lives in a remote desert abode, forests, trees, wild mountainside site, caves, cemeteries, forestry spare, outdoor, haystack. When he lived such renunciation, masters reproved, the position of dignity there after observing rebuke, rebuke gods, himself rebuked her. Area gurus were rebuked, being the location of dignity there after observing rebuked, being gods rebuke, reprove himself his being, should not legal evidence's rooftop, good knowledge wins Noble appearance. Why so? This happens, this Bahaddali, is because he did not fully practice the teaching sex education in masters.
But here, this Bhaddali, monks practice has fully learned the teachings presented in the masters. He thought as follows: "I live in a remote desert abode, forests, trees, slopes, wild places, caves, cemeteries, forestry spare, outdoor, haystack. And we could see was a French merchant, knowledge worthy wins saint ". He lives in a remote desert abode, forests, trees, slopes, wild places, caves, cemeteries, forestry and outdoor spare, haystack. When he lived such renunciation, not rebuke gurus, the position of dignity there after observing no rebuke, rebuke gods do not, by themselves do not rebuke her. This position is not rebuked masters, not the contract after observing morals rebuke, not gods rebuke, rebuke your not alone, traders should be legal evidence, knowledge worthy wins saint. Why so? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the teaching sex education gurus. Exercise He cups, glasses immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Why? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the teaching sex education gurus. And again, this Bhaddali, killing monks and reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most static inner mind. Why? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the teaching sex education gurus. And again this Bhaddali, monks cup discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. Why? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the teaching world learn the Great Teacher. And again, this Bhaddali, monks optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, exhaust concept, pure. Why? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the teaching sex education gurus.
With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, he led the network sufficient attention to intelligent radial. He remembered the life of the past, such a life, two lives, ..., he remembered many past lives together with the outline and details. Why? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the teaching sex education gurus. He and centered calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, solid, so calm, radial leads to wisdom mind of birth and death of beings. He with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He knew that inferior beings who are noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, wretch ... are due to conduct their business? Why? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the world to learn the teachings of the masters. He and centered calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, solid, so calm, leads the mind, to illegally take place radially. He said as truth: "This is hard," ... know as real: "This is the way to end suffering," as it's said: "These are illegal or" ... know as truth: "This which led to the elimination of the defilements. " By knowing this, so, his mind escape illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape ignorance. For itself has freed so, he arose understanding: "I have liberated". He said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, to-do was made, after the present life, without any other life." Why? This happens, this Bhaddali, because he practiced fully in the teaching sex education gurus.
Heard this, venerable lord Bhaddali:
- Buddha, so what's, what conditioned, here (we increase) always accuse monks? Venerable sir, what's due, conditioned by anything here, (we increase) does not always accuse, monks so?
- Hey Bhaddali, here, there, monks often transgression crimes, committed multiple sex offenses, when the monks said, dodging the question with another question, the direction the story out problems, starting out disgust, anger, and resentment, do not behave right feet, no calm, no termination of gender crimes, without saying, "I have to do to them Boost happy?" here, this Bhaddali, monks thought as follows: "reverences, monks often or transgression crimes, committed multiple sex offenses, when the monks said, dodging the question with another question, the direction the story out external problems, starting out with anger, hatred and resentment, not behaving right feet, no calm, no termination of gender crimes, without saying, "I have to do to them Boost happy?" Good rather benign, if the venerable monks, after investigating this many times, monks, do not have exonerated him fastly ". Thus, this Bhaddali, the monks, after investigating her several times, monks, does not address such crimes fastly. But here, this Bhaddali, there monks, often transgression crimes, committed multiple sex offenses, when the monks said, do not evade the question with another question, no matter the direction the story out problems, not run through anger, hatred and resentment, behave right feet, with calm self, have ended crime world, has said: "I have to do to them Boost happy?" here, this Bhaddali , the monks thought as follows: "reverences, monks often or transgression crimes, committed multiple sex offenses, when the monks said, do not evade the question with another question, no direction story out problems, not run through anger, hatred and resentment, behave right feet, with calm self, have ended crime world, has said: "I have to do to them Boost happy?" rather good, if venerable monks, after investigating several times, monks this, her confessor fastly ". Thus, this Bhaddali, the monks after the investigation was repeatedly monks, confessor was fastly.
Here, this Bhaddali that monks do not often commit the crime world, not many gender crimes committed, when the monks said, dodging the question with another question, the direction the story out of the problem, the current starting outrage, anger and resentment, not behaving right feet, no calm, no termination of gender crimes, no, "I have to do to them Boost happy?" here, this Bhaddali, the monks thought as follows: "reverences, monks are not usually guilty transgression, not many gender crimes committed, when the monks said, ducking the question by another question, user stories out problems, starting out with anger, hatred and resentment do not behave right feet, no self-calm, with no termination sex crimes, there is no "I have to do to them Boost happy?" rather good, if venerable monks, after investigating this many times, monks, do not have a quick confessions ". Thus, this Bhaddali, the monks after the investigation was repeatedly monks, not his confessor fastly. But here, this Bhaddali, monks have not often commit the crime world, not many gender crimes committed, when the monks say, do not avoid this question with another question, not the direction the story out problems, not out of anger and indignation launch discontent, do not behave right feet, with calm self, have ended crime world, has said: "I have to do to them Boost happy?" here, this Bahaddali, the monks thought as follows: "Chu Hien, monks are not usually transgression crimes, sex crimes are not committed many, when the monks say, do not avoid this question with another question, not the direction the story out problems, not run through anger, hatred and resentment, behave right feet, with calm self, have ended crime world, has said: "I have to do to us rejoice Increase ? "Goodness rather, if venerable monks, after investigating several times, monks, please solve this crime fastly". This Bhaddali Thus, the monks, after investigating her several times, monks, confessor was fastly.
Here, this Bhaddali, with monks alive (in the Sangha) with a little faith, a little compassion. Here, this Bhaddali, the monks thought as follows: "Chu Hien, monks alive (in the Sangha) with a little faith, a little compassion. If we are often guilty of this, monks, let's not let a little confidence, a little bit of compassion he be annihilated ". For example, this Bhaddali, who has only one eye, the blood relatives of friendship protect his remaining eye and thoughts as follows: "Do not let the other eye had been eradicated". Also, this Bhaddali, where monks still live (in the Sangha) with a little faith, a little compassion. Here, this Bhaddali, the monks thought as follows: "Chu Hien, monks alive (in the Sangha) with a little faith, a little compassion. If we are often guilty of this, monks, let's not let a little confidence, a little bit of compassion he be annihilated ".
Bhaddali this, because this person, because this coast, here (we increase) always accuse monks. Due to this people, because this coast, here, (we increase) does not always taste monks convicted.
- Buddha, so what's, what conditioned, but once past the world learn less, but enlightened monks enter the more right knowledge. Venerable sir, what's due, conditioned by anything, today the world learned more, but enlightened monks enter less right knowledge?
- Hey Bhaddali, while the interior rot beings, when Dhamma perish, when the world can learn more and enter your enlightened monks less right knowledge. This Bhaddali, when some illegal property law (Asavatthaniyadhamma) is not starting in the Sangha, then gurus still not a sex education institutions for students. And this Bhaddali, here, only when some legal possession is illegal in the Sangha start, only when he masters a new statutory sex education for practitioners for treatment was the tangible worldliness. This Bhaddali, here, when the Sangha is not growing, then a number of legal ownership is not currently illegal in the Sangha start. And this Bhaddali, just when we were growing Increase, time here is legal some illegal property starting in the Sangha, then the new regulatory masters study presented to practitioners confront the tangible worldliness Hey. This Bhaddali, here, when we have not achieved Increase best interests ... have not achieved the ultimate title ... not gain intercultural ... not achieve veteran status, then some illegal possession is not legal in the Sangha start. And this Bhaddali, here, only when the Sangha has achieved veteran status, time here is legal some illegal property starting in the Sangha, then the new regulatory masters presented to practitioners learn to respect the tangible worldliness of it.
This Bhaddali, these He also few, when I spoke to the salary he strains practice example code. Bhaddali this, He can remember?
- Buddha, no.
- Here, this Bhaddali, what's so, he considered such things happen?
- Buddha, because children in a long time, has not fully learned the practice in the teaching world masters.
- Hey Bhaddali, not only people like that, just so charming. Because of that, in a long time, this Bhaddali, I tell him with my mind (I know): When I preach, this fool no mind, no volition, not necessarily used Nhut attention to volition, without legal hearing with (two) willing ear. And this Bhaddali, I would explain to Mr. disciplines eg strain salary code. Listen and heuristic techniques, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Bhaddali, Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted lecture as follows:
- Hey Bhaddali, such as a master code that is skilled, has received a good salary Sage code, we must first horse trained him to get used to the reins. While training to get used to bridle it, if it has struggled, jumping, jumping backwards, resist, because not used before training do not. The horse was often due to the continuing training, is maturing in terms of that. This Bhaddali, when the sage wage friendly code by regular training, due to the continued training has been matured in terms of it, the things people associate code to add the horse was trained to get used to the saddle. While training to get used to the saddle it, if it has struggled, jumping, jumping backwards, because unfamiliar resistance training not previously done, the horse was trained by the regular, so the coaching further, is maturing in terms of that. This Bhaddali, when the sage wage friendly code by regular train, by coach continued, has been maturing in terms of that, the thing people associate code to add the horse was trained to be familiar with the parade, go round, led pedicures, going off, theater, games regal, royal power, speed was the ultimate, supreme agility, improved operating paramount. While training to become familiar with it supreme speed, or supreme agility, supreme good practice, if it has struggled jumping, jumping backwards, because unfamiliar resistance training not previously done. The horse was trained by the frequent, due to the continued training, are mature in terms of that. This Bhaddali, when the sage code good salary, by training regularly, due to continuing training, was tame in terms of that, the moderator code to help engineers further his horse about beauty and jewelry section. This Bhaddali, the salary code, sage ten good achievements characteristics become kings deserve to become the king's treasures, is listed as a seal of King. Also, this Bhaddali, an accomplished monks are ten measures become respectable, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of approval hand, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. What are the ten? Here, this Bhaddali, monks achievements wealth of knowledge school, school achievements myriad thoughts, right speech uneducated achievements, accomplishments numerous industrial school, school achievements net wealth, achievements uneducated effort, achievement uneducated mindfulness, right concentration uneducated achievement, school achievement where countless, countless school achievements liberation. This Bhaddali, ten monks This achievement became respectable, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of approval hand, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
Exalted such preaching. Venerable Bhaddali credit joyful life Bhagavan taught words.

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