Sunday 17 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential at his residence. At the time a child of a well-to-do home, stylishly, miserable, being common destiny. After it died, (the father) does not want to work, no longer want to eat, always go to the cemetery, he lamented: "where, in a child? Where a child, son? " Then the owner, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. World Religion told the owner was sitting on one side:
-Are you home, This has to stay in the Centre of the self, is the other change his base?
-White World, the star of the other change could be? The White World, a child stylishly, miserable I was destined. After it dies (the) no longer want to work, I no longer want to eat, I always go to the graveyard and lamented: "where, in a child? Where a child, son? "
-The truth is this, so homeowners, because of that, this owner, melancholy, miserable, bi, giving priority to the brain due to craving engenders, available from one place.
-But for anyone, How will the situation, white like so: "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from the place of charity?" Because of that, the White World (anandasomanassa) by the loving Respect AI engenders, available from one place.
Then the owner, not the wedding Festival That Religious teachings, words against the stock back, from seats stand up and leave.
At the time, some people gambling is playing not far from the world record depth pour Ton how much. The other owner, go to the people who gamble, after to tell people who he is as follows:
– This you, here I go to Sa-keeper Gotama, after arriving, wealthy girl 24-Sa-Mon and sat down the side. Gotama Hey you, Sa-keeper Gotama told me sitting on one side:
-"This home, you are an order of mind he stay to. There are other changes his apartments? " Hey gentlemen, be heard so I spoke with Sa-keeper Gotama:
-"White World Religion of the stars could be different. The White World, a child stylishly, miserable I was destined. After it died, I no longer want to work, I no longer want to eat, I always go to the graveyard and lamented: "where, in a child? Where a child, son? "
-"The truth is this, so His home. Because of that, this owner, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain, because AI engenders, available from the place of charity ".
-"But for one, the White World, the situation will be like that!" Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from the place of charity ". Because of that the White World by loving, craving engenders, available from the place of charity ". Gentlemen, this is not How Religious teachings, Word Hy Festival we're against stock back, from seats stand up and leave.
-The truth is this, so His home! The truth is, so this home! This owner, loving beings existing by the charity, from where.
Then the owner thinking: "consent between him and those who gamble," and then removed. And the dialogue he gradually spread and transmitted to the Cabinet. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala for calling Queen Mallika:
Of this, here are my Mallika-Sa-keeper told him: Gotama "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from the place of charity".
-Ask your Majesty, if That Religion has taught such things as such.
-What Sa-keeper Gotama say, Mallika also said. Because the wedding Festival with Sa-too-Mallika Mon Gotama. Because what direction for the disciples, and the disciples too Hy Festival with direction should say: "the truth is that, dear masters! The truth is so, dear masters ". Also, Mallika, what this Sa-keeper Gotama said, the Queen is too Hy-keeper with Sa Festival Gotama should have said: "If That Religion has to say so the forecast is so". Let's go, Mallika, go away!
Then the Queen Mallika for her-la-Mon Nalijangha and said:
-She-la, please go to world Religion, after arriving, in the name of us bowed legs That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, ask has less disease, less brain, contempt, pneumatics fullness, Lac, and ladies: "white World Religion, Queen Mallika bowed legs That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, ask What Religion have less disease, less brain, contempt, pneumatics fullness tribe stay not , and the ladies are as follows: "the White World, there should be mutual respect has said the following: Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from the place of charity". And if So how would He reply Respect, be smart to hold back and say to me. Because the As not say against the truth.
-Sir, your Majesty.
BA-la-Mon Nalijangha yes answer Queen Mallika, go to world Religion, after talking up the words of welcome to enquire with the World Religion, and after talking up the words of welcome dear asking mainland sat down one side. Sit down one side, She-la-Nalijangha subjects of the White World Religion:
-Dear fake Religion, Queen Mallika Gotama bowed legs desk Mon-wealthy girl Gotama, enquire with less disease, less brain, disrespect security forces, gas, fullness, and Club ladies are as follows: "the White World, there should be mutual respect has said the following:" Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from where AI "?
-This is so true She-la-Mon. This is so true She-la-Mon. She-la, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from one place.
She-la, this is a French subject, disciplines, needs to be understood is melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from one place. She-la, Oldtimer, in in Savatthi, the mother of a woman of common destiny. From when she shared destiny, this woman play the frantic, chaotic Center, away from this road through other lines, from DD over this ờng other crossroads and say: "People have seen my mother? People who have seen my mother? "
She-la, this is a French subject, disciplines, needs to be understood is melancholy, bi, suffering, giving priority to the brain due to craving engenders, available from one place. She-la, Oldtimer, in in Savatthi, the father of a woman destined to common ... (as above) ..., the British General who shared destiny, destiny, common destiny, son daughter destiny in common, husband of common destiny. From when the husband shared destiny, this woman play the frantic, chaotic Center, away from this road through other lines, going from this intersection through the crossroads and say: "People have seen my husband? People who have seen my husband? "
She-la, this is a subject the French expertise, France needs to be understood is melancholy, bi, suffering due to bruised brain, engenders, available from one place. She-la, Oldtimer, in in Savatthi, the mother of a man of destiny. From when she shared destiny, this man played frantic, chaotic Center, away from this road through other lines, going from this intersection through the crossroads and say: "People have seen my mother? People who have seen my mother? "
She-la, this is a subject the French expertise, France needs to be understood is melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from one place. She-la, Oldtimer, in in Savatthi, the father of a man destined to common ... (as above) ... the British General who shared destiny, destiny, common destiny, son daughter destiny in common, the wife of common destiny. From when the wife shared destiny, this foolish man, Center, goes from this road through other lines, going from this intersection through the crossroads, and said: "People have seen my wife? People who have seen my wife? "
She-la, this is a subject the French expertise, France needs to be understood is melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from one place. She-la, Oldtimer in Savatthi city, a woman went to visit her family. The relatives of a woman who wants to use the power caught the man she must marry and want a husband away from other men. The woman is not good. Then the woman told her husband: "this Gentle Lady, those who want to use the power me him and want to marry a man. But I do not want so ". And then her tight man she made two, and then himself, thought that: "the two of us will meet in the hereafter". She-la, do this disciplines need to be understand that sorrows, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from one place.
Then She-la-Mon Nalijangha Hy-life lyrics That Religious belief from Festival teaches, from the seat to stand up, go to Queen Mallika, after arriving, recounted for the Queen Mallika whole conversations with That Religion. Then the Queen King Pasenadi Kosala country went to Mallika, and ladies:
-Your Majesty, your Majesty? Your Majesty, Princess Vajiri of trade cards?
-Yes, we trade, Princess Mallika this Vajiri.
-Your Majesty, your Majesty? If there is a change room, the other change happened to Princess Vajiri of the United Kingdom. Your Majesty, start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-If there is a variable, Mallika in this room, the other change happened to Princess Vajiri of us, then there will be a change to my life, how can you not start up where we, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain?
-Contact the Main love, your Majesty, that Religion, the False Prophet, false steps, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory College said: "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to brain craving engenders, available from the place of charity". Your Majesty, your Majesty? Police woman-the Roman Empire-seat Vasabha, Majesty, love?
-Mallika-loving, This female Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat Vasabha.
-Your Majesty, your Majesty? If there is a change room, another change occurred for female Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat Vasabha, Majesty, start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-If there is one, Mallika, this change room, another change occurred for female Suicide To Seat Vasabha, then there will be a different change happen for the life of me, why not start up where we're bi, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-Contact the Main love, my Lord, that That Religion, the False Prophet, false steps, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory College said: "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain kicked up by AI engenders, available from the place of charity". Your Majesty, your Majesty? General Vidudabha, your Majesty, you trade?
This commercial, Mallika-quarter General Vidudabha.
-Your Majesty, your Majesty? If there is a change room, another change occurred for General Vidudabha Majesty, start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-If there is one, Mallika, this change room, another change occurred for General Vidudabha then there will be the other change happened to my life, how did not start up where we, melancholy, bi, suffering, the brain?
-Contact the Main love, my Lord, that That Religion, the False Prophet, false steps, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory College said: "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain kicked up by AI engenders, available from the place of charity". Your Majesty, your Majesty? Your Majesty, love cards?
-Yes, we love Mallika this Queen.
-Your Majesty, your Majesty? If there is a change room, the other change happened to the cards, your Majesty, start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-If there is one, Mallika, this change room, the other change happened for her, then there will be a different change happen for our lives, how did not start up where we're bi, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-Contact the Main love, my Lord, that That Religion, the False Prophet, false steps, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory College said: "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain kicked up by AI engenders, available from the place of charity". Your Majesty, your Majesty? Your Majesty, loving people Kasi and Kosala?
-Yes, I love Mallika this people Kasi and Kosala. Hey Mallika, thanks to their power, we get the wood chips-forums from the water, and Kasi aromatherapy, chalk wax.
-Your Majesty, your Majesty? If there is a change room, the other change happen for the people Kasi and Kosala, Majesty, start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-If there is one, Mallika, this transformation changes happen for the other translation of Kosala, Kasi and water will have a another change happened to my life, how did not start up where we're bi, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-Contact the Main love, my Lord, that That Religion, the False Prophet, false steps, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory College said: "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, brain kicked up by AI engenders, available from the place of charity".
-Real alternative, this marvelous micro Mallika! Really hope this friendship, Mallika! What Religion was able to enter thanks to wisdom, have seen thanks to wisdom. Here, Mallika, please compose ceiling removal.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country stand up seat offset from the upper side of the shoulders into a medical, Religious and said the world must hand pieced together over three times the word of inspiration: "World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Modeler! World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl ... (as above) ... That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class! ".

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