Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajagrha), ear Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), Kalandaka Nivapa place. Then Visakha towards laymen, monks-ni Dhammadinna in, on arrival, having bowed Dhammadinna monks-ni and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, laymen Visakha said to the monks-ni Dhammadinna:
- Dear Cheng, self, self, (Sakkaya), known as such. Dear Cheng, Bhagavan called itself is like?
- Sage Visakha, Bhagavan called five aggregates as self, ie aggregates identity, life aggregates, aggregates thought, practice and form aggregates aggregates. Sage Visakha, in these aggregates, called autologous Bhagavan.
- You instead, said Cheng.
Male  lay Visakha happy, credit life-ni words Dhammadinna monks said, then asked, monks-ni Dhammadinna add one more question:
- Collective Self starter, collective self starter, said Cheng, known as such. Dear Cheng, Bhagavan called autologous collection launch (Sakkaya samudayadhammam) is like?
- Sage Visakha, this desire to existence, the joy and friendship with desire, seek joy here and there, that is, charity, and non-bhava bhava. Sage Visakha, this craving, Bhagavan called autologous collection launch.
- Self kill, kill themselves, said Cheng, known as such. Exalted is called autologous kill like?
- Sage Visakha, the destruction, no attachment, no residual remnants of his desire, the equanimity, the discarded, the liberation, the detachment. Sage Visakha, the destruction of this, Bhagavan called the killing itself.
- Dear Cheng, autologous anti religion, anti religion itself, is called so. Dear Cheng, Bhagavan called autologous anti religion is like?
- Sage Visakha, eight sectors Sacred Path, Exalted called itself anti-religion, that is, right view is, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration.
- Dear Cheng, this defense that is in the other aggregates or other players with five aggregates this?
- No, Sage Visakha. Prime this year ie other aggregates, the other not with five other aggregates, Sage Visakha, that everyone has lust for the five aggregates, ie (approved) for our players here so.
- Dear Cheng, how the body is?
- Here, Sage Visakha, an ordinary uncultured audience not to the saint, not the legal maturity of the saint, not the legal practice of the sages, not to Chan's audience levels, not the legal maturity Chan's levels, not the legal practice of Chan's level, see identity as self or ego is excellent viewing, or viewing is excellent in the self or ego is in excellent view; see life as self, or ego is there life view, or view of life is self, or ego view is in life; view is ideal self, or ego is a great view, or view the idea of ​​the self, or ego is in a great view; whether conduct is self, self is considered committing, or whether conduct is in the self, or ego view is in force; view mode is the self, or ego is considered informal, or see the formula is in the self, or self as in form view. Thus, Sage Visakha, the body is.
- Dear Cheng, is not how the body is?
Here, Sage Visakha, the Multicultural visited the Holy disciples of the sages, the sages legal maturity, the legal practice of the sages, to Chan's audience levels, maturity levels Chan's approach, legal practice of Chan's level, not considered to be self identity, self is not considered identity, identity was not considered in the self, not the self is in excellent view; does not see life as ego, the ego is not considered life, life is not considered in the self, not the self's view of life; not a great view is the self, the ego is not a great view, there is a great view of the self, not the self is in a great view; do not see the issue is the self, the ego is not considered the issue, the issue is not considered in the self, not the self's view of the issue; not considered to be self knowledge, self view is not knowledge, knowledge is not considered in the self, the ego is not considered in the formula. Thus, Sage Visakha, is no relative is.
- Dear Cheng, how is the Noble Eight sectors?
- Sage Visakha, this is the Noble Eight branches of knowledge ie district, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration.
- Dear Cheng, the Noble Eight this sector is conditioned or unconditioned?
- Sage Visakha, the Noble Eight this industry is compounded.
- Dear Cheng, three aggregates are Noble Eight photographic recording industry or the Noble Eight photographic industry recording three aggregates?
- Sage Visakha, three aggregates are not the Noble Eight photographic recording industry; Sage Visakha, the Noble Eight three aggregates were recorded photographic industry. Sage Visakha, right speech, right action and right livelihood, the photographic method is recorded among aggregates. Right effort, mindfulness and concentration, the photographic method is recorded in the aggregates. Chief knowledge and right thinking, those are recorded in Property photography aggregates.
- Dear nun how to, how is the minister, what is the specific investment, how is the practice?
- Sage Visakha, is the most interested, as the minister Four Foundations of Mindfulness, is the investment required Four Essential Tools, practice, practice, practice recurrence of these measures was that the practice here.
- Dear Cheng, how many acts?
- Sage, there are three types of administration: body, oral, and mental formations.
- Dear Cheng, how is mental, how is the border issue, how is mental?
- Breathe very, exhale, Sage Visakha, is mental, is quad-gate operating range, is ideal and mental life.
- Dear Cheng, why inhale exhale as corms, why reach the quarter-border issue, why is the mental thought and life?
- Breathe very, exhale, Sage Visakha, belong to the body, the body is subordinate to this law, should breathe in breathe out of the body acts. Sage Visakha, first to reach the quarterfinals and then new words, should reach the quarterfinals of the border issue. Life is a great and mental states, this law is subordinate to the center, so the life of the mind thoughts and acts.
- Dear Cheng, how great life is the death certificate?
- Sage Visakha, monks Stock Removal enter the life thought, he did not think: "I will see to enter life thought Extinction", or "I am feeling great witness to enter Kill" or "I had just realized Extinction life thought of ". Whereas, in the heart of this position has been practiced before so should lead to such status.
- Dear Cheng, monks certificate to enter life thought exterminate, destroy what the previous law, mental, or gate operator, or mental?
- Sage Visakha, the monks certificate to enter life thought Kill, kill border issue before, then mental, and then mental.
- Dear Cheng, how great life out of Extinction?
- Sage Visakha, the monks made a great start to exterminate life, no thought, saying, "I will be a great start to exterminate life", or "I am feeling great Cessation of production launch," or: "I came great start to exterminate life. " Since the focus of this position last such practice should lead to such status.
- Dear Cheng, monks made a great start to exterminate life, the law does start up front, mental, or oral or mental issue?
- Sage Visakha, monks made a great start to exterminate life, mental formations arises first, then mental, and then to the border issue.
- Dear Cheng, the monks made a great start to exterminate life, he felt any emotions?
- Sage Visakha, when monks made a great start to exterminate life, he felt the three types of exposure: no contact, formless emotional, very emotional prayer.
- Dear Cheng, the monks made a great start to exterminate life, his mind in favor of something, toward what, what orientation?
- Sage Visakha, when monks made a great start to exterminate life, his mind inclined to solitude, toward solitude, solitude predisposition.
- Dear Cheng, how much life?
- Sage Visakha, three this life, pleasures, unpleasant, unpleasant feeling any pain.
- Dear Cheng, how life is lost, what is unpleasant, regardless of how unpleasant life suffering?
- Sage Visakha, what is the feeling by physical or mental, a pleasure, pleasure, life is so optimistic. Sage Visakha, what is the feeling by physical or mental, painfully, not pleasure, is so unpleasant. Sage Visakha, what is physical or mental sensations by no pleasure, no pleasure so that any unpleasant feeling pain.
- Dear Cheng, for pleasures, something optimistic, something hard? For unpleasant, something hard, something lost? For any unpleasant pain sensation, something optimistic, something hard?
- Sage Visakha, for pleasures, what residence is located, is suffering something turned septic. For unpleasant, something resident is suffering, what is the optimistic turn septic. For any unpleasant pain sensation, there is optimism location, no mind is suffering.
- Dear Cheng, for pleasures, what newspapers have the option exists; in unpleasant, What newspapers have the option exists; Real estate in the pleasures of suffering, what newspapers have the option exists?
- Sage Visakha, in pleasures, take free option exists; in unpleasant, depending yard free survival; Real estate in all pleasures suffering, ignorance depending newspapers survive?
- Ladies and nun, have had in all pleasures, take free option exists; in all unpleasant, depending yard free survival; Real estate in all pleasures suffering, ignorance depending newspapers survive?
- Sage Visakha, not in all pleasures, take free option exists; not in all unpleasant, depending yard free survival; not any suffering in all life unpleasant, depending newspapers survive ignorance.
- Dear Cheng, in pleasures, something must give. In unpleasant, something must give. In real-life suffering unpleasant, something to give?
- Sage Visakha, in pleasures, take free option to abandon. In unpleasant, depending golf hypnosis to quit. In real life unpleasant suffering, ignorance custom hypnosis to quit.
- Ladies and nun, have had in all pleasures, take free option to abandon. In all unpleasant, depending golf hypnosis to quit. Real estate in all pleasures suffering, ignorance custom hypnosis to give up?
- Sage Visakha, not in all pleasures, taking custom hypnosis to give up; in all unpleasant, depending golf hypnosis to give up; Real estate in all pleasures suffering, ignorance custom hypnosis to quit. Here, Sage Visakha, the fitness monks cups, glasses immoral law, abides first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views and extremities. Therefore participation has been abandoned, no longer participate depending newspapers exist here. Here, Sage Visakha, the monks thought as follows: "Surely I will abides in this abode of saints that are residing". Wanting vow towards the supreme liberation scene, due to his wishes, concerns arise. Thus, the field is abandoned, no longer exists yard free option here. Here, Sage Visakha, the monks optimistic discharge and discharge line, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. So ignorance has been abandoned, no longer depending newspapers survive ignorance here.
- Dear Cheng, optimistic life get any equivalent?
- Sage Visakha, unpleasant as pleasures get equivalent.
- Dear Cheng, get any unpleasant equivalent?
- Sage Visakha, unpleasant taken as equivalent pleasures.
- Dear Cheng, any size get any unpleasant life equivalent?
- Sage Visakha, no pain no pleasures take ignorance as equivalent.
- Dear Cheng, ignorance get any equivalent?
- Sage Visakha, intelligent ignorance taken as equivalent.
- Dear Cheng, proving get any equivalent?
- Sage Visakha, proving get freed as equivalent.
- Dear Cheng, liberating get any equivalent?
- Sage Visakha, liberation taking Nirvana as equivalent?
- Dear Cheng, Nirvana get any equivalent?
- Sage Visakha, questions go far beyond the limited answers. Sage Visakha, dignity is to be entered into Nirvana, to pass to Nirvana, to achieve the ultimate Nirvana. Visakha sage, sage if desired, to place the Exalted in, and asked the meaning. And Bhagavan answers to how Sage, so please maintain life.
Then Visakha happy laymen, credit life-ni words Dhammadinna monks preached, from the seat up, bowed Dhammadinna monks-ni, the right body toward nuns and monks-bye, go Bhagavan came to stay. After arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, laymen Visakha Bhagavan narrated the whole story converse with monks-ni Dhammadinna. When they heard that, Bhagavan told laymen Visakha:
- Hey Visakha, monks-ni location Dhammadinna is wise! This Visakha, monks-ni Dhammadinna is the Great insight. This Visakha, if he asked me this sense, I will answer as monks-ni Dhammadinna answered. He meant for this, so life over.
Exalted such preaching. Visakha happy laymen, believers teach life Bhagavan said.

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