Wednesday 13 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted a travel time along with mass Kasi monks. Here, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey, monks, I eat, abandoned nocturnal. This, monks, by eating, giving up eating at night. I feel less disease, less brain, calm, strength and dwell there. This, monks, come and eat, giving up eating at night. This, monks, by eating, giving up eating at night, and he will feel less disease, less brain, calm, strength and dwell there.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan then continue traveling in Kasi and to a town called Kitagiri Kasiraja. Then Bhagavan at Kitagiri, a town Kasiraja. At that time, monks and Punabbasuka are Kitagiri Assaji. Then a large number of monks come to monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji, after arriving, told monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji as follows:
- Chu Hien, Exalted eat, abandoned nocturnal. Neither we, monks, too. From eating, from eating the night away, the less he felt sick, little brain, calm, strength and dwell there. Chu Hien, come and eat, abandoned nocturnal. Chu Hien, from eating, from left to eat at night, reverences will feel less disease, less brain, calm, strength and dwell there.
Being said that, monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji, monks told him:
- Chu Hien, we had dinner, breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day. Since we had dinner, breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day, we feel less disease, less brain, calm, strength and dwell there. Why we leave now, chasing the future? We will dinner, breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day.
Because monks did not make monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji approval, so he went to where the Blessed One, after arriving bowed, sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, come to us, monks and Punabbasuka Assaji, after arriving we told monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji as follows: "Chu Hien, Exalted eat, abandoned nocturnal ... (as above) ... energy and dwell there. " Buddha, is said. Assaji monks and monks Punabbasuka told us the following: "Chu Hien, we had dinner, breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day ... (as above) ... we will eat pm , breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day. " Buddha, because we can not make `Assaji monks and monks Punabbasuka approval, should we submit this to the Exalted.
Then Bhagavan told the monks:
- Hey, monks, go and my name, told monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji: "guru to call the venerable".
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
He replied yes monks Exalted, to where monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji, after arriving, told monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji:
- Guru to call the Venerable.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
Assaji monks and monks, monks Punabbasuka replied that yes, come to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told monks and monks Punabbasuka Assaji sat in:
- There were so, the monks, a large number of monks to the Mr. and said as follows: "Chu Hien, Exalted eat, eat at night give up, even we, monks, too. From eating, from eating the night away, the less he felt sick, little brain, calm, strength and dwell there. Chu Hien, come and eat, abandoned nocturnal. Chu Hien, from eating, from left to eat at night, reverences will feel less disease, less brain, calm, strength and dwell there. " Being said that, this, monks, he told the monks was as follows: "Chu Hien, we had dinner, breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day. Due dinner, breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day, we feel less sick, less cerebral, calm, strength and dwell there. Why we leave now, chasing the future? We will dinner, breakfast, eating and eating at the same time of day "?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Hey, monks, and he has taught me to understand law as follows: "An individual feeling any sensation, happiness, pain, suffering or anything unpleasant; for him, the evil is eradicated law, the law is good growth "?
- No, venerable sir.
- Hey, monks, and he has taught me to understand law as follows: "Here for a man, when sensations such pleasures, the method being annihilated evil, here, for a man, when sensations such pleasures, the causes of evil be eradicated, the growth-friendly France, here, for a person when such unpleasant sensations, the causes of evil is growing, the segment was friendly France Removal; Here, for a person, when such unpleasant sensations, the causes of evil be eradicated, the growth-friendly France, here, for a man, when feeling no pain no such pleasures, the causes of evil is growing, good behavior is eradicated; here, for someone who, when feeling no pain no such pleasures, the method being annihilated evil, good behavior growth "?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- You instead, the monks! This, monks, if this incident I do not know, do not see, no sense, no evidence, no wisdom in another resolution, saying "Here, for a man, when sensations such pleasures, the estate growth-friendly measures, the dhamma is eradicated ", can anything, this, monks, did not know that, I say:" give up such pleasures "? And so, this, monks, is worthy for me?
- No, venerable sir.
- But this, monks, because of this incident that I know, I saw, I sense, I witness, I kill the wisdom that: "Here, for a man, when sensations such pleasures, the causes of evil is growing, good behavior is eradicated ", so I said:" give up such pleasures. " This, monks, if this incident I do not know, do not see, no sense, no evidence, no wisdom in another resolution, saying "Here, for a man, when sensations such pleasures, the estate dhamma been eradicated, the dhamma is growing ", can be affordable, the monks, did not know that, I say:" Let's residence certificate such pleasures "? And so, this, monks, is worthy for me?
- No, venerable sir.
- But this, monks, because of this I know, I saw, I sense, I witness, I kill the wisdom that: "Here, for a man, when sensations such pleasures, the growth-friendly measures, the causes of evil be eradicated ", so I said:" Let's residence certificate such pleasures.
This, monks, if this incident I do not know, do not see, no sense, no evidence, no wisdom in another resolution, saying "Here, for an unpleasant feeling when ... (as above ) ... while feeling no pain no such pleasures, the causes of evil is growing, good behavior is eradicated ", can anything, this, monks, did not know that, I say: "abandon any unpleasant feeling such suffering"? And so, this, monks, is worthy for me?
- No, venerable sir.
- But this, monks, because of this incident that I know, I saw, I sense, I witness, I kill the wisdom that: "Here, for a man, when feeling any pain regardless of pleasures thus, the method is growing evil, good behavior is eradicated ", so I said:" give up any unpleasant feeling such pain. " This, monks, if this incident I do not know, do not see, no sense, no evidence, no wisdom in another resolution, saying "Here, for one person, while feeling no pain no such pleasures , the method being annihilated evil, good behavior is growing ", can be affordable, the monks, did not know that, I say:" Let's residence certificate no unpleasant feeling such suffering "? And so, the monks are worthy for me?
- No, venerable sir.
- But this, monks, because of this incident that I know, I saw, I sense, I witness, I kill the wisdom that: "Here, for a man, when feeling any pain regardless of pleasures thus the growth-friendly France, the measures being eradicated evil ", so I said:" Let no suffering residence certificate life so unpleasant. "
This, monks, I do not say that for all monks, there is work to be done, so no distractions. This, monks, I do not say that for all monks have no work to do, so no distractions. This, monks, for the monks is the one Arhat, the contraband or annihilation, the chronic practice, the thing to do was to do, laid down the burden, have achieved reasonable success Ideally, took advantage except fetters property, right knowledge liberation; This, monks, for the monks so, I say that there is work to be done, so no distractions. Why? Because of the position that this was the doing, because no distractions. The position can not become a distraction. And this, monks, for the monks also useful learning levels, attention has not accomplished, is living to the supreme peace bridge from the slopes of the yoke; This, monks, for the monks so, I say that there is work to be done, so no distractions. Why? While the level of oil for this venerable life lawful use of the couch, close to the organic improvement, overpower the senses and he (should) position itself thanks to rooftop attained enlightenment, and dwell within current supreme purpose of virtue, for this purpose, the true death in southern Shan left home, abandoned the family, no family life. Thus, the monks, the monks of this, because it's not seen results distractions should I say there is work to be done, so no distractions.
This, monks have seven races who live in this life. What is seven? Tier sentences section liberation, liberating insight Career, Career stock itself, is unique levels, credit rating liberation, depending on the practice level, executive level credit option.
And this, monks, is the one question how liberating part? Here, the monks, someone, after the body has attained the first President of liberation, beyond the legal material and immaterial, and after having seen the wisdom of this position taints be completely cut through. This taste, this, monks, is called liberation of people question section. This, monks, for these monks, I have no work to do, so no distractions. Why? Because of the position that this was done, because no distractions, he can not become a distraction.
And this, monks, how liberating insight is the order? Here, the monks, someone, after the body does not attain the first President of liberation, beyond the legal material and immaterial, and after having seen the wisdom of this position taints be completely cut through. This taste so called Career liberating insight. This, monks, for these monks, I say there is no work to be done, so no distractions. Why? Because of the position that this was done, because no distractions; he can not become a distraction.
And this, monks, is the order itself indicates how? Here, the monks, who after the body has attained the first President of liberation, beyond the legal material and immaterial, and after having seen with wisdom, some of you this is illegal or paragraph unless completely. This taste so called tier certification body. This, monks, for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions. Why? Oil for life while this venerable lawful use of the couch, close to the organic improvement, overpower the senses, this position (should) position itself to rooftop, realization, attainment and residing within the current supreme purpose of virtue, for this purpose the death in southern Shan was ordained right feet, abandoned the family, no family life. Thus, the monks, because this results not find distraction, so for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions.
And this, monks, is how unique is the degree? Here, the monks, have after itself does not attain the first President of liberation beyond the legal material and immaterial, and after having seen with wisdom, some of you this is illegal or completely get rid of; and the theory is exercised by the Tathagata declare this position shows a completely with wisdom and practice completely. This, monks, is called taste is wonderful. This, monks, for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions. Why? Oil for this venerable life while using the lawful couch ..... no family life. Therefore the monks, seeing the results of non-distraction, so for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions.
And this, monks, how credit is at the liberation? Here, the monks there who, after attaining self-liberation of the first President beyond the legal material and immaterial, and after having seen with wisdom, some of you this is illegal or paragraph unless completely; and trust of this position for the Tathagata have been identified, arises from root to, dwell. Brethren, your credit rating is called liberation. This, monks, for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions. Why? Oil for this venerable life while using the lawful couch ..... no family life. Thus, the monks, because this results not find distraction, so for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions.
And this, monks, what kind of person depending on the practice? Here, the monks have themselves after the first President not attain liberation, beyond the legal material and immaterial, and after having seen with wisdom, but the contraband or not the exception completely; and the theory of law declared by the Tathagata (only) be accepted this position with intellectual moderate, Oil for this position as credit has legal grounds, tons of base, base concept, the base, knowledge base. This, monks, this position is called the Dhamma in practice. This, monks, for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions. Why? Oil for this venerable life while using the lawful couch ..... no family life. Thus, the monks, because this results not find distraction, so for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions.
And this, monks, how was the issue depending credits? Here, the monks, have after itself not attained with the first President of liberation, beyond the legal material and immaterial, and after having seen with wisdom, but not illegal or paragraph minus. But if you have enough confidence and compassion Tathagata, this time there will be legal status as credit units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base. This, monks, this position is called the operator depending credits. This, monks, for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions. Why? Oil for life while this venerable lawful use of the couch, close to the organic improvement, overpower the senses, but this position (should) position itself to rooftop, realization, attainment and residing within the current at the supreme purpose of virtue, for this purpose the right feet to death in southern Shan left home, abandoned the family, no family life. Thus, the monks, because of the distractions found this effect, so for these monks, I say there is work to be done, so no distractions.
This, monks, I did not say that wisdom is completed immediately. But the monks, was completed thanks wisdom slowly learning, slowly practice, practice slowly. And this, monks, how is wisdom to be completed by learning slowly, slowly practice, practice slowly? Here, the monks, an approaching faith; when approached, he expressed the feast; after the show homage, he slang ears; after slang ear, he heard Justice; after hearing the law, he habitually legal, thinking he is the legal meaning of life over; after reflection the meaning of the approved measures; after the law is approved, the desire arises; after desire arises, he attempts; after the effort he considered; after consideration, he refined need. Do ardent, self-evidence he is the ultimate truth, and the truth can enter Intellectual him, he was found. But the monks, if there is no confidence that, this time, monks, without approaching her, this time, monks, without showing him homage, this time the monks, no ear slang that, this time, monks, there is no legal hearing that, this time, monks, there is no legal life over that, this time, monks, there were no significant reflection that , this time the monks, not her legal consent, this time the monks, there is a desire that, this time, monks, no such efforts, this time, monks , without considering that, this time, monks did not have the required expertise. Brethren, here, and he went on to the runway. This, monks, here, and he went into heresy. It is too far, the monks, the fools had to go out this law.
This, monks, there is a four-part presentation (Catuppadam = Four Shot) This presentation is through a location, in no time, thanks to derive meaning wisdom. I will read the lecture was over for him, the Monks, the He asked that I would understand her presentation.
- Buddha, we can know who is legal?
- Hey, monks, until a life is too important gurus promising material resources, is the excess of material resources, and live contact material resources, the high traffic time this does not happen: "We will such as this, and so we will not do it like that, "much less the Tathagata, the monks, is totally live contact with the material resources. This, monks, for a student, the teaching of faith and life masters can enter his teachings, the Dhamma (anudhamma) is started up: "guru is Bhagavan, is my disciple . Bhagavan said, I do not know ". This, monks, to a disciple, who believe the teachings and life masters can enter his teachings, the teachings are flourishing gurus are much vitality. This, monks, disciples of the teachings of faith and life masters can enter his teachings, the Dhamma is starting up: "Oil just skin, tendon and bone, flesh and blood on the body oil withered, expect that there will be diligent to attain what forces are not attained, thanks to patience macho, macho due diligence, thanks to mighty macho ". This, monks, a disciple of the teachings of faith and life masters can enter his teachings, he would be one of those certificates as follows: Chief position right now, and if there is excess medical, Real completely attained.
Exalted such theory. The monks said that happy life Bhagavan teaches believers.

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