Thursday 14 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Mithila (Di-slaps-la), in the forest of Makhadevamba. Then Religion smiling when arriving at a location. The false religion of instant thoughts: "Ananda multiply nothing, due to what the coast, That Respect back smiling? Not without reason That Religion smiling ". Then the false Religion, the medical side Ananda shoulder, hand-pieced together must welcome Religious World and World Religion:
-White World, so what, do what the coast to honor back smiling. Not without reason That Religion smiling.
-Oldtimer, this water main, the King Ananda this name is Mithila, Makhadeva France United Kingdom as France, persistence on France, the United Kingdom and France, between the Primary practice She-la, owner, between urban and rural inhabitants, Uposatha ceremony (father-slaps) on 14, 15 and day 8. This then, King Ananda Makhadeva after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, the workmen hair: shaved
"This edit-hair, when He saw on top of me, there grows the hair silver, please let me know."
"-Sir, your Majesty".
Ananda builders hair shaving, this well meeting the King Makhadeva. This Ananda, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years builders scrape hair seen on top of the King had the silver hair, the contentious Makhadeva found so my Lord the King Makhadeva sailings:
"-The Angel has appeared for the United Kingdom. Silver hair has seen per capita grows out. "
"-So edit this hair, silver hair fibers spat cleverly take with tweezers, and put them on my hand".
"-Sir, your Majesty".
Ananda builders hair shaving this Yes meeting the King, after cleverly Makhadeva pluck the hair fiber with silver tweezers, put them on the hands of King Makhadeva. This then, King Ananda Makhadeva, after workmen hair shaving a hamlet as a charismatic, wage sailings for early child Prince called and said:
"Dear Prince – this, the Angel did appear to me the silver hair, has seen per capita grows out. We have outlawed the World Club fitness, now has come the time to go looking for the lost. Come here, dear Prince, make this rule this country. After hair removal, shaving Austria KESA, we will abandon the family, no family life. This dear Prince, and when would you see silver hair grows out the top, let the hair shaving a hamlet as a charismatic salary, after cleverly leaving the country for the first child, Prince after removing hair, up Austria KESA, let's spice abandon, not family life. This nice tradition because we set, you must continue to maintain, the ultimate human also not after me. Hey dear Prince, when two people still exist, and have the fault of this tradition, the man, (make the fault), he is the ultimate man. So this dear Prince, I say to you: "this good tradition due to the setting, you must continue to maintain. The clerk into the ultimatum after me ".
This then, King Ananda Makhadeva, after workmen hair shaving a salary (as a charismatic) after the judgement of the national allocation for the first child, the Prince in the mango forest, Makhadeva after removing hair, up Austria KESA, Makhadeva King has. This unit an stay, turn a complacent with instill kindness from; Likewise the second method, the third method, so too the fourth method. So the same all over the world, on the bottom, across all methods of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay, with the Center to instill kindness from, boundless, generous, don't hate, don't pitch. With the heart to instill kindness ... with the heart to instill kindness Hy, ... an stay complacent a variable with instill heart discharge; Likewise the second also, means the third method, also means Wednesday, so the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay turned with the heart to instill kindness, generosity, discharge, no hate, no yard. But this one, King Ananda Makhadeva, eight thousand four thousand years, has played the game of Prince, eight thousand four thousand years, has ruled as a viceroy; eight thousand four thousand years, has accepted the Chief Justice as a monarch; eight thousand four thousand years, at the mango forest, Makhadeva after removing hair, up Austria spice KESA has abandoned the family, family life, not living according to the Offense. This position, after practicing the four Offences, when environmentally ruined the public network is being up Brahma.
This then, the King Ananda Makhadeva, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years builders call for hair: shaved
"This edit-hair, when He saw on top of silver hair grows there, please let me know."
"-Sir, your Majesty".
Ananda builders hair shaving this well in meeting the King Makhadeva. This Ananda, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years builders shaved the hair on the top of the King had the silver hair, the contentious Makhadeva see so mainland my Lord with the King Makhadeva:
"-The Angel has appeared for the United Kingdom. Silver hair has seen per capita grows out. "
"-So edit this hair, silver hair fibers spat cleverly take with tweezers, and put them on my hand".
"-Sir, your Majesty".
Ananda builders hair shaving, this well in meeting the King, after cleverly Makhadeva pluck the hair fiber with silver tweezers, put them on the hand of the King of Makhadeva. This then, the King Ananda Makhadeva after shaving the hair of a worker's wages for Hamlet as a charismatic, sailings for early child Prince called and said:
"Dear Prince – this, the Angel did appear for me, silver hair was found on the top SIRE. We've outlawed sex worldly Club, now has come the time to go looking for the lost. Come here, dear Prince, make this rule this country. After removing hair up Austria KESA, we will export countries, abandoning the family, no family life. And now this, dear Prince, when would you see silver hair grows out the top, let the hair shaving a hamlet as a charismatic salary, after cleverly leaving the country for the first child, after removing hair, up Austria KESA, let's spice abandoned family , family living. This nice tradition by setting. You must continue to maintain, therefore the ultimate people after me. Hey dear Prince, when two people still exist, and have the fault of this tradition, who would (make the fault), he is the ultimate man. So this dear Prince, I say to you: "this good tradition due to the setting, you must continue to maintain. The clerk into the ultimatum after me ".
This then, the King Ananda Makhadeva, after workmen hair shaving a salary (as a charismatic), after the judgement of national communication for the first child, Prince in this mango forest, the King Makhadeva after removing hair, up Austria spice was, KESA, this unit an stay, turn a complacent with instill kindness from; the second method, so, too, the third, the fourth approach, too. So the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay with variable focal instill kindness from, boundless generosity, not to hate, not the pitch. With the heart to instill kindness ... with the heart to instill kindness Hy ... an stay complacent a variable with instill heart discharge; Likewise the second method, the third method, so too the fourth method. So the same all over the world, on the bottom, across all methods of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay turned with the heart to instill kindness, generosity, discharge, no hate, no yard. But hey, the King Ananda Makhadeva eight thousand four thousand years, has played the game of Prince; eight thousand four thousand years, has ruled as a viceroy; eight thousand four thousand years, has accepted the Chief Justice as a monarch; eight thousand four thousand years, at the mango forest, the King Makhadeva after removing hair, up Austria spice KESA, has abandoned the family, family life, not living according to the Offense. This position, after practicing the four Offences, when environmentally ruined the public network, is being up the Brahma world.
And then the death of respect, Ananda, this King of tv connection Makhadeva continued King, after eight years as four thousand ten thousand people (Khattiya), mango forests in this Makhadeva main, after removing hair, up Austria spice KESA has abandoned the family, no family life, the turns of a complacent with the mind and heart to instill from the stay; Likewise the second method, the third method, so too the fourth method. So the same all over the world, on the bottom, across all methods of the same across the border, he, with variable Center stay safe instill kindness from, boundless, generous, don't hate, don't pitch, with the Center to instill kindness. ... with the heart to instill kindness Hy ..... .an stay, turn a complacent with instill heart discharge; Likewise the second method, the third method, so too the fourth method. So the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the boundless, the then Security Center with variables stay instill kindness, generosity, discharge, no hate, no yard. The position he had played four years eight thousand games of Prince, eight thousand four thousand years, has ruled as a viceroy; eight thousand four thousand years, has accepted the Chief Justice as a monarch; eight thousand four thousand years, at the mango forest, Makhadeva after removing hair, up Austria, KESA, abandoned the family, family life, not living according to the Offense. The, after practicing the four Offences, when environmentally ruined the public network, is being up the Brahma world.
NEMI was the last of the King, was the United Kingdom France as France, persistence on France, the United Kingdom practice French Chief Justice between the She-la, owner, between urban and rural inhabitants, Uposatha ceremony (father-slaps) on 14, 15 and day 8.
Oldtimer, Ananda, when this Natural tributary in Tavatimsa (Tam tam Thien cross) sit together at meetings lectures Friendly France (Sudhamma), the following dialogue was started up: "so happy instead of Videha, really nice instead of Videha, was the King of Nemi was the United Kingdom France as France, persistence on France the Primary practice of the United Kingdom, France between the She-la, owner, between urban and rural inhabitants, Uposatha ceremony (father-slaps) on 14, 15 and 8-day ".
This then, Sakka master Ananda told Chu Thien in the heavens: thirty-three
"-Chu Chu wants Shivz, Mahalakshmi King Nemi?".
"-Mr. T.h. owners, we want King Nemi".
At the time, the King of Nemi in the full moon day of Papa desk-slapping (Uposatha), shampoo, keep the son about sitting on the floor of the Palace. Then Sakka, owner, Ananda this as home power singer stretching hands is shrinking, or shrink the hands are stretching out; Likewise, the server disappeared between the celestial heavens realms the phrase thirty-three, and showing off in front of the King of Nemi. This home Bias, Ananda Sakka then told the King of Nemi:
"-My Lord, true happiness instead of the United Kingdom, the good instead of the true King! My Lord, Chu Heaven heavenly realms in thirty-three are sitting in lectures and evening canopy French Charity said: "so happy instead of Videha. (as above) ... and day 8 ". My Lord, Chu Heaven heavenly realms in thirty-three audience wants your Majesty. My Lord, I will send it to your Majesty has a thousand horse, ride the celestial Majesty, far from it, we recommend having the fear!
This Ananda, the King of Nemi silence. Then Sakka, owner, Ananda, this after the King of Nemi has accepted the invitation, as home power singer ... (as above) ... instant disappear and appear between Chu Thien in the Sun was thirty-three.
Then Sakka call home Bias, Ananda, this hit the car and Matali says:
"This victory, Matali-vehicle has a thousand horses go to the King of Nemi and say:" my Lord, it's got thousands of horse-drawn due to natural Sakka master sent to your Majesty. Ride the celestial Majesty, shalt not fear! “.
"-Sir, false Religion".
The airport in response to the home Bias, Yes, Sakka Matali to win thousands of horse-drawn vehicle deck, go to the King of Nemi and ladies:
"-My Lord, here is there are thousands of horse-drawn chariot due to natural Sakka master sent to your Majesty. Ride the celestial Majesty, shalt not fear! And your Majesty, your Majesty will lead the way? The way by which the evil karma brought to life the fruit industry really evil or the way by which the charity industry brought to life the result really in good career ".
"Take me away, both of the way".
And guest users vehicles Matali, Ananda, this brought the King of Nemi to Sudhamma lecture (Friendly). This home Bias, see Sakka the King Ananda Nemi way far away to, after seeing that, mainland told the King of Nemi:
"-Come, my Lord your Majesty; friendly, your Majesty. My Lord, Chu Heaven heavenly realms in thirty-three sitting in lectures Sudhamma, riveted the exclamation: "your Majesty, it's happy ... (as above) ... and day 8 ". My Lord, Chu Heaven heavenly realms in thirty-three audience wants your Majesty. My Lord, take joy with power between Chu Heaven ".
"-Come on, false Religion. Please give me about Mithila, in that I will live by the Chief Justice of France between She-la, homeowners, and between the urban and rural population of life and maintain the 14-day boys, 15 and 8-day ".
This home Bias, Ananda and Sakka told the airport Matali:
"This victory, Matali-vehicle has a thousand horse, please take the King of Nemi in Mithila".
"-Sir, false Religion".
Ananda, who this car well met Matali home Bias rating Sakka, won thousands of horse-drawn vehicle deck, and brought the King of Nemi on Mithila.
Here, this King Ananda Nemi lived as France between the She-la, homeowners and between urban and rural inhabitants, maintained the boy the day on 15 and 14 day 8.
This and Ananda, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years; the King of Nemi call workmen hair: shaved
"This edit-hair, when He saw on top of silver hair grows there, please let me know."
"-Sir, your Majesty".
Ananda builders hair shaving, this well meeting the King of Nemi. This Ananda, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years builders scrape hair seen on top of the King of Nemi has silver hair regrowth, found that my Lord the King with sailings Nemi:
"-The Angel was there for the great United Kingdom. Silver hair has seen per capita grows out. "
"-So edit this hair, silver hair fibers spat cleverly take with tweezers, and put them on my hand".
"-Sir, your Majesty".
Ananda builders hair shaving, this well meeting the King of Nemi, after manual extraction of the hair fiber with silver tweezers, put them on the hand of the King of Nemi. This then, King Ananda Nemi, after for the hair shaving a salary (as a charismatic), associated to the first Prince called and said:
"Dear Prince – this, the Angel did appear to me the silver hair, has seen per capita grows out. We have outlawed the World Club fitness, now has come the time to go looking for the lost. Come here, dear Prince, make this level of reign. After hair removal, shaving Austria KESA, we will abandon the family, no family life. This dear Prince, and when would you see silver hair grows out the top, let the hair shaving a hamlet as a charismatic salary, after cleverly leaving the country for the first child, after removing hair, up Austria KESA, let's spice abandon, not family life. This nice tradition because we set, you must continue to maintain, the ultimate human also not after me. Hey dear Prince, when two people still exist, and have the fault of this tradition, who would (make fault) she was the ultimatum. Hey dear Prince, I say to you: "this good tradition due to the setting, you must continue to maintain. The clerk into the ultimatum after me ".
This then, King Ananda Nemi, after for the hair shaving a salary (as a charismatic), after the judgement of national communication for the first child, the Prince in the forest this Makhadeva mango, after removing hair, up Austria spice was, KESA, this unit an stay, turn a complacent with instill kindness from; Likewise the second method, the third method, so too the fourth method. So the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay, with the Center to instill kindness from, boundless generosity, not to hate, not the pitch. With the heart to instill kindness. ... With the heart to instill kindness Hy ..... .an stay complacent variable a with instill heart discharge; Likewise the second method, the third method, so too the fourth method. So the same all over the world, over, under, across, all method of the same, all over the world, who's an immeasurable stay turned with the heart to instill kindness discharge, boundless generosity, not to hate, not the pitch. But this one, King Ananda Nemi, eight thousand four thousand years, has played the game of Prince; eight thousand four thousand years, has reigned as satrap; eight thousand four thousand years, has accepted the Chief Justice as a monarch; eight thousand four thousand years, at the mango forest, Makhadeva after removing hair, up Austria spice KESA, has abandoned the family, family life, not living according to the Offense. This position, after practicing the four Offences, when environmentally ruined the public network, is being up the Brahma world.
But the King's son, Ananda this Nemi named Kalarajanaka. It doesn't, abandons the family, no family life. It has cut its fine traditions. This is the location of the. This Ananda, chances He thought as follows: "in this era, Makhadeva King, have already established tradition is another". In this manner, Ananda had understood but so. In time, we're Makhadeva. We have established a good tradition. The people came after that fine traditions were established. But this good tradition, Ananda is not taken to cover glass, glass took part, the removal, the President, upper position, enlightenment, Nirvana and, now, how is Ananda, this tradition was established, and the tradition he brought to cover glass, glass took part, the removal, the President, upper position, enlightenment, Nirvana? The eight leaders is the industry, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice. This is a tradition, Ananda, this nice was established, and the tradition he brought to cover glass, glass took part, the removal, the President, won the position, enlightenment, Nirvana. This Ananda, on this issue, I said the following: "this good tradition due to the setting, please continue to maintain. He never got into the ultimatum after Me ". Ananda, when two people for this exist, and have the fault of this tradition, who would (make the fault), he is the ultimate man. So it is said, Ananda with him this: "this good tradition due to the setting, please continue. He never got into the ultimatum after Me ".
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Ananda Religion teaches.

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