Thursday 28 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, (Xa-Wai) Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). And some Eastern Male-stilts, after eating, after going to qifu mumo carried back, sitting together in the Hall, this story was started up between them:
-Real vi, false Sage instead of magic! Really useful, instead of fake Buddy Greco! Stems, when practice and make the fullness, get great results, get the big German, as was World Religion, False Prophet, False Knowledge level, steps A-la-Han, Chief of Equal Visual statement. And this story between the Male-stilts have been interrupted.
World Religion in the afternoon, the poison spread NET charity stood up, walked to the Hall, after to sit up seat arrangement available. After the sitting, So to honor the Female-stilts:
-Here, the Male-stilts, He currently sitting a desk? What's the story He is interrupted?
-Here, Bach World Religion, after dinner, after qifu mumo carried back, we sat gathered at the Hall, and the story behind this was started up: "it's marvelous, Gentle change behavior. Really useful, instead of fake Buddy Greco! This notion stems are practice, made for fullness, have had great merit, great results, was That the dominant religion, the False Prophet, False steps, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan Sensory statement ". The White World, this story of us haven't done tables of world Religion to.
-This And the Female-stilts, bulbous anniversary how practice, make the fullness of how large berries, and large German?
Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts go to forests, or go to the tree, or go to the empty House and sit back straight, old-urban planner and an stay ahead of mindfulness. Mindfulness, he breathed infinite. Mindfulness, then breathe out. Or long, the invisible breath she knows: "I breathe infinitely long". Or breathe out long position knows: "I breathe out long". Or the endless short breathing, he knows: "I breathe short multitude". Or breathe out short, the position he knows: "I breathe out short". "The feeling of the whole body, I will breathe the unconscious", the episode's. "The feeling of the whole body, I will breathe out her position". NET security stems, I will breathe the unconscious ", vi's episode. "NET Security stems, I will breathe out", the episode's. While he lived secluded Launcher unit, zealous, essential needs, and in thinking about the secular except. Thanks to the paragraph except France, is an inner stay, an ideally located, most professional, regulatory static. Thus, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts go, know that "I go". Or stand, said that: "I stand". Or sit, knowing that: "I sit". Or is located, said that: "I lie". The stems can be used, how he knew his body like that. While he lived secluded Launcher unit, zealous, essential needs, and in thinking about the secular except. Thanks to the paragraph except France, is an inner stay, an ideally located, most professional, regulatory static. Thus, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts when step to, step forth unknown work; When looking to look back and know work; When the co hands, when stretching arms, knows work; when wearing rose-old-Chile (sanghati), bring a bowl, carrying medicine, knows work; when eating, drinking, chewing, tasting, knows work; when standing, sitting, sleeping, waking, say, silence unknown work.
While he lived secluded Launcher unit, zealous, essential needs, and in thinking about the secular except. Thanks to the paragraph except France, is an inner stay, an ideally located, most professional, regulatory static. Thus, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-bodied, survey pubs under the stilts from the feet upwards, on to wealthy girl hair, surrounded by skin and filled these defilement wrong: "In this incarnation, it was the hair, nails, teeth, hair, skin, flesh, tendons, bone, kidney, bone marrow, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lung tissue way, intestines, colon, diaphragm , Suite, Siddhartha (mucus), pus, blood, sweat, tears, grease, fat, skin, saliva, pus, water, water in the joints, urine ". The Male-stilts, as well as a map, the top two drums filled with granular types such as packaging of rice, rice, green beans, beans, Sesame, rice has big grind. A person with eyes, pour the granular and consistent: "this is the rice seed, it is the pit of rice, this is green beans, this is big, this is Sesame, beans here is whether the rice was milled and then". Also, the Female-stilts, a Female-this body under the police number-stilts from the feet upwards, on to wealthy girl hair, surrounded by skin and filled these defilement wrong: ' in this incarnation, it was the hair, nails, teeth, hair, skin, flesh, tendons, bone, bone marrow, kidney, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lung tissue way, intestine, intestinal membrane , feces, bile, blood, pus, conversation, sweat, tears, grease, fat, skin, saliva, pus, water, water in the joints, urine ".
While he lived secluded Launcher unit, zealous, essential needs, and in thinking about the secular except. Thanks to the paragraph except France, is an inner stay, an ideally located, most professional, regulatory static. Thus, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts this incarnation of the police number-position and the arrangement: "in this era, the great fire, marine, and great style". The Male-stilts, like a fine friendly butcher, or disciple of a butcher who kills a cow, cut each body part split sit at the crossroads; also, the Female-stilts, the Female incarnation of suicide cafes on stilts-location of the world and about the arrangement: "in this era, the great fire, marine, and great style".
While he lived secluded Launcher unit, zealous, essential needs, and in thinking about the secular except. Thanks to the paragraph except France, is an inner stay, an ideally located, most professional, regulatory static. Thus, the Male-stilts, T-stems cultivation on stilts.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-on stilts as found a corpse in the graveyard on a toss, two days, three days, her body swollen up, blue black, ragged rot out; Female-body's pub on stilts as follows: "this Body is of such nature, such as the names, version not beyond nature".
While he lived secluded Launcher unit, zealous, essential needs, and in thinking about the secular except. Thanks to the paragraph except France, is an inner stay, an ideally located, most professional, regulatory static. Thus, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-on stilts as found a corpse in the graveyard was the toss of crows eating, or being the species of hawks eat, or the bearded birds eat, or be eaten, dogs or the false species can eat, or eat insects; Female-body's pub on stilts as follows: "such is the nature of this Body, the nature is thus not beyond nature".
While he lived secluded Launcher unit, zealous, essential needs, and in thinking about the secular except. Thanks to the paragraph except France, is an inner stay, an ideally located, most professional, regulatory static. Thus, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-on stilts as seen a body being thrown in the cemetery, with the skeleton also link together, and stick the meat and blood, was the vein of columns back ... with the bones still connected, no longer stick meat but also blood, also the vein of columns back ... only the bones don't stick together , scattered here and there. Here is the hand bones, foot bones are here, here is the tibia bone calves, here it is, here is the sacrum, here is the backbone, here is the first bone; Female-body's pub on stilts as follows: "this Body is of such nature, such as the names, version not beyond nature". While he lived secluded launch position. (as above). Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-on stilts as saw a contest that toss put in the graveyard, the only full skeleton white colored shell ... just a pile of bones take longer than a year ... is rotten bones become powder; Female-body's pub on stilts as follows: "this Body is of such nature, such as the names, version not beyond nature". While he lived secluded launch position. (as above). Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, stilts, glass cups billion-French, evil and stay the first Meditation, a State of physical being, by loving Cup with games and quarter finals. Female-stilts instill, soaked wet, make fullness filled myself with loving Cup by birth, education is not a place on the body not to be sexual beings by loving Cup he instilled.
The Male-stilts, like a most adept bath or shower most disciples; After sprinkle the powder bath in brass bronze instant stuffing her powder, with water, the Bureau's bath powder is wet, water movement and instilled mixed with water is wet, wet outside and with water, but don't melt into drops. Also, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts instill, soaked wet, make the fullness, filled myself with loving Cup by birth, education is not a place on the body not to be sexual beings by loving Cup he instilled. While he lived secluded launch position. (as above). Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts she kill games and four, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not the Cabinet, quarter-range for the mind. Female-stilts he instilled, soaked wet, make the fullness, filled with loving myself because the intention being, not a spot on the body is not defined by being loving him instill.
The Male-stilts, like a Lake, the water in the insurgent, the East does not have holes the water flows out, the West does not have water flowing out of the hole, the North had no water flows into the hole, the South does not have water flowing hole out and sometimes it rains. The cool spring water from the fountain gushing instill, soaked wet, make fullness filled fountain, with cool water, not a spot of fountain was not cool water instilled. Also, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts instill soaked wet, make fullness filled myself with being, not by loving intention for a seat on the body, not by loving intention of birth she instilled. While he lived secluded launch position. (as above). Female-stilts practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts ly Hy stay discharge, mindfulness, the sensor body province tho that the Bible calls "the Discharge contacts anniversary stay", and stay third Meditation. Female-stilts, instill, soaked wet, make the fullness full of myself with no life Club Hy, not a spot on the body, not the life Club no Hy she instilled. As such, Female-stilts an stay not ample launch ... (as above). Female-stilts practice stems.
The Male-stilts, such as in the shower, outdoor shower, outdoor shower, white has the Blue Lotus, pink Lotus White Lotus. The Lotus birth, she grew up in the country, not beyond the water, farming life under water, from the beginning until the tops of the roots are instilled, soaked wet, overflowing being cool by water, not a spot of the whole shower green, pink or White Lotus shower not cool water then instilled. Also, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts instill, soaked wet, make the fullness, filled myself with no life Club Hy, not a spot on the body not be life without peanuts he instilled Hy. So Female-stilts an stay not ample launch ... (as above). Female-stilts, practice stems.
Again, the Female-stilts, stilts, discharge the discharge gauge Club-, destroy life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, don't touch, discharge of pure concepts. Female-stilts he sat, instill his body with pure translational Center in the morning, not a spot on the body not be pure translational Center in the morning she instilled.
The Male-stilts, for such a person sitting, using hooded white drapery, not a spot on the white fabric was not her body covered for spectacle; also, the Female-stilts, Female-sitting on stilts to instill his body with pure heart, pure, not a spot on the body not be pure translational Center in the morning she instilled. While her taste life stay not ample launch ... (as above). Female-stilts practice stems.
The Female-on stilts, where would practice, make stems, the fullness of goodness does taste goes to the inner (antogadha?) belong to the part (vijjabhagiya). For this, as the Male-stilts, huge sea of who are instilled by the mind, the rivers of him going into the sea, belong to the great sea; also, the Female-on stilts, where would practice making stems, the fullness of goodness does taste comes into mind, belong to the part. The Male-stilts, for Female-stilts would not practice stems, not make the fullness, the Ma (United Kingdom) have a chance with him, Ma (United Kingdom) have with the coast. Such as this the Male-stilts, someone threw a stone weighing into a pile of wet clay paste, the Female-stilts, He thought? There are heavy stone had the opportunity (deep) into the pile of wet clay paste?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Also, the Male-stilts, for who does not practice stems, not make the fullness, Ma (United Kingdom) have a chance with him, Ma (United Kingdom) have with the coast. For this, as the Male-stilts, a dried tree SAP, someone to hold the top of the map turns and says: "I will make the flame being out, I will make the heat shows up." The Male-stilts, He thought? He brought to the top of the map rotates, turns the dry twigs with no plastic, she makes the flame engenders, have made the heat up?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Also, the Male-stilts, for who does not practice stems, not make the fullness, Ma (United Kingdom) have a chance with him, Ma (United Kingdom) have with him. For this, as the Male-stilts, a vase of water, empty, empty, was put on the rack, the one who goes to, to bring full of water. The Male-stilts, He thought? He can pour water (on the average)?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Also, the Male-stilts, the would not practice stems, not make the fullness, Ma (United Kingdom) have a chance with him, Ma (United Kingdom) have with the coast.
The Male-stilts, the position would have practice stems, makes fullness, Ma (United Kingdom) have no chance with him. MA (United Kingdom) no predestined with her. For this, as the Male-stilts, people toss a light rope ball on a door made entirely of the core tree. The Male-stilts, He thought? The ball does light wire c Assembly for door core made entirely of plants?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Also, this Male-on stilts, where would have practice stems, makes fullness, Ma (United States) do not have the opportunity to taste him, Ma (United States) no predestined for her taste. For this, as the Male-stilts, a wet tree has plastic, then a person go to bring section on map turns and says: "I will make the fire was born, I would make the heat shows up." The Male-stilts, He thought? He carried rotating, spinning fire map of the upper part with the wet trees and have plastic, can make fire engenders, makes the heat up?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Also, this Male-on stilts, where would have practice stems, makes fullness, Ma (United States) do not have the opportunity to taste him, Ma (United States) no predestined for her taste. For this, as the Male-stilts, a vase of water overflowing the water so that the Raven can drink, be placed on the rack, and then have people go to, carry full of water. The Male-stilts, He thought? People poured water on (him)?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Also, this Male-on stilts, where would practice stems, makes fullness, Ma (United States) has no chance against him, Ma (United States) no predestined for him.
The Female-on stilts, where would practice stems, making him taste afferent fullness, have been shown to food poisoning thanks to WINS to France would need to prove food poisoning thanks to win position, he faced reach the exactness, (France's) in the world of oil would (sati sati ayatane). For this, as the Male-stilts, a vase full of water so that the Raven can drink, be put on the price and have the resources to back side and artist, jar, so water can out movement?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Also, this Male-on stilts, where would practice stems, making him taste afferent fullness, have been shown to food poisoning thanks to WINS to France would need to prove food poisoning thanks to win position, he faced the fine (France) in the world of oil. For as there is a Lake on a piece of land by the four have levees up to make solid, and full of water so that the Raven can drink. And then there's the lishi to and a dike, water can spill out?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-Also, this Male-on stilts, where would practice stems, making him taste afferent fullness, have been shown to food poisoning thanks to WINS to France would need to prove food poisoning thanks to win position, he faced the fine (France) in the world of oil. For this, as the Male-stilts, on land by at the forks have a car parking, mature horses with WINS, there is roi horizontal horse ready, the fine art of master code friendly, guest users vehicles things dwell the horses deserve things dwell, climb up the car, her left hand grasped the rope, hand side take the horse whip , can a horse go forth, in place and how the discretion to want. Also, the Female-on stilts, where would practice stems, making him taste afferent fullness, have been shown to food poisoning thanks to WINS to France would need to prove food poisoning thanks to win position, he faced the fine (France), in the world of oil.
The Male-stilts, bulbous anniversary is practice, practice, was made for fullness, was made as the chariot, which was made as the base, be made persistent, made for achievement, was cited by the essential need to practice, this merit ten times can be expected. What are the ten?
Touch any contacts that are not touch, real photographers stock photography, and the unit dress he lives always to the dress photographers real touch started up; terrible fear was photography, and terrible fear not stock photography, and the unit dress she always served terrible fear photography was started up. Her taste kham rings are cold, heat, hunger, thirst, the contact of flies, mosquitoes, wind, the Sun, the centipede snakes, saying unpleasant, difficult to accept. Her position has the ability to withstand the feeling to start life over, suffering, pain, throbbing pain, glare, shoving the impossible, possible, brought to the exhausting. Depending on your desire, there is no difficulty, no tired, not wasting, the certificate's are four pure meditation, the mind, the present tribe. Her taste is the kind of spirit, a body appears much, many relatives present a trunk; does the picture get across the walls, through walls, through the mountain passes as unreal; padded Turks outcrops across the land as in the water; go on the water not sink as go on land; Urban Planner-seating older out of nowhere like a bird; with hands, touching and overload the Moon and the Sun, the greater the force, the dread of dread spirit as such; can, have the spirit through bay until Brahma; with pure Turkish Superman, can hear two, Chu Heaven and humans, far or near. With the mind of her position, she knew the mind of the beings, the kind of person; the Center has participated, said the Center has participated; the mind does not take part, who did not know; the mind has, who has known; the mind does not, know the mind not the yard; the mind has who know, there si si; the mind does not know si, si; the professional Center, said the Center specializes in notes; mind the disarray, know Center disarray; Center, to know Center; the mind is not great, said the Center is not great; the mind hasn't, said the Center hasn't upper; infinite mind, who knows infinitely superior; Mindful meditation, know the mind to meditation; the mind does not know, does not mind meditation meditation; mind liberation, knowing the mind freed; the mind is not freed, said the Center is not freed. He remembered the taste of past life as a lifetime, two of his life ... He remembered the taste of past life with the general definition and details. With plain label, Superman, he found the life and death of beings. The position he knows that the beings who listed high guys, to the beautiful people, rough guys, bad luck, misfortune are happy. With the exception of contraband or, after itself, her position with tri-certified reach and stay right in the Centre of the current release, wisdom freed no contraband or.
The Male-stilts, bulbous anniversary is practice, practice, was made for fullness, made like chariot, made as the base, be made persistent, made for achievement, was cited by the essential need to practice, this merit ten times can expect.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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