Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in the middle is the name people Koliya Haliddavasana a public Koliya town. Then puñña · Koliyaputta, practice happy cows, and naked Seniya, practice happy dog, go to the Blessed One, after arriving puñña · Koliyaputta, happy cows practice, bowed and sat down on one side. Seniya also naked, happy dog ​​practice, say to Bhagavan inquired after speak to their friends inquired, then sat down on one side, sat for them like dogs. After sitting on one side, puñña · Koliyaputta, happy cows practice venerable sir:
- Buddha, naked Seniya, happy dog ​​practice, practice austerity, eat food thrown to the ground, happy to accept and practice the dog for a long time, so he's interesting how being , how his destiny?
- Well, just then puñña ·, stop here, do not have to ask me anymore.
The second time ... (as above) ... The third time puñña · Koliyaputta, happy cows practice venerable sir:
- Buddha, naked dog Seniya unfortunate practice, practice austerity, eat food thrown on the ground, happy to accept and practice the dog for a long time, so how he's being interesting, How his destiny?
- Hey puñña ·, really I did not accept (questions) of Mr and said: "Well just then puñña ·, stop it, do not ask me again". However, I will answer for him. Here, this puñña ·, who practice the virtues dog completely fulfilled, the dog world practice completely fulfilled, the maintenance center completely dog ​​fullness, majesty practice dog a fulfilled, after the birth itself will damage the public network of friendship with the dogs. If he has wrong view as follows: "Due to this world, this happiness, this ascetic, or discounts on this well, we will be born into this gods, or other gods", this time puñña ·, for those who have wrong views I say there is one of two being interesting as follows: hell or animalzxy. Thus, this puñña ·, if unfortunate dog was accomplished, the dogs were born in, if not accomplished, the time to be born in hell.
When saying this, Seniya naked, happy dog ​​practice, crying tears. Then Bhagavan told puñña · Koliyaputta, happy cows practice:
- Puñña · Hey, I did not accept (the question) and he said: "Well just then puñña ·, stop it, do not ask me again".
- Buddha, I cry so not because of the word Bhagavan said. But because lord, you have to accept and practice this dog happy in a long time. Buddha, puñña · Koliyaputta, happy cows practice, accepted and practiced well this cow, in a long time, so his birth and how interesting, his destiny how?
- Well, just then Seniya, stop here, do not have to ask me anymore.
The second time ... (as above) ... The third time, naked Seniya, practice happy dog ​​lord:
- Buddha, puñña · This Koliyaputta accepted and practiced happy cows in a long time, so his birth and how interesting, his destiny how?
- Hey Seniya, really I did not accept (questions) of Mr and said: "Well just then Seniya, stop it, do not ask me again". But I will answer for him. Here, this Seniya, happy person happy cows maintain a fulfilled, gender cows practice completely fulfilled, heart cows practice completely fulfilled, majestic bull practice completely fullness, body damage after public network, will also being friendly to the cattle. If he has wrong view as follows: "Due to this world, this happiness, this ascetic, or discounts on this well, we will be born into gods or other heavenly beings", this time Seniya, for those who have wrong views, we say there is either being interesting as follows: hell or animalzxy. Thus, this Seniya, if unfortunate cow was accomplished, the cattle were born in, if not accomplished, the time to be born in hell.
When told that, puñña · Koliyaputta, practice happy cows, crying, tears flowing. Then Bhagavan told Seniya naked, happy dog ​​practice:
- Seniya Hey, I did not accept (questions) of Mr and said: "Well just then Seniya, stop it, do not ask me again".
- Buddha, I cry so not because of the word Bhagavan said. But because, lord, I have to accept and practice the virtues cows in a long time. Buddha, I have the confidence to Bhagavan: Bhagavan can preach to me so that I can abandon this unfortunate cows and so naked Seniya, practice happy dog ​​happy dog ​​can skip this .
- Puñña · Hey, listen, and smart volition, I would say:
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Exalted puñña · Koliyaputta yes answer. Bhagavan said as follows:
- Hey puñña · there are four types of this industry, I have intellectual insight, enlightenment and theoretical propaganda. Which four? This puñña ·, there is now black (lead to) black retribution, this puñña ·, there is now white (lead to) white retribution, this puñña ·, there is now black and white (lead to) black and white retribution, this puñña ·, there is now no black and white (lead to) retribution is not black and white, now leads to the cessation of business. This puñña · And, how is black now taken to the black retribution? Here, the creator of this puñña · personally have compromised, create border issue has harmed, the operator can create damage. After personally can create damage, speech acts have compromised, the issue has harmed, you are born into the world with damage. As was to be born into the world with damage, the emotional feelings it has hurt. Due to feelings of hurt feelings, the feelings this has hurt feelings, unpleasant homogeneous, like the beings in hell. Thus, this puñña ·, is the arising of a being depends on beings, beings that arise depending their actions, and when he was being born, when his emotions stimulated. Therefore, this puñña ·, I said: "The well-being is now heir (his)". Thus, this puñña ·, now known as the black lead to the black retribution. This puñña · And, how is white now (leading to) white retribution? Here, this puñña · there who do not personally no harm, do not import onions no harm, as the operator is not no harm. After personally do not no harm, no export shall not harm, the practice is not without harm, you are born into the world is not no harm. As was to be born into the world without no damage, this position is not emotional feelings no harm. Do not feel emotions without damage, this taste sensation sensations not no harm, pure pleasures, like gods Subhakinha (denatured disasters). Thus this is the arising puñña · of a being depends on beings, beings that arise depending their actions; and when he was being born, the emotions that stimulate beings. Therefore, this puñña ·, I said: "The well-being is now heir (his)". Thus, this puñña ·, called white lead to retribution now white. This puñña · And, what is black and white now brought to retribution black and white? Here, this puñña ·, someone doing the damage personally have and not harm, the practice has hurt export and not harm, the standard practice has harmed and no damage. After doing the damage with damage, harm personally have no damage, speech acts have compromised damage, bodily harm has not hurt, you are born into the world with no damage damage two. As was to be born into the world with no damage damage, the emotional feelings it has hurt unharmed. Due to feelings of hurt feelings is not compromised, this taste sensation sensations have harmed unharmed, with unpleasant mixed pleasures, like some men, some devas, and some beings in deprivation. Thus, this is the arising puñña · of a being depends on beings, beings that arise depending their actions; and when he was being born, the emotions that stimulate beings. Therefore, this puñña ·, I said: "The well-being is now heir (his)". This puñña · Thus, now known as the black and white black and white leads to retribution. This puñña · And, how is not black and white now, does not lead to retribution in black and white, now leads to the cessation of the business? Here, this puñña · where there is a will (Cetana: Justice concomitants) black now taken to rid black retribution, where there is a will to get rid of white lead to retribution now white, where there is the will to get rid of now black white black and white leads to retribution. This puñña · And, how is not black and white now brought to retribution is not black and white, leading to the cessation of the business? Here, this puñña ·, where there is a will so, this puñña ·, called Black and White now not lead to retribution is not black and white, now leads to the cessation of business. This puñña ·, four categories of this industry, I have intellectual insight, enlightenment and theoretical propaganda.
When told that, puñña · Koliyaputta, happy cows practice venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! Buddha, as people stood up ... (as above) ... wish Exalted adoption as laymen, from now until the general network lifelong devotion.
Seniya also naked, happy dog ​​practice, venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! Buddha, like people standing up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, direction to those who go astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors . Likewise, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan explained presentation. I take refuge in France Exalted refuge and the refuge we monks Increase. Blessed One child was ordained to Bhagavan, looking forward to the ordained.
- Hey Seniya, formerly pagan who now wish to retire, want ordained in this law and special residence four months to live. After four months of special living residence, they will agree to Increase if ordained, for your ordination to the monks. But I noticed here is another difference human nature.
- Buddha, if those ancient pagan is now wanted ordained and ordained wanted in this law and, particularly permanent four months to live, after spending four months Increase differentiate them stay if they agree to give out Sale, for ordination, to the monks, you would live special time resident four years. After four years living residence particular, if monks, monks agreed, eager monks ordained monks take children, child ordained to the monks.
And complicity Fitness Seniya, practice happy dog ​​to be ordained to the Exalted, be ordained. Ordained not long, venerable Seniya peace alone, without distractions ardent, ardent. And soon you this supreme objective evidence that children of the household wage was abandoned family home, no family life towards. That is the supreme virtue even in the present, for themselves intellectual, enlightened, and dwell attained. He said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what should be done is done, after this life will not have another life." And venerable Seniya become a Arhat again.

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