Thursday 28 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). And then some very crowded Female-stilts, after eating, after going about qifu gangui, was sitting in a fake meeting (upatthanasala), this story was started up between them:
"It's hope changes ownership Chu Ja! Describes the taste of real property instead of Chu State's information resources, Sage, the great power of Such Hybrids! Because You know the Buddhist schools of the past, entered Nirvana, did the piece, the piece was hý, ended the reincarnation, have lost every suffering: "How did Leanne contentious Religious Followers so, such identity, Leanne clan so happy ... so happy of France ... so ... happy wisdom so ... stay happy so How does Respect the phrase ... so free".
When be heard so, Religion author Ananda told the Male-stilts: "it's Greek owners instead of Chu Lai As Hien, was full of French hope owners! Describes the taste of real property instead of Chu Lai As Hien, was full of France describes the unit owners! "
And the story between the Male-stilts she was interrupted. You show respect in the afternoon, from exclusive residential NET Meditation get up, go to the fake sugar, after arriving, sitting on the seat has composed. After sitting, World Religion called the Male-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, now he sits talking? What the story between Him being interrupted?
-Here, Bach That we Respect after eating, after going to qifu mumo carried back, we sat gathered at the fake sugar, the following story was started up: "Greek owners instead, Chu Ja ... (as above) ... Chu's Religious World be freed so ". When it was heard that the White World, ton, Ton author Ananda told us the following: "it's Greek owners. As Lai was full of French hope owners! Describes the taste of real property. As Lai was full of France describes the unit owners! " This story between us, the White World, interrupted. You show respect to.
World Religion told to honor author Ananda:
-So, Ananda, say this up much anymore, the owner, the owner describes the Greek names of the Tathāgata.
-White World, the face of listening, the face in mind from the Religion: "the mindfulness, Ananda, this-slapped in the contentious (Kaya)" Tusita ". Because of that, the White World, the Portuguese sense of mindfulness-birth in Heaven Tusita, they slapped the children the life span of this, Bach World Religion, is a hope, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "the mindfulness, Ananda, this-slapped in Heaven Tusita them". Because of that, the White World, mindfulness of the province, Bo-slapped in Heaven Tusita, my tho we maintain this, Bach World Religion, is a hope, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "the mindfulness, Ananda, this-an Angel in the Tusita they slapped to life the full network". Because of that, the White World, mindfulness of the province, Bo-slapped an stay in Heaven Tusita them until the whole network, the life expectancy, the maintenance of world Religion, is a hope, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "mindfulness, in this sense, Ananda-slaps them Tusita Heaven after from the General network, enter the model pregnant". Because of that, the White World, mindfulness of the province, Bo-slaps them Tusita Heaven after from the General network, enter the model pregnant, my tho, the maintenance of world Religion, is a hope, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slapped import form this pregnancy, Ananda, who was an immeasurable aura, magic, WINS client's Natural dread far out along all over the world, including the world in on the Chu, the world of the devil and Angel and the world below including the Sa-Mon She-la, Chu Heaven and humankind. To the world in the middle of the world, dark, overcast with no platform, the realm that the Moon the Sun with great force, with such force could not dread the projection lens, in the Bourn, an immeasurable aura of dread away win, Chu Heaven. And the beings that live in the place thanks to her new-found glory and said: "there are also other beings live here". And ten thousand of this world movement, vibration, movement. And immeasurable aura, magic, WINS client's Natural dread Afar out in the world. Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Religion, is a hope, that of a World Religion ".
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slapped import model pregnant, Angel, four in Prince Ananda this to guarding the four directions and said:" Don't let anyone, or not humans are distractions, or my mother slapped the taste-Bo Bo-slapped ". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Religion, is a hope, that of a World Religion ".
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slapped import model thai, Portuguese mother, Ananda-slapped this precept in a way nature, not being, not stealing, not deviant, don't lie, don't drink the alcohol, the alcohol cooked up nature men". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Religion, is a hope, as a useful formation of world Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slapped import model thai, Portuguese mother, Ananda-slapped this not start Education Center for a male worker, and mother Bo-slapped not be compromised by any man would have infected the mind". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slapped import model pregnant, mom, Bo-vị Ananda this slapped enjoy in German education fully, enjoy full year education in Germany". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slapped import model thai, Portuguese mother, Ananda-slapped this being a disease. She lived with the mind, Welcome Center with the wedding Festival. She th y in its Portuguese unit fetus-slaps all parts and limbs. Ananda, for this jewel-like Yuri, purity, uniformity, there are eight next, cleverly cut, manual files, in the morning, not perfect in every stain, Bhikkhu. Then a rope is passed string pearls, blue wires, yellow, red, white or light yellow. If someone has the eye to the jewel on his hands, he will see the obvious: "this is jewel Yuri, purity, uniformity, there are eight next, cleverly cut, manual files, in the morning, not perfect in every stain, Bhikkhu. This is the rope through the rope, string blue, yellow, red, white or yellow light. " Also, when Ananda-Bo this slapped import model thai, Portuguese mother slapped a not what illness. She lived with the mind, with the wedding Festival welcome. She found out his Bo-vị fetus slapped full parts and limbs ". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World to honor the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "afterbirth Bo-slapped on seven, this Portuguese mother, Ananda-the common destiny and being slapped onto the Sun Where capacity". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "while the other woman, this pregnant belly in pregnancy, Ananda nine months or ten months before birth, the mother of Bo-Bo-contentious slapped slapped not so. Portuguese mother-Bo-bearing in the abdominal slap slap ten months before birth ". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "while the other woman, Ananda, or sit or is this where the birth mother, the seasoning the Bo-Bo-contentious slapped slapped not so. Portuguese mother-slapped stand that being Portuguese-slapped ". Because of that the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slaps from the womb engenders this Heavenly help, Ananda, retrieved He, following new to mankind". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Religion is a Greek owner, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slaps from the womb engenders this, Ananda, Bo-slapped not land. Four God take him, put Him ahead of Grandma, mom and dear: "the Queen make the wedding Festival! The Queen, being a great human level ". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slaps from the womb of this, engenders Ananda, He engenders, not infected cells by viscous water, not infected cells by type of pus, not infected cells by blood type, not the cell-infected by any impure animals would , pure, clean. This Ananda, for as a jewel of Romanian Bao Chau put on a Three-canvas la-complaint. Jewel does not infects the cell Three canvas-la-complaint, fabrics-la-complaint nor do the Pearl box infection. Why is that? Because both are pure. Also, when Ananda-Bo this slaps from the womb engenders, He engenders, not infected cells by viscous water, not infected cells by type of pus, not infected cells by blood type, not the cell infection by any of the things impure, pure, clean ". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slaps from the womb engenders, Ananda, two water lines this from nowhere, a cold stream, a hot line. Two streams of water he washes clean for Bo-slapped and her mother ". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face in mind from the Ton: "Bo-slapped when engenders this, Ananda, himself standing on two legs, balance, facing north, walked seven steps, a white West 55 mph are covered up. He looked around all over like a calf, the United Kingdom, uttered the words as follows: "We are the paramount ranks in the world! I am the dark religious rank in the world! We are the highest in the world! Now the last of life, no longer have to reborn in this world again ". Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Bach, was a Greek, a formation of World Religion.
The White World, the face of listening, the face to remember from World Religion: "When Bo-slaps from the womb engenders this, Ananda, who was an immeasurable magic aura, far WINS client's Natural dread, appears the same throughout the world, including the world on Chu, the world of the devil and Angel , and the world below including the Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and humankind. Until the Bourn between the worlds, dark, overcast, no platform, the realm that the Moon the Sun with great force, great dread such force could not spherical projection, in scenes about him an immeasurable aura, WINS away from power imposing Chu Celestial apparition. And the beings that live t i the place, thanks to her new-found glory that says: "there are also other beings live here". And ten thousand of this world movement, vibration, movement. And immeasurable magic aura, WINS client's Natural dread Afar out in the world. Because of that, the White World I Respect the life of this World, Religion is a Greek owner, a formation of World Religion.
-Therefore, this life, take the Ananda this is a hope, a formation of Such Hybrids. Here, the start-up life, Ananda this up where the World known Religion; unknown to them, an stay; known, they go to sabotage; the idea is known; the games start up is known; unknown to them, an stay; known, they go to. This Ananda, please maintain this life is a hope, a formation of Such Hybrids.
-Because of that, the White World, the start up World where Religious life was known; unknown to them, an stay; known, they go to sabotage; the idea is known; the games start up is known; unknown to them, an stay; known, they go to. The White World, you Respect the life this is a hope, a formation of Such Hybrids.
False religion Ananda, say so. Masters degree of acceptance. The Male-stilts-life Religious words fake credit Hy Festival Ananda said.

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