Monday 18 April 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential at his residence. And then the fake Religious relief morning Ananda y, y bowls, went into Savatthi to qifu gangui. Go to qifu gangui in Savatthi, after meals, on the way back to the real fake, qifu gangui to Pubbarama Migaramatu (Eastern Park Loc Template lectures) for lunch. At the time, King Pasenadi Kosala country riding on elephants Ekapundarika and go out into the early morning in Savatthi. King Pasenadi Kosala country see the fake Religious Ananda from afar come to, to see that the Minister said Sirivaddha sailings:
-Religious Position, Sirivaddha, this is Ananda?
-Ladies right, my Lord, false Religion is Ananda.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to another country:
-Other person This, please go to the fake Religious Ananda, after arriving, in the name of us bowed legs false Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Ananda, then ladies are as follows: "ladies, if false false Religious Respect Ananda no work whatsoever to do the folding, Mr. Ton, expecting the fake Religious please because from waiting for a slice".
-Sir, your Majesty.
He met King Pasenadi of Kosala, well go to Honor author Ananda, after the Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, fake to Ananda, and then stand on one side. Stand on one side, the ladies with the fake Religious Ananda:
-Mr. King Pasenadi Kosala country, false Religious bowed legs fake Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Ananda, and the ladies are as follows: "ladies, if false false Religious Respect Ananda no work whatsoever to do the folding, Mr. Ton, expecting the fake Religious please because from waiting for a slice".
False religion Ananda silence. And then the fake Religious Ananda went to the river Aciravati, after arriving, sit down on the seat sailings were available, paragraph under a tree. Then King Pasenadi Kosala country, elephant rides to place can take down an elephant Elephants walk to Honor author Ananda, after the Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, fake to Ananda, and then stand on one side. Stand on one side, King Pasenadi Kosala country gentlemen with Respect author Ananda:
-Mr. Suen, is here, looking forward to honor author Ananda sitting on the carpet.
-Come on, your Majesty, your Majesty, please be seated. I was sitting on my seat.
King Pasenadi Kosala country sitting on the seat has composed. After sitting, King Pasenadi Kosala country gentlemen with Respect author Ananda:
-Mr. Ton, have to Respect How Ananda imitation does not do the stems that the ranks of Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke?
-Dear your Majesty, That Religion does not do the stems to which the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke.
-Mr. Ton, have to Respect How Ananda fake not doing the password ... (as above) ... not doing that the ranks of Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke?
-Dear your Majesty, That Religion does not make the password, Italy that the ranks of Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke.
-Real Magic, false Religious changes behavior! Really useful instead of false Religion, my hope! Mr. Suen, the thing that I cannot fully articulate in a question, was the fake Religious Ananda said up a full answer in question. Dear fake Religion, when the foolish inexperienced riveted the exclamation or cancel the stock to other people, without experience and judgment, then we are not on any medicine there and viewed as the core of the tree. But Mr. Ton, when people have experienced, riveted the exclamation or cancel the stock to other people, have the experience and discretion, then we know the medical and viewed as the core of the tree. But Mr. Suen author Ananda, how is that stems the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke?
-Ladies, any bulb anything.
-Dear fake Religion, what is real friendly stems?
-Ladies, any bulb what is guilty.
-Mr. Ton, how is the bulbous guilty?
-Ladies, any bulb nothing harmful.
-Dear fake Religion, what is the bulb is bad?
-Ladies, any bulb would have the report gauges.
-Dear fake Religion, what is the gauge stems?
-Yes, that means that what stems taken to harm themselves, taken to harm people, taken to harm both, from where the stems, the real growth of the French charity, the charity France rot off. Dear your Majesty, stems were the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke.
-Dear fake Religion, what is the password ... (as above). What is your act suppressed the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke?
-Ladies, any action any idea.
-Dear fake Religion, what is your real friendly action?
-Yes, that means that what the Administration idea is guilty.
-Dear fake Religion, what is your act guilty?
-Yes, that means that what the harmful action of Italy.
-Dear fake Religion, what is your harmful action?
-Yes, that means that Italy had any suffering.
-Dear fake Religion, what is your action gauge?
-Yes, that means that what action taken to harm himself Italian, taken to harm people, taken to harm both, from where Italy's action the French charity any growth, the French charity rot off. Dear your Majesty, the onions were the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke.
-Dear fake Religious World, Ananda Su n the paragraphs except all real friendly France?
-Dear, As Lai have all segments of real friendly France and achievements the charity France.
-But ladies, how is Ananda fake Religion stems from being the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke?
-Ladies, any friendly stems.
-Mr. Suen how environmentally friendly is fake?
-Dear, dear divine Act would not guilty.
-Dear fake Religion, what is the bulb without sin?
-Dear, dear divine Act would not be harmful.
-Dear fake Religion, what is the bulb not harmful?
-Yes, there is any body chums lost newspaper.
-Dear fake Religion, what is the bulb has lost?
-Yes, that means that ơng v bulb would not lead to harm himself, does not lead to harm people, does not lead to harm both, from where the stems, real friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth. Dear your Majesty, stems so don't get the Sa-Ba-la-Mon, a rebuke.
-False Respect Sir Ananda, what is the password ... (as above) ... What is your not being the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke?
-Ladies, any act of goodwill.
-Dear fake Religion, what is faith?
-Yes, that means that Italy Act would not guilty.
-Mr. speaker, what is your Religion not guilty?
-Yes, that means that Italy Act would not be harmful.
-Dear fake Religion, what is your action not harmful?
-Yes, that means that Italy had lost any newspapers.
-Mr. speaker, what is your Religion has lost?
-Yes, that means that Italy does not lead to any harm himself, does not lead to harm people, does not lead to harm both, from where Italy's action, the real friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth. Dear your Majesty, such action was not the idea Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke.
-Dear fake Religious World, Ananda Su n the achievement all in good French?
-Dear, As Lai have all segments of real friendly, and achievements the charity France?
-Real Magic, false Religious changes behavior! Really useful instead of false Religion, my hope! Real fudge said rather things, clearings of false Religion. Due to the false Religion which we Respect, Ananda, are the wedding and meet with the words cleverly says of author Ananda. Are Hy and satisfy, your Honor, with the words cleverly says of author Ananda, we please donate an elephant to Ton Ton if the author Ananda Ananda author is allowed to get the elephant. We are happy to donate the horse to the false Religion if Religious author Ananda Ananda was allowed to receive valuable horse. We kindly donated a charismatic village for Ton Ton if the author Ananda Ananda mock allowed receive a charismatic village. But Mr. Ton, we are known as follows: "this false Religious Ananda not be permitted". Mr. Suen, have foreign fabric rolls, are attached in a rolling, though, led by King Ajatasattu, son of Mrs. Videhi Magadha country send me long, sixteen eight-wide elbow elbow. Mr. Suen, looking forward to honor author Ananda because compassion is loaded for life.
-Come on, your Majesty! I had enough of three y.
-Mr. Suen, after the rain grew on the slopes, all false Religion and I have seen at the river Aciravati flowing strong, spilling over the banks. Also, fake, false Religious Respect Sir Ananda can do yourself three y, from where foreign fabrics. Three Religious fake, old medical Ananda can take distribute for accomplices. So the alms of us be fluently, as the water spread across the banks. Dear fake Religion, hoping to receive fake Religion for foreign fabrics.
Then the false Religion of foreign cloth received Ananda. Then King Pasenadi Kosala country gentlemen with Respect author Ananda:
-Dear fake Religious right now, Ananda. We have a lot of service, have more responsibility to do.
-Dear your Majesty, Majesty, now please do your Majesty think is trendy.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala country wedding Festival, tho the word false Religious teachings, Ananda from stand up seat, stem on towards him, and then leave. False religion Ananda, after King Pasenadi Kosala country not long gone, soon to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down one side, false Religious narrative like Ananda Ton all the conversation with King Pasenadi Kosala and water surges in foreign drapery to World Religion.
That Honor comes with the Male-stilts:
-Happy King Pasenadi Kosala country instead! Really nice King Pasenadi Kosala country instead! King was the fake Religious audience Ananda and donation.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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