Thursday 14 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
The Exalted One at Rajagaha (Rajagrha), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), where Kalandakanivape (foster care places). Then wanderer pagan Vacchagotta come to Bhagavan, after arrival, speak words of welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, pagan Vacchagotta wanderer said to the Exalted:
- Been a while since I last spoke to the Venerable Gotama. You instead, if Venerable Gotama spoke to me briefly the legal moral and immoral.
- Hey Vaccha, I could preach for Mr. briefly the legal moral and immoral. Vaccha this, I can preach to him, a widely the legal moral and immoral. But this Vaccha, I would explain to Mr. briefly, the legal moral and immoral. Listen and smart volition. I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Wanderer pagan Vacchagotta Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted lecture as follows:
- Participate, this Vaccha, is immoral, alobha is good. Golf, this Vaccha, is immoral, countless golf is good. Si, this Vaccha, is immoral, delusion is good. Thus, this Vaccha, three measures are immoral, three methods are good. Killing, this Vaccha, is unwholesome, abandoning killing is good. Taking what is not given, this Vaccha, is unwholesome, abandoning taking what is not said to be good. Sexual misconduct in, this is immoral Vaccha, abandoned in sexual misconduct is good. Lying, this Vaccha, is unwholesome, abandoning hope is friendly language. Said two blades, this Vaccha, is unwholesome, abandoning said two blades is good. Speaking harsh, this Vaccha, is unwholesome, abandoning harsh talk is good. Say frivolous, this Vaccha, is immoral, frivolous abandon say is good. Avarice, this Vaccha, is immoral, not avarice is good. Golf, this Vaccha, is immoral, not the field is good. TA, this Vaccha, is immoral, right view is good. Thus, this Vaccha, ten law is immoral, ten measures are good. This Vaccha, when charity is a monks rid of, cut the root, making the trunk as I-la, is not born again, can not arise in the future, that is, monks rank A-La- drought, the contraband was to take, practice of contentment, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, took advantage except fetters property, right knowledge of liberation.
- I hope the matter is that the Venerable Gotama. But do not know venerable Gotama is a disciple monks were rid of cankers, with a rooftop location, himself enlightened, attainment and residing within the current ways of the mind liberated, liberating insight?
- Hey Vaccha, not one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, but more than that is the disciple monks I was rid of these defilements, with the upper position, for themselves realization, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight.
- We hope that such events for the venerable Gotama. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks. But no one knows Venerable Gotama-ni monks are disciples taints the exception, with a rooftop location, himself enlightened, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight ?
- Hey Vaccha, not one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, but many more are monks-ni, my disciple, was rid of cankers, with a rooftop location , his self realization, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight.
- We hope that such events for the venerable Gotama. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks-ni. But do not know venerable Gotama is a lay disciple Men living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy, having cut through five lower fetters, are being turned, entered Nirvana at that place, not must return to this world again?
- Hey Vaccha, not one hundred percent ... not years, but much more is the South layman, a disciple living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy, except the year after lowering fetters part, is being turned, entered Nirvana at that place, not back this life anymore.
- We hope that such events for the venerable Gotama. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks-ni. Looking forward to the work is the same for South layman, living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy. But no one knows Venerable Gotama South layman, a disciple living at home, dressed in white (yet), but sexual enjoyment construction materials Puritans (Sasanakaro), accept the teachings, was suspected of passage or, Captain facility attained wealth, do not rely on others, live in the Holy teachings of gurus?
- Hey Vaccha, not one hundred percent ... not years, but much more is the South layman, a disciple living at home, dressed in white, animals enjoy sex, but built Puritans, accept the teaching, was suspected of passage or, realized numerous Lt basis, not rely on others, live in the Holy teachings of gurus.
- We hope that such events for the venerable Gotama. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks-ni. Looking forward to the work is the same for South layman, living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy. Looking forward to the work is the same for South layman living at home, dressed in white, sensual enjoyment. But no one knows Venerable Gotama Female layman, who is the disciple living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy, after the except five lower fetters, are being turned, entered Nirvana at that place, this life do not come back again?
- Hey Vaccha, not ... not only one hundred, five hundred, but many more are Female layman, a disciple living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy, after five lower rid fetters, is being turned, entered Nirvana at that place, do not come back to this life again.
- We hope that such events for the venerable Gotama. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks. Looking forward to the work is the same for the monks-ni. Looking forward to the work is the same for the South layman, living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy. Looking forward to the work is the same for the South lay in his family, dressed in white, sensual enjoyment. Looking forward to the work is the same for the Female layman living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham happy. But do not know with Women Religious lay Gotama, a disciple living at home, dressed in white, animals enjoy sex, but to build the Holy Catholic, accepted the teaching, was suspected of passage or, realized numerous Lt basis, do not rely on others, live in the Holy teachings of gurus?
- Hey Vaccha, not one cent, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, five hundred, but not much more is the Female layman, a disciple living at home, dressed in white , enjoyment of sexual objects, but the construction of the Holy Catholic, accepted the teaching, was suspected of passage or, realized numerous Lt basis, not rely on others, live in the Holy teachings of gurus.
- Dear Venerable Gotama, if Venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, but the monks was not satisfied, so this virtue was not sufficient in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, since that venerable Gotama became complacent approach and the monks was also satisfied; Such discounts were fully happy in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, if Venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, and the monks became complacent, and nuns, monks-chronic failure; Such discounts are not operating fully in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, since that venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, and the monks became complacent, and the monks and nuns have a chronic-; Such discounts are fully happy in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, if Venerable Gotama became complacent approach and the monks became complacent, and the monks and nuns has become complacent, and the South lay in his family, dressed in white, according to Pham happy not into complacency; Such virtues were not sufficient in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, since that venerable Gotama became complacent this method, the monks also have a chronic, monks also have a chronic-ni, the South lay in his family, dressed in white, according to Pham also has a chronic almond; Such discounts were fully happy in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, if Venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, and the monks became complacent, and the monks and nuns has become chronic, the South lay in his family, dressed in white, according to Pham well have into complacency but the South lay in his family, dressed in white, unsuccessful sexual enjoyment chronic character; Such discounts are not fully happy in this regard. Venerable Sir Gotama as that venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, and the monks became complacent, and the monks have a chronic-ni, South layman and living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham have a chronic almond, and the South lay in his family, dressed in white, were enjoying a chronic character education; Such discounts are fully happy in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, if Venerable Gotama became complacent approach and the monks became complacent, and the monks have a chronic-ni, South layman and living at home, dressed in white, animal enjoyment education has become complacent; but the layman Female, living at home, dressed in white, almond failed to live up to discounts complacency; Such discounts are not fully happy in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, since that venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, and the monks became complacent, and the monks have a chronic-ni, South layman and living at home, dressed in white, according to dignity became complacent, and the South lay in his family, dressed in white, to enjoy sex objects has become complacent, and the Female layman living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham unfortunate became complacent; Such discounts are fully happy in this regard. This venerable Gotama, if Venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, and the monks became complacent, and the monks have a chronic-ni, South layman and living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham have a chronic almond, and the South lay in his family, dressed in white, had a sexual enjoyment chronic character, and the Female layman living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham unfortunate became complacent; but the Women lay in his family, dressed in white, unsuccessful sexual enjoyment chronic character; Such discounts were not fully happy in this regard. Dear Venerable Gotama, since that venerable Gotama became complacent this approach, and the monks became complacent, and the monks have a chronic-ni, South layman and living at home, dressed in white, according to dignity became complacent, and the South lay in his family, dressed in white enjoying sex objects has become complacent, and the Female layman living at home, dressed in white, according to Pham unfortunate became complacent, and the Female Residential who lived at home, dressed in white, had sexual enjoyment objects into complacency; Such discounts are fully happy in this regard.
Dear Venerable Gotama, such as the Ganges (Ganga) towards the sea, the ocean flows, downstream on the sea, stood back when touched with the sea; so this congregation of Venerable Gotama, including lay and ordained, towards Nirvana, Nirvana flows, downstream of Nirvana, stand back when touched with Nirvana. It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama as steep back what was thrown down, exposing what was covered, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, the Dharma was venerable Gotama presented using various means. Now the venerable Gotama refuge, refuge in the Dharma, Sangha. Mong Ton Gotama for children to be ordained to the venerable Gotama, was ordained.
- Hey Vaccha, who previously owned the pagan wants ordained in this law, wanted ordained, he must live special four-month stay. After four months, (if) the monks happy, maybe for him ordained, for ordination to become monks. But here, I know the difference in temperaments beings.
- Buddha, if those who previously owned pagan, wanted in this law ordained, ordained want to live four months stay special. After four months, (if) the monks happy, can give (these persons) ordained, for ordination to become monks, the special will stay four years to live. After four years, if the monks rejoice, let the ordained, for the ordained to the monks.
Wanderer pagan Vacchagotta Exalted be ordained, ordained, not long after ordination, half months after ordination, Venerable Vacchagotta go to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed, sat down one side. After sitting down on one side, venerable lord Vacchagotta:
- Buddha, to the extent where school property, school property can intelligent attained, I have already accomplished. Blessed One teach the law (other) higher.
This Vaccha So, let's practice this two higher legal, just and consistent. This Vaccha, two measures are practiced more, just and consistent, will lead to some of the world can enter the difference.
This Vaccha, if He wanted as follows: "I wanted to be the kind of miracles: a body we can find out many bodies, many bodies out one body; One can now morph shape passing by the wall, and through the wall, through the mountain passes as nothing; We can burrowed across mainland emerged as in the country; I can walk on water not sink like walking on land; I can sit with both legs-old out of nowhere like a bird, with my hands can touch and touch the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, so compassionate; It can fly itself to Brahma World, "then he will achieve something that can be realized in here, if he retained objects.
This Vaccha, if He wanted as follows: "With the pure natural superhuman atrium, one can hear the sound of two types, species and species Person God, far and near," then He will achieve what may be realized in here, if he retained objects.
This Vaccha, if He Wants to as follows: "We hope that we can know the mind of other beings, of other people with my mind; can take heart, we can know the mind is engaged, or interested alobha, we can know the mind alobha; or golf center, we can know that golf center; or adosa mind, we can know the mind adosa; or si mind, we can know that the mind has delusion; or psychological delusion, we can know the mind delusion; or focused attention, we can know that focused attention; or scattered mind, we can know the mind wandering; or higher operating center, we can know the mind of great force; operating or non-university center; we can know the university is not operating center; or less supreme mind, we can know is not the supreme interest; or supreme interest, we can know the supreme interest; or the concentration, we can know the mind; or not the concentration, we can not know the mind; or liberate the mind, we can know the mind is liberated; or not to liberate the mind, we can know the mind is not liberation, "then he will achieve what may realize here, if he retained objects.
Vaccha this, he might want as follows: "I can remember many past lives, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty died, thirty-life, four life fifty, fifty lives, hundreds died, two hundred lives, thousands of lives, hundreds of thousands of lives, many lives havoc, many lives, and the lives much damage. I remember saying, "At the other place have names like this, like this family, class like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After dying in there, we were born in and there. At that place, we have names like this, like this family, class like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after the other, I was born here. Thus, we can remember many past lives together with the outline and the details ", he will achieve what can be realized here, if he retained objects.
Vaccha this, he might want as follows: "With superhuman pure divine eye, one can see the life and death of beings. We can know that, inferior beings who noble people, beautiful people who coarse, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch their careers. These beings do evil deeds of body, speech and mind, defame the saint, according wrong to make the wrong career under; these people after the body damage the public network must be born into the Beast of deprivation, deprivation, in hell. And yet these beings do good deeds of body, speech and mind, do not defame the saint, in the right view, create now follow the right view; these people, after the body damage the public network, is born to the animal charity, Heaven, on this earth. Thus, with pure natural superhuman label, we can see the life and death of beings. We can know beings, inferior people who noble, beautiful people who coarse, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch their career ", he will achieve what can be realized here, if the retained object.
Vaccha this, he might want as follows: "With the exception of contraband or, hope that we can position ourselves to realize rooftop, attainment and residing within the heart of the current outflow of liberation, liberating insight "He will see what can be achieved enlightenment here, if he retained objects.
Then venerable Vaccha rejoice, rejoice Bhagavan taught words, got up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body and then goodbye. Then he came to stay Vacchagotta toxic renunciation, no distractions, zealous, ardent, not how long the winning position, himself enlightened, attainment and residing within the current supreme happiness salvage discounts, for the purposes Compassion-mail this part right feet ordained men, abandoned the family, not family life, towards Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, to-do was made, after the present life is no other life; Venerable Vacchagotta has become a more Luohan.
After some time, a large number of monks went to the Bhagavan audience. Venerable monks Vacchagotta see from afar to go to, after seeing the monks came to him, after to tell his monks as follows:
- Chu venerable going?
- Dear Sage, we went to the Bhagavan audience.
- So let's venerable monks on my behalf, his head bowed legs Bhagavan and said, "Buddha, monks Vacchagotta foot bow my head and say the following Bhagavan:" Bhagavan was the servant, Auspicious was the servant ".
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did meet venerable Vacchagotta yes. Then the monks went to where the Blessed One, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Buddha, venerable Vacchagotta foot bow my head, and said as follows: "Bhagavan was the servant, Auspicious was the servant".
- Hey, monks, I've known the mind of the monks Vacchagotta with my mind as follows: "Monks stairs Vacchagotta is intelligent, has great ability, has great power." The Devas also told me this sense: "Monks stairs Vacchagotta is intelligent, has great ability, has great power."
Exalted such preaching. The monks said that happy life Bhagavan teaches believers.

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