Thursday 28 April 2016


Like I hear.
One time, the World Religion stay between the lines they Sakka (Like-ca), at Kapilavatthu (Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection), in the monastery of Nigrodha (Ni-sentence-Life Law). You show respect in the morning up y, y, go into the Bowl Kapilavatthu to qifu gangui. After qifu gangui in Kapilavatthu, dinner, on the way back to the real World, qifu gangui Suen goes to stay made of Love-ca Kalakhemaka to stay on board. At the time, in the monastery of Kalakhemaka, ca-there are a lot of arrangements ready. World Religion saw a lot of ready at stay made of Love-ca Kalakhemaka, see Religious thinking "so many willing is located are arranged at the monastery of Love-ca Kalakhemaka. Didn't know there are so many Male-stilts in? "
At the time the false Religious Ananda along with many Male-stilts are doing y (civarakamma) in the stay made of Love-ca Ghataya.
You show respect in the afternoon, from exclusive residential NET Meditation get up, go to stay made of Love-ca Ghataya, after the hosts sitting on the seat has composed. After sitting, World Religion told to honor author Ananda:
-Ananda, there are plenty willing to This location to be arranged at the stay made of Love-ca Kalakhemaka. Don't know many Female-stilts stay in?
-Transparency of world Religion, there are many willing is located are arranged in the stay made of Love-ca Kalakhemaka; There are many Female-stilts stay in place. The White World, now is the time we do y.
-Ananda, a National-This stilts not brilliance if interested in meeting her, if we rejoice in his congregation, if his congregation in the wedding Festival, if interested in the assemblies of the people, if rejoice in assemblies of the people, if the wedding Festival in assemblies of people. This Ananda, if Female-stilts would enjoy in the assemblies, rejoice in his congregation, his congregation in the wedding Festival, like in the assemblies of the people, rejoice in the assemblies of the people, the wedding Festival in the assemblies of the people, might be a prime witness, depending on the wish, the DAC is not difficult Prime witness, effortless, ly, resident, an independent, lost sense of primary net; such events do not occur. But Ananda, Female-stilts would live alone, shunned gathered, hoping he has a prime witness location depending on your desire, the DAC is not difficult, a prime witness effortless, ly, resident, an independent, lost sense of primary net; such events can occur. This Ananda, if Female-stilts would enjoy in the assemblies, rejoice in his congregation, his congregation in the wedding Festival, like in the assemblies of the people, rejoice in the assemblies of the people, the wedding Festival in assemblies of the Prime witness and will stay with the rescue Center is limited and there is no limit or comfortable and motionless; such events do not occur. But Ananda, Female-stilts would live alone, shunned gathered, the taste he hoped Prime witness and stay with the rescue Center is limited and relax, or no limit States and real estate; such events have occurred. We're not consistent, Ananda, this saw a French colors in the wedding Festival, he did in the festivity, the variable room, the other change that does not start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain.
But the (security) stay, Ananda, was this As completely enlightened Future, i.e. after work with all General, Prime witness and (an) stay civil No. And if this Hybrid As while Ananda in an stay, if there are Male-stilts, Female-stilts, male of female, renunciation renunciation, monarch, great spirit, Pagan, pagan disciple until, in the Meanwhile, this Hybrid with navigation, as Ananda to the hyperopia glasses, on the far, far, severely toxic living homeless the wedding Festival, in a glass, made piece make all France-based pirated or an stay, speak up in place of pure words to encourage contact. Therefore, if the national-Ananda stilts this ambition: "after the Cabinet reached no proof, would stay", the Male-stilts, Ananda, need an only this, an ideally located, most professional and an inner plan.
This and how the national, Ananda-stilts only security, an ideally located, most professional and an inner plan? Here this billion-stilts, Ananda, ly, ly real friendly, and reached French stay, a State of meditation Profile loving Cup by birth, sex, has four. Kill games and four, and stay the second meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, not four, the Cabinet depth. TAM meditation ... and stay Four meditation. As such, this billion-an only stilts, Ananda, an ideally located, most professional and an inner plan.
Her taste not Cabinet volitional. While her position, no Cabinet volitional not interested, no credit, no safety net, no direction to internal non. Events such as this, Ananda, Female-on stilts known as follows: "while I don't mind, no Cabinet volitional delight, no credit, no safety net, no direction to internal non". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. Her taste for foreign non-volitional. Her exterior volitional unit No. Italian author's position. While her work unit Italy real estate Center forecast no net, no credit interest, not an stay, not geared to real estate ". Events such as this, Ananda, Female-on stilts known as follows: "while we do not author, estate Italian delight, no credit, no safety net, no directions to the estate". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. Ananda, stilts-this he need an stay, an ideally located, most professional, and an inner intent on General (samadhinimitte) mentioned earlier. Her taste not Cabinet volitional. While her work unit, not content to enjoy the center of Italy, credit, security net, towards non-Cabinet. Events such as this, Ananda, Female-on stilts known as follows: "while we do not author, enjoy civil Italy, credit, security net, towards non-Cabinet". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. Her taste for foreign non-volitional. Her exterior volitional unit No. Italian author's position. While her taste real Italian author, mind like NET, credit, security stay geared to real estate. Events such as this, Ananda, the Female-stilts known as follows: "while we work real Italian, mind like NET, credit, security, geared to real estate". Here, the position he so clearly conscious.
Ananda, if this Female-stilts are in this position, he stay safe direction to take action, the economy does business (cankamati), and think: "while we are away, taking time and economic advantages, the real evil of the French charity had no flow on". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. This Ananda, if Female-stilts are in this position, he stay safe direction to stand down, then stand back and think: "while we are standing back and taking advantage of the time, the French charity without any evil flow into". Here, the position he so clearly conscious.
This Ananda, if while Female-her stilts in the Center's location, stay at the security directions to sit, then sit and think: "while we are sitting, and pros, the real evil of the French charity had no flow on". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. This Ananda, if while Female-her stilts in the Center's location, stay at the safety directions to the lies, he lies and think: "while we are lying, greed, and forecast the real evil charity France not flowing into". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. This Ananda, if while Female-her stilts in the Center's location, stay at the security directed to said, he thought: "I will not say things professional down, voracious in the dastardly phu, do not belong to the ranks of Saints, not related to the purpose, does not lead to divorce, separation, overalls, safety net snippets , won the position, the enlightenment. Nirvana, as the monarch, leader of the pirates, the great spirit, army comment, comment, comment war Captain dad, plant, material moisture, costumes, Crouching, man Festival stuff, aromatherapy, body like the conclusion, far from superfluous comment, comment, comment, comment, comment mode of urban women, comment, comment, comment medium hero glass vase, made the comment, comment, comment the nickname wrong components first, theoretical treatise, treatise world, infinitely useful comment. Here, the position he so clearly conscious. But hey, for the word Ananda would austere, initiation, taken to the depth direction bibs, glass took part, the removal, security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana, as minimum exercise, residential, residential treatise treatise tri, they conclude, the essential need to comment, comment, comment, comment, comment wisdom, freeing tri comments comment , he thought: "I will say so". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. Ananda, if this Female-stilts in when an stay with peace of mind, driven to stay thinking games (vitakka), he thought: "for those games down, blackguard, chums, not in the ranks of Saints, not related to the purpose, does not lead to bibs, glass took part, paragraph removal, net, security WINS position, enlightenment, Nirvana , as the games, sex games, hurt, I wouldn't think the kind of speculative games ". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. But hey, for the impaired range Ananda, in the ranks of Saints, capable of learning, tutorials (who think the thinking she ranged) to my snippet except completely miserable, as cups education games, golf games, real games, the damage he thought: "I will think the analogies of this range". Here, the position he so clearly conscious.
This exercise, there are five major maintenance of Ananda. What is the year? The colors by eye perception, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, linked to education, attractive; the French disaster awareness; the incense by Cape awareness; the perceived by the tongue; the exposure due to perception, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, linked to education, attractive. This exercise, there are five major maintenance of Ananda. From this Male-stilts need usually consistent police who order as follows: "in the mind, have kicked up the mind what action (ayatana) or other origin of the five chief nursing education". This Ananda, if T-stilts while suicide as such, wisdom that: "in the mind, have kicked up the mind with this or other origin of the year education Chief Nursing ... ”. The event is so Female-stilts tri wisdom as: "Exercise of charity (chandaraga) this year for Education Secretary, aspects not yet removed piece". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. This Ananda, if Female-stilts while suicide as such, wisdom that: "In our mind, no start up capital with the country of origin or of Minister of education in nursing ... ”. The event is so Female-tri wisdom on stilts as follows: "this year for taking part in Sex education major aspects, were snippets of removal". Here, the position he so clearly conscious.
Ananda, there are five players this aggregates. Here, Female-stilts need to take advantage of the paragraph they did, when the birth number-option. This is good, this is the start of the episode, this is the removal of the paragraph. This is the life, this is the start of the episode tho, this is the removal of passages Shou. Here's the idea ... This is ... This is the recipe, this is the start of the episode, this is the removal of the paragraph. While her position an optional number-the removal of birth, year of its aggregates, if there any romantic (asmimmano) (start up) for years, she's been starboard side of falling aggregates player piece. Events such as this, Ananda, Female-tri wisdom on stilts as follows: "everyone will get there the side for years its aggregates (start up) where I had to take advantage of the falling beam segment". Here, the position he so clearly conscious. This legislation, this contact to uniformity, Ananda, are Gentler, Saints, Super world, than of evil.
-Ananda, he thought of this? Because see reason, a writer and disciple himself thought worthy of (reasonable) to go in a direction for oil being driven leper?
-Transparency of world Religion, for us, the France based World Religion as the basis, the direction That elected leaders, refuge That as y. How white the good, instead if That Religion preaching to the meaning. After That, the Female-stilts will conduct maintenance.
This is not true, Ananda-deserves a close disciple according to the direction, if for some reason be heard explaining contract law and litigation satire. Because why? For a long time, the French had been the he heard, tho, read aloud, thinking with Italy, cleverly comprehend with the Chief Justice position. But hey, for the word Ananda, austere, most remote direction taken to the center of the Cup, the Cup took part, the NET security removal, WINS, enlightenment, Nirvana as minimum exercise, residential, residential treatise treatise tri, they conclude, the essential need to comment, comment, comment, comment, comment wisdom, freeing tri comments comment. So the coast, Ananda, this kind of novel so, really deserves a writer Sami alignment direction for oil being driven leper. The event is so this time there, the Ananda, troubling crime (upaddava) for the direction; the event is so, there is the troubling crime due to the disciples; the event is so, there is the troubling crime for the tu Pham.
And this is how, the Ananda troubling crime for direction? Here, in this direction, there is an option at Ananda stay of (senasanam) far away in the Woods, under a tree, on the slopes of the mountain, the place of wilderness, in mountain caves, at tha ma, in the forest, outdoors or on a heap of straw. While he lived in remote location, so the glasses She-la, owner, both national and urban siege around. The She-la, owner, both national and urban siege around, she kicked up pollution, falling to desire, run up craving, come back affluent life. So this is called Ananda, the troubling crime of. Because of the troubling crime of evil, real friendly France, infection, leading to reborn, fear, brought to birth, leads to results framework old, dead in the future, the French then attacked the position. So, this is the mind, Ananda crime of.
Ananda, how is this the troubling crime of disciples? Ananda, a disciple of this direction, imitating the life of his glasses, far-select a stay of far away, in the forest, under a tree, on the slopes of the mountain, the place of wilderness, in mountain caves, at tha ma, in the forest, outdoors or on a heap of straw. While he lived in remote location, so the glasses She-la, owner, both with a population of siege around. The She-la, owner, both national and a bow around the enclosure, she kicked up pollution, falling to desire, run up craving, come back affluent life. So this is called Ananda, the mind of the disciple to stabilise. Because the mind of the disciple to stabilise, the French charity, any evil infection, leading to reborn, fear, taken to gauge results, leading to birth, old age, dying in the future; the French then attacked the position. So, this is the crime of disturbing Ananda disciple.
And this is how, the Ananda troubling crime of tu happy Offense? Here, this Hybrid, as appears in the Ananda's life, is A-la-Han, Chief Justice Turns Voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha, World Religion. You choose a stay of far away, in the forest, under a tree, on the slopes of the mountain, the place of wilderness, in mountain caves, at tha ma, in the forest, outdoors or on a heap of straw. While He lived in the far glass so, the She-la, owner, both national and urban siege around. The She-la, owner, both national and urban siege around, you don't run up the center of infection, don't fall in lust, not starting up craving, don't come back affluent life. But hey, the disciple of Ananda masters level minded according (Almond) the far glass masters degree's, mimicking (follow her) select a stay of far away, in the forest, under a tree, on the slopes of the mountain, the place of wilderness, in mountain caves, at tha ma, forest, outdoors, on a heap of straw. While he lived in remote location, so the glasses She-la, owner, both national and urban siege around. The She-la, owner, both national and urban siege around, she kicked up pollution, falling to desire, run up craving, affluent life back. So this is called Ananda, the troubling crime of tu Pham. Because of the troubling crime of Piracy, the French charity, any evil infection, leading to reborn value for fear, taken to gauge results, leading to birth, old age, death in the future, the French then attacked the position. So, this is the mind, Ananda crime of tu Pham.
But the troubling crime, Ananda, this of the tu Pham Hanh is much worse results, much more troubling for the brain to stabilise the fruit of this and mind of this disciple to stabilise, moreover it leads to the fallen. So this, Ananda, treat Me, dear, not mind with hostility, and so he will be happy in the long peace. And how is the direction for student with hostility, not with dear heart? Here, in this direction, Ananda with the Palm from the introspection the sermon for the disciples, expecting happiness for them, because from the introspection that says: "this is happiness for you, this is peace for Him". But the disciples did not taste, not withstanding the nickname into his ear, the other direction (annan), on the contrary, they go further teachings of direction. So, this is the disciple, Ananda treated with masters degrees, with hostility, not with dear heart. And how does this, Ananda, that the disciples treated with masters degrees, with dear heart, not with the hostility? Here, in this direction, with the Palm Ananda from min sermon for the disciples, search for their happiness, because bridge crush from introspection said: "this is happiness for you, this is peace for Him". The disciples of her listening ear, not slang, according to directions, and not vice versa go further teachings of the masters degree. So, this is the disciple, Ananda treated with masters degrees, with friendly, not with hostility. So this, Ananda, treat, with dear heart, OK with hostility and so will be happy, is at peace for the long term. We do not list him as the potters tons for the pottery kiln is heated yet, not nine. I will say most of this criticism to other criticism, his exclamation to his other Cyrillic letters. What is the inner core, the tree will stand firm in existence.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Ananda Religion teaches.

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