Monday 11 April 2016

64. ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY Mãlunkyaputta.

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at his residence Tinh. Here, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks". - "Revered sir". Even the monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
- Hey, monks, and he has life over five lower fetters because I teach?
Heard this, venerable lord Malunkyaputta:
- I had life over five lower fetters taught by Bhagavan.
- In the lower part fetter taught by me, this Malunkyaputta, Mr maintain life like?
- Buddha, human life over the lower part of the body is the fetter taught by Bhagavan. Lord suspected human life over the lower part fetter taught by Bhagavan. Buddha, the player's life over the lower portion precepts fetter taught by Bhagavan. Buddha, human life over the lower portion lust fetter taught by Bhagavan. Buddha, the pitch is lower component life over fetter taught by Bhagavan. Thus, lord, child life over five lower fetters taught by Bhagavan.
- Hey Malunkyaputta, because problems (or for whom) He habitually five lower fetters taught by me? This Malunkyaputta, is the pagan priests He questioned this example about kids? This Malunkyaputta, if a child was sleeping innocently no self, time where it can start up the body is? Custom Hypnosis itself is a potential real life in it. This Malunkyaputta, if an innocent kid, lying on their backs without the law, the time where it may arise for legal doubts? Custom Hypnosis truly comfortable living in its potential. This Malunkyaputta, if an innocent kid lying no gender, time from where it can arise precepts of international players? Custom Hypnosis prime precepts potential real life in it. This Malunkyaputta, if an innocent kid lying no sex, time from where it can start to feel free to participate in sex education? Lust customizable live free real potential in it. This Malunkyaputta, if an innocent kid lying no sentient beings, period where it can start up anger towards sentient beings? Custom golf hypnosis potential real life in it. This Malunkyaputta, is the pagan priests He questioned this example about kids?
Heard this, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, this was the time, Bach Auspicious, this was the time to preach Exalted five lower fetters. After hearing the Exalted, the monks will maintain life.
- So, Ananda, listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted lecture as follows:
- Here, Ananda, with ordinary uncultured man, not to the audience with the sages, not legal maturity of the saint, not the sages legal practice, not to Chan's audience levels, not mature Chan's legal levels, not the legal practice of Chan's level, life was centered bondage by itself is, is dominated by the body is, and not as true knowledge the occurrence of separation is already starting up. Than this is he solidly, not convince, becoming a fetter lower section. He lived with suspected heart or bondage, suspected or dominant, and no real insight as the renunciation doubt has arisen. It's doubtful he solidly, not convince, becoming a fetter lower section. He was living with heart bondage prime precepts, precepts were dominant players and no real insight as the defense had renunciation precepts arises. This defense of the precepts he solidly, not convince, becoming a fetter lower section. He lived with the heart being involved bondage sex, dominant and lust are not really known as a renunciation began to lust, the lust of his position solidly, not convince, becoming a corporal part fetters history. He lived with the field center bondage equipment, the field was dominated and did not realistic insight, the field began to manufacture glass. This pitch he solidly, not convince, becoming a fetter lower section. And this Ananda, St. tastes Multicultural disciples, visited the the sages, the sages legal maturity, the sages legal practice, to Chan's audience levels, maturity levels Chan's legal, religious Chan's legal collective levels, living with relatives center is not bondage, no body is dominant, and this position is realistic insight renunciation began to lust. Than this is the custom of newspapers he was the exception. This position does not mind living with or suspected of bondage, no suspected or dominant, and this position is realistic insight renunciation has arisen doubts. He doubts this is the exception to the free option. These are living with heart unconstrained bondage banned players, no player was dominant precepts and this position as true insight precepts of renunciation has arisen defense, defensive precepts with customized hypnosis he was the exception. These are living with heart being involved bondage sex, not lust dominates, and this position is realistic insight renunciation began to lust. This lust of the custom hypnosis he was the exception. This position does not mind living with bondage was pitch, the pitch is not dominant, and this position as true insight is the renunciation field arises. The courtyard of the custom hypnosis he was the exception.
Ananda, any path, any route taken to rid the five lower fetters, if not practice this path, the roadmap does, but five lower fetters are well known, or apparent, or be the exception, such a situation does not occur. Just as, Ananda, for a large upright tree with wood pulp if he is not carved in shell, not hewn tree sense, but you can still be the core trimmed trees, the situation does not happen. This Ananda Likewise, any path, any route taken to rid the five lower fetters, if not practice this path, the roadmap does, but five lower fetters are known, or will be found clear, or should be the exception, such a situation does not occur. And this Ananda, any path, any route taken to get rid of five lower fetters, if practice this path, the route was, the five lower fetters are known, or will be apparent, or will be the exception, the same situation occurred. Just as, Ananda, for a large tree, upright, tree core, if he after hewn mantle, after feeling hewn tree, the tree will roughly be the core, the situation occurs. This Ananda Likewise, any path, any route taken to rid the five lower fetters, if practice this path, the path that, the five lower fetters are known, or will be apparent , or will be annihilated, the same situation occurred. Ananda, such as the Ganges, filled with water, drinkable crow. Then go to a sick person and think as follows: "After wading cross the Ganges, with my hands, I will come to the other side safely." But he can not cross the line after wading Ganga, with his hand, to the other side safely. Also, this Ananda, anyone, when teaching to rid itself is, if his mind is not amused, not happy, no calm, no liberation, when he should be watching the other is the same sick people. Ananda, such as the Ganges, big water, overflowing, crow drinkable. Then one of them went to athletes and thought as follows: "After wading cross the Ganges, with my hands, I will come to the other side safely." One can, after wading cross the Ganges with his hand, to the other side safely. Also, this Ananda, anyone, when teaching to be rid of the body is, if his mind excited, happy, with calm, with liberation, when he is considered like the force the other officers.
And this Ananda, how is the way, how is the route taken to rid the five lower fetters? Here, Ananda, monks renunciation by the medical delivery (Upadhiviveka), so get rid of the causes of evil, by making a rough relative calm of a comprehensive, sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence Meditation and first resident, a state of sexual bliss ly by birth, has a range, with the quarterfinals. This position every material shop chief, initiation, great legislative, regulatory, legal form is impermanent, suffering, disease, such as tumors, such as arrows, as misfortune, such as illness karma, as enemies, as vandalism, is not, is selfless. This position freed his mind from the law. After liberation from the legal center that, he focused world attention on immortality (Amatadhatu) and thought: "This is the first President, this is wonderful, that is the only all operating safety, the detachment all both born care, the compassion destroy, alobha, cessation, Nibbana ". If solid reside here, this position reaches the cessation of defilements. If he does not reach the cessation of illegal or, when due to legal involvement, their legal wedding, due to the cessation of five lower fetters, he was turned born, entered Nirvana there, not callbacks this life anymore. Ananda, this is the way, this is the route taken to get rid of five lower fetters.
Again, Ananda, killed monks and reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, static internal Nhut Meditation Center ... Tuesday ... witness Wednesday and stay Zen. This position every material shop chief, initiation, great legislative, regulatory, legal form is impermanent ... (as above) ... not this life anymore callbacks. Ananda, this is the way, this is the route taken to get rid of five lower fetters.
Again, Ananda, monks took all excellent ideas, thoughts eliminate all obstacles, not the intention for a great horror, the monks thought: "Nowhere is boundless," Nowhere residence certificate origin boundless. This position every material shop chief, initiation, great legislative, regulatory, legal form is impermanent ... (as above) ... not this life anymore callbacks. Ananda, this is the way, this is the route taken to get rid of five lower fetters.
Again, Ananda, monks took all the land of boundless Nowhere, thought: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin ... (as above) ... overcoming countless Soul of origin, thought: "there is no object", owned residence certificate Unknown origin. This position every material shop chief, initiation, great legislative, regulatory, legal form is impermanent, suffering, disease, such as tumors, such as arrows, as misfortune, such as illness karma, as enemies, as vandalism, is not, is selfless. This position freed his mind from the law. After liberation from the legal interest him, he was focused on the immortal world and think: "This is the first President, this is wonderful, that is the only all operating safety, the latest being medical detachment, Removal of charity, infinite desire, cessation, Nibbana ". If solid reside here, this position reaches the cessation of defilements. If he does not reach the cessation of illegal or, when due to legal involvement, their legal wedding, due to the cessation five lower fetters, he was turned born, entered Nirvana there, not back this life back again. Ananda, this is the way, this is the route taken to get rid of five lower fetters.
- Buddha, if this is the way, this is the route taken to get rid of the five lower fetters how practice by which some monks witness the freedom of mind, a number of liberating insight ?
- Here, Ananda, I say that because of the difference in the base nature.
Exalted such preaching. Venerable Ananda, joyful followers teaches life Bhagavan said.

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