Saturday 9 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan travel between Kosala people to Mass, monks and come in Ta-la, a Brahmin village of Kosala people. The Brahmin Householders in Ta-la heard rumors as follows: "recluse Gotama, Sakyamuni clan, clan joined the Sakyamuni, was traveling between Kosala people with Mass monks, went to Ta-la ". Nice following rumors begin recluse Gotama went on: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article fisheries Phu Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Position with wins, he enlightened the world itself, along with Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, along with them recluses, Brahmin, Heaven species, species him. Once that realization. He also claimed that he had discovered the theory. His sermon, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, ie full text. He taught the virtues quite enough clean. Rather nice, the admire an Arhat so ". Then the Brahmin Householders in Ta-la come to Bhagavan, after arrival, some people bowed and sat down on one side; someone say welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side; have bowed in salute Exalted hands and sat down on one side; there are people who profess the name and family and sat down on one side; someone quietly sat to one side. Bhagavan told the Brahmin Householders in Ta-la sat down on one side:
- Homeowners Hey, the guru He has the ability that the reason he put no trust?
- Buddha, we do not have any reviews guru possibility that we have put the trust reasons.
- Homeowners Hey, if he does not have a guru capable reviews yet, what time do not take this redirect method that practice. Homeowners Hey, do not approach this is cleverly diverted maintain life, skillfully accomplished, will lead to long-term happiness for him. And what, Homeowners, how is the legal "do not redirect"?
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, have the same opinion as follows: "No (the result of) alms, do not have (the results of) holidays sacrifice, no (the result of) sacrifices, no results, the effect of the evil now, neither this world, there is no afterlife, no mother, no father, no chemicals being , in life there are no monks, Brahmin right feet practice, practice right feet, and even the claims of this life and the next life, after self-realization with the winning location " . But the Homeowners this, there are some recluses, Brahmin said opposition to the monks, another Brahmin, these people say: "It (the result of) Bell, with (the result of) sacrifice, have (the results of) sacrifices, with the result, the effect of the evil now, there is life, there is life after, whose mother, a father, with the chemicals birth, in life there are recluses, Brahmin right feet practice, practice right feet, and even the claims of this life and the next life, after having realized the win position ". Homeowners Hey, how do you think of, does the monk, Brahmin spoke in opposition to each other's words?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Here is the Homeowners, the recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No (the result of) alms, do not have (the results of) sacrifice, no (the result of) sacrifices, no results, the effect of the evil now, neither this world, there is no afterlife, no mother, no father, no chemicals birth, in life there are no monks, Brahmin practice right feet, right feet achievements, and this position statement on this life and the next life, after having realized the win position " . For this event you will be waiting to happen: After three friendly abandon this approach, friendly, oral practice charity, the charity acts, and after the adoption of this law three evil, evil itself, oral evil acts, the evil practice, the practice of this position. Why? Because even the venerable recluse, Brahmin did not see the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and the purity of good behavior. Because of that the next life, if there is public opinion to say that there is no afterlife, there is a wrong time. Because of that the next life, if anyone thought that there is no afterlife, the thinking that is wrong. Because of that the next life, if someone says that there is no afterlife, that time is wrong speech. Because of that the next life, if someone says that there is no afterlife, the contradictory opposite of the position Arhat learned there next life. Because of that the next life, if anyone convince others that there is no afterlife, the persuasion that against Dhamma, and because the conviction was against Dhamma, who criticized him his compliments. Thus, before the good of the world abandoned him, the world has been approved maintenance evil. And wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, the opposition to the sages, persuasion against Dhamma, the man complimented her cooking, so evil evil approach this difference arises due to wrong coast.
Here is the Homeowners, where you have to think like this: If there is no next life, the damage to your body after public network, self feel safe. If there next life, the damage to your body after the public network will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. If desired progeny no way, if the words of the monk, Brahmin is true that, when this position, even in the present are those who have rebuked: "This person according evil world, has wrong view, advocated reasoning nothingness ". And if the next life, this time you are experiencing both sides unhappy: even in the present, those who have been reprimanded; General network damage after the body, will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Such measures "do not redirect" were approved over and was practicing misleading, because you can only accept one side, and give the dhamma.
Here is the Homeowners, the recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "It (the result of) charity, there is (the result of) sacrifice , with (the result of) sacrifices, results, business retribution of good and evil, there is life, there is life after, whose mother, a father, with all kinds of goods being, in life there are recluses , Brahmin practice right feet, right feet achievements, and this position statement on this life and the next life, after having realized the winning position ". For these people, this event will be waiting to happen: After three evil abandon this approach, evil itself, oral evil act, the evil act, and after accepting the friendly French three-friendly, oral good practice, the good practice, the practice of this position. Why? For these monks, this Brahmin sees the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and the purity of good behavior. Because of that the next life, if there is public opinion say there next life, when it is the right view. Because of that the next life, if anyone thought that the next life, the time that is right thinking. Because of that the next life, if someone says that there is life after that is right speech. Because of that the next life, if someone says that there is life after, the time does not contradict itself in opposition to the Arhat you have learned with the next generation. Because of that the next life, if anyone can convince others that the next life, the conviction was reached with Dhamma, and because of his convincing agreement with the Dhamma, he does not blame people praising me. Thus, before the evil of the world he was abandoned, the world has been approved maintenance friendly. And right understanding, right thought, right speech, is not opposed to the sages, the agreement with the Dhamma convinced, the people do not compliment her cooking, so the difference this dhamma arise, conditioned by the right view .
Here is the Homeowners, where you have to think like this: If there is next life, the damage to your body after the public network will be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. If you want to later generations can not be, if the words of the monk, his Brahmin is true, this time within the current position are those who have praised: "This person according friendly world, there is right, organic advocates conclusion ". And if the next life, this time you are experiencing both luck: even in the present, are the intellectuals of praise; General network damage after the body, will give birth to animal charity, Heaven, this world. Thus, "What's not legal navigation" was approved maintenance, properly practiced this position accepted by both sides, both sides ignore legal immoral.
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin, has established the following theory, which views as follows: "DIY or make people do, kill or cause people to kill, or cause burning cooking cooking burner, causing sorrow or sorrow makes the cause, cause brain shirt brain shirt makes the cause, cause fear themselves, or make people causing fear, killing, taking what is not given, out door that in, looting, raiding a house alone, robbed blocked roads, private information wife, lying, such actions do not have crime. If we take a sharp wheel killing all beings on earth into a pile of meat, a meat husband, nor so have crime, has caused the continuation of crimes. If there are people on the south bank of the Ganges killing, massacres, killing, causing killing, cooking gas, causing gas to cook, so there was not a crime, has caused the continuation of crimes. If someone goes on the north bank of the Ganges alms, makes the giving, sacrifice, makes the sacrifice, not so with blessings, which constitutes the continuation of good fortune. " Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin said those words as opposed to the recluse, another Brahmin. You said the following: "DIY or make people do, kill or cause people to kill, cook and makes the fuel burn cooking, causing sorrow or sorrow that people cause, bad cause or causes human brain causing brain evil , themselves causing fear, or make people fear, killing, taking what is not given, but to break the door, looting, raiding a house alone, robbed blocked roads, private inform his wife lied , such acts of crime. If we take a sharp wheel killing all beings on earth into a pile of meat, a meat husband, then predestined by this crime, which caused the continuation of crimes. If there are people on the south bank of the Ganges killing, massacres, killing, causing killing, burning cook cooking makes people burn, the predestined by this crime, which caused the continuation of crimes. If there are people on the northern shore of the Ganges, almsgiving, causing generosity, sacrifice, makes the sacrifice, this is because of conditions, with good fortune, which constitutes a continuation of blessings. Alms, subdue, homemade, honest, have good fortune, have formed the continuation of good fortune. "
Why? The owner of this all, there must be those recluses, this Brahmin say opposites together?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Here is the Homeowners, there are recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, which views as follows: "DIY or make people do, ... (as above) ... does not lead to good fortune. " For these people, this event happens wait: After abandon three friendly dhamma practice, speech practice charity, the charity acts, and after the adoption of this law three evil, evil itself, oral evil act, the evil act, they have practice. Why? These recluses, Brahmin does not see the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and the purity of good behavior. Because of that work, if any opinion whatsoever say no effect, it is a wrong time. Because of that work, if anyone has thought that does not work, the thinking that is wrong. Because of that work, if anyone says that does not work, that time is wrong speech. Because of that work, if anyone says that does not work, the self-contradictions as opposed to what you Arhat have learned to take effect. Because of that work, if anyone convince others that there is no effect, the conviction was against Dhamma, and because the conviction was against Dhamma, who criticized him his compliments. Thus, before the good of the world abandoned him, the world has been approved maintenance evil. And wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, the opposition to the sages, persuasion against Dhamma, the man complimented her cooking, so the evil evil approach this differential arises due to wrong coast.
Here is the Homeowners, rational person to think like this: If there is no effect, when this position, after the body damage the public network, self feel safe. If effective, the damage to your body after public network, will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. If you want to go further has no effect, if the words of the monk, Brahmin is true that, when this position, even in the present, those who have been rebuked: "This person follow evil world, has wrong view, the policy does not work. " If effective, this time you are experiencing both sides unhappy: even in the present, those who have been reprimanded; General network damage after the body, will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Such measures "do not redirect" were approved over and was practicing misleading, because you can only accept one side, and ignore the dhamma.
Here is the Homeowners, the recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "DIY or make people do ... (as above) ... has brought to fortune. " For these people, this event happens wait: After three evil abandon this approach, evil itself, oral evil act, the evil act, and upon acceptance of this three-friendly France, operator friendly, improving border issue, the operator friendly, they have actually followed. Why? Because of these recluses, this Brahmin sees the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and the purity of good behavior. Because of that work, if any opinion whatsoever on the said work, which is the right view. Because of that work, if anyone thought that the work, the time is right thinking. Because of that work, if anyone says that work, the time is right speech, so that the effect, if anyone says that the work does not contradict itself in opposition to the position Arhat learned to work. Because of that work, if anyone is going to persuade others to work, convinced that the agreement with the Dhamma, and because of his convincing agreement with the Dhamma, he does not blame people praising me. So before he was evil world of abandon, the world has been approved maintenance friendly. And right understanding, right thought, right speech, is not opposed to the sages, the agreement with the Dhamma convinced, the people do not compliment her cooking, so the difference this dhamma arise, conditioned by the right view .
Here is the Homeowners, where you have to think like this: If it works, the location, the overall network damage after the body, will be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. If desired effect can not be, if the words of the recluses, Brahmin is true that, this time within the current position are those who have praised: "The world is under friendly , with the right view, the policy work ". If effective, this time both sides are're having luck: even in the present, are the intellectuals of praise; General network damage after the body, will give birth to animal charity, Heaven, this world. Thus, the law "is nothing navigation" was approved maintenance, proper practice, this position accepted by both sides, and ignoring the causes of evil.
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No mercy, no grace, the infected cell beings; inhuman ungainly, these beings are infected cell. No workers, no grace, these beings are pure, inhuman ungainly, these beings are purified. No power, no effort, no human, no human effort. All beings, and all beings, all living kinds, all are not carefree life, not force, not diligent. The beings that is guided, governed by fate, by coincidence, by their nature. The unpleasant effects that being optimistic, according to their birth six types of exploitation. " Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin say contradictory opposite of the recluse, his Brahmin. These men spoke as follows: "It's charming, the infected cell beings; no workers, no grace the infected cell beings. There's, predestined, these beings are purified. No workers, no grace, these beings are purified. There are forces, there diligently, whether human, with human effort. All beings, and all beings, all living kinds, all life were not without liberation, no power, no effort. (Not) the beings that are led, dominated by fate by coincidence, by their nature. (Not) lost their unpleasant effect six categories according to their birth waterfall ".
Homeowners Hey, how do you think of? Are those monks, this Brahmin speak the words contradictions, opposites?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Here is the Homeowners, the recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No person, no grace ... (as above) ... they unpleasant feeling optimistic ... "for these people, this event happens wait: after abandon three friendly dhamma practice, speech practice charity, the charity acts, and after accepting the three evil law this evil act itself, evil act exported, the evil practice, the position will practice. Why? These recluses, Brahmin does not see the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and the purity of good behavior. Since that person, if there is public opinion saying that no human, that is a wrong time. Since that person, if anyone thought that there was no time that's wrong thinking. Since that person, if anyone says that no human, that's the wrong speech. Since that person, if someone says no personnel, the self-contradictory, as opposed to the status Arhat's learned there. Since that person, if anyone is not convinced there's others, time was against conviction Dhamma, and because the conviction was against Dhamma, who criticized him his compliments. Thus, before the good of the world abandoned him, the world has been approved maintenance evil. And wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, the opposition to the sages, persuasion against Dhamma, the man complimented her cooking, so the evil evil approach this differential arises due to wrong coast.
Here is the Homeowners, rational person to think like this: If there's not, when this position, after the body damage the public network, self feel safe. If there's time this position, after the body damage the public network, will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. If no human wants to go further, if the words of the recluses, Brahmin is true that, when this position right now, those who have been rebuked. "The world is under the evil, wrong view, the policy is not human." And if there's, when this position, both sides have met misfortune: even in the present, those who have been reprimanded; General network damage after the body, will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Thus, the law "does not have navigation" were approved over and was practicing misleading, because you can only accept one side, and ignore the dhamma.
Here is the Homeowners, the recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There are people, with grace ... (as above) ... they are feeling hedonic ". For these people, this event happens wait: After three evil abandon this approach, evil itself, oral evil act, the evil act, and upon acceptance of this three-friendly France, operator friendly, improving border issue, the operator friendly, the location of this practice. Why? Because of these recluses, this Brahmin sees the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and the purity of good behavior. Since that person, if there is public opinion says that there's, it's the right view. Since that person, if anyone thought that's, that's the right thought. Since that person, if anyone says that there's, that time is right speech. Since that person, if anyone says that there's, not the conflict itself, as opposed to the status Arhat's learned there. Since that person, if anyone can persuade others is human, the conviction was reached with Dhamma, and because of his convincing agreement with the Dhamma, he does not blame people praising me. Thus, before the evil of the world he was abandoned, the world has been approved maintenance friendly. And right understanding, right thought, right speech, is not opposed to the sages, the agreement with the Dhamma convinced, the people do not compliment her cooking, so the difference this dhamma arise, conditioned by the right view .
Here is the Homeowners, where you have to think like this: If there's, the damage to your body after public network, will be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. If no human wants to go further, if the words of the Salmone; Brahmin is true that, when this position right now, are those who have praised: "The world is that good, there is right, there's the policy." And if there's time this position both sides are having luck: even in the present, are those who have praised, after the body damage the public network, will give birth to the animal charity, Heaven, this world. " Thus, the law "is nothing navigation" was approved maintenance, proper practice, this position accepted by both sides and ignores the causes of evil.
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin had the following thesis, which views as follows: "There can not be a comprehensive formless". Then there are some recluses, Brahmin say contradictory, opposed to the recluse, her Brahmin. This position has the following to say: "There can be a comprehensive formless". Homeowners Hey, how do you think of? Are those monks, Brahmin said the words contradictions, opposites?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Here is the Homeowners, a rational person to think like this: "These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, there is the concept as follows:" There can not be a full identity not area, "so we do not see. These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There can be no comprehensive identity", so we do not know. And if we do not know, do not see that only accept one side and declared: "This is true, in addition are deluded," the so unworthy of us. These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There can not be a comprehensive identity no", if the words of the recluses, Brahmin was right the truth, when this event happened: I certainly will be reborn in place of the gods with the facilities due to excellent. But if the recluses, Brahmin following theorising that, is of the opinion as follows: "There may be no comprehensive identity", if the words of the recluses, Brahmin true that, when this event happened: I certainly will be reborn in place of the gods is not sharp, so a great base. Conditioned with something with excellence, serving sticks, approved for, fight, avoid controversy, argument paintings, paintings resistance, break glass terms, expectations are seen language. But it would not have these things in a comprehensive identity ". Due to such thoughts, he accomplished the cover glass, dispassion, cessation of material.
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There can not be a mortal (Bhavanirodha) comprehensive". Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin say contradictory opposite of the recluses, Brahmin. This position has the following to say: "There can be a comprehensive mortal". Homeowners Hey, how do you think of? Are these recluses, Brahmin said words contradictory opposites?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Here is the Homeowners, a rational person to think like this: "These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows:" No mortal could have the whole area, "so we do not see. These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There can be a comprehensive mortal," so we do not know. And if we do not know, do not see that only accept one side and declared: "This is true, in addition are deluded", the so unworthy of us. These recluses, any Brahmin, has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No mortal can have a comprehensive", if the words of the recluses, Brahmin true that, when this event happened: I certainly will reborn gods do not place the base color by the idea. But if the recluses, Brahmin following theorising that, is of the opinion as follows: "There can be a comprehensive mortal", if the words of the recluse, she-the busi- his true goal, the event happened: I certainly would enter Nirvana right now. The venerable recluse, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No mortal can have a comprehensive", this view of the time he is close with craving, close to fetter, located close to loving, close to the attachment, clinging close. Those recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There can be no comprehensive mortal", this view of the time he was close to dispassion, near with fetters not blessed, located close to not loving, with no attachment near, close to non-attachment. " Due to such thoughts, he accomplished the cover glass, the very desire, the cessation of the property.
Homeowners Hey, there are four classes of people present at the birth. Which four? Here is the Homeowners, have dedicated their autonomous self-propelled suffering their suffering. Here is the Homeowners, suffering people who practice, who specializes in mental suffering. Here is the Homeowners, someone has their suffering self-propelled, self-propelled dedicated his suffering, just suffering human operator, who specializes in mental suffering. Here is the Homeowners, some people do not self-propelled and self their suffering, not self-propelled dedicated his suffering, has not taken suffering people, not specialized mental suffering people. This position does not act his suffering, no pain Executive who, even now, no desire, no hunger, feel cool, sense pleasures, ego can stay on discounts. And what, Homeowners, how his suffering was self-propelled, its specialized mental suffering? Here is the Homeowners, some nude, live bohemian no ritual, licked clean hands ... (as of Kandarakasuttam No. 51) ... So he forms, live specialist yourself mental suffering. Thus, the Homeowners this, called his sufferings of people self-propelled, self-propelled concentrate their suffering. And what, Homeowners, how was the sort of people who practice hard, practice hard minded people? Here is the Homeowners, someone is killing cattle butcher, the butcher is killing pigs ... (as above) ... and those who do evil for another job. Thus, the owner of the Family, called the act of suffering people, who specializes in mental suffering. And what, Homeowners, how a man after his suffering self-propelled, its specialized mental suffering, just suffering people practice, specialized mental suffering people? Here is the Homeowners, have made him king, caste Sat-insole-seat, did empowerments ... (as above) ... for fear of attack sticks, fearing danger, with the overflow tearful, crying jobs. Thus, the Homeowners this, known as self-propelled class who had his suffering, self-propelled dedicated his suffering, just suffering human operator, who specializes in mental suffering. And what, Homeowners, how are men who are not self-propelled both their pain, their suffering is not specialized in mental, has not taken suffering people, people suffering mental unspecialized; Now in the present there is no desire, no hunger, the first President, feel cool, sense pleasures, the body can stay on discounts? Here is the Homeowners, Tathagata appears in the world is the one Arhat, Right Turn Tri ... (as above) ... after abandoning these five hindrances, the defilements centered approach , intellectual work becomes feeble, he sexual ly, ly immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a state of bliss by being sexual ly, with the reach quarterfinals ... Monday ... Zen Meditation Tuesday ... Wednesday Meditation residence certificate, neutral, exhaust purification concept. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, solid, so calm, he led center-sufficient radial to intelligent network. He remembered the past life as a life, two lives ... (as above) ... so he remembered many past lives, together with the outline and details. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, solid, so calm, he led the mind, attention to intellectual direction of the birth and death of beings. He with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch their careers. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, solid so calm, he leads the mind to illegally take place radially. He said as truth: This is suffering, ... (as above) ... known as the truth: This is the way to get rid of the defilements. By understanding this, such awareness, his mind escape illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape from ignorance. For such self-liberation, arises understanding: "I have liberated". He said: "Sanh was destroyed, virtue has to, to do list, after the present life did not have any other life." Thus, the owner of the Family, called the suffering of people are not self-propelled, and not self-propelled concentrate their suffering, who do not practice hard, non-professional person mental suffering; Now in the present, no desire, no hunger, feel cool, sense pleasures, ego can stay on discounts.
When saying this, the Brahmin, Homeowners residing in Ta-la venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Dear Venerable Gotama, as the steep back what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions to them astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, the Dharma was venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. We ask refuge Venerable Gotama, French refuge and the refuge we monks Increase. Mong Ton Gotama accept us as lay people. From now until the general network, we would like to lifelong devotion.

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