Thursday 21 April 2016

104. Trading village of Sama

Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in between the Sakka (Like-ca), at Samagama (Xa-di). At the time, the Nigantha Nataputta just give that at Pava. After this position give the Nigantha, divided into two factions, split, dispute each other, debating each other and live the butts hurt each other with weapons of mouth tongue. "He does not know this law, this law is known. How can you know this law? He ties, with the Chief Justice. The word says we Samyutta, words He didn't Samyutta. Something worth saying before he said later; something worth saying, he said. His concept, the presentation has been overturning. His views have been defied. He was defeated. Please go to relieve his opinion. Please order escape the impasse if He can do it! " Looks like the Nigantha Nataputta's disciples want to against each other. The main disciples upasaka Nigantha Nataputta's White also was sick, maternity, and opposed the Nigantha, because their law was presented, claiming a clumsy way, no performance guidelines, not toward the net, no security due to its Chief Visual Class declaration, the medical Tower only has broken No, y only.
Then Sa di Cunda, after settling the rainy season in Pava, visiting Religious author Ananda in Samagama, after the Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, fake to Ananda and sat down on one side. After sitting down one side, Sa di Cunda false Religious white Ananda:
-White Corrugated, Nigantha Nataputtta had died in Pava. After this position give the Nigantha, divided into two factions ... the medical Tower only has broken, there is y only.
When I heard that, Religion author Ananda told Sa di Cunda:
This fake Gentleness, Cunda-issue worth giving to World Religion. This fake Sage Cunda, let's go audience of world Religion; After arriving, we presented this problem to World Religion knows.
-Sir, false Religion.
SA di Cunda obedient Respect author Ananda. Then the false Religion along with Ananda Sa di Cunda to go until World Religion, after the ceremony, wealthy girl, and to sit down at a party. After sitting down the side, mock Religious World Religious white: Ananda
-Transparency of world Religion, Sa di Nigantha Nataputta, "said Cunda died at Pava. After it died, the Nigantha divided into two factions ... the medical Tower only has broken, there is y only ". The White World, I think as follows: "after the World Religion enter removal, we recommend to let the debate run up between them Increases. Debating him brought to the insecurity for the majority, for the majority, lost the favor of the majority, insecurity, suffering for the species, the human species ".
-Ananda, he thought of this? The France We teach Him to the upper position, as the four anniversary of primary need, four, four, as In, Five, Seven, part eight leaders Holy Bodhi. He had seen this, Ananda, two Male-stilts for the false statement was different?
-White World, the France That Venerated him with upper position, as the four anniversary of ... (as above). The eight leaders, Holy child is not seen until two Female-stilts for this false statement. The White World, and those who would live just How Religious devotion, the health of the people after the World Religion enter, can run up the debate between them Increases, or about increasing the upper network operations, or about increasing the upper (Patimokkha-about his duty). He brought an argument for the majority, for the majority, insecurity, suffering for the species, the human species.
-Is this niggle is polemics, Ananda, i.e. (debate) about the Increase of the upper terrace of the world Increases the network or active duty. This Ananda, the debate kicked up increased them on the path (magga) or about the austerities (patipada), the debate then brought to insecurity for the majority, lost the favor of the majority, insecurity, suffering for the species, the human species.
Ananda, there are six basic in this dispute. What are the six? Here, Female-stilts outrage, anger. This Ananda, the Female-stilts would outrage, anger, she lives not respect, no respect, no living masters degree, do not respect France, respect is not living, not increase them, does not respect the fullness. This Ananda, Female-stilts would live no respect, no respect for the masters degree. (as above) ... life does not respect, not increase them, does not respect the fullness of learning, he kicked up a debate between them Increases. The debate would lead to insecurity for the majority, for the majority, lost the favor of the majority, insecurity, suffering for the species, the human species. Ananda if he saw this fundamental debate, between He or other people here, among this, Ananda, He is the essential basic evil except paragraph tons of debate. If he does not see Ananda this fundamental debate, between Him or between others; Here, he must follow an Ananda, this guide to no further progress to the future of basic evil debate. The removal of basic evil debate segment, so new there is continued progress to the future of basic evil's argument as such.
Again, the National-Ananda stilts this organised brain damage of hate ... (as above) ... handicaps quiz, San. (as above) ... time harsh, crafty ... (as above) ... evil deviant sexual comments ... (as above) ... accept its world position, bigotry, hardly convincing. This Ananda, Female-stilts would accept its world position, trying to accept hard to convince her life, no glass, no respect for the Masters Degree, no glass, no respect for France, no respect, no respect the fullness, not increase them. This Ananda, the Female-stilts would live no respect, no respect for the masters degree. (as above) ... life does not respect, not increase them, does not respect the fullness of learning, he kicked up the debate between them Increases. The debate would lead to insecurity for the majority, for the majority, lost the favor of the majority, insecurity, suffering for the species, the human species, this Ananda, if he sees the basis of such argument, among others, between him or here, this essential piece of Jin, he should Ananda except basic evil debate. If he does not see Ananda this fundamental debate, among other people, or between Him here, he must follow an Ananda, this guide to no further progress to the future of basic evil debate. The removal of basic evil debate segment, so new there is continued progress to the future of basic evil debate. This legislation, this is the basic six, Ananda disputes.
This Ananda, there are four avoidance. What are the four? To avoid the run up by debate, avoiding the run up due to the criticism, the avoidance of start up by breaking the world crime, avoiding the run up due responsibility (kiccadhikaranam: the avoidance of). This legislation, this is four, the avoidance of Ananda.
But this one had seven kills, Ananda avoid this resolution to eradicate the French start up occasionally: avoidance of judgment with the presence should be ban for (sammukhavinayo databbo: but the data does money Bhikkhu-ni), the ministerial decision should be given notion (sativinayadatabbo: Ying notion of memory data Bhikkhu-ni), ruling any si should be ban for (amulhavinayo databbo : but the real data si Bhikkhu-ni), decision depending on the confession (patinnaya karetabbam), the majority decision (yebhuya ssika: multiple friction guilty), the decision depending on the crime world (tassa papiyyasika), spread grass obscures (tinavattha rako: like rich local workshop). Ananda, how is this ruling with the presence should be ban for? Here, the National, Ananda-stilts in this dispute: "this is France, or it is illegal, or it is the law, or this is the Africa law". This Ananda, all Male-stilts are set in harmony with each other, after collection, French Regulation (dhammanetti) must be discussed, analysis. After the regulation was discussed, analyzed, here, how to achieve consistency, thus avoiding the must be addressed. So, this is the verdict, with Ananda presence; and so, here is the resolution of a number of avoidance that is used with the present judgment.
And this is how Ananda decided majority (yebbuyyasika)? Hey, if the National-Ananda stilts there can settle to avoid him at this time, she made stay Ananda, the Female-stilts there need to go to the shelter of many Female-more on stilts, in that all the Male-stilts are sociable gathered; After the set, French Regulation (dhammanetti) must be discussed, analysis. After the regulation was discussed, analyzed, here how to achieve consistency, so avoidance must be addressed. So, this is the Ananda addressed some avoid the IE user to the majority decision.
This and how the ruling, Ananda reciting the memories? Here, the National, Ananda-stilts this accused a Male-stilts about a crime like this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di, said: "the false Religion Religious remember the author had committed felonies like this does, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di?" The taste he answered as follows: "Chu Ja, I don't remember I had committed such felony, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di". As such, this decision Ananda reciting the memory need for Female-stilts. As such, this ruling is, Ananda memories. So, here is the resolution of a number of avoidance that is thanks to the ministerial decision.
This is how Ananda and ruled any si? Here, the National, Ananda-stilts this accused a Male-stilts about a crime like this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di said: "fake Religion Religious remember the author had committed felonies like this does, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di?" The taste he answered as follows: "Chu Ja, I don't remember I had committed such felony, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di". Male-on stilts was (the Male-stilts) cornered pressed to confess: "fake Religion know to clear, if false Religion has in mind have felony offense such as this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di". Female-stilts he replied as follows: "this Gentle, I have been madly a vassal state of si, my mind crazy island; because I went so much, the si was I doing, I say not Sa-happy subjects. Because the si-mad, I don't remember doing so ". This Ananda, ruling any si need for Female-stilts. So, this is the real deal French si, Ananda. And so, here is the resolution of a number of legal avoidance, i.e. any ruling thanks to si.
This is how Ananda and decide according to confess? Here this, Ananda, accused or not accused, Female-stilts remember a world of sins, shows, presentations. Female-stilts are to a Female-stilts are older, up to the shoulder on one side, wealthy girl y 24-foot position, sitting knees the legs, accept the hand and says the following: "fake Religion, I have White about crime of name like this, now please repent". Male-on stilts goes as follows: "do you see?" -"I have seen"-"He has maintained in the future?" -"I will maintain". As such, this decision is, according to Ananda to confess, so, here is the resolution of a number of avoidance that is thanks to decide according to their confession.
This is how Ananda and decide depending on world crime of the offense? Here, the National, Ananda-stilts this accused a Male-stilts about a crime like this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di, said: "the false Religion Religious remember the author had committed felonies like this does, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di?" The taste he answered as follows: "Chu Ja, I don't remember I had committed such felony, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di". Male-on stilts was (the Male-stilts) cornered pressed to be revealed: "fake Religion know to clear, if false Religion has in mind have felony offense such as this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di?" Female-stilts she answered: "I don't remember the Sage, the phrase I have a felony offense such as this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di. Chu Ja, I remember I have a misdemeanor offense like this. " Male-on stilts was (the Male-stilts) a mighty pressure shows: "fake Religion know to clear, if false Religion remember committing felonies like this, or Ba-la-di or near Three-la-di?". The taste he answered as follows: "Divine Sage oil, no one asked, I will confess to have misdemeanor offense like this, how can I, when people ask me, do not confess have felony offense such as this, or the three la di, or almost three-la-di?" Other say the following: "this Gentle, He had this misdemeanor offense oil, if asked, He would not confess, how when have committed felonies like this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di, if asked, he could confess? False religion know to clear, if false Religion remember committing felonies like this does, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di? " The taste he answered as follows: "Chu Ja, I remember, I have a felony offense such as this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di. What I have said so, that is to say, what I have said so to laugh (rava?) I don't remember I had committed felonies like this, or Ba-la-di, or almost three-la-di ". As such, this decision is, according to Ananda about guilty people. And so, here is the resolution of a number of avoiding sin, i.e. thanks to decide according to the crime world.
And this is how the grass cover, Ananda obscures? Here, in this, a number of National Ananda-stilts live dispute, controversy, debate with each other, have more work done, said not Sa-happy subjects. All Male-stilts to gather with each other. After the gathering, a Female-smart stilts have experienced more of a faction, female-stilts, from stand up seating, up to the shoulder on one side, y pieced together hand-Bach, increase them, said: "Chu Ton, Increasing them. When we lived in disputes, controversy, debate with each other, much work was done, said not Sa-happy subjects. If we increase the view is right, I'm shows any world of the Religion of this imitation and any world my SIN. For the sake of false Religion and lettered for the benefit for itself, I would like to express highway between them Increases, as the grass spread out, except the felony, excluding renunciation-related crimes ". Then a Male-smart Group's experience on stilts, female-stilts, from stand up seating, up to the shoulder on one side, the y accept hand-Bach increase them, said: "Chu Ton, Increasing them. When we lived in disputes, controversy, debate with each other. (as above) ... except the crimes related to immigration. " As such, this is grass cover, Ananda obscures, and so, here is the resolution of a number of avoided France, thanks to the spread of grass obscures.
Ananda, there are six possible this this anniversary, last into the revered author, stylishly, taken to reunite, don't argue, harmony, uniformity. What are the six? Here, this billion-on stilts, an Ananda stay from the fuselage, for career offenders, uncrowded and crowded place. This notion of possibility, last into the revered author, stylishly brought to reunite, don't argue, harmony, uniformity. And again, this Ananda, Female-stilts an stay from password ... (as above) .... And again, this Ananda, Female-stilts an stay from Italy for career offenders, uncrowded and crowded place. Available this notion formed the revered author, stylishly, taken to reunite, don't argue, harmony, uniformity ". And again, this prime facility, with all Ananda as France, all the right nutrients beneficial to the French leader in Bowl, National life-on stilts was the san sharing the beneficial nutrients, so enjoy life with the offenders have about Germany. This notion of availability also formed the revered author, stylishly, taken to reunite, don't argue, harmony, uniformity. And again, this Act, any Ananda, not chipped, not, not, not stain Bhikkhu defile, freed, was the place to scatter the exclamation, not accept player, brought to meditation, Female-stilts live achievements the precepts as such along with the happy Middle Eastern accomplices who premises and uncrowded. This notion of availability also formed the revered author, stylishly, taken to reunite, don't argue, harmony, uniformity. And again, this tri, any comments Ananda Holy, taken to export glass, leads to the Chief Justice, the chon TAM kill suffering for those who practice according to, Female-stilts live achievements the voters opinion as such together with the front seat East almond accomplices and uncrowded spot. This notion of availability also formed the revered author, stylishly brought to reunite, don't argue, sociable, homogeneous.
This notion, this six-unlawful Ananda become the revered author, stylishly, taken to reunite, don't argue, sociable, homogeneous. Ananda, if he maintains the life of this and practice six this unlawful, this time Ananda, he observed the speech, or rough, or caused him to not be able kham rings?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Therefore, this life, please and Ananda practice six this unlawful, so will put his peace and lasting happiness.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Ananda Religion teaches.

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