Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, Jetavana, at Vihara He Anathapindika. Here Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey, monks.
- Buddha.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted lecture as follows:
- Hey, monks, most species have sexual beings like this, with such desire and wish like this: "Oh, hope that the legal impossibility of love, impossible to touch, impossible reviews are destroyed! We hope that the legal endearing, pleasurable, attention is likely to grow! "This, monks, oil for sexual beings had thus has such aspirations, wishes so, but the law impossible love, impossible optimism, growth impossible standard; the endearing approach, communication ability, the ability of reviews is destroyed. Here, the monks, the people you know for what reason?
- Buddha, for us, the Exalted based approach as fundamental leadership towards Bhagavan, Bhagavan did the refuge itself. Buddha, Bhagavan good replacement if this sense preaches! After hearing the Exalted, the monks will practice.
- So this, monks, listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted lecture as follows:
- Here, the monks, others ordinary uncultured, not go to the sages, not legal maturity of the saint, not the legal practice of the sages, not go to Chan's levels, not net Chan's legal maturity levels, not the legal practice of Chan's level, do not know the law should serve, not aware of the law should not serve, do not know the law so close, do not know the law is not should close. Because do not know the law should serve, not aware of the law should not serve, do not know the law so close, do not know the law is not so close, the legal service should not serve, legal service should not serve, close to the French should not close, not close to the law should close. This taste for legal service should not serve, not serve the law should serve, as a close neighbor of the law should not, do not close the procedure should be close, so the legal impossibility of love, impossible optimism, the growing impossibility; the endearing approach, communication ability, the ability of reviews is destroyed. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has no place for this approach. And this, monks, the Holy Multicultural disciples went to the sages, the sages legal maturity, the sages legal practice, go to the Career Chan's, master's Legs legal levels, practice Chan's legal levels, know the law should serve, know the law should not serve, know the law so close, to know the law should not close. For they knew the law should serve, know the law should not serve, know the law so close, do not know the inner law, the legal service should serve, not serve the legal should not serve, close to the law should close, not close to the law should not close. This taste for legal service should serve, not serve the law should not serve, close to the law should close, not close to the law should not be close, so the legal impossibility of love, impossible optimism , impossibility of reviews is destroyed; the endearing approach, pleasurable, attention is likely to grow. Why? Thus the monks, is because he has position on this law.
This, monks, there are four practice. Which four? This, monks, with the current practice of suffering, future pain and retribution. This, monks, the current practice of suffering, lost future retribution. This, monks, with the current practice of communications, future suffering retribution. This, monks, with the current practice and future communications also optimistic retribution.
Here, the monks, this is the current practice and future pain and suffering retribution. Because no mind with this approach, because delusion, no insight as truth: "This is the current practice and future pain and suffering retribution". Because no mind to this method, by ignorance, by no insight as truth, should serve this law, not circumvent this law. Since this legal serve, because not avoid this method, so for this position, the compassionate legal impossibility, impossible to touch, impossible the growth; the endearing approach, communication ability, the ability of reviews is destroyed. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has no place for this approach. Here, the monks, this is the current practice of optimistic future suffering retribution. Because no mind with this approach, because it is not known delusion as truth: "This is the current practice of communications, future suffering retribution". Because no mind to this method, by ignorance, by no insight as truth, should serve this law, not circumvent this law. Since this legal serve, because not avoid this method, so for this position, the compassionate legal impossibility, impossible to touch, impossible the growth; the endearing approach, communication ability, the ability of reviews is destroyed. Why? Thus the monks, is because he has no place for this approach. Here, the monks, this is the current practice of suffering, lost future retribution. Because no mind with this approach, because ignorance should no insight as truth: "This is the current practice of suffering, lost future retribution." Because no mind to this method, by ignorance, by no insight as truth, should not serve this method, avoid this method. Since this method does not serve, avoid this method, so for this position, the compassionate legal impossibility, impossible optimism, the growing impossibility; the endearing approach, communication ability, the ability of reviews is destroyed. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has no position on this legal? Here, the monks, it is the current practice of communication, the future communication and retribution. Because no mind with this approach, because delusion, no insight as truth: "This is the current practice and future communications also optimistic retribution". Because no mind to this method, by ignorance, by no insight as truth, should not serve this method, avoid this method. Since this method does not serve, because this legal dodge, so for this position, the compassionate legal impossibility, impossible optimism, the growing impossibility; the endearing approach, communication ability, the ability of reviews is destroyed. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has no place for this approach.
Here, the monks, this is the current practice and future pain and suffering retribution. Due to the legal position of this, mind-wise, this taste like feet insight: "The practice of the present and future pain and suffering retribution". Due to the legal position of this, mind-wise, because such knowledge the feet, this position does not serve this method, avoid this method. Do not serve this approach, so avoid this method, the affinity legal impossibility, impossible to touch, impossible standard destroyed; the endearing approach, pleasurable, the growth possibilities. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has position on this law. Here, the monks, this is the current practice of communications, future suffering retribution. Due to the legal position of this, mind-wise, this taste like feet insight: "This current practice of communications, future suffering retribution". Due to the legal position of this, mind-wise, because such knowledge the truth, may not serve this method, avoid this method. Do not serve this approach, so avoid this method, the affinity legal impossibility, impossible to touch, impossible to destroy reviews; the endearing approach, pleasurable, the growth possibilities. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has position on this law. Here, the monks, this is the current practice of suffering, lost future retribution. Due to the location of this approach, because the mind is clear, this taste like feet insight: "France is now suffering retribution optimistic future." Due to the location of this approach, because the mind is clear, because such knowledge the truth, the legal service, do not avoid this approach. Due to this legal serve, not circumvent this law, the legal impossibility of loving, optimistic impossible, impossible standard to destroy; the endearing approach, pleasurable, the growth possibilities. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has position on this law. Here, the monks, this is the current practice and future communications also optimistic retribution. Due to the legal position of this, mind-wise, this taste like feet insight: "The practice of the present and future communication also optimistic retribution". Due to the legal position of this, mind-wise, because such knowledge the truth, the legal service, do not avoid this approach. Due to this legal served, not avoided by this method, the affinity legal impossibility, impossible optimism, impossible standard destroy; the endearing approach, pleasurable, the growth possibilities. Why? So, this, monks, is because he has position on this law.
This, monks, how is the current practice and future pain and suffering retribution? Here, the monks, someone with suffering, with pros, killing, and killing conditioned, offers hard feelings; with suffering, with the advantages of not taking to, and conditioned by taking what is not given, pain sensations advantages; with suffering, with the advantages of living under sexual misconduct, and live by conditions in sexual misconduct, feel unpleasant advantages; with suffering, with pros say term outlook, and expectations conditioned by language say, unpleasant feeling superiority; with suffering, with pros say two tongues, and say good-conditioned double-edged, hard feelings superiority; with suffering, with pros, saying evil words, and conditioned by language saying evil, pain sensations advantages; with suffering, with pros, say frivolous and conditioned to say frivolous, feel unpleasant advantages; with suffering, with pros, with craving, and conditioned with craving, suffering advantages sensations; with suffering, with pros with anger, and anger conditioned with unpleasant feelings superiority; with suffering, with pros have wrong views, and conditioned by feelings of suffering wrong priority. He shared network damage after the body, being in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Thus, the monks, called the current practice of suffering, future pain and retribution.
This, monks, how is the current practice of communications, future suffering retribution? Here, the monks, someone with optimism, with joy, conditioned by killing and killing, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, giving and taking what is not conditioned by taking what is not given, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, living in sexual misconduct, and live by conditions in sexual misconduct, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, saying expectations languages, and expectations conditioned by language say, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, saying the two tongues, and say good-conditioned double-edged feeling bliss and joy; with optimism, with joy, saying bad words and bad language by saying grace, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, saying frivolous, and by the word frivolous charm, optimism and joy of feeling; with optimism, with joy, with craving and conditioned with craving, feeling optimistic and happy, with optimism, with joy, with anger, and conditioned with anger, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, with viewpoints and viewpoints by conditions there, feeling lost and joy. Damage to your body after public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, hell of deprivation. Thus, the monks, called the current practice of communications, future suffering retribution.
And this, monks, how is the practice currently suffering, lost future retribution? Here, the monks, someone to suffer with the pros, renounce killing, and killing conditioned abandon unpleasant feeling superiority; with suffering, with pros, abandoning taking what is not given, and conditioned not to give up taking the advantage of feeling pain; with suffering, with advantages, renounce sexual misconduct in, and by the coast abandon sexual misconduct in, feeling pain superiority; with suffering, with pros say abandon hope abandon language and conditioned to say thank unpleasant prospect given language; with suffering, with advantages, renounce say two blades, and conditioned by two blades give up say, unpleasant feeling superiority; with suffering, with advantages, renounce evil language say, and by the coast abandon evil language say, unpleasant feeling superiority; with suffering, with pros, abandon frivolous word, and a word conditioned abandon vanity, superiority feeling pain; with suffering, with pros, abandon craving, and conditioned abandon craving, suffering advantages sensations; with suffering, with advantages, renounce anger, and by the coast abandon anger, pain sensations advantages; with suffering, with pros, abandon wrong, and wrong conditioned abandon, feeling pain pros. He shared network damage after the body, being in good fun, Heaven, this world. Thus the monks, called the current practice of suffering, lost future retribution.
This, monks, how is the current practice and future communications also optimistic retribution? Here, the monks, someone with optimism, with joy, give up killing and killing by charming abandon, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, abandoning taking what is not given, and conditioned by taking what is not to give up, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, abandon the sexual misconduct of, and conditioned by abandoning sexual misconduct in, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, abandon hope word to say, and say good-conditioned abandon hope languages, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, abandon the double-edged word, and say good-conditioned double-edged abandoned, lost feeling and joy; with optimism, with joy, abandon evil speech, and conditioned renounce evil language say, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, abandon frivolous to say, and say good-conditioned abandon frivolous, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, no craving, and conditioned by no craving, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, with no interest and conditioned golf without golf mind, feeling optimistic and joy; with optimism, with joy, with right understanding and right view by charming, optimistic feelings and joy. He, after the body damage the public network, being on friendly animals, Heaven, this world. Thus, the monks, called the current practice and future communications also optimistic retribution.
This, monks, such as pumpkin bitter poison. Then a man to want to live, want not die, preferred communication, hostility hate suffering, and someone told him the following: "Hey you, pumpkin this bitter poison, if you want, eat. While eating, you do not get excited about excellence, the aroma, the taste. After eating, you can go to die or suffer almost dead ". He can eat without thinking, without abandon. While eating, he will not be interested in colors, the flavors, the taste. After eating, the person died, or suffered almost died. This, monks, I say this practice examples like that, that is the current practice and future pain and suffering retribution.
This, monks, such as a water bottle containing copper, colored, flavor, taste, and drinking water was laced with poison. Then a man comes, want to live, want not die, want to preferred communication, hostility hate suffering. And someone said to him as follows: "Hey you, this drinking water containing copper average, with colors, smells, tastes, and drinking water was laced with poison. If you want, take it. While drinking, you will be excited about the color, the flavor, the taste. After drinking, you can go to die or suffer almost dead ". The other person can drink, not to think, not to give up. While drinking, he was excited about the color, the flavor, the taste. After drinking, he or she can go to die or suffer almost died. This, monks, I say this practice examples like that, that is the current practice of communications, future suffering retribution.
This, monks, such as ammonia are mixed multiple medications. Then someone comes along, jaundice disease, and someone told him the following: "Hey you, ammonia is mixed with a variety of drugs. If you want, take it. While drinking, you do not get excited about excellence, the aroma, the taste. But after drinking, you will be at peace. " He can drink, after thinking, no waiver. While drinking, he will not be interested in colors, the flavors, the taste. But after drinking, he was at peace. This, monks, I say this practice examples like that, that is the current practice of suffering, lost future retribution.
This, monks, such as peanuts, honey, sugar bowl and mix mastered together. Then there are people who go to dysentery. And someone said to him as follows: "Hey you, this is peanuts, honey, sugar bowl and mix mastered together. If you want, take it. While drinking, you will be excited about the color, the flavor, the taste. After drinking, you will be at peace. " The other person can drink, after thinking, no waiver. While drinking, the other person is interested in identity, the aroma, the taste. After drinking, the other is peace. This, monks, I say this practice examples like that, that is the current practice of communication, the future communication and retribution. This, monks, such as in the last months of the rainy season, fall, harvest, when the skies are clear, not cloudy, and the sun rises in the sky, dark wiping across nowhere, and shining, burning bright and shining. Also, the monks, the current practice of communication, the future is optimistic and retribution, after wiping the simple theory of recluses, Brahmin trivial, shining, burning bright and brighten.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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