Monday 18 April 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religious travel in Kosala country along with our Male-stilts, and go to a village She-la-Mon of Kosala, named Opasada. World Religion stay in Opasada, in the forest of Chu (Devavana), forest-la (Talavana), North of the village of Opasada. At the time, Ba-la-Canki subjects stay in Opasada, a place populated, tree, pond, fertile rice paddies, a local Kingdom led by King Pasenadi, King of Kosala, a charismatic, a net of Hamlet. The Ba-la-owner in Opasada was heard: "Sa-keeper Gotama. (as an economic Ratthapala, no. 82, pp. 497-498 Thullakotthita Word by word instead of Opasada) ... audience an A-la-Han as such ". Then the She-la-Mon in Opasada, homeowners groups, each Corps droves going out of Opasada and to the North, forests Chu, forest-la. At the time, Ba-la-Canki subjects go up upstairs to lunch. BA-la-Canki subjects see the Ba-la-Mon in Opasada homeowners groups, each Corps droves going out of Opasada and to the North of the forest of Chu, forest-la. Thus, She-la-Canki subjects and he called gratuities:
-This door, why She-la-Mon in Opasada homeowners groups, each Corps droves going out of Opasada and to the North, forests Chu, forest-la?
-Mr. Suen Canki, have fake Sa-subject line, Like Gotama-ca, spice from the clan Like-ca are traveling in Kosala country. (as an economic Ratthapala the number 82, 497 pages) Theravada Buddhism, The Dominant Religion. Now who's going to mock Religious audience Gotama.
-This door, go to the Ba-la-Mon owner in Opasada, when arriving, please speak with the She-la-home subjects: "She-la-Mon Canki has said:" this the Sage pundits, let's wait. BA-la-Mon Canki will itself act until Sa-keeper Gotama ".
At the time, there are about five hundred She-la, from many different local, come in Opasada because a couple of acts. The Ba-la-keeper heard: "She-la-Canki subjects will take audience Sa-keeper Gotama". The Ba-la-he disciplines her-la-Mon Canki, when to complete, with Sir sailings-la-Canki subjects:
-There are the fake Religious Canki will until Sa-keeper Gotama?
-The Sage pundits, it is the intention of the us. We will until the Sa-keeper Gotama.
-Ton fake Canki, shalt not there until Sa-keeper Gotama. It is not worthy for the fake Religious Canki until Sa-Gotama subjects; on the contrary, it deserves for Sa-keeper until the fake Religious Canki Gotama. Again, the false Religion of birth sample both from friendly Canki heating system and heating system, the blood purity until seven extra nest life not be a stain, not a problem about slurs the life blood of birth. Because false Religious charity Canki birth both from templates and system generation, blood purity until seven extra nest life, not be a stain, not a criticism about the life birth blood problems. By this point, it's not worthy for the fake Religious Canki until Sa-Gotama subjects; on the contrary, it deserves for Sa-keeper until Her unlawful Gotama-la-Canki subjects. Again, false Religious Canki is home to the wealthy, the rich, the affluent ... (as above). Again, false Religious Canki is home to home maintenance, satire, understanding three Vedas with nominal, rituals, language resources, references and history tradition is Thursday, understand grammar and grammar, rhetoric about how the Agreement conclusion and General officers. False religion, stylishly handsome Canki, pleases people, with the skin color enemies won, handsome, elegant gesture, posture is high. False religion had sex, mature Canki in almond, achievements in world growth. The fake religious language, user friendly Canki language, friendly words say elegant, transparent, meaning non-voice babbling phều cornices, explain the meaning of logical proving correct. False respect is Respect of lawyers ranks Canki studying many, taught three hundred young She-la-litigation binge reading. To honor King Pasenadi of Kosala Canki is fake, fetish, admire, respect, homage. False religion Canki is She-la-Mon Pokkarasati regards, fetish, admire, respect, homage. False religion Canki lives in Opasada, a local people crowded, grass tree, pond, fertile rice well off, a territory of the United Kingdom, a laboratory, a net of King Pasenadi Kosala country charismatic. Because of that false Religion Canki live in Opasada ... (as above). By this point, it's not worthy for the fake Religious Canki until Sa-Gotama subjects; on the contrary, it deserves for Sa-keeper until false Respect unlawful Canki Gotama.
Heard that, She-la-Mon Canki told the Ba-la-Mon:
-The Sage pundits please hear me explain why truth worthy for us until the Sa-Gotama subjects; on the contrary, it's not worthy for Sa-keeper Gotama until we. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-friendly birth sample from Gotama subjects heating system and heating system, the blood purity until seven extra nest life, not be a stain, not a problem about slurs the life blood of birth. By this point it is not worthy for Sa-keeper until Gotama we, on the contrary, it is worthy for us until the Sa-keeper Gotama. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper Gotama renunciation, abandoning a lot of gold and silver, all types are buried under the soil and above ground types. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper Gotama in the young age, the hair is still black branches, in the early years of childhood, was his abandoned family, living with his family. The Sage pundits, indeed Sa – Mon Gotama, oil song differ, weeping, tears wet the entire face, hair removal, shaving still capped KESA, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper Gotama handsome, stylishly, pleases everyone with skin-colored enemies won, handsome, elegant gesture, posture is high. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-subjects have happy world, preserve Gotama world's ranks of Saints, good faith, full of friendly German in Germany. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-Mon language, user friendly Word friendly Gotama, elegant Word, the meaning of transparency, non-voice babbling, towards phều, explained the meaning of logical proving correct. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper is studying the order ranks Gotama studying of many people. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper Gotama has destroyed, taking part in eliminating all the agitation of the mind. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-subjects of industrial undertakings, Gotama advocates of action, focused on JEE when the sermon with them She-la-Mon. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper Gotama renunciation from noble race, from their line-the Roman Empire-the capital of purity. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper Gotama renunciation from race quite fake, great property, rich fullness. The Sage pundits, indeed, thousands of sea ice people (through many local, through many degrees) to ask Sa Scout-keeper Gotama. The Sage pundits, indeed, there are thousands of personal Bias to Medical Marijuana rules-Mon Gotama. The Sage pundits, indeed, a good reputation after it is transmitted on the Sa-keeper Gotama: "He is So Religious, A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Friendly Tournament, World, Sergeant, Dwell Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Professor, Buddha, World Religion". The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-keeper Gotama has the full thirty-two general good of the University. The Sage pundits, indeed, King Bimbisara Seniya water Magadha, along with Prince, Consort, the parts are attributed y Sa-keeper Gotama. The Gentle, King Pasenadi Kosala country indeed, along with wife, concubine, the parts are attributed to y Sa-keeper Gotama. The Sage pundits, indeed, Ba-la-Pokkharasati subjects along with the children, my wife, the pundits are refuge Sa-keeper Gotama. The Sage pundits, indeed, Sa-Mon Opasada, now has to Gotama are in Opasada North of Opasada, in the forest of Chu, forest-la. The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects would come to rice field villages we are all our guests. For guests, we have to respect, admire, worship, homage, esteem. The Sage pundits, now Sa-subjects, now in Opasada have come to Gotama in Opasada, North of Opasada, in the forest of Chu, forest-la. Sa-so is our guests Gotama subjects. And already, we have to respect, admire, fetish, glasses, esteem. By this point, it's not worthy for the fake Religious Gotama until we, on the contrary, it is worthy for us to mock Religious audience Gotama. The Sage pundits, is that the advantages that one gets to know about the fake Religious Gotama. False religion had not Oh Gotama advantages only. False religion has immeasurable advantages to Gotama.
The Sage pundits, with just an advantage, it is not worthy for the fake Religious Gotama until we; really worthy for us until the fake Religious Gotama. So we all go to the audience the fake Religious Gotama.
Then She-la-Canki subjects, along with Mrs. mass-la-go to world Religion, after coming up with the Religious World say Welcome to enquire, after talking up the people who welcome dear asking and then sat down on one side. At the time That Religion was sitting up and talking with those She-la-upper Chief subjects dear to the words on this issue, the other issues. When she had Her youth-la-Kapathika name subjects, young, shaved head, sixteen years old, from new birth, understood three Vedas with nominal, rituals, language resources, references and history tradition is Thursday, understand grammar and grammar, about how the Agreement conclusion and General officers, this young man sitting between the assemblies. This youth is sometimes cut off conversations between the Religious and the She-la-Chief subjects. Religious youth rebuke then She-la-Kapathika subject:
-Sudhakar author Bharadvaja, shalt not cut conversations of the She-la-Chief subjects. Sage author Bharadvaja wait until the story ends.
When I heard that, She-la-Bach Canki subjects Like Religion:
-Ton fake Gotama, shalt not have reprimanded Her youth-la-Mon Kapathika. Her youth-la-Mon Kapathika is the Friendly South. Her youth-la-Mon Kapathipa is multicultural. Her youth-la-Mon Kapathika fine friendly spokesman. And young She-la-Mon Kapathia is there. And young She-la-Kapathika subjects can talk with the false Religious issues in n y Gotama.
World Religious thought as follows: "really young She-la-Mon Kapathika have understood three Vedas, and the She-la-Mon respect this person". And young She-la – Kapathika subjects, think thus: "When would Sa-keeper Gotama retrieved eyes eyes I asked Sa-keeper Gotama". And World Religion with its mind knows the mind of the young She-la – Kapathika subjects successively retrieved eyes look young She-la-Mon Kapathika. Her youth-la-Mon Kapathika thoughts: "Sa-keeper Gotama intently, so we ask Sa-Mon Gotama a question". Then young She-la-Kapathika subjects of the White World Religion:
-Dear fake Religion multi-step spells, Gotama (mantapadam) of the ancient Ba-la-medical disciplines for the rumors, and Holy tradition. And here, the Ba-la-subjects sure to come to the conclusion: "it is Only the truth, there were mistakes." Here, Religion author Gotama say?
-But this had, Bharadvaja-la-band between Ba-la-keeper said: "I know this, I found this. Only this is true, there were mistakes. "
-Ladies no fake, Gotama.
-But this one, a Religious Professor Bharadvaja would of She-la, to the position of Professor of Religion studying back to seven years, the greatest Religion Professor has said the following: "Only this is true, there were mistakes"?
-Ladies no fake, Gotama.
-But hey, the Oldtimer Bharadvaja hermit between She-la, the author of the note, the canopy, the proceedings of the House sang, spoke up, has collected the Scriptures which call now the She-la-current subjects also sing up, speak up, read up like the first did. Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva as, Vessamitta, Yamatagggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, he said the following: "Only this is true, there were mistakes"?
-Ladies no fake, Gotama.
-So this Bharadvaja, don't have a Ba-la-keeper would say so with a Ba-la-Mon: "I know this, I found this. Only this is true, there were mistakes. " Not a Ton of the lawyers She-la-m a n, a Religious University Professor, to seven years, the Religion Professor has to say: "I know this, I found this. Only this is true, there were mistakes. " Oldtimer the hermit, between Mrs.-la-Mon, the author of the note, the canopy, the proceedings of the House sang, spoke up, has collected the Saints today, and call the Ba-la-current subjects also sang up, speak up like the first did. Attaka Vamaka, Vamadeva, as, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, what he didn't say: "we know this, we see this. Only this is true, in addition we are both wrong ". Such as this, Bharadvaja, a chain of back hug each other blind people, who do not see, who don't see well, the middle is finally not see; This, too, Bharadvaja. I think that, words of the Ba-la-subjects just like the blind chain: who does not see, the Middle sees no end, who also was also not found. Bharadvaja, he thought this? The event is so, have to trust your Grandma-la-subjects become unfounded?
-Dear fake Religion, Ba-la-Gotama subjects not only based on trust, the Ba-la-subject here is also based on article listen (text: anussava).
-First of all this, he goes to the trust, Bharadvaja, now He comes to customized van. This year, Bharadvaja, this has two results immediately in the present. What is the year? Discretionary trusts, Hy, customized text, consider reflecting the reason and accept the views. This year, Bharadvaja, this has two results immediately in the present. This, however, has been cleverly, Bharadvaja believes, can be the empty, empty, frivolous. On the contrary, has not been trusted, the affidavit may be the truth, the legs, do not change. Again this has been cleverly, Bharadvaja customized Hy ... (as above) ... be cleverly customized van ... (as above) ... was cleverly thinking considerations ... (as above) ... be smart to accept may be empty, empty, frivolous. On the contrary, have not been able to accept the affidavit is true, foot, does not change. Households maintained the truth of this, Bharadvaja enough not to have a place to go to a one-way conclusion is: "Only this is true, there were mistakes."
-But ladies fake Religious Gotama, to what extent is the households maintained the truth? To this extent, the truth be households maintained? We asked the fake Religious Gotama about households maintain truth.
-If someone had, Bharadvaja, this trust and said: "this is my faith," she households maintained the truth, but he does not come to a conclusion: "this is Just the truth, there were mistakes." Until this, Bharadvaja, so is the households maintained the truth. For such truths are households. And so as such, we advocate households maintain truth. But here, not the enlightenment of truth. If there are people, Bharadvaja, this pleasing options this Bharadvaja, if any, Hy people have customized text; If there are people, Bharadvaja, this consideration reflecting the reasons; Bharadvaja, if this person accept an opinion and said: "this is my point of acceptance", the households maintained the truth. But he did not go to a one-way conclusion: "Only this is true, there is a mistake". Until this, Bharadvaja, such as households maintained the truth. Until this, Bharadvaja, so we advocate households and to so this, our school master, Bharadvaja households maintain truth. But here is not the enlightenment of truth.
-To Respect, so let's assume Gotama is households maintain truth. So so false Religion, Gotama, truth be households. So so false Religion, we see Gotama households maintain truth. But Mr. Ton pseudo Gotama, to what extent is the enlightenment of truth? To this extent the truth be enlightened? We asked the fake Religious enlightenment of Gotama the truth?
-Here, Bharadvaja, this Male-stilts lived near a village or a town. An owner or an owner's son go to taste and learn her taste in three France, i.e. taking France, France, France, si. People think: "do not understand the position he had fake craving Respect or not, due to this position, the craving he dominated so much that the oil does not know still said:" I know ", oil still says:" I see, "or inducing others to take actions cause him not to be happy, have to suffer the long term". While considering the position, this person said the following: "no false Religion which France, due to take part in this center he taste the French dominated so much that the oil does not know still said:" I know ", oil still says:" I see "; or inducing others to take actions cause him not to be happy, have to suffer long. Its stems, so she is like that, is the Act of a person who has no greed. Did she fake Religious sermon, France's profound, difficult to see, hard evidence, President, enemy WINS, beyond such logic, subtle, are the accepted position; France could not do a manual teaching greed. " After considering her position and seeing her clean no French, the other the back look more about the taste of France: "do not understand the position of false Religion then there France or not, because the mind's position, France dominated so much that the oil does not know still said:" I know ", oil still comes "I see", or inducing others to take actions cause him not to be happy, have to suffer the long term ". While considering the position, this person said the following: "no the false Religion of France, by the French, the mind's position dominated so much that the oil does not know still said:" I know ", oil still says:" I see ", or inducing another person to take the action, making him not to be happy , must suffer long. Its stems, so she is like that, is the Act of a person who has no heart. Did she fake Religious sermon, France's profound, difficult to see, hard evidence, President, enemy WINS, beyond such logic, the delicate, the position accepted, France he can't do a person have a clever pitch ". After considering her position and seeing her clean, no French, the other the back look more about positioning the si: "do not understand the fake Religious he si France or not, due to the si's mind, he dominated so much that the oil is not known, still said:" I know ", oil still comes "I see", or inducing others to take action makes him not happy, have to suffer the long term ". While considering the position, this person said the following: "no false Respect the French French by si, si, the center position he dominated so much that the oil is not known, still said:" I know, "not seeing oil, still said," I see ", or inducing another person to take the action makes him not happy , must suffer long. Its stems, so she is like that, is the Act of a person who does not have a si. Did she fake Religious sermon, France's profound, difficult to see, hard evidence, President, enemy WINS, beyond such logic, the delicate, the position accepted, France he can't do a person have si manual ". After considering her position and seeing her clean, no si this person contentious trust France where he, with faith being, this person comes close, when to the near mainland close intercourse, due to the close dealings, so slang, slang, he heard of France, after the hearing, the French maintained life sailings , and then find out the meaning of life are maintained; While understanding the meaning, the French are Hy accept; When the French are accepted, the wedding desire being, when desire instant delivery attempt, after successive attempts to consider, after pondering, her essential needs. While the essential needs, he meets the Supreme testimony itself, and when the truth can enter the truth with wisdom, he found. To this extent, Bharadvaja enlightenment is this truth, to this extent, the truth was enlightened, and to this extent, we advocate the enlightenment of truth, but so is not proof of reaching the truth.
-Until such false Religion, Gotama, enlightened truth, for truth, so to be enlightened, and so we see enlightenment truths. But Mr. Ton pseudo Gotama, to what extent is the proven reach truth, to what extent truth is reached. We asked the fake Religious truth achieved proof of Gotama.
-Main, Bharadvaja training thanks to This, practice and exercise many times, new truth is reached. So as such, Bharadvaja, is proof of this truth, to attain so, truth is reached, so so, we advocate the presence of reaching the truth.
-To Respect, such as reach, Gotama fake truth, until such a truth is reached, and as such, we see evidence of reaching the truth. But in the presence of reaching the truth, false Religion been operating maintenance, Gotama much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in the presence of reaching the truth, France would be much maintenance action.
-In the presence of reaching the truth, this action should be an essential maintenance Bharadvaja. If not the essential need to (pursue) truth cannot achieve proof of truth. But if the essential need of the symptoms reach the truth. Therefore, in the presence of reaching the truth, the essential need to be maintained more onions.
-In the essential need, your fake Religion been operating maintenance, Gotama much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in the essential need much maintenance action to be French.
-In the essential need for this consideration, Bharadvaja, are maintained. If not impossible to weigh the essential need to (pursue) truth. If there are considerations will be essential needs; Thus, in the essential need, consider are maintained.
-In consideration, your fake Religion been operating maintenance, Gotama much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in his considerations, France would be much maintenance action.
-In consideration of this, Bharadvaja, try to be more maintenance action. If not try the impossible to consider. But if there are attempts to consider; therefore in considerations, then try to be much maintenance action.
-In the attempt, the false Religious practice been maintained, Gotama much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in the attempt, France would be much maintenance action.
-In this effort are desire, Bharadvaja maintained much. If the desire for truth's not starting up then there is no try. Because of the desire to have a start up should be attempted, therefore, in the attempt, the desire to be more maintenance action.
-In desire, Mr. Suen been operating maintenance Gotama fake much? We would like to ask fake Religion in France, desire, Gotama would be much maintenance action.
-In wish this, Bharadvaja, French administration accepted the wedding Festival maintained much. If not, the French accepted the wedding Festival desires not starting up. Because the wedding Festival accepted France should desire to start up; Thus, in the desire to be accepted the wedding Festival, cruise maintained much.
-But in thrilled to accept the false Religion, France French action to be maintained, Gotama much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in accepting thrilled France, France would be much maintenance action.
-In thrilled to accept this France, Bharadvaja, learn the meaning are maintained. If not learn the meaning doesn't accepted the wedding Festival in France. And because there is learn the meaning should be the acceptance; Therefore, in accepting thrilled France, learn the meaning are maintained.
-But in the learn the meaning of false Religion, Gotama, France would be released much maintenance? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in the understanding of meaning, France would be much maintenance action.
-In the search to understand the meaning of this life, Bharadvaja, French various administrative maintenance. If there is no French, no maintenance life find out the meaning. And because life has maintained France, should learn the meaning; Therefore, in the search to understand the meaning, the French are keeping many maintenance life.
-In the French Religious life maintenance, Mr. Jia Gotama, France would be released much maintenance? In France, our maintenance life asked the fake Religious practice been maintained, Gotama.
-In the French maintenance life, Bharadvaja, hear this Act be maintained. If not heard of France have maintained longevity in France. And because listening to France should have maintained longevity in France; Thus, in the French, the French are hearing maintenance service life in operating maintenance and more.
-In the French heard, my false Religious practice been maintained, Gotama much? We asked author Respect the French hearing, Gotama, France would be much maintenance action.
-In the heard this France, Bharadvaja, slang are various ear. If there is no slang, no ear has heard of France. And because the ear should hear French slang; Thus, in the listening ear was slang, France maintained operating range.
-In the ear, my slang Ton, which was operating Gotama fake maintained much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in the slang of ears, France would be much maintenance action.
-In the slang of this disaster, Bharadvaja, close dealings are maintained. If there is no close intercourse then no slang. Because of close intercourse should have the nickname the ears; Thus, in the slang of ears, close dealings are maintained.
-In the close dealings, your fake Religion been operating maintenance, Gotama much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in the close dealings, France would be much maintenance action.
-In the close dealings, Bharadvaja, this goes to the various executive close to being. If not go to almost no close dealings. And since have come to near should have close dealings; Thus, in the close interface, go to the near plane maintenance.
-In the approaching, my false Religious practice been maintained, Gotama much? We asked the fake Religious Gotama, in the approaching, France would be much maintenance action.
-In the arriving near this confidence, Bharadvaja, are maintained. If the trust is not contentious, then don't go. And because the trust not being should have to go to; Thus, in the approaching, confidence are maintained.
-We asked the fake Religious Gotama about households maintain truth. False religion Gotama has answered about households maintain truth. We customize the wedding and accepted, and consequently, our wedding Festival. We have asked the fake Religious Gotama about enlightenment truths. False religion Gotama has answered about the enlightenment of truth. We have customized Hy and accepted; so, we're the wedding Festival. We have asked the fake Religious Gotama about symptoms reaches the truth. False religion Gotama has answered about evidence of reaching the truth. We customize the wedding and accepted; so, we're the wedding Festival. In the presence of reaching the truth, we asked the fake Religious been operating maintenance of Gotama. In the presence of reaching the truth, false Religious Gotama has been answering various action. We customize the wedding and accepted; so, we're the wedding Festival. We have asked the fake Religious Gotama about anything, assuming the answer that Gotama. We customize the wedding and accepted; so, we're the wedding Festival. Dear fake Religion we know of ancient, Gotama (distinction) as follows: "and who is the Sa-Mon, head, bare the black canoe, being from the heel of Brahma (?) and who is the Chief Justice who knows. " True false Religious Gotama did live up to where the heart of charity dear Sa-Sa for subjects-subjects, glass trust Sa-Sa for subjects-subjects. Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ... (as above). Looking forward to honor children do upasaka Gotama imitation, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!

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