Thursday 14 April 2016


Like I hear.
A Ton of world traveling between Kosala people with our Male-stilts. Then step down, roadside Religion to at a location and then smiled. False religion Ananda thoughts: "so what, do what the coast, That Respect back smiling. Not without reason, As Lai smiling again. " Then the false Religion of one side towards Ananda offset y shoulders, accept That Religious instruction to the White World and Religion:
-White World, so what, do what the coast. World Religion back smiling. Not without reason, As Lai back smiling.
-This oldtimer Ananda, in this location is a town named Vebhalinga, prosperous, wealthy and populated. In this Respect, the Ananda Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief of enlightened College here, based on the town of Vebhalinga. Here, this is the World of the monastery, Ananda Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. It was here, in this Ananda. World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory sitting College teaching them Billion-on stilts.
And then the fake Religious Ananda folded portfolio y sanghati (rose-old-Le), spread out and the White World Religion:
-White World Religion, That Religion sit down. It was at this location, the two steps of A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class will use.
That Respect, sit down on the seat has composed. After sitting, World Religion told to honor author Ananda:
-Oldtimer, Ananda, in the place is the town named Vebhalinga, prosperous, wealthy and populated. In this Respect, the Ananda Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class has lived based on the town of Vebhalinga. It was here, in this monastery, is the World's Ananda Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. In this Respect, the Ananda, Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory sitting College teaching them Billion-on stilts. This main town of Vebhalinga, Ananda, there is the pottery named Ghatikara, who is the World's dominant religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, the first credit forums. Jotipala youth friend of Potter Ghatikara. This then Ananda, Potter Ghatikara told Jotipala youth:
"-This you let us go, Jotipala. Let's go to the audience of world Religion, A-la-ranks Kassapa Chinese Chief Justice College. It's good to me until That Respect, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class ".
When I heard this, so Ananda, Jotipala youth told Potter Ghatikara:
"-Come on, you, the audience Ghatikara Sa-bare subjects beginning so to do?"
This second, Ananda ... (as above). This third time, Ananda, Potter Ghatikara told Jotipala youth:
"-This you let us go, Jotipala. Let's go to the audience of world Religion, A-la-ranks Kassapa Han, Chief Justice College. It's good to me until That Respect, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class ".
This third Ananda, Jotipala youth told Potter Ghatikara:
"-Only recently you Ghatikara audience Sa-bare subjects beginning so to do?"
"-So you take the pawn back scratching, Jotipala and bath powder, let's go to the River to bathe."
"-Dear you, Yes."
This Ananda, Jotipala youth well in meeting such Ghatikara potters.
Potter Ghatikara Jotipala youth and take back the bath powder, and scratching the furniture go to the River to bathe. This then Ananda, Potter Ghatikara told Jotipala youth:
"This Jotipala, this friend-making monastery in world Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class. This you Jotipala, let us go. Let's go to the audience of world Religion, A-la-ranks Kassapa Han, Chief Justice College. It's good to me until That Respect, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class ".
When I heard this, so Ananda, Jotipala youth told Potter Ghatikara:
"-Come on, you, the audience Ghatikara Sa-bare subjects beginning so to do?"
This second, Ananda, ... (as above) ... this third Ananda, Potter Ghatikara told Jotipala youth:
"This Jotipala, this friend-how the monastery of world Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class. This you Jotipala, let us go. Let's go to the audience of world Religion, A-la-ranks Kassapa Han, Chief Justice College. It's good for me audience So Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class ".
This third time, Ananda, Jotipala youth told Potter Ghatikara:
"-Come on, you, the audience Ghatikara Sa-bare subjects beginning so to do?"
This then Ananda, Potter Ghatikara took Jotipala youth in the wrist and said:
"This Jotipala, this friend-making monastery in world Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class. This you Jotipala, let us go. Let's go to the audience of world Religion, A-la-ranks Kassapa Han, Chief Justice College. It's good for me audience So Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class ".
Then, after Ananda escape this collar, Jotipala youth told Potter Ghatikara:
"-Come on, you, Ghatikara audience Sa-skinhead subjects him to do?
And then Potter Ghatikara grabbed the hair has just finished a bath of youth Jotipala and says:
"This Jotipala, this friend-how the monastery of world Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class. This you Jotipala let us go, let us go until That Respect A-la-ranks, Kassapa, Chief Justice College. It's good for me audience So Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class ".
This youth Jotipala, Ananda and think as follows: "it is marvelous! It's useful for Greece! Ghatikara potters while being in the downgrade, can dare think again grabbed my hair, I just oil shampoo, make micro-c this is not trivial, "and then told the Potter Ghatikara:
"-This you Ghatikara, there really are needed?"
"This Jotipala, true friends-is required. It's good for me audience So Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class ".
"-So you Ghatikara, release the (hand). We will go ".
This Potter Ghatikara, Ananda and and young to Religious Fellows go Jotipala Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. After arriving, Potter Ghatikara World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class and then sit down on one side. Young said the forecast Jotipala welcome to enquire with the World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan, after talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and then sat down on one side. Sitting on one side of this, Ananda, Potter Ghatikara Bach World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class:
"Religion, this is How White-youth Jotipala, a friend of the friend of children. Hope to honor the sermon for you baby ".
In this Respect, the Ananda and Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Equal with France encouraging voice make enjoy, make excited, making Potter Ghatikara wedding Festival and young Jotipala. This then Ananda, Ghatikara potters Jotipala, youth and after That to honor A-la-ranks, Kassapa Han, the Chief Sensory Class with French dialogue, encourage, make exciting, exhilarating, the wedding Festival, once the life credit World Religious teachings Hy Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan, from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Kassapa, steps A-la-Han Primary Sensory Class, body, on the direction of Mr and leave.
Then Ananda, youth Jotipala said this with the Potter Ghatikara:
"-You, when this listener Ghatikara, why not"?
"-You don't know my friend, Jotipala? I have old parents and upbringing in blindness ".
"-So this will be my family, Ghatikara you abandon, not family life".
This Potter Ghatikara, Ananda and and youth go to World Religious Jotipala Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Justice, after College to the World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Inequality, and then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, this Bach Ghatikara potters World, Ananda Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class:
"Religion, this is How White-youth Jotipala, a friend of the friend of children. Hoping That you export the Respect ".
This youth Jotipala, Ananda and being World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief of Sensory renunciation, for College for modern life. In this Respect, the Ananda and Kassapa ranks A-la-Han, the Chief Justice, after the College youth Jotipala renunciation not how long, after half a month, after staying in Vebhalinga long until you see the self gratification, mainland travelers go to Baranasi. He sequentially and to travel in Baranasi (Ba-la-complaint).
In this Respect, the Ananda and Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class stay at Isipatana, gardens, in Baranasi Deer. This Ananda, Kiki, King of Kasi was heard as follows: "World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class has to Baranasi, stay at Isipatana, Baranasi, Deer garden. Then, Kiki, King Ananda this Kasi for the dark car stock enemies won, after a climb up the car yourself enemies WINS with the car's stock enemies win go out into the Norwegian defense to Baranasi of the King to That Religion, A-la-ranks Kassapa Han, Chief Justice College. King ride until the seat would also go to the car, and then walking off the bus, go to place like Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. After arriving, the World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan, King sat down one side. In this Respect, the Ananda Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class with French dialogue, encouragement, making exciting, do for excitement, making the wedding Festival Kiki, King of Kasi was sitting on one side. And Kiki, the King of Kasi, after being World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Modeler with a voice encouraging French, make love, make excited, make instant white World, Religious wedding Festival Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class:
"White World World, expecting Respect-Respect to accept my invitation tomorrow to dinner with them, female-on stilts".
In this Respect, the Ananda and Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief of Equal Visual silence. Then Ananda, after this was know What Ton Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class has accepted the invitation, from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, on towards Him and then leave. This and Ananda, Kiki, the King of Kasi, after menopause, at night stay of his, for presentation to advocate the position of the upper dish kind of hard and soft, golden rice is dry, the black seed was decanting cari, dishes and spices, then the time forecast for That Suen Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan gets to know :
"The time has come to Respect How White-, rice is ready".
In this Respect, the Ananda and Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class in the morning up y, y bowls, go to stay made of Kiki, the King of Kasi, after arriving, mainland sat on seats already compose available along with them, female-on stilts. This then Ananda, Kiki, King of Kasi manually Marquess and make them National satisfaction-on stilts with the Buddha was the leader, the cuisine of upper, kind of hard and soft types. This then Ananda, Kiki, the King of Kasi, when world Religious Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class has finished eating, the hand had left off the bowl, grab a low chair and then sit down on one side. Sit down on one side of this, Ananda, Kiki, the King of Kasi, Bach World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class:
"White World World, expecting Respect-Respect the invitation of the settling of the rainy season in Baranasi; will the donation so let them Male-on stilts ".
"-Come on, your Majesty, We got word of the settling of the rainy season."
This second, Ananda, ... (as above). This third time, Ananda, Kiki, the King of Kasi, Bach World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class:
"White World World, expecting Respect-Respect the invitation of children, Baranasi at rainy season; will the donation so let them Male-on stilts ".
"-Only recently, I got an answer of the rainy season and then".
This then Ananda, Kiki, the King of Kasi, think thus: "World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan won't accept my invitation to settle in the wet season Baranasi", so the feeling of disappointment, sorrow. This then Ananda, Kiki, the King of Kasi, Bach World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College.
"The White World, the Religious – to honor somebody bigger maintenance household credit?"
"-Great, there is a town named Vebhalinga. At the bottom, a Potter named Ghatikara. He is my stronghold, household credit, herd a flock of Supreme maintenance household credit. Your Majesty, your Majesty, think thus: "World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan won't accept my invitation to settle in the wet season Baranasi", therefore, your Majesty feel frustration, sorrow. But Potter Ghatikara no as such, and not afraid. This United Kingdom, Potter Ghatikara took refuge in Buddha, y France, qui y Increase., This Potter Ghatikara abandon suicide being, abandon, abandoned for not taken of deviant sex, quit lying, abandon the wine yeast, cooking wine. This United Kingdom, Potter Ghatikara achievements trust rotten for transfer any Buddha, for France ... for the achievement is on the rise, the ranks of Saints of Ireland. This United Kingdom Potter Ghatikara, no doubt for the Miserable, no doubt for the Miserable, no doubt for the Miserable, no doubt for the path taken to the gauge. This United Kingdom, Potter Ghatikara, eating one day at a packed, live happy, happy Date limits, according to the French charity. This United Kingdom, Potter Ghatikara abandon jade and gold, no gold and silver. This United Kingdom, Potter Ghatikara has no manually digging or excavating with the hoe. This unit please do the ghè Bowl with soil taken from the seawall collapsed down or mouse and the dog dug up, and said, "here, if anyone wants to, please give up on ever pinch the casing, each handful of beans (mugga?) rods, each handful of beans (kalaya), and can get what I want". This United Kingdom, Potter Ghatikara nurturing elderly parents and blindness. This United Kingdom, Potter Ghatikara after paragraph except in lower part, Fang was turned contentious, enter Nirvana from the seat to back this life anymore.
"One time, this Great United Kingdom, one in the town of Vabhalinga. Then, this morning I take medicine, medical relief bowls, go to the parents of the Potter Ghatikara, after to tell parents Potter Ghatikara is as follows:
"-The pottery to go?"
"-The White World, Respect for That Suen maintenance household credit has to go out and have said the following: Let's take the porridge from the pot, get the food from the pan which places".
"We, your Majesty, this after taking the porridge from the pot, taking place from where pan, ate from a seat stood up and then away. This then, Potter Ghatikara goes to her parents after speaking with his parents, to the following:
"-Who took the porridge from the pot, taking sustenance from where pan, ate from a seat to stand up and go?"
"This child, the Religious – Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, after taking the porridge from the pot, taking place from where pan, finish, from seats stand up and go".
This "master Potter Ghatikara, think thus:" it is beneficial for us, the truth is that this craft benefit for us, was That Respect A-la-ranks, Kassapa, Chief Dan trust me so ". Then, until the second half of this month, leaving no loving Potter Ghatikara, or for up to a week (don't leave) my parents (potters).
"One time, this Great United Kingdom. We stay in the town of Vebhalinga, at the time, the grains were dilapidated condemned, then this, rain, call the Male-stilts:
"-Let's go, the Female-stilts, and look at the home of the Potter Ghatikara has the grass or not?
"When hearing this, say so, the Male-white stilts with Us:
"-The White World Religion, at the home of the Potter Ghatikara has no grass, but the House he has grass-roof".
"-The Female-stilts, go and pulled grass from House Potter Ghatikara.
"This Then, the Female's stilts-withdrawal of grass from House Potter Ghatikara. This United Kingdom, Ghatikara potters parents tell the Male-stilts:
"-Who is your lawn back home?"
"This Great national-, home of world Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory College was dilapidated condemned rain".
"-Let's take away, Chu Ja fake! Let's take away the fake Sage client! "
"This Then, Potter Ghatikara go to parents, after arriving with her parents, Sir, as follows:
"-Who pulled out of the grass to the House?"
"This son, the National--stilts has said: the House of the World Religion Kassapa, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory College was dilapidated condemned rain".
This "master Potter Ghatikara, think thus:" it is beneficial for us, the truth is that this craft benefit for me has been How to honor A-la-ranks, Kassapa, Chief Dan trust me so ".
"This Then, until the second half, not loving to leave Potter Ghatikara, or for up to a week, (not left) parents potters. Then throughout the three months, the House stood taking the sky do the roof, but no rain fell on. And so, your Majesty, this is the Potter Ghatikara,.
"Rather, the interests of the White World-ton, for the Potter Ghatikara; real smart benefits instead, Bach World Religion for the Potter Ghatikara, What was the dominant religion, steps A-la-Kassapa Han, Chief Dan trust!
This then Ananda, Kiki, the King of Kasi, who brought to the Potter Ghatikara, about five hundred vehicles bearing rice, yellow rice and dried food. Then Ananda, who the King of this go to the Potter Ghatikara and says:
"This false Religion-, five hundred vehicles bearing rice, dried yellow rice and food dishes, as Kiki, the King of Kasi, send false Religion, Religious pundits take it".
"-The King a lot of responsibility, a lot of work to be done. It was just enough for me, be the King thought to like this ".
This is very possible, Ananda-He thought: "now, Jotipala youth can be a different person". In this manner, Ananda, but have to think so. At the time, I was Jotipala youth.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Ananda Religion teaches.

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