Thursday 21 April 2016


Like I hear.
A time to honor author Ananda stay in Rajagaha (United Kingdom-dormitory) at Veluvana (Lisa), it nourishes the squirrels, when the President a Ton not long. At the time, King Ajatasattu her son Videhi water Magadha (Ma-masterpiece-da), doubtful Pajjota because (the coronation), should be built solidly into Rajagaha. False religion Ananda morning up y, y Bowl goes to Rajagaha to qifu gangui. And then the fake Religious Ananda thoughts: "Far too early to to Rajagaha qifu gangui. So let's go to She-la-Moggallana Gopaka subjects and work of this position ". Then She went to Ananda fake Religion-la-Moggallana Gopaka subjects and work of this unit. BA-la-Moggallana Gopaka subjects see the fake Religious Ananda from afar come to, after seeing associated with speaking, author Ananda:
-Come on, Religious author Ananda! Friendly hybrid, Religion author Ananda! Have long Venerated author Ananda created this opportunity, i.e. to come here. False religion Ananda sit down, this is the place to sit was composed.
False religion Ananda sat down on the seat has composed. Also She-la-Moggallana Gopaka subjects choose a low seat and sat down on one side. Sit down one side, She-la-Moggallana Gopaka subjects dear to Honor author Ananda:
-Can be affordable, a Female-full achievement on stilts, fully total the France that Venerated author Gotama ranks A-la-Han, Chief of College Buds have achievements?
-Could not have a Female-she-la, on stilts, complete accomplishments, fully total the France that Venerated, steps A-la-Han, Chief of College Buds have achievements. She-la, That Religion is the beginning level up previously unknown path does run, make known the path had not been previously known, it comes up the road before being told; is to understand, to know and fine about charity. And now the disciples is the live action and options, and will achievement (the French).
But the conversation between false Religious and Mrs. Ananda-la-Mon Gopaka Moggallana interrupted. BA-la-Mon Vassaka out University water inspection the Magadha Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA), to her school-la-Mon Gopaka Moggallana, to Honor author Ananda; After coming up with false Religion, says Ananda the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear asking to sit down one side. Sit down one side, She-la-Mon Vassaka, University water Magadha ladies with the fake Religious Ananda:
-Here, your religious affiliation, Religious author Ananda sitting fake conversation what story? And what story of false Religion is interrupted?
-She-la, she-la-Mon Gopaka Moggallana told me the following: "chance of false Religion, Ananda, a Female-full achievement on stilts, fully total the France that Venerated author Gotama, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual achievement was College?" When was this, to say that She-la, I say-la-Moggallana Gopaka subjects as follows: "She-la, can not have a Female-stilts would complete achievements, full of all the French that Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief of College Buds have achievements. She-la, That Religion is the beginning level up previously unknown path does run, make known the path had not been previously known, it comes up the road before are saying, is to understand, to know and fine about charity. And the disciples he is the Executive Director and live act and will achievement (France) later on. "
-False Respect Sir Ananda, a Female-stilts would be false Religious Gotama arranged: "this Position, after the killing, will is the refuge for Him, and He now will this unit only medicine".
-She-la, not a Male-stilts would be World Religious Fake, False Prophet, steps, steps A-la-Primary Sensory Class Han arranged: "this Position, after the killing, will is the refuge for Him, and He'll only taste of health".
-False Respect Sir Ananda, a Female-stilts would be increased agreement and some of the National East-stilts elders arranged: "this Position, after the removal of world Religious degrees will be possible refuge for us, and He will present it only y?"
-Don't have a Male-stilts, she-la, are they Increasing agreement and being the Male-stilts elders arranged: "this Position, after the removal of world Religious degrees will be possible refuge for us, and we will present this position only medicine".
-And as such is no refuge, my place of false Religion, so what by Ananda (you) can reconciliation?
-She-la, we don't have no place refuge. She-la, we got the refuge, and France is our refuge.
-When asked: "is there a Male-stilts would be false Religious Gotama arranged:" this Position, after the killing, will is the refuge for Him, and He will present it? "only medical, Religious author replies:" She-la, not a Male-stilts would be World Religious Fake, Fake Voter ranks, ranks A-la-Han, Chief Dan Sensory set "This Position, after the killing, will is the refuge for Him", and we will present it only "medical. When asked: "is there a Male-stilts would be increased agreement and some of the National East-stilts elders arranged:" this Position, after the removal of world Religious degrees, will is the refuge for us, He will present this position only "medical. And author replies: "Not a Male-stilts, she-la-subjects are they Increasing agreement and being the Male-stilts elders arranged:" this Position, after the removal of world Religious degrees will be possible refuge for us, and we will present this position only y ". When asked: "and as such is no refuge, my place of false Religion, so what by Ananda, (you) can reconciliation?". False religion answered: "She-la, we don't have no place refuge. We have this refuge place She-la, and France is our refuge ". But Mr. fake Religious meaning of this word, Ananda need to understand how?
-She-la, World Religion, the False Prophet, Fake rank steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class was set to study French, has declared about his duty Patimokkha for Male-stilts. In those days, Dad-slapped (Uposatha) we approach General Dien, a hamlet in all our meetings together in one spot; After the gathering, we asked what had happened to each person. If while asking each other so there is Male-stilts guilty, criminals, we told him to do the right taste of France, true teachings. Indeed, not the fake Religious Act we, French Act.
-Mr. Suen has National-stilts, Ananda imitation would but now you dear, respected, Bai, donation, after respect, respect, you cry?
-She-la, there are Male-stilts that we respect, respect, Bai, donation, and after we respect, respect, we cry.
-False Respect Sir Ananda, when asked: "is there a Male-stilts would be false Religious Gotama arranged:" after the killing, it would be possible for His refuge and He now will this unit only y? ". And She answers: "fake-la, not a Male-stilts would be World Religious Fake, Fake Voter ranks, ranks A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class set:" this Position, after the killing, will is the refuge for Him ", and we present this position only" medical. When asked: "Mr. false Religious Ananda, a Female-stilts would be increased their agreement, some Eastern Male-stilts elders arranged:" this Position after That Religion kills, will is the refuge for us and He now will this unit only, "and y Religion author replies:" does not have a Male-stilts they Increase agreement , some Eastern Male-stilts elders arranged: "this Position after removal of world Religious degrees will be possible refuge for us", and we will present this position only medical ". When asked: "is there a Male-stilts, Religious author Sir Ananda, now you dear, respected, wealthy girl, donation and taste after respect, respect, you an stay refuge located?", and She replied: "fake-la, there are Male-on stilts, we respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation and after the glass palace our safety, respect, stay refuge located ". Dear fake Religious Ananda, meaning the words he needs to understand how?
-She-la, there are ten possible Hy was That Religion, False Prophet, False steps, steps A-la-Han, Chief of Equal Visual statement. Between us, the position would have a full ten, we now respect, respect, cult, cult seems to taste; After respect, respect our security, stay, taste her refuge. What are the ten? Here, she-la, Female-stilts have world, tame tame with the living of his duty fully, Patimokkha dread primary facilities, see the dangers in those little bugs, after learning, life in the French school. Her taste is multicultural, maintenance these things heard, stored things heard; the France would improve, middle, profile endings, meaning, with authors, said Hanh Pham completely full up, the French are being heard much, life is maintained, are words made familiar, was fourth, Italy was the Chief Justice cited by food poisoning comments added. The position he knew enough for the pragmatic things such as medicine, food, qifu gangui, ready is located, pharmaceutical treatment. Locate the options as you like, there is no difficulty, no hard proof, increase in the upper four Meditation mind stray current stay. He made taste sorts through false gods, a body appears more body, more appears a body, we figure, to transform passing through walls, cliffs, through mountains, such as steamed nowhere; padded Turks outcrops across the land as in the water; go on the water not sink as on land; Urban Planner-seating older out of nowhere like the birds have wings; with the hand, he touches and overload the Moon and the Sun, the greater the force, the dread of dread spirit as such; can itself fly to Brahma. After going deep into the mind of human beings who, with his mind, he is known as follows: the mind has who know, there took part. The mind does not take part, said the Center does not take part. The mind has, know the mind there. The mind does not, know the mind not the pitch. The mind has who know, there si si. The mind does not know si, si. The Center specializes in paying attention, who knows the professional you. Mind the disarray, said Center for disarray. The great act of mind, know as the great act of mind; not the great act of mind, know not the great act of mind. The mind hasn't, said the Center hasn't. Infinite mind, knowing invisible mind. Mindful meditation, know the mind meditation. The mind does not know, does not mind meditation meditation. Center for the rescue, the rescue Center said. The mind is not freed, said the Center is not freed. (She) remembered the past life as a life, two lifetime ... remember the past life. Her position with net net label, see life and death of beings. The position, being the lower list, topping, beautiful people, rough guys bad, lucky, unfortunate guys are happy. With the removal of pirated or the paragraph, after the upper position with food poisoning, the evidence he has reached and an infinite current on-site pirated resident mind liberation, liberating wisdom. She-la, unlawful was the wedding of ten World Religion, the False Prophet, False steps, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class comes up between us. The position would have a full ten, we now respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation of taste; After respect, respect our security, stay, taste her refuge.
When I heard that, She-la-Vassakara subjects, (Universe) of Magadha water, tell Upananda:
-General? If this is so, General, the fake glass, this Respect those who deserve respect, respect those who deserve respect, Bai who deserves celebration, donation who value for donation; time sure this fake glasses with the who value for respect, respect those who deserve respect, Bai who deserves celebration, donation who value for donation. And if the author is not Religious respect, no respect, no ceremony, no donation (Male-on stilts), the forecast's author respect, respect, Bai, donation?
Then She-la-Mon Vassakara representatives, water Magadha ladies with Respect author Ananda:
-False Religion in today's Ananda?
-She-la, I stay at Veluvana (Lisa).
-Mr. Suen Veluvana, Ananda is the fake one spot, stylishly little, little noise, are hidden from wind, shunned populated, appropriate net Meditation?
-Indeed, she-la, Veluvana (Lisa) is a stylishly spot, little, little noise, are hidden from wind, distant populated, appropriate Meditation, worthy of the households and constables as Him.
-Indeed, my false Religion is Veluvana, Ananda stylishly, little, little noise, are hidden from wind, shunned populated, appropriate Meditation, meditation people deserve and the names of meditation as you show respect. And Jesus the false Religion is nh ng tu taste meditation and Leanne for meditation. Dear false Religion, a time imitation Respect Ananda Gotama in at Vesali, University of Forestry, at the Kutagarasala (The lecture). Then Mr. Ton pseudo Ananda, I go to the Mahavana (Great Forest), to show respect, fake Kutagarasala Gotama. There, false Religious media talking about using more Gotama meditation. False religion as true meditation and Gotama family identity of meditation. And false spreads all the exclamation Gotama Religious meditation.
-She-la, That's not Respect concur all evening meditation, not riveted all the evening meditation. And she-la, types of meditation would Like to honor her riveted the exclamation? Here, she-la, some live with fitness exercise equipment, instilled the dominant reference, and not as they really know the freed were taking part in exercise kicked up. He took part in a sex position do the ultimate object. Tu meditation, meditation, meditation, Meditation. He lives with the center position to instill anger, anger was dominant, and not as they really know the escape from anger has to be started up. The position he took anger do ultimate object, meditation, Meditation, meditation, Meditation. He lives with the center position to instill the Swiss deposits, was kissing kissing bass dominant hypnosis, and not Switzerland as the freed the Swiss deposits were hypnosis start kissing up. The position he took kisses Swiss deposits made ultimate object hypnosis, meditation, Meditation, meditation, Meditation. He lives with the Center unit trạo, trạo being instilled the dominant Exchange and not as truth the freed foreign trạo was kicked up. He took the position of traders do trạo ultimate object, meditation, Meditation, meditation, Meditation. He lives with the center position to instill or suspected, or dominant and not as truth the freed or have been kicked up. He took the position or making ultimate object, meditation, Meditation, meditation, Meditation. She-la, That's not Respect concur such meditation type Cyrillic letters. And she-la, the type of meditation would Like to honor her riveted the exclamation? Here, she-la, Female-stilts, glass cups of real French, and a friendly stay the first Meditation, a State of being, by loving cups education offers, there are four. Kill games and four, her symptoms and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, not four, the Cabinet for the mind, and stay the third Meditation, meditation Wednesday. She-la, such Meditation, Religious types she riveted the exclamation.
-Indeed, your religious affiliation, Religious author Ananda fake Gotama rebuke Meditation worthy of rebuke, riveted the exclamation exclamation endorsements worth Meditation. Now dear fake Religion, we have to go. Ananda We have these things, have more responsibility to do.
-She-la, do what She thought was the combination of subjects-la-th i.
Then She-la-water, the great Magadha Vassakara subjects, Religious words life fake credit Hy Festival Ananda instructors, from seats stand up and leave. Then She-la-Gopaka Moggalana subjects, when She-la-Chancellor, nướcMagadha Vassakara subjects go not long, with the fake Religious Ananda:
-If we are not asked to honor author Ananda differences author Ananda did not answer.
-She-la, there must we said to him: "there is not a Female-stilts, she-la, ten accomplishments of France's full, full, the France that Venerated, steps A-la-Han, Chief of College Buds have achievements. She-la, her Religious position is starting up, making the road before being run currently, make known the path had not been previously known, it comes up the road before being told; is to understand, to know and fine about charity. And now the disciples he is the Executive Director and Executive Director of life, and will achievement (the French) later on. "

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