Wednesday 6 April 2016

47. ECONOMIC suicide.

Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika Mr Tinh amnesty. Here, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey, monks.
- Buddha.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Hey, monks, the monks committed suicide want to know collective nature (Cetapariyayam) of others, need to learn about the Tathagata, to be aware of him with Enlightenment or not?
- Buddha, for us, the Exalted based approach as fundamental steps towards Bhagavan as leaders, do y Exalted rely on. Buddha, good replacement, Bhagavan this sense preaches! After hearing the Exalted, the monks will practice.
- So this, monks, listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Hey, monks, the monks committed suicide want to know other people's collective identity, need to learn about the Tathagata on two types of measures: The measures by the eye, in perception, thought: "The legal cell infections caused by eye, ear awareness, the current law had starting out in the Tathagata or not starting? "after studying the case, you know, monks are as follows:" the pollution measures by eye, ear awareness ; the current law does not have a start in the Tathagata. " After learning so and said as follows: "The pollution measures by eye, ear awareness; the current law does not have a start in the Tathagata. " He learn more: "The complex legal (when net exposure) from the eye, ear awareness; the current law had starting out in the Tathagata or not starting? "After learning so and you know, monks are as follows:" The magazine is exercised by the eye, ear awareness, the current law does not have a start in Tathagata ". After learning so and said as follows: "The magazine is exercised by the eye, ear awareness; the current law does not have a start in the Tathagata. "He find least added:" These measures are completely pure, by eye, ear awareness; the current law had starting out in the Tathagata or not starting? "After studying the case, you know, monks are as follows:" The law completely purified by the eye, ear awareness, the current law had starting at Tathagata ". After learning so and said as follows: "The law completely purified by the eyes, ears awareness; the current law had starting at Tathagata ". He learn more: "The achievement of this venerable friendly France in a long time or in a short time?" After studying the case, you know, monks are as follows: "The Venerable this is accomplished in a good long time, taste this venerable achievements this is not good in a short time. " After learning so and said as follows: "The achievement of this venerable friendly France in a long time, this venerable achievements you this is not good in a short time." He learn more: "The organic venerable monks this list, as a list, some of the dangers that arise for him here?" This, monks, some dangerous not arise in here for the monks, when he has not been useful list, no reputation. This, monks, when the monks that are useful identity, reputation, some dangers may arise here for him. After studying the case, you know, monks are as follows: "The property venerable monks this list, as a list, some danger arises not for him". After investigating the case, he said the following: "The organic venerable monks this list, as a list, some dangerous not arise for this position." He learn more: "The Sun this fake, so fearless that waiver, the Venerable was not fear but abandoned. Is it due to cessation of craving, because there is no craving, so this position does not correspond to the sex? ". After investigating the case, he said the following: "The Venerable this, so fearless that waiver, the Venerable was not fear but abandoned. Because the cessation of craving, because there is no craving, so you do not meet the education ". This, monks, if others asked the monks was as follows: "The facts Venerable is, the evidence of what is venerable, but Venerable said:" The Venerable this, so fearless but abandoned, the venerable not fear that abandoned ". Because the cessation of craving, because there is no craving, so you do not meet the education ". This, monks, monks want to answer in a righteous way to answer as follows: "This venerable Sangha live among or living alone, even for live here are virtuous, are evil deeds oil for sex with the congregation to your teacher, here are the character specialized arbitration, with the position here is not contaminated by material resources, the not so venerable that despise them for this reason. So I heard the Exalted, so I know before the Exalted: "I am so fearless that disclaimer, I do not have to fear that waiver. Because the cessation of craving, because there is no craving, so we did not meet the education ".
Here, the monks, the Tathagata should be asked to add the following: "The measures pollution from the eyes, ears awareness; the current law had start in the Tathagata or no current start? "Asked so, Tathagata will respond as follows:" The pollution measures by eye, ear awareness; the current law does not start in the Tathagata. The complex legal in the eyes, ears awareness; the current law had start in the Tathagata or no current start? "Asked so, this, monks, the Tathagata will respond as follows:" The magazine is exercised by the eye, ear awareness, those that do not have starting out in the Tathagata. The completely pure approach by eye, ear awareness; the current law had start in the Tathagata or no current start? "Asked so, this, monks, the Tathagata answered as follows:" These measures are completely pure by eye, ear awareness; the current law had starting at Tathagata ". Do we take such a path, making gender. There is no one like me so. This, monks, a disciple must come near gurus have said such a law to be heard. Guru for him preaching from this issue to other issues, from the mystical to the other magic, the dark transparency measures with equivalent measures (Sappatibhaga). This, monks, according to the guru sermon for the monks, from problem to problem, from this wonderful magic to others, the dark transparency measures with equivalent measures; You monks, depending on the case, after the evidence of legal knowledge that, reaching the legal finality of each one. Net credit he pleased to launch gurus: "Exalted is Career Enlightenment, France is Exalted preached, we Increases very smart practice". This, monks, if any other person, monks asked him as follows: "Illustration with what facts, what evidence to Venerable said:" Exalted is Career Enlightenment, French World Religion preached, we practice very smart Increase? "this, monks, want answered in a righteous way, the monks must answer as follows:" here, the Sage, I visited the World Sun to listen to the sermon, preached Bhagavan me, from this issue to other issues, from the mystical to the other magic, the dark legal transparency and the legal equivalents thereof. This sage, according to Bhagavan preach to me how, from this issue to other issues, from the mystical magic to the other, the law and the legal black Bach equivalent thereof; depending on the case, after the evidence of legal knowledge, I reached the legal finality of each one. Net credit my heart start to gurus: "Exalted is Career Enlightenment, France is Exalted preached, we Increases very smart practice".
This, monks, for whom faith is safe for up Tathagata, bases, dwell on these facts, the writer strike, so the script, the monks, such faith called with sufficient data, based on the (right) is solid, can not be undermined by a recluse, Brahmin, gods, Ma out, Brahma or anyone at team. So, this, monks, is to learn about the Tathagata, and so clever new Tathagata learn a lawful manner.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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