Thursday 21 April 2016

103. AS to HOW

Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Kusinara, in Baliharana forest. In this Respect, the call of the Male-stilts: "the Male-stilts",-"Dear Yes, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, for Me, do you think? Is it because human y Austria, Sa-keeper Gotama theory? Or is it because human sustenance, qifu guoren Sha-keeper Gotama theory? Or is it because human willing is located, Sa-keeper Gotama theory? Or is it because the human loss, Sa-keeper Gotama theory?
-Mr. not so, Bach World Religion!
We do not think that: "Since human y Austria, Sa-keeper Gotama theory ... (as above). Because successful failure, Sa-keeper Gotama theory ".
-And as such, the Male-stilts, for Us, He does not think like this: "Since human y Austria, Sa-keeper Gotama theory ... (as above). Because successful failure, Sa-keeper Gotama theory ". This way the Male-stilts, for me, do you think? "
-Like this, Like white, for That Suen, we thought as follows: "With the Center, from the tha and the Palm from the Religion theory".
-Thus, the Male-stilts, for Him, He thought: "who, with the word and please excuse from the Religion theory".
Thus, the Male-stilts, the France We preach for Him with the upper position, as the four anniversary of primary need, four, four, as In, Five, Seven, part eight leaders Holy Bodhi. Here, he is learning it all, in a spirit of harmony, the wedding Festival, no brawler. This and the Female-stilts, when the He learning in France, in a spirit of harmony, the wedding Festival, no brawler together, can have two Male-stilts said about Abhidhamma (against France). Here, if you think the following: "between this false Religion, there are differences, there are differences"; Here, Female-stilts you think positive is easier said than, go to locate him said: "between the fake Religious have discrepancy of definition, there are differences. On this issue the author must know there are differences, there are differences the text like this. The author had also not Respect brawler together ". Then a Male-stilts would of the other party that He thought was positive demand easier said than, go to him and say: "between the fake Religious have discrepancy of definition, there are differences. In this regard, the author must know there are differences, there are differences the text like this. The author had also not Respect brawler together ". As such, something hard to hold, the need to maintain life is hard to hold. Life after maintenance is difficult to hold something hard to hold, something belongs to France, what belongs to the law must be speaking up. Here, if you think like this: "among the ranks of the false Religion, there are differences, the most about". Here, Female-stilts you think positive is easier said than, go to him and say the following. "Between the false Religion, there are differences, the homogeneous text. In this regard, the author must know there are differences, there are the about text like this. The author had also not Respect brawler together ".
Then a Male-stilts would cause the other party that He thought was positive demand easier said than, go to him and say: "between the fake Religious differences have meaning, have the consistency of the text. In this regard, the author must know there are differences, there are the about text like this. The author had also not Respect brawler together ". As such, something hard to hold, the need to maintain life is hard to hold, something easy to maintain life holds is easy to hold. Life after maintenance is difficult to hold something hard to hold, life after maintenance is easy to hold something easy to hold, something belongs to France, what belongs to the law must be speaking up. Here, if you think the following: "between this false Religion, the homogeneous, have differences". Here, Female-stilts you think positive is easier said than, go to him and say: "between the false Religion, has the identical sense, there are differences. In this regard, the author must know the most about the meaning, the discrepancy about the van like this. But this is only a minor problem that is written: there shalt brawler faked Respect with each other because of a little problem ". Then a Male-stilts would cause the other party that He thought positive is easier said than, think of her position and said the following: "between the false Religion, the most about meaning, about the discrepancy. In this regard, the author must know the most about the meaning, the discrepancy about the van like this. But this is only a minor problem, IE. The author had also not Respect brawler with each other, because of a little problem. " So, what's easy to hold, to maintain life is easy to hold, something hard to hold, to maintain life is hard to hold. Life after maintenance is easy to hold something easy to hold, life after maintenance is difficult to hold something hard to hold, something belongs to France, what belongs to the law must be speaking up. Here, if you think the following: "between the false Religion has the most about the meaning of the writer"; Here, the Male-stilts you think positive is easier said than, go to him and say: "between the false Religion that has the consistency of meaning and also the agreement on the text. In this regard, the author must know the most about the meaning and also the uniformity of text like this. The author had also not Respect brawler ". Then a Male-stilts would cause the other party that He thought was positive demand easier said than, go to him and say: "between the false Religion, the most about the meaning and the homogeneous text. In this regard, the author must know the most about the meaning and also the uniformity of text like this. The author had also not Respect brawler together ". As such, something easy to maintain life holds is easy to hold. Life after maintenance is easy to hold something easy to hold, something belongs to France, what belongs to the law let's be talking up ".
This and the Female-stilts, when the He learning French in a spirit of harmony, no brawler, Hy Festival together, can have a Male-other violations on stilts, breaking the law. Here, the Male-stilts, shalt not have speedy rebuke, the other personal need vigilance. (To think): "there will be no harm for me, and there will be no detriment to the other. If the other person does not outrage, not wrath, comments Spry, and easy to convince, we can make him beyond real, an "to stay. The Male-stilts, if you think so, he should say. But if this, the Male-stilts, He thought: "there will be no harm for me, and there will be damage to the other. The other outrage, wrath, slowly, but comments easily convinced, and we could prove beyond any charity, stay on. But this is just a minor issue, that is to the detriment to the other. And here is the larger, as we could this person beyond any goodwill, "to stay safe. The Male-stilts, if you think so, he should say. But the Female-stilts, if He thought as follows: "there will be bad for us and no harm to others. The other no outrage, wrath, Spry's comments, but it's hard to convince, and we could prove beyond any charity, stay on. But this is only a minor problem, i.e. the damage for me. And here is the larger, as we could this person beyond any goodwill, "to stay safe. The Male-stilts, if you think so, he should say. But the Female-stilts, if He thought as follows: "there will be bad for us and there will be damage to the other. Others outrage, wrath, comments slow, difficult to convince and we can make this person beyond any charity, stay on. But this is just a minor issue, that is bad for us and the other for the damage. And here is the larger, as we could this person beyond any goodwill, "to stay safe. The Male-stilts, if you think so, he should say. But the Female-stilts, if He thought: "We will be harmed and the other is also compromised. The other outrage, wrath, comments slow, difficult to convince, and we can not render this person beyond any goodwill, "to stay safe. For such a person, the Female-stilts, discharge, should also not be scorn.
This and the Female-stilts, when the He learning French in a spirit of harmony, no brawler, Hy Festival together, can run up the Middle, a password, a recalcitrant, a maternity Center, giving priority to the brain, outrage. Here, a Male-stilts would of the other party that He thought was positive demand easier said than, go to him and say: "Hey Buddy, we study the French oil in a spirit of harmony, no brawler, Hy Festival, has kicked up a password, a recalcitrant, a maternity Center of hate , brain, outrage. If know like, Sa-keeper will rebuke ". Answer this, the National Chief chon TAM-stilts, Female-stilts are answered as follows: "this Gentle, oil for our French learning, in a spirit of harmony, the wedding Festival, no brawler ... (as above) ... Sa-keeper will rebuke. But this Gentle, if not abandon her condition, Nirvana can be? " If the answer to this, the National Chief chon TAM-stilts, Female-stilts are answered as follows: "this Gentle, if not abandon her condition, Nirvana cannot be proven". Then a Male-stilts would cause the other party that He thought was positive demand easier said than come her position and said the following: "this Gentle, we study the French oil ... (as above) ... Sa-keeper will rebuke ". Answer this, the National Chief chon TAM-stilts, Female-stilts are answered as follows: "this Gentle, oil for us ... (as above). SA-keeper will rebuke. But this Gentle, if not abandon her condition, Nirvana can be? " If the answer to this, the National Chief chon TAM-stilts, Female-stilts are answered as follows: "this Gentle, if not abandon her condition, Nirvana cannot be proven".
But the Female-stilts, if the other Man asked, female-on stilts, he said: "The Male-stilts he was fake cause beyond real friendly, stay on friendly?" If the answer to this, the National Chief chon TAM-stilts, Female-stilts are answered as follows: "here, this Gentle, I go to world Religion and world Religion theory of him for me. After listening to her French, I was talking back to the Male-stilts. When the Male-French it heard her stilts, the self beyond any friendly and stay in good ". To answer this, so the Female-stilts, Female-stilts not narcissist myself cooking. He explained the French option tastes true to France, and no one in the French property option, Word can lead to defamation.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/4/2016.MHDT.

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