Thursday 14 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense) Jetavana (America-did), at his residence Anathapindika Tinh (Anathapindika). Then wanderer pagan Vacchagotta come to Bhagavan, after arrival, speak words of welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, wanderer pagan lord Vacchagotta:
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The world is permanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The world is permanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The world is impermanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The world is impermanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The world is finite, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The world is finite, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The world is boundless, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The world is boundless, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The life and body is one, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The life and body is one, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The life and body is different, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The life and body is different, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The Tathagata exists after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The Tathagata exists after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The Tathagata does not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The Tathagata does not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The Tathagata exists and does not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The Tathagata exists and does not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Venerable Gotama, does not have knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows: "The Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion?"
- Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows: "The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion".
- Why, sir venerable Gotama? When asked: "Is there knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows:" The world is permanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion? "Venerable Gotama answered:" Hey Vaccha, I do not have knowledge as follows: "the world is permanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion?" Why, sir venerable Gotama? When asked: "Is there knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows:" The world is impermanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion? "Venerable Gotama answered:" Hey Vaccha, I do not have knowledge as follows: "the world is impermanent, so only the feet, besides a delusion?" Why, sir venerable Gotama? When asked: "Is there knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows:" The world is finite, so only the feet, besides a delusion? "Venerable Gotama answered:" Hey Vaccha, I do not have knowledge as follows: "the world is finite, so only the feet, besides a delusion?" Why, sir venerable Gotama? When asked: "Is there knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows:" The world is boundless, so only the feet, besides a delusion? "Venerable Gotama answered:" Hey Vaccha, I do not have knowledge as follows: "the world is boundless, so only the feet, besides a delusion?" ... (as above) ... Why, sir venerable Gotama? When asked: "Is there knowledge Venerable Gotama as follows:" The Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion? "Venerable Gotama Answer: "Hey Vaccha, I have no knowledge as follows:" the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death, so only the feet, besides a delusion? "Venerable Gotama saw the harm that he did not accept entirely the knowledge of this so?
- Hey Vaccha, think: "The world is permanent", such is wrong, is destined forestry, is wild, is Coliseum opinion, is a dispute, is fetters blessed, together with suffering, with devastating, with brain damage, cerebral heat, cover glass is not directed to, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana. Vaccha this, think: "The world is impermanent" ... (as above) ... "The world is finite" ... "The world is infinite" ... "The life and body is a "..." the life and body is different "..." the Tathagata exists after death "..." the Tathagata does not exist after death "..." Tathagata exists and there is no existence after death "... Hey Vaccha, think:" Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death ", is so wrong, is destined forestry, is wild, is Coliseum opinion, is a dispute, is fetters blessed, together with suffering, with devastating, with brain damage, cerebral heat, cover glass is not directed to, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana -you. Vaccha this, I see the danger of this which I do not accept fully what such knowledge.
- But Venerable Gotama does not have wrong?
- Hey Vaccha, was Tathagata wrong end. But this Vaccha, this is what the Tathagata had seen: "This is excellent, this is a collective identity, identity this is killing; this is life, this is the group life, this life is destroyed; this is great, this is great practice, this is a great kill; Here is the issue, this is the episode, this was a kill; Here is the formula, this is the collective knowledge, this is the formula Removal ". Thus it is said that, with the exception, dispassion, cessation, let go, throw away all illusions all the coma, the latest is down, down is basis, depending chronic hypnosis, which Tathagata award escape, no longer clinging.
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the monks were liberated mind so arise anywhere?
- Origination, this Vaccha, no application.
- Thus, Venerable Gotama, he does not arise?
- Not being run, this Vaccha, no application.
- Thus, Venerable Gotama, he arises and not arise?
- Origination and does not arise, this Vaccha, no application.
- Thus, Venerable Gotama, he does not arise and does not arise?
- Do not arise and does not arise, this Vaccha, no application.
- When asked: "Venerable Gotama, the monks were liberated mind so arise in any place?", Venerable replied, "Origination, this Vaccha not apply". When asked: "So, Venerable Gotama, he does not arise?" Venerable replied: "Not being run, this Vaccha, does not apply". When asked: "So, Venerable Gotama, he arises and not arise?", Venerable replied, "Origination and does not arise, this Vaccha not apply". When asked: "So, Venerable Gotama, he does not arise and does not arise?", Venerable replied, "Do not arise and does not arise, this Vaccha not apply". Dear Venerable Gotama, I became senseless at this point, I became confused about this point, and some trust I had for so venerable Gotama conversations before giving, now gone where I.
- Hey Vaccha, come last, His senseless! Well past, confusion (His)! Vaccha this, this is a legal deep, hard to see, hard to enlightenment, peace, wins, not to talk about, subtle, wise just to understand. It is difficult to understand he can, when he attached more knowledge, more patience, more ideally, another practice, another guru. And this Vaccha, today I again asked him. Please answer if Mr. endurance. Vaccha this, how do you think? If a fire blazed in front of him, he has said: "This fire blazed before me?"
- Venerable Gotama, if a fire blazed in front of me, I said: "This fire blazed in front of me".
- But if, this Vaccha, someone asked him as follows: "This fire blazed in front of him, this fire blazed conditioned by what?", If asked so, this Vaccha, how He answered ?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, if someone asked me the following: "This fire blazed in front of him, this fire blazed conditioned by what?", If asked so, sir Venerable Gotama, I'll answer as follows: "the fire blazed in front of me, this fire blazed conditioned grass and wood fuel."
- Hey Vaccha, if that fire is off in front of him, he had said: "The fire was off in front of me?"
- Venerable Gotama, if that fire was off in front of me, I said: "The fire was off in front of me".
- Hey Vaccha, if someone asked him as follows: "The fire was off before he, the fire was from here went public on the direction, the East, West, North, or South?", Was asks that, this Vaccha, how He answered?
- Do not apply here, Venerable Gotama. Whereas, in this venerable Gotama, the fire was burning for fuel charming grass and firewood. When grass and firewood was off and because there is no other fuel, should be considered as a fuel, has been disabled.
- Also, this Vaccha, because this material, so that a person can recognize Tathagata aware, rupa Tathagata had been eradicated, cut the root, made like ta-la trunk not be reborn, can not arise in the future. Liberation from the so-called identity, this Vaccha, the Tathagata, deep, immeasurable, unfathomable as the ocean to the bottom. Arises not apply, do not start up with no application, start up and does not start up without applying, do not start up and does not start up without applying. Because of this life, whereby a person can recognize Tathagata aware, that life has been eradicated Tathagata, cut off the roots, stems make ta-la as not being born again, not born initiate in the future. Freeing the so-called life, this Vaccha, the Tathagata, deep, unfathomable to infinite ocean floor, arises not apply, does not arise with the application, start up and does not start up without pressure use, does not start up and do not not arise without application. Due to this concept, whereby a person can recognize Tathagata aware, that idea has been eradicated Tathagata, cut off the roots, stems make ta-la, such as not being born again, not born initiate in the future. Freeing the so-called idea, this Vaccha, is Tathagata, deep, boundless ... (as above) ... does not arise and arise not apply. Because of this act whereby a person can recognize Tathagata aware, the issue had been eradicated Tathagata, cut off the roots, stems make ta-la, such as not being reborn, can not arise in the future. Freeing the so-called practice, this Vaccha, the Tathagata, deep, boundless ... (as above) ... does not arise and does not start up, no application. Due to this method, by which a person can perceive Tathagata aware, the formula that has been eradicated Tathagata, cut off the roots, stems make ta-la, such as not being born again, not may arise in the future. Freeing the so-called knowledge, this Vaccha, the Tathagata, deep, immeasurable, unfathomable as the ocean to the bottom, arises not apply, does not arise with the application, start up and does not arise may apply, not start up and does not start up without applying.
When saying so, wanderer pagan lord Vacchagotta:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, a me-shouting trees, not far from the village or town, as impermanent, falling leaves, bark and bud falling, falling trees and senses after a while, with foliage falling, with bark and bud fall, with trees falling sensation, the tree was the only remaining pure wood pulp. Likewise, the words of the venerable Gotama, with fall foliage, with bark and bud loss, with trees falling sensation, was pure words, only core remaining trees. It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions to the lost direction, to bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; too, Dharma was Venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. I take refuge Venerable Gotama, the Dhamma and the Sangha. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as his disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.

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