Friday 1 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time in Nadika Exalted, in Ginjakavasatha. At that time the venerable Anuruddha (A-na-law-momentum), Venerable Nandiya, venerable Kimbila garden residence in wooded forest Gosinga ta-la. Bhagavan Then, in the afternoon, after meditation, got up and went to the garden with many trees in the forest Gosinga ta-la. Bhagavan saw holder remote gardens go, instant venerable sir:
- Bach recluse, do not have in this garden. Good men have three members were residing here, very loving attachment to self. Let no distractions for him.
The venerable Anuruddha heard people keep talking to garden so Bhagavan immediately said to keep the garden:
- Hey man kept garden, do not have to stop Bhagavan. Bhagavan, our masters have come.
 Then the venerable Anuruddha went to the venerable Nandiya venerable Kimbila and said:
- Chu venerable come, venerable monks come. Bhagavan, our masters have come.
Then the venerable Anuruddha, venerable venerable Nandiya and Exalted Kimbila out to meet a man with a bowl of Bhagavan Health, prepared a seat, a foot-washing water preset. Bhagavan sat on the seat was drafted, after sitting, Exalted wash feet. Then the Venerable He bowed and sat down on one side. And Bhagavan told venerable Anuruddha was sitting down on one side:
- Hey Anuruddha, the peace he get it? There is still life happy? Seeking alms from fatigue have not?
- Buddha, we are peaceful; venerable sir, we live in peace and happiness; venerable sir, we have to beg from fatigue.
- Hey Anuruddha, the He has lived in harmony, joy together, no quarrel, like water with milk, live at each other with eyes not sympathy?
- Buddha, actually we live in harmony, joy together, no quarrel, like water with milk, live at each other with sympathetic eyes.
- This, Anuruddha, how to live in harmony He, happy together, like water with milk, live at each other with sympathetic eyes?
- Buddha, here, we heard the following: "It benefits our behalf, very smart benefits instead of me, when I was living with the same dignity, the same." Buddha, therefore, for this dignity, the same, the start-up of professional bodies in front and behind, the start up of industrial exports, front and back, the start up of the industry, in front and back. Buddha, therefore, we think as follows: "Let us give up our mind and living in accordance with the heart of this venerable". Buddha, I abandoned my heart, and living in accordance with the venerable heart of it. Buddha, the other though our body but the mind is like a contract.
Then venerable Nandiya ... (as above) ... and venerable lord Kimbila:
- Buddha, here we think as follows: "It is on behalf of our interests, very smart benefits instead of me, when I was living with the same dignity, the same." Buddha, therefore, for this dignity, the same, the start-up of professional bodies, front and back, the start-up of industrial exports, front and back, the start up of the industry, before face and back. Buddha, therefore, we think as follows: "Let us give up our mind and living in accordance with the heart of this venerable". Buddha, the heart of the child abandoned and living in accordance with the venerable heart of it. Buddha, the other though our body but the mind is like a contract. Buddha, so we live in harmony, joy together, like water with milk, live at each other with sympathetic eyes.
- You instead, heal rather, it Anuruddha! This, Anuruddha, the life he had no distractions, zealous, ardent not?
- Buddha, we really live without distractions, zealous, ardent.
- This, Anuruddha, how, and he lives no distractions, zealous, ardent?
- Here, venerable sir, us, who go begging village ago, he is about to put the seat, prepared drinking water, wash your feet, prepared a bowl to remove excess furniture. Who goes begging village later, he does, but if you want leftovers, eat, if not then put in place without grass or water flows into no insects and he unloads the seat , take away drinking water, wash your feet, take away the bowl to remove excess furniture and wipe out cafeteria. Who saw flaked drinking water, wash water smashed legs, or water smashed all the water in the toilet, empty he will take care of (water). If someone do not stand with its hands power, then he used his hands to call the second person: "Let's take care of (water)". Even so, venerable sir, so that we do not make a sound. And on Thursday, venerable sir, the whole night, we sat conversation about religion. As such, our lord is not heedless life, zeal, ardent.
- You instead, heal rather, the Anuruddha this! This, Anuruddha, the distraction he did not live, zeal, so ardent, and he's had the upper legal evidence, knowledge wins, worthy saint, lived in comfort, peace?
- Buddha, why can not. Here, venerable sir, a long time until we want, we Education cups, glasses immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals. Thus, venerable sir, for us, is the upper legal workers, knowledge wins, worthy saint; our witness and live comfortably, peacefully, we live not by distraction, zealous, ardent.
- You instead, heal rather, the Anuruddha this! This, Anuruddha, the peace He has overcome the other resident, has made dwell calm the other, and be a legal witness another trader, a worthy knowledge saint wins and live comfortably, not peace ?
- Buddha, how can not be. Here, venerable sir, a long time until we want, we kill kill reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most static inner mind. Buddha, we dwell beyond the other, making the calm peace of the other residence; our rooftop other legal evidence, a knowledge wins, worthy saint and live comfortably, peacefully.
- You instead, heal rather, the Anuruddha this! This, Anuruddha, the peace He has overcome the other resident, has made dwell calm the other, and is a legal certificate rooftop others, a knowledge wins, worthy saints and live comfortably, peacefully not?
- Buddha, how can not be. Here, long until we want, we discharge residence cup joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, residence certificate Tuesday Zen, Buddha, we dwell beyond the other, make the other stay calm peace; our rooftop other legal evidence, a knowledge wins, worthy sages, and live comfortably, peacefully.
- You instead, heal rather, the Anuruddha this! This, Anuruddha, the peace He has overcome the other resident, has made dwell calm the other, and is a legal certificate rooftop others, a knowledge wins, worthy saints and live comfortably, peacefully not?
- Buddha, how can not be. Here, long until we want, we are optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, neutral, exhaust purification concept. Buddha, we dwell beyond the other, making the calm peace of the other residence; our rooftop other legal evidence, a knowledge wins, saints and worthy peace live comfortably.
- You instead, heal rather, the Anuruddha this! This, Anuruddha, the peace He has overcome the other resident, has made dwell calm the other, and is a legal certificate rooftop others, a knowledge wins, worthy saints and live comfortably, peacefully not?
- Buddha, how can not be. Here long until we want, we took all the great colors, great eradicate all obstacles, not the intention for a great horror; we think: "Nowhere is boundless," boundless residence certificate of origin. Buddha, we dwell beyond the other, making the calm peace of the other residence; our rooftop other legal evidence, a knowledge wins, saints and worthy of living comfort, peace ... (as above) ... Here, long until we want; we overcome all the land of boundless, think: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin ... (as above) ... Here, long until we want; we overcome all the land of boundless consciousness, thought: "There is no object", owned residence certificate Unknown Origin ... (as above) ... Here, long until we want; Countless us overcome all parish property, residence proof and ideal non-perception Africa. Here, long until we want; Africa overcome us ideal non-perception, a great residence certificate to exterminate life. Once you've found through wisdom, of our defilements are the exception. Buddha, we dwell beyond the other, making the calm peace of the other residence; our merchants legal evidence, a knowledge wins, worthy saints and live comfortably, peacefully. Venerable sir, we do not see any other residence located nobler, more wins this stay optimistic.
- You instead, heal rather, the Anuruddha! Anuruddha Hey, this residence outside touch, no one else stay optimistic nobler, more wins.
 Exalted preach to venerable Anuruddha, venerable Nandiya and venerable Kimbila, revelation, encouragement make happy, make excited, then got up from his seat to leave. The venerable Anuruddha, venerable Nandiya and venerable Kimbila, after farewell Bhagavan and go back. Ton Ton fake and counterfeit Nandiya told venerable Anuruddha Kimbila:
- We never told venerable Anuruddha as follows: "We are people who abides this result, this result dwell", and thus, Venerable Anuruddha, before the Exalted, has stated ( the certifications) to rid the taints.
- Chu Venerable not told me the following: "We are people who abides this fruit, this fruit abides", but with my heart, I know the heart of the Venerable: "This is the Masters who abides this fruit, this fruit abides. " And gods have told me about this issue: "The Masters is he abides this result, dwell happened." It is by means of this, the question that was asked Bhagavan answered.
Then Digha Parajana, a Yakkha (School Yakshis demons) came to Bhagavan in, after arrival, he bowed and stood aside. After standing aside, Digha Parajana venerable sir:
- Buddha, truth instead of public interests which served (any)! It cleverly interests instead of the public which served! Because Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment here, and all three men to death Compassion, Venerable Anuruddha, venerable and venerable Kimbila Nandiya too.
After listening to the voice of Digha Parajana Yakkha, the god makes this place hear: "Divine Sage, truth instead of public interests which served! Really smart people benefit which served! Because Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment here and this death all three men Compassion, Venerable Anuruddha, venerable and venerable Kimbila Nandiya too ". After listening to the voice of the gods Place, four Uranus ... (as above) ... Thirty-three heaven ... heaven ... Da-ma-momentum Top-rate natural disasters ... It turned optimistic. .. Tha ... self in natural disasters discounts they make this known to hear: "Divine Sage, really rather have the public interest which served! It cleverly interests instead of the public which served! Because Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment here, and all three men particles Compassion, Venerable Anuruddha, venerable Nandiya, and venerable Kimbila ". Thus, in this moment, in this moment, the Venerable was known to Brahma.
- The work is thus the Digha, the work is so, this Digha, Digha this, if any family, this death three men ordained Compassion, abandoned the family, not family life, think of three Good men this death with joyful mind, the family would be at peace, lasting happiness. This Digha, if relatives of the family relatives that three particles ordained Good men, abandoned the family, not family life, thought of the three men to death with compassion joyful mind, the relatives of her children's home good family that three men ordained this death, abandoned the family, not family life, think of three good men to death with the joyful mind, the relatives of the family relatives would be peaceful, happy long long. This Digha, if any ... if hamlet village ... if the city does ... if any ... national level if all surveys to town ... if all Brahmin ... if all Phệ amnesty (Vessa) ... if all Prime momentum (Sudda) ... Hey Digha, if the world with gods, the Devil, with Brahma, with them recluses, Ba-La- subjects, gods and men who remember this three venerable joyful mind, the world that with the gods, the Devil, with Brahma, with them recluses, Brahmin, gods and The species will be peace, lasting happiness. Digha this, see this death three Good men how to live? - Because happiness for all beings, because peace for all beings, because of compassion for the life, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
Exalted such preaching. Deleted Digha Parajana happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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