Monday 4 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential his residence. At that time, Venerable Mahakotthita (University sentence-hy-la), in the afternoon, when the meditation is finished, got up, went over to the venerable Sariputta, after coming up with the venerable Sariputta said words of welcome, courtesy asked and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, Venerable told Venerable Sariputta Mahakotthita:
- Hey Sage, mental paralysis, paralysis Property (Duppanna) is called such. This sage, how knowledge is called paralysis?
- Hey Sage, because no insight, no insight (Nappajanati), this sage wisdom should be called heroes. What insight does not? No insight: this is suffering, not insight: this is Suffering, not insight: this is the Cessation of Suffering, not insight: this is the path leading to the Cessation of Suffering. Since no insight, no insight, the Sage, should be called heroes Property.
- You instead, Sage!
Venerable Mahakotthita happy, credit life Venerable Sariputta said words, and asked Venerable Sariputta one more question:
- Hey Sage, wisdom, wisdom is called so. This sage, how is called wisdom?
- As with insight, with insight, this sage, should be called wisdom. What wisdom there? Having insight: this is suffering, there is insight: this is Suffering, have insight: this is the Cessation of Suffering, have insight: this is the path leading to the Cessation of Suffering. As with insight, with insight, this sage, should be called wisdom.
- Wake, wake, the Sage, known as such, Sage Hey, how is called knowledge?
- Hey Sage, because intellectual knowledge, intellectual knowledge, the sage should be called knowledge. What voters formula? Informal communication tri, tri wake suffering, suffering any form of intellectual property optimistic. Because intellectual knowledge, intellectual knowledge, this sage, should be called knowledge.
- Hey Sage, so intellectual, so informal, these measures are combined or not combined? Maybe affordable, raised the difference between this method, after analyzing them repeatedly?
- Hey Sage, so intellectual, so informal, these measures are combined, not combined. None were able to put the difference between this method, after analyzing them repeatedly. This sage, what is the insight the tri formula is, what is the insight knowledge is knowledge. Therefore, these measures are combined, not combined, and not be able to raise the difference between this method, after analyzing them repeatedly.
- Hey Sage, so intellectual, so formula, how is the difference between the combined approach, not this combination?
- Hey Sage, Wisdom so, so informal, between the combined approach, not be combined, wisdom should be practiced (Bhavetabba), need to be awake in another tri (Parinneyyam) such is the difference between this approach.
- Feeling, feeling, this sage, known as such. This sage, how are called sensations?
- Hey Sage, feelings, sensations (Vedeti), should be called a sensation. And what feelings? Feeling optimistic, feeling pain, feeling no pain no pleasures. This sage, feelings, sensations, feelings should be called.
- Hey Sage, idea, thought (Sanna) is called such. This sage, how great is called?
- Chiang tri, tri idea (Sanjanati), this sage, thought should be called, and what a great prophet? A great blue tri, tri-color gold idea, great red tri, tri white idea. A great prophet, a great prophet, the Sage, should be called great.
- Hey Sage, feeling so, so great, these measures are combined or not combined? Maybe affordable, raised the difference between this method, after analyzing them repeatedly?
- Hey Sage, feeling so, so great, these measures are combined, not be combined. None were able to put the difference between this method, after analyzing them repeatedly. This sage, what a great feeling to be the prophet is, what is a great feeling to be intellectual. Therefore, these measures are combined, not to be combined, and not be able to raise the difference between this method, after analyzing them repeatedly.
- Hey Sage, pure consciousness, not related to the five senses can be brought to nothing?
- Hey Sage, pure consciousness, not related to the five senses, which can lead to infinitude of Nowhere; nowhere is boundless, can lead to boundless origin; knowledge is boundless, can be brought to naught origin, no anything.
- Hey Sage, what measures can be taken to ask what is insight?
- Hey Sage, thanks to IP label, measures can be taken to insight.
- Hey Sage, wisdom mean?
- Hey Sage, intellectual sense is winning voters (Abhinnattha), meaning full understanding (Parinnattha), mean total annihilation (Pahanattha).
- Hey Sage, how much grace that is being run right view?
- Hey Sage, there are two main causes of knowledge coast arises: Voice of others and as of volition. This sage, by two this charming, chief knowledge arise.
- Hey Sage, chief knowledge must be supported by many factors of the freedom of mind to work, freeing results merit attention, and liberating insight fruit, fruit merit liberating insight?
- Hey Sage, chief knowledge must be supported by five factors for effective rescue center, results merit attention liberated, liberating insight and wisdom freed results merit results. Here, the Sage, Chief limited knowledge support, with documents (Suta) support, support discussion, there is only (Samatha) support, shop (Samadhi) support. This sage, chief knowledge is supported by years of spending this section to have the freedom of mind results, outcome merits attention liberated, liberating insight and wisdom freed results merit results.
- Hey Sage, how much organic (Bhava)?
- Hey Sage has three organic: organic education, excellent organic, organic formless.
- Hey Sage, how future rebirth is happening?
- Hey Sage, obscured by ignorance, greed is bound, the living beings enjoy here and there, so, in the future rebirth is happening.
- Hey Sage, how the new birth does not happen in the future?
- Hey Sage, ignorance is detachment, intelligent start, craving to be eradicated, so the new birth does not occur in the future.
- Hey Sage, how is the first Zen?
- Here, the sage, the fitness monks cups, glasses legal evil evil, the first Zen residence certificate, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals. Thus, the Sage, known as the First Meditation.
- Hey Sage, the first Zen how many spent part?
- Hey Sage, First Meditation has five factors. Here, the sage, Zen monks first achievement, has a range, quad, rapture, happiness and one heart. This sage, the first Zen have spent part of this year.
- Hey Sage, the first Zen abandon many factors of how much spending and achievement part?
- Hey Sage, the first Zen abandoned five factors and five factors achievements. Here, the sage, the Zen monks first achievements abandon greed, abandon the field to abandon sloth dullness, abandon exchange Trao, abandon comfortable, achievements games, quartet, happy, optimistic and single-mindedly. This sage, so the first Zen abandoned five factors and five factors achievements.
- Hey Sage, in this apartment, there are different levels, with different gender, no confusing realm, gender together. Ie eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body. This sage, between the base year, with the realm of difference, gender differences have no territorial realm of life, gender each other, what do clinics for them, something territorial realm, gender of them?
- Hey Sage, in this apartment, there is the realm of difference, gender differences have no territorial realm, another gender, ie, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body. This sage, between the base year, with the realm of difference, with gender differences, no confusing realm, gender together, the clinics do for them, and the territory of the realm and gender general.
- Hey Sage, this base year is the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body. This sage, in this apartment, conditioned by what they dwell?
- Hey Sage, this base year is the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body. This sage, in this apartment, conditioned by life (Ayu) which we dwell.
- Hey Sage, what life abides by conditions?
- Life expectancy conditioned by the heat that abides.
- Hey Sage, heat what abides by conditions?
- Heat by conditions that dwell longevity.
- Hey Sage, today we learned from the words of the Venerable Sariputta's life conditioned by the heat that abides. Now we know from the words of the Venerable Sariputta heat is conditioned by the life that abides. This sage, like, need to understand the meaning of this word?
- Hey Sage, I'll give an example. Through examples, here, some wise people will understand the meaning words. This sage, such as when a lamp is lit, charming wick, light is out, conditioned by light, wick was found. Also this sage, conditioned life that dwell heat, and heat conditioned by life that abides.
- Hey Sage, the operating life measures (Ayusankhara) This is the method to be feeling (Vedaniya) this, or other measures with the life of this legal act is this feeling?
- Hey Sage, the legal life of this practice is not legal is this sensation. This sage, if these measures are the legal life of this issue is this feeling can not specify the arrival of the monks launch was a great achievement to exterminate life. This sage, so that the operating life other measures, these measures should be different sensations can specify the appearance of your departure, monks have great achievements to exterminate life.
- Hey Sage, for this body, when, how many law is abandoned, the body was to lie down, thrown away, discarded, like a log senseless?
- Hey Sage, for this body, when it was abandoned three measures: life expectancy, heat and consciousness, then this body lying down, is thrown away, discarded as an inanimate piece of wood.
- Hey Sage, what difference there between animals die, this common network with the monks accomplished a great feeling to Extinction?
- Hey Sage, dead animals, this public network, its executive body to terminate, stop, gate operator to terminate, stop, mental terminate, stop, cessation of life, destroy the heat, the base being corrupt. You monks also achievements to exterminate life thought, the body of this position is terminated, is stopped, export shall be terminated, is stopped, mental been terminated, is stopped, but not life cessation, the heat does not destroy, the units that are wise. This sage, such as the difference between the character dies, this common network with the monks great achievements to exterminate life.
- Hey Sage, how much grace to witness mind freed enter any unpleasant suffering?
- Hey Sage, four coast to witness the mind liberated enter any unpleasant suffering. Here, the sage, the monks optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. This sage, this charming four securities due to heart liberate any unpleasant suffering.
- Hey Sage, how many enter formless coast to witness the freedom of mind?
- Hey Sage, enter two formless coast to witness the freedom of mind: no volition volition necessarily general and formless world. This sage, this charming certified by two formless enter liberated mind.
- Hey Sage, how much grace to dwell formless freedom of mind?
- Hey Sage, three coast to dwell formless liberation mind: not necessarily general volition, volition formless world, and an offhand. This sage, by this grace that abides three formless liberated mind.
- Hey Sage, how many starting out formless coast to liberate the mind?
- Hey Sage, starting two formless coast to export freedom of mind: volition necessarily general and does not formless world volition. This sage, due to start production this charming two formless liberated mind.
- Hey Sage, this liberating immeasurable, infinite freedom of mind owning this, not this freedom of mind and freedom of mind that this formless, this approach means the difference and discrepancy list, or uniform meaning and identity difference.
- Hey Sage, liberating immeasurable, infinite freedom of mind ownership, not freedom of mind and freedom of mind that this formless, there is a practice, this sage, by this method, the mean difference was legal difference and identity. And the sage, is there a method, by this method, the method does mean uniformity and difference list. This sage, how is the method, because this method means that the difference in legal and other false identity? Here, the sage, the monks meet a local variable dwell with the organic mind with the word, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger . With the organic mind with compassion ... with the heart with joy ... abides property meets a local variable with the organic mind to discharge, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides variation with organic content with the heart flush, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger . Thus, the Sage, called immeasurable relief. And the sage, how is incredibly liberating ownership interest? Here, the sage, the monks took the land of boundless all, think: "There is something" owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. Thus, the Sage, called Anonymous ownership liberated mind. And the sage, how is not freedom of mind? Here, the sage, the monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty seat and think as follows: "It was empty, no self or no self basis". Thus, the Sage, called non-liberated mind. And the sage, how is formless freedom of mind? Here, the sage, the monks do not necessarily work with the minister, and dwell formless achieve concentration. Thus, the Sage, called formless liberated mind. Such is the method and the practice of law by means difference and identity that difference. And the sage, how is the method and the practice of law by means homogeneous but that difference list. Join, this sage, the cause of limited amounts; golf is the cause of limited amounts; ignorance is the cause of limited quantity. For you, monks were rid of cankers and greed, hatred and delusion have been cut radically as ta-la trunk is cut at its source, preventing them in the future rebirth. This sage, when the freed mind is immeasurable, the estate is called freedom of mind is paramount to his freedom of mind, freedom of mind and estate without arguments, no courts, no si . Join, this sage, is something (obstacles), golf is something (obstacles), Si is an object (obstacle). For you, monks were rid of cankers, the greed, hatred and delusion have been cut radically, as ta-la trunk is cut at its source, preventing them in the future rebirth. This sage, when the mind is incredibly liberating ownership, the estate is called freedom of mind is paramount to his freedom of mind, freedom of mind and estate had no greed, no courts, no there si. Join, this sage, is the generation of generals, the generals artificial pitch, artificial si is a minister. For you, monks were rid of cankers, the greed, hatred and delusion are firmly root, like ta-la trunk is cut at its source, preventing them in the future rebirth. This sage, when the freed mind is formless, the estate is called freedom of mind is paramount to his freedom of mind, freedom of mind and this estate is no greed, no courts, no si. Thus, the Sage, is the practice, the measures that are synonymous but the difference list.
The venerable Sariputta such preaching. Venerable Mahakotthita happy, credit life Venerable Sariputta taught words.

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