Tuesday 19 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi (Dormitories-protection), forests (da-LAM) Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential at his residence (Anathapindika). Then She-la-Esukari subjects go to world Religion, after coming up with the Religious World say Welcome to enquire, and after talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side, sitting down on one side, She-la-Esukari subjects of the White World Religion:
-Dear fake Religion, Ba-la-Gotama subject advocated four types of serve: advocates serve for She-la, the advocates for Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat (Khattiya), advocates serve for Phệ-XA (Vessa: traders), advocates serve for Manually-da (Sudda: labor). Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve for She-la-subjects as follows: Ba-la-subjects serve for her-la-Mon; or Khattiya served for her-la-Mon; or Vessa served for She-la, or her servant Sudda-la-Mon. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve for She-la-Mon. Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve for Khattiya as follows: Khattiya served for Khattiya; or Vessa served for Khattiya; or Sudda served to Khattiya. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve to Khattiya. Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve for Vessa as follows: Vessa served for Vessa; or Sudda serve for Vesasa. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve for Vessa. Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve for Sudda Sudda as follows: serve for Sudda. Because there's no one else that can serve for Sudda. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon advocates serve for Sudda. Dear fake Religious Gotama, the Ba-la-Mon advocated four types serve. In this Respect, the author had to say about Gotama this problem?
-But the She-la, there are all the people in his life agree with Ba-la-keeper when they advocated four types serve?
-No way, Mr. Suen fake Gotama.
-She-la-subjects, such as a poor person, no owner, miserable, for oil, people don't want to get caught swallowing pieces of meat: "this man, He must eat meat and He must pay some money". Also, she-la, oil is not the Sa-Ba-la-Mon, Mon's acceptance, the She-la-Mon advocated four types serve. She-la, we can't say that all need to serve. But she-la, I do not say that all need not be served. Because of that, she-la, if anyone in when served, become worse, not better, we become not saying, that person needs to serve. But she-la, if anyone in when served, become better, do not become worse. I say that, people that need to serve. And if she-la, someone asked Khattiya position as follows: "Who served for Him, so the cause serve became worse, not to become better; or who serve for serve causes, He becomes better, do not become worse? And so he's here need to be served by the people? " Locate Khattiya, she-la, if answered foot Chief needs to answer: "Who would serve me, serve this reason become worse, not better, then I don't need him to serve me. But if people would serve me, serve this reason become better, not worse, then I need her to serve me ". And she-la, if someone asked her-la-Mon. .. (as above). She-la, if someone asked this ... and Mrs. Vessa-la-keeper, if someone asked Sudda as follows: "Who served for him, so the cause serve became worse, not to become better; or who serve for serve causes, he becomes better, do not become worse? And so, he's here need to be served by the people? " The Sudda, she-la, if answered chon TAM Chief needs to answer: "Who would serve me, serve this reason become worse, not better, then I don't need him to serve me. But if people would serve me, serve this reason become better, not worse, then I need her to serve me ". She-la, we can't say better because being in a family. She-la, don't we say bad because of being in a family. She-la, we can't say better because beauty enemies win. She-la, we can't say more because of bad beauty enemies win. She-la, we can't say better because the property enemies win. She-la, we can't say more because of the bad assets enemies win. Here, she-la, there is the birth of a noble family, being, of not giving, living happy pagan in the exercise, lie, say two tongues, saying evil words, said judgment, in the Center, there is the mind, there are ties. Therefore, we can't say better because being in a family. Here, she-la-Mon there are people being in a noble family from birth, police removed the disclaimer taken by not giving, abandoning life happy pagan in the exercise, quit lying, abandon the said two tongues, abandon the wicked say, abandoned the said judgment, without taking part in the mind, not the Center courtyard, there Chief. Therefore, We do not say bad because more birth became in the family. Here, she-la, there are people with beauty enemies win. (as above). Here, she-la, someone with hostile property WINS, birth, taken by police not to ... (as above) ... There are ties. So, we're not saying become better because of enemy property WINS. Here, she-la, someone with hostile property WINS abandoned observation of birth ... (as above) ... have the Chief Justice. Therefore, we can't say more because of the bad becomes property enemies win. She-la, we can't say all need to serve. But she-la, we're also not saying all do not need to serve. She-la, who would serve, serve causes this, confidence is growing, world growth, the listener is growth, alms to be growth, wisdom said, growth should serve him.
When I heard that, She-la-Esukari subjects of the White World Religion:
-Dear fake Religion, Ba-la-Gotama subject advocated four types of assets, the assets of the person She-la, the assets of the undertakings the Khattiya, Vessa's advocates, advocates of the Sudda property. Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-property advocates of her subjects-la-Mon was qifu gangui. But when the She-la-Mon despised qifu gangui property, he did not do his duty and like farmers and cows take to the air. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-property advocates of her subjects-la-Mon. Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-property advocates binge of Khattiya's bows and arrows. But when the Khattiya despised property bows and arrows, he does not do his duty, and like farmers and cows take to the air. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-property advocates binge of Khattiya. Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-property advocates binge of Vessa is agricultural and grazing. But when the Vessa despised agricultural and grazing property, he did not do his duty, and like farmers and cows take to the air. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-property advocates binge of Vessa. Here, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-Mon Sudda property advocates is the Crescent and burden. But when the Sudda despised Crescent property and not people, burden to do his duty and like farmers and cows take to the air. So, your Honor, Mrs. Gotama fake-la-keeper, advocates of the Sudda property. The Ba-la-Mon, Ton, four types of undertakings Gotama fake assets. Here, Religion author Gotama say something about this issue?
-She-la, is everyone here agrees with the She-la-keeper when they advocated four types this property?
-No way, Mr. Suen fake Gotama.
-She-la-subjects, such as a poor person, no owner, miserable, oil for that person does not want to be arrested, swallow pieces of th t: "this man, He must eat meat and He must pay some money". Also, she-la, not oil the She-la, Sa-he accepted subjects, the Ba-la-keeper still advocated four types this property. She-la, We advocated property for humans is infinite upper French Saints. While remembered family Oldtimer of the mother and father, where a character can engenders, the time will be accepted depending on the seat. If the order can be born in a family of Khattiya, Khattiya was accepted as forecast. If the order can be born in a family She-la, accepted that she forecast-la-Mon. If the order can be born in a family of Vessa, Vessa is accepted. If the order can be born in a family of Sudda Sudda time is accepted. She-la, as it depends what a charm flames are burning up, the flames are accepted according to the charm. If by charm firewood, a fire was burning up, the flames were accepted as fire wood. If by charm cell chips, a fire was burning up, the flames were accepted as fire wood-shavings. If by charm of grass, a fire was burning up, the flames he was accepted as the grass fire. If by charm cow dung, a fire was burning up, the flames he was accepted as a fire. Also, she-la, We advocated property for humans is infinite upper French Saints. While remembered family Oldtimer of the mother and father, where a character can engenders, the time will be accepted depending on the seat. If the order can be born in a family of Khattiya, Khattiya was accepted as forecast. If the order can be born in a family of BA-la-subjects ... to a family of Vessa ... in a family Sudda Sudda time is accepted. But she-la, if a person from a family of Khattiya renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life thanks to France and law are As Hybrid Theory claim, (he) give up suicide being, abandon of not for, renouncing ties in almond, quit lying, abandon the said two tongues, abandoned wicked Word , abandon the said judgment, without taking part in the mind, not the Center courtyard, has a Chief Justice, her chief accomplishments, friendly France. She-la, if a person from a family of BA-la-subjects ... from a family of Vessa ... from a spice Sudda family, abandoned the family, no family life, thanks to the French and the law was As Lai declared novel (her) from birth, police removed the disclaimer taken of not to ... have the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice accomplishments, friendly France. She-la-Mon. He thought? In this stance, the only person She-la-new disciplines can practice from the mind, don't hate, don't pitch; the Khattiya, Vessa people can not be can not be, who can not be Sudda?
-Ladies not so fake, Gotama. The Khattiya, false Religious Gotama, can also in this stance, the practice from the mind, don't hate, don't pitch. The Ba-la-please fake Religious subjects Gotama; someone please fake Religious Vessa Gotama; someone please fake Religious Sudda Gotama. All b class n, your fake Religion in this stance, Gotama can practice from the mind, don't hate, don't pitch.
-Also, she-la, if a person from family Khattiya, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life, he thanks to France and by the law such as Lai declared dogma, abandon the suicide of birth ... (as above) ... have the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice accomplishments, friendly France. She-la, He thought? Only She-la-new disciplines can get scratched his back to bath and powder, goes to the River, and clean land and clean the dust; the Khattiya cannot be; the Vessa can not be; the Sudda cannot be?
-Ladies not so fake, Gotama. The Khattiya, false Religious Gotama, can also get scratched his back to bath and powder, goes to the river and clean soil and clean the dust, the She-la-please fake Religious subjects Gotama; someone please fake Religious Vessa Gotama; someone please fake Religious Sudda Gotama. All four classes, your fake Religion Gotama, all can get scratched his back to bath and powder go to the river and clean soil and clean the dust.
-Also, she-la-subject, if from a family of Khattiya, the renunciation, abandoning the family, family living, this person thanks to France and by the law such as Lai declared dogma, abandon the suicide of birth ... have the Chief Justice, he was viewed as the primary achievement, the French charity. She-la, if a person from her family-la-Mon; She-la, if a person from family Vessa; She-la, if a person from Sudda family, family abandonment, spice, live without family, he thanks to France and by the law such as Lai declared dogma, abandon the suicide of birth ... have the Chief Justice, he was viewed as the primary achievement, the French charity. She-la, He thought? Here, if the King did, wealthy girl, pub, buffet Khattiya for meetings of a hundred people in many different strains of Leanne and says: "have you come here, you, Khattiya family in her family-la-Mon, engenders from the imperial family, giving parts of the map rotation, with saka, or tree-la , or tree-lala, or fried, or tree-tree shower, go for a light and heat. Also the Fried family-da-la (lower), belonging to the family of the hunt family in making bamboo furniture in the family vehicles, belonging to the family poured feces, come here, bring your parts on rotating wooden trough fire map of the dog eating, or eating pig trough, laundry chutes or map, or wood from the tree of y-la (elanda : enough castor oil tree), and go for a lighter and the heat out ". She-la, He thought? There must only be rekindled flame up and the heat generated from Khattiya family, Her family-la, being from the imperial family, after giving the parts of the map turns fire, made of tree-tree or saka, la, or tree-lala, or fried, or tree-tree shower, only fire he tops new colors, new, light, and only the fire he used to be on the job by the fire brought; the longer the flame was rekindled, and the heat generated from the Xia family, family, family of hunting as bamboo, make family vehicles, belonging to the family poured feces, after delivering parts on of fire wood chute rotation map dog food, or eat a pig trough , or trough, laundry or dry firewood from the y-lan tree, no volcano tops, no color, no light, and no flame can be used on the job due to fire bring?
-Not so, dear fake Religious Gotama. The flames are rekindled on up, the heat is generated, your fake Religion Gotama, from Khattiya family, Her family-la, being from the imperial family, after giving the parts on spinning fire, made of tree-tree or saka la, or tree-lala, or fried, or tree-tree shower, the flame he tops, color There, the light, the fire he used to be on the job by the fire brought; the longer the flame was rekindled, and the heat generated from the Xia family, family, family of hunting as bamboo, make family vehicles, belonging to the family poured feces, after delivering parts on fire, spin their wooden furniture trough the dogs, or pig feed trough , or trough, laundry or dry firewood from the y-lan tree, he also tops the volcano, also have color, also light, and flames can be used on the job due to the fire. Dear fake Religious Gotama, all flames are tops, have color, has a light, all kinds of fire can be used on the job due to the fire.
-Also, she-la, if someone from the family spice Khattiya, abandoned the family, no family life, thanks to France and by the law such as Lai declared, he abandoned the police being there the Chief Justice, he was viewed as the primary achievement, the French charity. If someone from her family-la-Mon. .. If someone from the family Vessa. If someone from Sudda family, family abandonment, renunciation, non-living, thanks to France and by the law such as Lai declared, he abandoned the police being there the Chief Justice, he was viewed as the primary achievement, the French charity.
When I heard that, She-la-Esukari subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! True false Religious change magic vi Gotama! ... Looking forward to honor children do upasaka Gotama imitation, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.

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