Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time at Nalanda, in the woods Pavarikamba. At that time, residing in Nalanda Nigantha Nataputta mass with Nigantha (Ly sects). Then Nigantha Dighatapassi (ascetic Assuming School), after seeking alms in Nalanda, eating, begging on the way back, go to the forests Pavarikamba, Exalted in place, after arriving, they speak the words inquired World Ton. After voicing my regards to friendship, you stand aside. Bhagavan told Nigantha Dighatapassi standing aside:
- Hey Tapassi, there are seats. If he wants, let's sit down.
When they heard that, grab a seat Nigantha Dighatapassi low, then sat down on one side. And Bhagavan told Nigantha Dighatapassi sitting on one side:
- Hey Tapassi, Nigantha Nataputta how many advocates of karma now to work, to progress karma?
- Sage Gotama, Nigantha Nataputta no policy practices now, now. Sage Gotama, Nigantha Nataputta have advocated routine penalty, fine.
- Hey Tapassi, Nigantha Nataputta how many undertakings to work himself into a kind of karma, karma to progress?
- Hey Sage Gotama, Nigantha Nataputta penalty advocates to work with three types of karma, karma to progress, which is itself a ticket, a ticket gate, the ticket.
- Hey Tapassi, but relative to other penalties, other penalties border, the other penalties?
- Sage Gotama, relatives other penalties, other penalties border, the other penalties.
This Tapassi, three types of punishment, is split thus be distinguished as such, Nigantha Nataputta advocated any kind of dark matter to work himself into karma, karma to progression, stem penalties, penalties border, reviews penalties?
- Sage Gotama, the three types of ticket are split as such, is distinguished as such, Nigantha Nataputta undertakings themselves is critical to work himself into karma, karma to progress, by a fine not to be exported, the penalty not by being.
- Hey Tapassi, relatives have said he himself?
- Sage Gotama, I say fine body.
- Hey Tapassi, relatives have said he himself?
- Sage Gotama, I say fine body.
- Hey Tapassi, relatives have said he himself?
- Sage Gotama, I say fine body.
Thus Bhagavan in this conversation did Nigantha Dighatapassi confirmed until the third time perspective (his).
When they heard that, Nigantha Dighatapassi told Bhagavan:
- Sage Gotama, Sage how many undertakings to work himself into a kind of karma, karma to progress?
- Hey Tapassi, Tathagata has no policy practice penalties, penalties. This Tapassi, Tathagata has advocated practices now, now.
- Sage Gotama, Sage undertakings how many types of karma now to work, to progress karma?
- Hey Tapassi, I advocate three types of karma now to work, to progress karma, ie bodily, verbal, attention now.
- Sage Gotama, but there must be other professional bodies, other industrial exports, the other now?
- Hey Tapassi, other professional bodies, other industrial exports, the other now.
- Sage Gotama, the three categories of this industry, which is split thus be distinguished as such, Sage advocated any kind of dark matter now to influence the karma, karma to progress? Affordable professional bodies, whether verbal, the budget now?
- Hey Tapassi, three categories of this industry, which is split thus be distinguished as such, I advocated the importance now is dark, to the effect of malice, evil to progress, not by professional bodies are, verbal not by being.
- Sage Gotama, has said the business to Sage?
- Hey Tapassi, I say the industry.
- Sage Gotama, has said the business to Sage?
- Hey Tapassi, I say the industry.
- Sage Gotama, has said the business to Sage?
- Hey Tapassi, I say the industry.
Thus Nigantha Dighatapassi in this conversation, after Bhagavan did confirm for the third time perspective (her), immediately stood up from his seat and went over to Nigantha Nataputta.
At the time, sitting with a Nigantha Nataputta Homeowners large mass, so Upali (priority-three-cup) led people in Balaka village. Nigantha Nataputta see Dighatapassi remote Nigantha go, after seeing, immediately told Nigantha Dighatapassi:
- Hey Tapassi, where he went to, in the day (hot) like this?
- Venerable Sir, the recluse Gotama go from here.
- Hey Tapassi, he had conversation with the recluse Gotama what not?
- Venerable Sir, the recluse Gotama with their conversation.
- Hey Tapassi, his conversations with the recluse Gotama like?
Then tell Nigantha Nigantha Nataputta Dighatapassi fully hear the conversation with recluse Gotama. Heard that, Nigantha Nataputta told Dighatapassi:
- Goodness rather, good replacement, Tapassi! Recluse Gotama was Nigantha Dighatapassi answered, a multicultural student properly understood masters teachings. How can a lesser punishment could the bright, compared with this great body strength is fine? Than it is critical to kick into effect karma, karma to progress, not by being verbal, attention is now not equal.
When told this, said to Nigantha Upali Homeowners Nataputta:
- Goodness rather, good replacement, venerable Tapassi! Recluse Gotama was venerable Tapassi answered thus a multicultural student properly understood masters teachings. How can a lesser punishment could the bright, compared with this great body strength is fine? Body weight to work himself up into true evil, for evil progresses, speech is not equal punishment, the punishment is not equal. Venerable Sir, I will go and polemical recluse Gotama with in this conversation. If recluse Gotama as the confirmation as did the venerable Tapassi confirmation as well as an athlete clutching a sheep fur with long hair, can last up to, and liking back, rhyme around; so I will use words with words, getting to, and liking back, rhyme around recluse Gotama. As well as a cooking wine athletes, after engulfing a large wine barrels down deep lake, holding a corner of the tank, can last up to, and liking back, rhyme around; also, children use words with words, getting to, and liking back, rhyme around recluse Gotama. Just as an athlete alcoholism immoral after holding a sieve angle, swing through, shaking, the shaking around; too, I will use words with words, shake over, shake again, shaking around recluse Gotama. And like a huge elephant sixties, after diving into a deep water lake, the water spray play; also, I think, I will play games with recluses sprinkler Gotama. Venerable Sir, I will go and polemical recluse Gotama with in this conversation.
- Homeowners Hey, let's go and polemical recluse Gotama with in this conversation. Because of that, the Homeowners, only we or Nigantha Dighatapassi, or He can polemical recluse Gotama with.
When told that, Nigantha Dighatapassi told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, you are not satisfied for Homeowners Upali polemical recluse Gotama with. Venerable Sir, this recluse Gotama is a professor illusory, recluse Gotama knows magical charismatic pagan followers.
- Hey Tapassi, the event can not, can not be the case Homeowners Upali became a disciple of the recluse Gotama; there may be events recluse Gotama became a disciple of Homeowners Upali. Homeowners this, go polemical recluse Gotama with in this conversation we just had, Nigantha Dighatapassi, or He can polemical recluse Gotama with.
The second time ... (as above) ... The third time ... Nigantha Dighatapassi told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, you are not satisfied for Homeowners Upali polemical recluse Gotama with. Venerable Sir, this recluse Gotama is a professor illusory, recluse Gotama knows magical charismatic pagan followers.
- Hey Tapassi, the event can not, can not be the case Homeowners Upali became a disciple of the recluse Gotama! There may be events recluse Gotama became a disciple of Homeowners Upali. Homeowners this, go polemical recluse Gotama with in this conversation; only we, Nigantha Dighatapassi and he just could not polemical recluse Gotama with!
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Homeowners Nigantha Nataputta Upali replied yes, got up from his seat, bowed Nigantha Nataputta, friendship toward Nigantha Nataputta, and went to the forest of mango Pavarika, Exalted in place, after arrival, bowed and sat down on a sharp. After sitting down on one side, Homeowners Upali venerable sir:
- Buddha, did not know there Dighatapassi Nigantha in here?
- Householder, Nigantha Dighatapassi have come here.
- Buddha, Bhagavan had conversations with Nigantha Dighatapassi not?
- Homeowners Hey, I had a conversation with Nigantha Dighatapassi.
- Buddha, conversations of Bhagavan with Nigantha Dighatapassi like?
Then Bhagavan tells Homeowners fully Upali conversations with Nigantha Dighatapassi. When I heard this, venerable sir Upali Homeowners:
- Goodness rather, good replacement, venerable Tapassi! Bhagavan was venerable Tapassi answered thus a multicultural student properly understood masters teachings. How can a lesser punishment could the bright, compared with this great body strength is fine, because it was dark body weight penalty for the evil work, to progress karma? Not by being verbal, attention is now not equal.
- Homeowners Hey, if he can discourse on truth y, the time here, there may be conversations between us.
- Buddha, the medicine will discourse on truth. Hopefully there conversations between us.
- Homeowners Hey, how do you think? Here, someone Nigantha, sickness, suffering, illness, refused to cold water, hot water only. This person, because cold water should not be shared destiny. Homeowners this, according Nigantha Nataputta, who was born somewhere?
- Buddha, there are gods called Manosatta (Italy Previous disasters). In it he is reborn. Why? Buddha, because he thought should attachments shared destiny.
- Homeowners, Homeowners! After thinking carefully. He just answered. His previous words inappropriate His next words! His next words inappropriate before His words! This Homeowners Yet, He spoke as follows: "Buddha, the medicine will discourse on truth. Hopefully there will be conversations between us. "
- Buddha, oil Bhagavan has said so, but only a new penalty itself is critical to operation of karma, for karma progression. Border by a fine not to be; the penalty is not equal.
- Homeowners Hey, how do you think? Here, there are people Nigantha protection with four types of institutional protection of gender, self-control completely to the water, totally focused (on the tame) for water, completely rule for water, completely imbued (with the tame) for water. This're going through, when traveling, killed a lot of little creatures. Homeowners this, according Nigantha Nataputta, yet he expectancy retribution?
- Buddha, because not intentional, should Nigantha Nataputta modern view is not a crime.
- Homeowners Hey, if he had deliberately time like?
- Buddha, is a great crime.
- Hey Homeowners, conscious (he) belongs Nigantha Nataputta see what kind?
- Buddha belongs to the penalties.
- Homeowners, Homeowners! After thinking. He just answered. His previous words do not match the following words of He, after His words inappropriate before His words. This Homeowners Yet, He spoke as follows: "Buddha, I will discourse on truth y. Hopefully there will be conversations between us. "
- Buddha, oil Bhagavan has said so, but only a new penalty itself is critical to operation of karma, for karma progression. By a fine not to be export, the penalty is not equal.
- Homeowners Hey, how do you think? Are Nalanda is prosperous and flourishing, people crowded, dense human population?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir. Nalanda is prosperous and flourishing, people crowded, dense human population.
- Homeowners Hey, how do you think? Here, some people go to, to bring high sword, this person said: "In a moment, in a moment, I will make everyone at Nalanda into a pile of meat, a meat block ". Homeowners this, how do you think? He may be in a moment, in a moment, makes everyone at Nalanda into a pile of meat, not a meat block?
- Buddha, until ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty people will not be able to, in a moment, for a moment, making everyone in this Nalanda a pile of meat, a meat sector alone that only a tiny bright stars can (make a) be?
- Homeowners Hey, how do you think? Here, there are monks or Brahmin came, with spiritual power, self-centered at. This person said the following: "I will make it the ashes Nalanda with a mind of hatred". Homeowners this, how do you think? The recluse or Brahmin status, there are the unseen forces that liberated mind, can make this Nalanda became the ashes with an anger not?
- Buddha, Nalanda until ten, twenty, thirty Nalanda, Nalanda forty, fifty Nalanda, monks or Brahmin you had psychic force, with himself at the center can make Nalanda was becoming the ashes with a mind of hatred, much less a tiny Nalanda, luminous stars can be (from becoming ashes are)?
- Homeowners, Homeowners! After thinking, he just answered. His previous words inappropriate His next words! His next words inappropriate before His words! This Homeowners Yet, He spoke as follows: "Buddha, the medicine will discourse on truth. Hopefully there will be conversations between us. "
- Buddha, oil Bhagavan has said so, but only a new penalty itself is critical to operation of karma, for karma progression. By a fine not to be export, the penalty is not equal.
- Hey Homeowners. What do you think? He has heard the Dandaka forest, Kalinga, Mejjha, Matanga came back into the forest as before?
- Buddha I have heard: The forest Dandaka, Kalinga, Mejjha, Matanga came back into the forest (as before).
- Homeowners Hey, how do you think? Maybe he heard why Dandaka forest, Kalinga, Mejjha, Matanga become forest as before?
- Buddha, I have heard, the Dandaka forest, Kalinga, Mejjha, Matanga back into the forest (as before) because the anger of the hermit.
- Homeowners, Homeowners! After thinking he just answered. His previous words inappropriate His next words, words behind the words He inappropriate front of him. This Homeowners Yet, He spoke as follows: "Buddha, the medicine will discourse on truth. Hopefully there will be conversations between us. "
- Buddha, with the first example, I was happy, I was satisfied. What you want to hear the oral variations of Bhagavan, so I think the new act in opposition to Bhagavan. It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather amazing location, venerable sir! As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for that which was lost, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Also, Dharma Venerable Gotama were used various means, presentation, explained. So now I take refuge Exalted, French refuge, refuge them monks Increase. I do recognize the Blessed One lay, between now and the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
- Hey Homeowners, be mature reflection. Mature reflection is nice to people as he celebrated.
- Buddha, the more doubly happy, enormously happy with Bhagavan's words to say to you: "Hey Homeowners, be mature reflection. Mature reflection is nice to people as he celebrated. " Venerable sir, if the pagan is the disciple, they will flag up and declared policy: "Homeowners Upali has become our disciple". But Bhagavan said to his son: "Hey Homeowners, be mature reflection. Mature reflection is nice to people as he celebrated. " Buddha, the second time, I take refuge in the Exalted, French refuge and the refuge we monks Increase. I do recognize the Blessed One lay, between now and the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
- Homeowners Hey, have long family as well rainwater He unto Nigantha sources. Take food offerings for those who come to Mr.!
- Buddha, the joy back doubly, doubly satisfied with words Bhagavan told me: "Hey Homeowners, had long as the family of Mr rainwater wells for the people Nigantha sources. Take food offerings for those who come to the Mr ". Venerable sir, I heard the following: "recluse Gotama said:" Just give me alms, do not give to the others. Only give to my disciples, do not give to disciple others. I only give to big new blessed, giving to others is not a large fortune. Only give to my disciples are great blessings, and give to the other disciple who does not have great merit. " But Bhagavan incentive for your child Nigantha alms. Buddha, and we are here to know the time to do. Buddha, the third time, I take refuge in the Exalted, French refuge and the refuge we monks Increase. I do recognize the Blessed One lay, between now and the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
Then upon second Bhagavan for Homeowners Upali sermon, ie alms theory, gender theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the defilement of sensual pleasures, the benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan said Upali Homeowners ready mind, mind has acquiescent, no hindrances mind, the mind is excited, the mind is happy, he is a new theory of the highly praised Buddhas: suffering, Tap, Killing , Religion. Like a pure white cloth, wash the black dots are very permeable dye, too, his main seat, glass ceiling far dharma arises with Homeowners structure Upali: "What is delinquency arises, all measures that are to be destroyed ". Homeowners Then Upali, saw law, evidence law, compensation law, can enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, achieved very basis captain, did not care for any other legal person gurus. Upali lord homeowners:
- Buddha, now we have to go, we have a lot of work, there are many duties to do.
- Homeowners Hey, let's do what he thinks is right time Mr.
The homeowner then rejoice credit Upali Bhagavan said teaching life, stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body, and then go on your permanent residence, after arriving he told the gatekeeper as follows :
- From now on, the doorman, we will be closed for Nigantha male, female Nigantha. Doors will not close for the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen of Bhagavan. If there're Nigantha come, He say he is as follows: "The venerable Stand back, do not enter! Henceforth, Homeowners Upali became the disciple of recluse Gotama. Doors will close for Nigantha male, female Nigantha. Doors will not close for the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen of Bhagavan. If he came to need food, stand here. And someone will bring out here for venerable. "
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Doorman Homeowners Upali replied yes.
Nigantha Dighatapassi heard the following: "The homeowner Upali became the disciple of the recluse Gotama." Then come to Nigantha Nigantha Nataputta Dighatapassi in, after arriving immediately told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, I have heard Homeowners Upali became the disciple of the recluse Gotama.
- Hey Tapassi, the event can not, can not be the case Homeowners Upali became a disciple of the recluse Gotama. And there may be events recluse Gotama became a disciple of Homeowners Upali.
The second time ... (as above) ... The third time Nigantha Dighatapassi told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, I have heard Homeowners Upali became the disciple of the recluse Gotama.
- Hey Tapassi, the event can not, can not be the case Homeowners Upali became a disciple of the recluse Gotama. There may be events recluse Gotama became a disciple of Homeowners Upali.
- Venerable Sir, I will go and find out Homeowners Upali has become a disciple of the recluse Gotama or not.
- Tapassi Hey, let's go and find out Homeowners Upali has become a disciple of the recluse Gotama or not.
Then go to the dormitory Dighatapassi Nigantha of Homeowners Upali. Doorman see Nigantha Dighatapassi go further up the road, saw it immediately when told Nigantha Dighatapassi:
- Venerable Sir, stand here, do not have to enter! Henceforth, Homeowners Upali became the disciple of recluse Gotama. Doors will close for Nigantha male, female Nigantha. Doors will not close for you, monks, nuns, monks-South laymen, laywomen of Bhagavan. If he came to need food, stand here. Some people will be brought here for venerable.
- Hey Sage, we do not need food.
Saying so, Nigantha Dighatapassi go back, and to place in Nigantha Nataputta, after arrival, immediately said to Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, the truth is Homeowners Upali became the disciple of recluse Gotama. In this regard, I disagree with the venerable and said: "Venerable Sir, I am not satisfied to Homeowners Upali polemical recluse Gotama with. Venerable Sir, this recluse Gotama is a magical master, recluse Gotama know the magical attraction of foreign direct disciples ". Venerable Sir, this Homeowners's Upali was magical venerable recluse Gotama's appeal then.
- Hey Tapassi, the event can not, can not be the case Homeowners Upali became a disciple of the recluse Gotama. There may be events recluse Gotama became a disciple of Homeowners Upali.
The second time ... (as above) ... The third time, told Nigantha Nataputta Nigantha Dighatapassi:
- Venerable Sir, the truth is Homeowners Upali became the disciple of recluse Gotama. In this regard, I disagree with the venerable and said: "Venerable Sir, I was not reassuring to Homeowners Upali polemical recluse Gotama with. Venerable Sir, this recluse Gotama is a professor magical. Recluse Gotama know the magical attraction of foreign direct disciples. Venerable Sir, this Homeowners's Upali was magical venerable recluse Gotama's interesting. "
- Hey Tapassi, the event can not, can not be the case Homeowners Upali became a disciple of the recluse Gotama. There may be events recluse Gotama became a disciple of Homeowners Upali. Tapassi this, I will go and find out Homeowners disciple Upali became recluse Gotama or not.
Then with mass Nigantha Nigantha Nataputta go to the Homeowners Upali dormitory. Doorman see Nataputta remote Nigantha go to, to see that immediately told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, stand here, do not have to enter! Henceforth, Homeowners Upali became the disciple of recluse Gotama. Doors will close for Nigantha male, female Nigantha. Doors will not close for you, monks, nuns, monks-South laymen, laywomen of Bhagavan. Venerable Sir, if he came to need food, stand here. Some people will be brought here for venerable.
- Hey gatekeepers, go to Homeowners Upali, after arrival, be said to Homeowners as follows: "Venerable Sir, with mass Nigantha Nigantha Nataputta are standing outside and want an audience threshold venerable" .
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Nigantha concierge replied yes Nataputta, go to Homeowners Upali, immediately after arriving Upali said to Homeowners:
- Venerable Sir, there Nigantha mass with Nigantha Nataputta standing outside the doorway and wanted an audience with Venerable.
- Hey Doorman, go to compose the seats in the main room between the doors.
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Doorman Homeowners Upali replied yes, after the composer of the seats in the main room in the middle of the day, go to the Homeowners Upali, after arrival, immediately told Homeowners Upali:
- Venerable Sir, the seats in the main room between the doors have been prepared. Venerable do what he came to think the right time.
The homeowner then went to the main room Upali middle of the day, after arriving at the supreme seat is, a ton, the exalted supreme and, after sitting on his seat, immediately told the doorman:
- Hey Doorman, go to Nigantha Nataputta: "Venerable Sir, Homeowners Upali has said:" Venerable Sir, if you wish, Venerable go. "
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Doorman Homeowners Upali replied yes, go to Nigantha Nataputta, after arrival, immediately told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, Homeowners Upali has said: "Venerable Sir, if you wish, Venerable go."
Then the mass Nigantha Nigantha Nataputta go to the middle room, with the door.
Upali homeowners saw earlier when Nataputta remote Nigantha go, after the show went out on the spot to meet with that supreme seat, dark religion, the Supreme and the exalted, and he took his seat upper wipe y , hold and invited to sit on the seat Nigantha Nataputta it. But the spot has supreme seat, dark religion, supreme and supreme, Upali Homeowners sitting on his seat and told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, there are seats. If desired, the venerable sit.
When they heard that, Nigantha Nataputta The homeowner told Upali:
- Homeowners Hey, he really is crazy. Homeowners this, he really is foolish. He said: "Venerable Sir, I would go with recluses polemical Gotama". After they left, he came back caught in large nets requesting comment. Homeowners this, for as he went with two full high, go on with high finished castrated. Homeowners this, as he went with two eyes, to go on with the eyes gouged. Also, the Homeowners, he said: "Venerable Sir, I will go with recluses polemical Gotama, has returned after being caught in large nets comment Convention". Homeowners this, he's got magical charismatic recluse Gotama now.
- Venerable Sir, this rather wonderful, magical appeal of this! Rather good, this fascinating magical! Venerable Sir, if she loved me my blood was this magical appeal, the fact that peace and lasting happiness for my blood relatives. Venerable Sir, if all of the Sat-empire-this magical town is appealing, the truth is that long-term peace and happiness for all Sat-imperial-town location. Venerable Sir, if all of the Brahmin ... (as above) ... if all the people Vessa (Phệ-amnesty) ... Venerable Sir, if all the people Sudda (Prime rock) this is magical appeal, the fact that peace, and lasting happiness for all people Sudda. Venerable Sir, if the world with gods, demi Ma, gods Brahma, with them recluses and Brahmin with gods and men who are attracted to this magical, time is so peaceful, happy lasting happiness to the world with gods, demi Ma, gods Brahma, with them recluses and Brahmin, with gods and men. Venerable Sir, I will tell venerable examples. Here, those who have will know by example the meaning of words.
Venerable Sir, Oldtimer with Brahmin who has grown old age, elders, have a young wife, in adolescence, (the wife) was pregnant, about to give birth to the period. Venerable Sir, this young wife said to the Brahmin: "Hey Brahmin, go buy a monkey males street to play with my children." Venerable Sir, that is to say, the Brahmin told young wife: "Hey you, wait until his birth. If your son's birth, I will go to the market to buy a monkey males brought back to play with his son. But if her being a girl, I would go to the market to buy a monkey children and carry on to play with my daughter. " Venerable Sir, second, younger wife told the Brahmin was: "Hey Brahmin, go buy a monkey city males to play with my children." Venerable Sir, the second time, the Brahmin told young wife: "Hey you, wait until his birth. If your son's birth, I will go to the market to buy a monkey males brought back to play with his son. But if her being a girl, I would go to the market to buy a monkey children and carry on to play with my daughter. " Venerable Sir, the third time, his young wife told her Brahmin: "Hey Brahmin, go buy a monkey city males to play with my children." Venerable Sir, the Brahmin was too loving, too loving attachment to his young wife to go shopping for a male monkey, brought his young wife and told her: "Hey you, this is the monkey males, I bought at the market and carry on, let it play with your child. " Venerable Sir, when they heard that he told the young wife who Brahmin: "Hey Brahmin go, this male monkeys bring to human Rattapani dyers, after to tell dyers Rattapani man: "Hey you Rattapani, I want this to be male monkey with yellow dye, is cleverly beats, cleverly board around and both are made into soft." Venerable Sir, the Ba-la he too loves jelly, too loving attachment to his young wife brought this male monkeys go to human Rattapani dyers, when done immediately told Rattapani, human dyers' friend Rattapani, I want this male monkey dyed yellow, are cleverly beats, cleverly board around, and both sides are made into soft ". Venerable Sir, this is to say that, dyers Rattapani man told the other Brahmin: "This venerable, monkey males can be dyed, but can not be beat, ironing, no can make soft ". Likewise, venerable sir, is the theory of the Nigantha foolish, this theory can eat dyed for those foolish, do not eat dyed for a location. Venerable Sir, the Brahmin then, after a while, get a new pair of clothes, come to Rattapani, people dyers, after arriving, told Rattapani, dyers man: "Hey Rattapani, I want to dye pairs new shirt with yellow dye, is the dam and the surrounding air, and both sides are made of soft ". Venerable Sir, this is to say that, dyers Rattapani man told the Brahmin that: "Venerable Sir, this new pair of venerable shirt can be dyed, can dam and the surrounding air and can make soft ". Likewise, venerable sir, is the theory of Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment, can eat dyed earners position, not for the stupidity, the dam can be, ironing , and can lead to become soft. "
- Homeowners Hey, this mass includes kings unknown as follows: "The owner is a disciple of Nigantha Upali Nataputta". The owner of this, we now see The homeowner is a disciple of whom?
So to speak, Homeowners Upali got up from his seat, covering upper robe over one shoulder, hands and bowed in salute Bhagavan told Nigantha Nataputta:
- Venerable Sir, listen, I was a disciple of anyone:
Tri Career wise,
Si rid possessed.
Shattered desolation,
Enemy victory.
Cessation of suffering,
Police calm mind.
Moral maturity,
Members Tue intelligent faith.
Internal net negativity,
Removable glass ceiling structure.
I really was,
Exalted disciples.
Rid hesitation,
Just know, know enough,
The great advantage is not,
Happy thoughts,
Happy to Satan,
Born in the human world,
This latter body,
Who's doing that.
Highest saint,
Removable glass ceiling structure.
I really was,
Exalted disciples.
No hesitation Center,
Ingenious skilful operator.
Tier precepts,
Ultimate restraint.
As Supreme Master,
Bright halo,
Comfort or the exception,
Illuminates everywhere.
Arrogance annihilation,
Inhuman heroes.
I really was
Exalted disciples.
He ranks Niu Wang,
Immeasurable heart,
Unfathomable deep
Conflict saints and nuns,
Members work in peace,
Career Wisdom has,
Dwelling French taste,
Self-protection body,
Overcome craving,
Tri Level Deliverance.
I really was,
Exalted disciples.
He ranks Dragon King,
Living far from mundane.
Fetters the exception,
Super liberation.
Eloquence slowly,
Pure clean,
Eradicate flags,
Craving the exception,
It dwells convince,
Comments cessation Coliseum.
I really was,
Exalted disciples,
Seventh Forerunner.
Do not believe rumors.
Three intelligence achievements,
Attain Brahma.
Cleanse body and mind,
Van owls communicate.
Peaceful calm,
St. attained position.
Attack fortresses,
Home Truths disasters like.
I was truly,
Exalted disciples.
He assumed saint,
Collective suicide themselves.
Evidence must show that,
Current lecture,
Mindfulness and awareness,
Subtle meditation
Sexual misconduct unbiased,
Do not feed hatred center.
No longer agitated,
Themselves in body and mind.
I was truly
Exalted disciples.
Righteous way of living,
Zen meditative thought,
Inner uninfected,
Pure clean,
Not before disapproval,
Do not pray do not pray,
Residential poison is poison,
We epigastric,
Has crossed the line,
Helping people overcome.
I really was
Exalted disciples,
Tier witness first President,
Infinite wisdom,
Intellectual generosity,
Craving annihilation.
He is the Tathagata,
He is Auspicious,
No one match,
No one peer,
Rich confident faith,
Perfection achieved.
I really was,
Exalted Disciple
Craving annihilation,
Enlightenment enlightenment,
Haze dissipated,
Unclean but clean
Worthy of offerings,
Deleted purity.
Supreme saint,
No ponderable
Dai's Great sense
Reached name.
I really was,
Exalted disciples.
- Homeowners Hey, Mr. substances containing these advantages recluse Gotama about ever since?
- Venerable Sir, such as a pile of flowers, there are many different types; skillful workers wreath or garland making disciples may form a flower wreath there are discrepancies. Likewise, venerable sir, the Blessed One has many virtues, there are hundreds of virtues. Venerable Sir, and who does not praise the praiseworthy steps!
Since Nigantha Nataputta can not hear the praise Bhagavan, so the spot was spitting up blood hot.

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