Monday 18 April 2016


Like I hear.
A fake Religious Udena stay in Baranasi (Ba-la-complaint), in the forest of mango Khemiya. At the time She-la-Ghotamukha subject to Baranasi at a few tasks. Then She-la-Mon Ghotamukha stroll to travel and go to mango Khemiya forest. At the time the false Religious practice in the economy are going between Udena. Then She-la-Ghotamakha subjects go to the fake Religious Udena, after talking up the Welcome to enquire with the fake Religious Udena, after talking up the words of welcome dear asking mainland said with mock Religious Udena are going business operations:
-Dear fake Sa-Religious subjects, there is a renunciation of the French right. As for children: it does not see a false Religion as him, or here in France (her)?
When I heard that, the fake business operating from Udena Respect step down, go into the property (vihara), Elf and then sit down on the seat has composed. BA-la-Ghotamukha subjects of business administration is also stepping down, into the Glass and then stand on one side. Amnesty False religion Udena say-la-Mon Ghotamukha is standing on one side:
-She-la, here are the seats. If desired, please sit down.
-While we came up with the false Religious Udena, we sit. How do people like you think of sitting down, before being invited.
Then She-la-Ghotamukha subjects took a Chair and sat down on the other side of a low. Sit down one side, She-la-Mon Ghotamukha said with the Ton Udena gi:
-Dear fake Sa-Religious subjects, without the renunciation of the French right. As for children: it does not see a false Religion as him, or here in France.
-She-la, if He shared what we shared, and your doctor what need and post what I said that he did not know. Here, He can ask more: "ladies, this is Udena false Religion? The meaning of this? " After such arrangements, here will be the conversation between us.
-Will Council what fake Religious Council, and uncle post Udena what need the article. And is there anything false Religious Udena says that you don't know. Here, you can ask more fake fake "ton Ton Udena: Udena, what is this? The meaning of this? " After ordering, so here will be looking forward to the conversation between us.
-She-la, here are four grades of this person in the world. What are the four? Here, she-la-Mon there are people suffering his self-propelled, single-minded self-propelled angrily. Here, she-la, has the single-minded person, gauge gauge action. Here, she-la, have people been self-propelled angrily, single-minded released his gauge, gauge, gauge action single-minded people. Here, she-la, there are people just not ourselves, not single-minded, medium gauge action not suffering people, not single-minded onions suffering people. He does not practice ourselves, not single-minded, gauge action not suffering people, not single-minded, people suffering right action in the present, not to the President, a cool feel, sense of touch, ego life stay on Offense. She-la-Mon, the four men, the class would be His mind like Italy for?
-Dear fake Religious Udena, who angrily assault class single-minded self-propelled angrily; This person class, mind you don't like Italy. Dear fake Religious practice class, the gauge is Udena, who specialized in operating the gauge, this person class, mind you don't like Italy. Dear fake Religious Udena, who had angrily assault class, dedicated his gauge operating, capital, professional people gauge the gauge; This person class, mind you don't like Italy. Dear fake Religious Udena, who just don't class ourselves, not self-propelled, single-minded, self-propelled, medium gauge not suffering people, not single-minded onions suffering people; the class is not self-propelled, suffering, suffering people, not just in the present, without taking part in education, President, cool feel, sense of touch, ego life stay on Offense, this person class, mind like Italy.
-She-la, why the mind He didn't like this person class mean?
-Dear fake Religious Udena, who angrily assault class, dedicated his gauge passenger, this passenger who angrily class, tormenting yourself, self desire, while providing cover glass. Therefore, the mind doesn't like Italy this person class. Dear fake Religious practice class, the gauge is Udena, who specialized in operating the gauge; This person class passengers suffering others, tormenting other people, while others wish, cover glass. Therefore, the mind doesn't like Italy this person class. Dear fake Udena, Religious practice, gauge the class dedicated his gauge operating, capital, professional people gauge the gauge; This practice of agony, tormenting herself and others, while other people and wish, cover glass. Therefore, the mind doesn't like Italy this person class. But Mr. Suen fake Udena, who has just released his gauge no class, no dedicated his gauge action, just not the gauge, non-miserable people, act committed by this person class not miserable, miserable people, not just in the present with no parameter, the President, a cool feel, sense of touch, ego life stay on Offense. Therefore, the mind like Italy this person class.
-She-la, there are two assemblies. What are the two? Here, she-la-technical assemblies because of wrecked treasure and jewels, to his wife, servant to male, female servant, to land, to gold and silver. Here, she-la-Mon, the assemblies, not to soak up the treasure and jewels, abandoned his wife and child, abandoned the South, female servant servant, abandoning their land, abandoned gold, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. She-la, not the class ourselves, not single-minded, just gauge action not suffering people, not single-minded people gauge passenger, who did not practice his gauge class, not the gauge, right in the present, not to the President, a cool feel, sense of touch, ego life stay on Offense. She-la, in the assemblies would see this person class: majority in the assemblies parameter wrecked treasure and jewels, to his wife, servant to male, female servant, to land, to gold and silver, or in assemblies not to soak up the treasure and jewels, abandoned his wife and child , abandoned the South, female servant servant, abandoning their land, abandoned gold, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life?
-Ton fake Udena, who has just released his gauge no class, no dedicated his gauge action, just not the gauge, non-miserable conduct dedicated people; the class action is not suffering, the suffering of people, not just in the present, not to the President, a cool feel, sense of touch, ego life stay on Offense; This person class, in assemblies not to soak up the treasure, and jewelry, abandoned his wife and child, abandoned the South, female servant servant, abandoning their land, abandoned gold, renunciation, abandoning the family, life is not, in our society then you see the majority of people in this class.
-But she-la, now He just says: "we know the following, Mr. Suen fake Sa-Mon, no renunciation of the French right. As for children: it does not see a false Religion as Him or here in France. "
-Mr. Suen Udena, really fake speech he has benefits for children. There is a renunciation of the French right. Here, for your child is so, and look forward to honor author Udena accept child maintenance is the same. The four-person class was Udena fake said in a nutshell, don't explain, rather benign, if false is pleasing startup Udena from extensive analyses for the four-person class.
-She-la, so please listen and carefully test failure, I would say.
-Sir, false Religion.
BA-la-Mon Ghotamukha yes answer false Religious Udena.
False religion Udena says as follows:
-And she-la, how is the self-propelled angrily, dedicated his gauge action? Here, she-la, there are people living accomplice, bohemian life, not according to the ritual, licking clean hand, go to the step, not real qifu gangui went qifu mumo carried not to stand for a seat, do not accept the food brings, not getting food, not getting invited to eat, do not get (food) from where the mouth pot, do not get from where the mouth of the Pan , do not get at the threshold, do not get between the sticks, do not get between the millstone of rice, not receiving from two people are eating, not getting from a woman who is pregnant, did not receive from the woman is breastfeeding, not receiving from the woman are (sex) with men, did not receive food, go raise , not getting in place have the dog stand, don't get the spot have flies, don't eat fish, meat eating, no drinking, cooking wine yeast. The taste just got eaten in a home, or just get to eat a piece, or the position just get eaten in two, or just get to eat two pieces. Or her position just got to eat at seven homes, or locate just got ate seven pieces. Her position feed with just a bowl, feed with just two bowls ... feed with just seven bowls. Located just eat one day a packed, two-on-one packed ... seven days a ... (as an economic Kandaraka the number 51, page 17, 18)
When you say that, She-la-Mon Ghotamukha said with mock Udena Respect:
-Real vi, false Religious Udena's marvelous! Truth, false Religious truths vi Udena! Mr. Suen Udena, who erect as assuming what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for people who go direct, bringing light into the darkness to anyone who has eyes can see; also, (Chief Justice) of France has been using various media Udena fake presentation explains. Please fake Religious refuge Udena, refuge and refuge of them Female-stilts. Mong Ton pseudo Udena also received upasaka, from this to this general network, the lifetime threshold rules.
-She-la, OK have refuge with us. Take refuge with That Respect, steps which we have refuge.
-Dear fake fake Religion, was Udena Respect Gotama, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice in the sense of Inequality?
-She-la, now World Religion, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class entered Nirvana.
-Mr. Suen Udena, fake if we hear false Religious Gotama in the way ten-week (yojana), we will go to him by ten-week audience the fake Religious Gotama, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. Dear fake Religious Udena, if we hear false Religious Gotama in the way twenty-week ... (as above) ... thirty-, forty week-by-week fifty a week, we will go fifty due to week-audience World Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. Dear fake Religious Udena, if we hear false Religious Gotama in a hundred do-downloads (yojana), we'll go a hundred do-weeks to mock Religious audience Gatama, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. Dear fake Religion because Religious fake Udena Gotama has entered Nirvana, we apply the fake Religious refuge Gotama has entered Nirvana, refuge and refuge of them Female-stilts. Looking forward to you doing getting Udena fake Religious renunciation, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules. Mr. Suen, King Udena Anga had fake donation for a regular daily alms, now I'm the fake Religious donation Udena alms regularly.
-She-la, King of Anga donation regularly every day for Him is how much?
-Mr. Suen Udena fake, five hundred Kahapana (gold coins).
-She-la, we are not allowed to receive gold and silver.
-If the fake Religious Udena was not allowed to receive gold and silver, I'm going to do a fake Religious Udena House Elf.
-She-la, if he wants to build a dormitory for us, then let's build an amphitheatre for them Increased in Pataliputta.
-The more joyful part bumper, with satisfaction, the wedding Festival author Udena, when false Religion encourages the donation we Increase. Dear fake Religious Udena, with this regular alms and with other regular alms, the will to build a way for them to increase in Pataliputta.
Then She-la-Ghotamukha subjects with this regular alms and with other regular alms, for construction of an amphitheatre for them Increased in Pataliputta. Today's lecture was called Ghotamukhi.

Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential at his residence (Anathapindika). At the time, about five hundred She-la-subjects from many different levels of stay at Savatthi because a few jobs. The Ba-la-keeper's thoughts: "Sa-subjects this class four undertakings Gotama are pure. Can anyone with Sa-Mon this issue discussed Gotama? " At the time, young Astalayana stay in Savatthi, young, shaved head, only sixteen years old, information three Veda, with vocabulary, language, rituals, and the fifth series, understand words and grammar, deep understand how Pros comment and General officers. Then the She-la-subjects he thought: "this Astalayana youth stay in Savatthi, young, shaved head, only sixteen years old, information three Veda, with vocabulary, language, rituals, and the fifth series, understand words and grammar, deep understand how Pros comment and General officers. The position he can discuss with Sa-keeper Gotama on this issue ". Then the She-la-her subjects go to Astalayana, after the youth to talk with young Astalayana:
-False Religious Astalayana, Sa-keeper Gotama class are four advocates purity. False religion Astalayana come discuss with Sa-Gotama subjects on this issue.
When I heard that, She said to the Astalayana youth-la-Mon:
-Sa-keeper Gotama was the French right. And who said French right truth very difficult discussions. I could not talk with Sa-keeper Gotama about the problem.
The second time the She-la-keeper told the youth: Astalayana
-False Religious Astalayana, Sa-subjects this class four undertakings Gotama are pure. False religion Astalayana come discuss with Sa-Gotama subjects on this issue. The fake religious Astalayana has lived the life of a traveling qifu gangui.
Second, youth Astalayana told the Ba-la-Mon:
-Sa-Mon is the French right ranks Gotama. And who said French right truth very difficult discussions. I could not talk with Sa-keeper Gotama about the problem.
Third, the Ba-la-keeper told thanh Nien Astalayana:
-False Religious Astalayana, Sa-subjects this class four undertakings Gotama are pure. The fake religious Astalayana, please come talk with Sa-Gotama subjects on this issue. The fake religious Astalayana has lived the life of a traveling qifu gangui. Fake Astalayana shalt respect has been defeated in a war loses no weapons resist.
When I hear that, Astalayana youth told the Ba-la-Mon:
-Actually I was not accepted (requested) Chu Ton. False religion is right French ranks Gotama. And who said French right truth very difficult discussions. I could not talk with Sa-keeper Gotama about the problem. However I will also go, such as client demand Religious lyrics.
Then the youth Astalayana along with Her mass-la-go to world Religion, after coming up with the Religious World say Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side. Sit down one side, youth Astalayana of the White World Religion:
-Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Gotama fake Religion-la says the following: "only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower; only She-la-Mon is the color white, the other black color class; only She-la-keeper is pure class, the Africa She-la-not so subject. Only She-la-new subjects is the Orthodox Brahma, Brahma, from the mouths of birth due to Brahma, Brahma created by beings, descendants succeeded Brahma ". Here, Religion author Gotama say?
-This Astalayana, But she-la, the wife She-la-subjects are seen as menstruation, pregnancy, child birth and have had, have lactation. So, the oil She-la-keeper he engenders from radical women say: "She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. Only She-la-Mon is the color white, the other black color class; only She-la-keeper is pure class, the Africa She-la-not so subject. Only She-la-new subjects is the Orthodox Brahma, Brahma, from the mouths of birth due to Brahma created, descendants succeeded Brahma ".
-False Religious Oil as Gotama, but the She-la-keeper still think that: "only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma ".
-Astalayana, how do you think This? He has heard? At the local level such as the Kamboja and Yona country, only two classes: master and servant. After the master, become the servant; After the servant, become the owner?
-Sir, you hear. In the marginal level of like Kamboja, Yona, only two classes: master and servant. After the master, become the servant, after the servant, became the owner.
-Here, this Astalayana, because what strength, due to what the conviction of the She-la, that here the She-la-keeper said: "only the She-la-Mon is paramount, the other is down. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma "?
-False Religious Oil as Gotama, but here Her position-la-subjects still thought as follows: "only the She-la-Mon is paramount, the other is down. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma ".
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Only the Khattiya (Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat) survey of birth, taken by not giving, there are ties in the almond, lying, say two tongues, evil speaking, said judgment, care taking, care, has ties in: after the new public network was being ruined body into data realms, evil, fallen, hell. BA-la-subjects not so? And the only person who killed Sudda sanh and Vessa, taken by not giving, there are ties in the almond, lying, say two tongues, evil speaking, said judgment, in the Center, there is the mind, there are ties, after relatives brought new, contentious General sabotage on the evil, evil, fallen, hell. The Ba-la-subjects not so?
-Not so, false Religious Gotama. The Khattiya, false Religion, if contentious, taking police Gotama's not for, have ties in the almond, lying, say two tongues, evil speaking, said judgment, in mind, has a mind, having deviant comments, after the General network, were ruined body of birth into the evil beast, fallen Host, database, hell. BA-la-Mon, Ton, Ton pseudo Vessa Gotama imitation of Gotama, the same way, the false Religious Sudda Gotama. All four working class, false Religion, if birth, police took Gotama's not for, have ties in the almond, lying, say two tongues, evil speaking, said judgment, in mind, has a mind, having deviant comments, after the General network are being ruined body into the evil beast, fallen Host, database, ng c.
-Here, this Astalayana, because what strength, due to what the conviction of Ms.-la, that the She-la-keeper said: "only the She-la-Mon is paramount, the other is down. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma "?
-Fake Sa-Ton Oil Division has said so, but here, the Ba-la-subjects still thought as follows: "only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma ".
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Only She-la-subjects from birth, police removed the disclaimer taken of not for, renouncing ties in almond, quit lying, abandon, renounce the evil tongues say two, abandoned the said judgment, without taking part in the mind, not the Center courtyard, (have the Chief comments) after the public network is being ruined body into animal friendly , Heaven, the eternal. Khattiya was not so, not so, Vessa Sudda not?
-Not so, false Religious Gotama. Khattiya, false Religious police quitting if from birth, Gotama, abandoning of isn't for, renouncing ties in almond, quit lying, abandon, renounce the evil tongues say two, abandoned the said judgment, without taking part in the mind, not the Center courtyard, there Chief Justice opinion, then after the birth are also common network sabotage body into animal friendly , Heaven; realms of life. BA-la-Mon, Ton pseudo Gotama; Vessa, false Religious Gotama; Also, the false Religious Sudda Gotama. All the four caste, Religion author Gotama, if renounced suicide being, abandon of not for, renouncing ties in almond, quit lying, abandon, renounce the evil tongues say two, abandoned the said judgment, without taking part in the mind, not the Center courtyard, there Chief Justice opinion, then after the destructive incarnation of common network , is being into the friendly beast, heaven, the eternal.
-Here, this Astalayana, because what strength, due to what the conviction of Ms.-la, that the She-la-keeper said: "only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma "?
-False Religious Oil as Gotama, but here, the Ba-la-still think the subjects: "only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... is the legacy progeny Infringement ".
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Only She-la-new disciplines can in this mode of practice from the mind, no hate, no, Khattiya, Vessa can not be can not be, Sudda cannot be?
-Not so, false Religious Gotama. Khattiya, false Religious Gotama, can also in this mode of practice from the mind, don't hate, don't pitch. BA-la-Mon, Ton pseudo Gotama; Vessa, false Religious Gotama; Also, the false Religious Sudda Gotama. All the four caste, Religion author Gotama, all can in this mode of practice from the mind, don't hate, don't pitch.
-Here, this Astalayana, because what strength, due to what the conviction of Ms.-la-Mon, that here the Ba-la-keeper said: "She-la-Mon is the working class dinner, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma "?
-False Religious Oil as Gotama, but here the Ba-la-keeper still think: "She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma).
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Only She-la-new disciplines can, after holding the scratch his back to bath and powder go to clean dust bath River, Khattiya, Vessa can not be can not be, Sudda cannot be?
-Not so, dear fake Religious Gotama. False religion Gotama, Khattiya may also, after the bird scraping his back to bath and powder rooms, go to clean dust bath River. BA-la-so false Religious subjects Gotama; Vessa, false Religious Gotama; Also, the false Religious Sudda Gotama. All the four caste, Religion author Gotama, may, after the bird scraping his back to bath and powder rooms, go to clean dust bath River.
-Here, this Astalayana, what power, what's the conviction She-la, that here the She-la-keeper said: "She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma "?
-False Religious Oil as Gotama, but here the Ba-la-subjects still thought as follows: "She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma ".
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Here, if the King did poolside ceremony, wealthy girl Khattiya, a hundred meetings in many different strains of Leanne and says: "have you come here, you, Khattiya family in her family-la-Mon, engenders from the imperial family, please bring to the top of the map turns fire, by the tree-la, or tree-lala , or fried, or tree-tree shower, go for the fire and the heat out. Also the Fried family-da-la (lower), belonging to the family of the hunt family in making bamboo furniture in the family vehicles, belonging to the family poured the manure, giving parts of the map turns fire wood chutes, dogs, or the trough feeding pigs, or laundry trough, or wood from trees y lan (elanda : enough castor oil tree), and go to the fire and the heat out ". Hey Astalayana, do you think? There must only be rekindled flame up and the heat generated from Khattiya family, Her family-la-contentious subjects from Imperial, after giving the parts on spinning fire, made of tree-la, or tree-lala, or fried, or tree-tree shower, only to have him fire the new tops, new colors the new, light, and only the fire he used to be on the job because of the fire. The longer the flame was rekindled, and the heat generated from the Xia family, family, family of hunting as bamboo, make family vehicles, belonging to the family spilling feces, after delivering parts on of fire wood chute rotation map dog food, or eat a pig trough , or trough, laundry or dry firewood from the y-lan tree, no volcano tops, no color, no light, and no flame can be used on the job due to fire bring?
-Not so, dear fake Religious Gotama. The flames are rekindled on up, the heat is generated, false Religious Gotama, from Khattiya family, Her family-la-contentious subjects from Imperial, after giving the parts on spinning fire, made of tree-la, or tree-lala, or fried, or tree-tree shower, fire he tops, color, light He used to be on fire, the work due to the fire. And the flame was rekindled, and the heat generated from the Xia family, family, family of hunting as bamboo, make family vehicles, belonging to the family poured feces, after delivering parts on fire, spin their wooden furniture trough the dogs, or pig feed trough , or trough, laundry or dry firewood from the y-lan tree, he also tops the volcano, also have color, also light, and flames can be used on the job due to the fire. Dear fake Religion, all fire-type Gotama are tops, have color, has light; all types of fire can be used on the job due to the fire.
-Here, this Astalayana, because what strength, due to what the conviction of the Ba-la-which the She-la-keeper here say: "only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. Only She-la-Mon is the white working class, the other is black. Only She-la-keeper is pure class, the Africa She-la-not so subject. Only She-la-new subjects is the Orthodox Brahma, Brahma from mouth engenders, by Brahma, Brahma created by beings, descendants succeeded Brahma "?
-False Religious Oil as Gotama, but here the Ba-la-subjects still thought as follows: "only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma ".
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Here a male Prince Khattiya married a woman She-la-Mon. Due to the marriage, they birth are sons. A son he engenders from southern Prince Khattiya and woman She-la-Mon. It's like her mother or father just like it; It is called Khattiya or known as She-la-Mon?
-Mr. Suen son he pseudo Gotama, engenders from southern Prince Khattiya and woman She-la-Mon; It's like her mother and father, like it, and also called Khattiya and also known as She-la-Mon.
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Here, a male Prince Ba-la-Mon married a woman Khattiya and due to marriage, they birth are sons. Her son was being from southern Prince She-la-Mon and woman Khattiya; It's like her mother, or like it; It is called Khattiya, (or), also known as Ba-la-Mon?
-Dear fake Religion, engenders son Gotama from southern Prince Ba-la-Mon and woman Khattiya; It's like her mother; and like it, and it's called Khattiya, and also known as She-la-Mon.
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Here, the horse mating with donkey. Due to the mating, beings are Mule. Mule he engenders from the horse and the donkey; It's like her mother, or like it; It is called, or it is called trick?
-Ton fake Gotama, due to the different mating like that, it was the la. That is the difference, Mr. Suen fake Gotama, which I found here. But in another place, for the others, I don't see anything particularly wrong.
-Astalayana, how do you think This? Here, two young brothers, the other mother's father; a reader, understand Scriptures; a person cannot read, did not understand the Scriptures. Here, between the two, the Ba-la-keeper will donation who worship things for dead people, the plant health forums, the dishes in the sacrifice, the sustenance abuse?
-Ladies and gentlemen, young Gotama false Religion would read, understand Scriptures, the Ba-la-keeper will donation before him, the cult objects for the dead, the plant health forums, the dishes in the sacrifice, the food. Because, dear fake Religious Gotama, donation for people who do not read, do not understand the Scriptures do have great results.
This Astalayana, you think home-? Here, two young brothers (Ba-la-Mon) and the other mother father; a person who read the Scriptural understanding litigation, according to gender, evil with evil; a person who does not read, do not understand the Scriptures, maintenance, passenger friendly France. Here, the people of BA-la-Mon donation for anyone before the celebration for the dead, the plant health forums, the cuisine of the sacrifice, or the food, entertain them?
-Ladies and gentlemen, young Gotama false Religion would not read, do not understand the Scriptures, but maintained the world, friendly France; Here, the Ba-la-Mon donation before him, the cult objects for the dead, the plant health forums, the cuisine of the sacrifice, or the food. Because, your Honor, for donation Gotama fake followers, evil act evil, how large fruited France!
-Astalayana, first you go This v birth. Remove the contentious race, He went about the Scriptures. Remove the Scriptures, He went about the purity of the four caste which has advocated.
Heard so, Astalayana youth sat silent, brewing, co. bowed shoulders, pendulous, stupor, mouth open not out.
Then after Religious youth silent Astalayana annealing, pendulous co shoulders, bowed, stupor, mouth open not answer, young told Astalayana sailings:
-Oldtimer, Astalayana this, while seven hermit She-la-subjects discussed in the am furniture by leaves in a forest, the following comments are starting up: "Ba-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... as descendants succeeded Brahma ". Hey Astalayana, recluse Asita Devala was heard: "while seven hermit She-la-subjects discussed in the am furniture by leaf, in a forest, the following comments are starting up:" Ba-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. (as above) ... grandchildren legacy Brahma "? Asita, Devala recluse after compose hair, purple-red fabrics, medical relief sandals with multiple layers (contour) solidly, holding a golden rod sailings, showing off in the hallway of the seven hidden artist position am She-la-Mon. This then Astalayana, Asita, Devala hermits goes back in the corridors of the seven hidden artist position am She-la-Mon and says:
-"Now the fake Religious recluse Mrs.-la-this subject go? Now the fake Religious recluse Mrs.-la-this subject go? "
This Astalayana seven, then taste Her hermit-la-keeper thought as follows: "the other Guys who are going through the back of the lobby Interior taste Her hermit seven am-la-subjects such as a cow goes round, saying:" Now the recluse She-la-this subject go? Now the recluse She-la-this subject go? " We use technical notes his cynical plan ". This Astalayana then, seven hermit She-la-chakra note art category bibs hermit Asita Devala: "Let's become ashes fallen down". But this Astalayana, seven hermit Uncle art used as transition cynical recluse, Asita, Devala became increasingly become easier to see, become available. This Astalayana seven, then taste Her hermit-la-keeper thought as follows: "empty Truth rather ascetic, of us! Our happy offense has no effect. Previously, when we use the productive art Uncle bibs people would: "Let's become ashes down listed" people become ashes t n right. But now we use this productive art uncle who this person back, cynical becomes more beautiful, become easier to see, becoming stylishly ".
"-False Religion, ascetic, not empty, (you) are not effective. Chu, who renounce Religious resentment against us ".
"-Who Have resentment against false Religion, we will leave. False religion? "
"-False Religion had heard of Lettered recluse Asita Devala?"
"You hear the false Religion, Sir _".
"-Fake, the Respect she is Divine".
This Astalayana then, seven hermit She-la-keeper to the ceremony, wealthy girl hermit Devala Asita. Then the hermit Asita Devala told seven hermit She-la-Mon:
"-False Religion I heard the phrase:" while seven gentlemen hermit She-la-subjects discussed at am furniture by the leaves in the forest, evil deviant comments as follows starting up: only She-la-Mon is the ultimate class, another class is lower. Only She-la-white skin color, subjects of other black color class. Only She-la-keeper is pure class, the Africa She-la-not so subject. Only She-la-was the mainstream subjects, Brahma, Brahma from mouth engenders, by Brahma, Brahma created by beings, descendants succeeded Brahma ".
"-Sir, false Religion".
"Chu Chu, false Religion, but Respect their birth mother know the false only intercourse with Ms.-la-Mon, no to Africa She-la-keeper?"
"So, no false Respect Sir-".
"Chu Chu, false Religion, but Religion author know their birth mother, to seven of their sample nest life just intercourse with Ms.-la-Mon, no to Africa She-la-keeper?"
"So, no false Respect Sir-".
"Chu Chu, false Religion, but Religion of their birth father know fake just intercourse with the male She-la-not with African subjects she-la-keeper?"
"So, no false Respect Sir-"
"Chu Chu, false Religion, but Religion of their birth father know fake, until seven of life they just copulate with the female She-la, not with Her non-la-keeper?"
"-Not so, false Religion".
"Chu Chu, false Religion Religious-translators know enter thai is like?"
"-Mr. Suen, we know enter pregnancy like this. Here, I have intercourse, the mother must in time (can tho sanh), incense (gandhabha) to the present, three such events have harmony, enter new pregnancy achievement ".
"Chu Chu, false Religion Religious-translators know is warm incense Khattiya, or she-la, or Vessa, or Sudda?"
"-Sir we don't know, false Religious flavor is warm Khattiya, or Ba-la-Mon, or Vessa, or Sudda".
"-The situation is, false Religious Lettered so, Chu Chu know fake fake Religious Respect?"
"Mr. speaker, the situation Respect – is so, we don't know who we are".
Astalayana this, the seven position hermit She-la-Mon's hermit Asita, Devala interrogation, interrogate, the contentious issue of race (jativada), the application may not be met. How far he was badgering him, interrogate, the contentious issue of advice he could respond was, when he and an engineer with them and no Punna, who know how to use spoon to pour the milk (ceremony).
When you say that, Astalayana youth white World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! Mong Ton disciple children Gotama imitation, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.

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