Saturday 2 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
The Exalted One at Vesali, forest Dai Lam, in the auditorium of eggs. At that time, Bhagavan full truth robes, holding the bowl y, want to Vesali for alms. Then Niganthaputta Saccaka nature or wandering the galaxy, while around it here, come in Dai Lam, The Chongqing amphitheater. Venerable Ananda saw Saccaka remote Niganthaputta travel, instant venerable sir:
- Buddha, Niganthaputta Saccaka is coming, popular polemical nature, skillful argument, which is the majority of reverence. Buddha, Buddha criticized this position recommended, popular French criticism, criticism Increasing Popularity. Venerable sir, if the Blessed One good replacement for introspection kindness sit back for a moment.
Bhagavan sat down on the seat was drafted. Then Niganthaputta Saccaka come to Bhagavan in, speak the words asking, praising, socialize with Bhagavan and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, Niganthaputta Saccaka told Bhagavan:
- Venerable Gotama, there are some recluses, living Brahmin dedicated physical practice, not the practice of the mind. Venerable Gotama, these people feel unpleasant about themselves. The situation has happened, the Venerable Gotama, so feel bodily pain, leg is paralyzed, the heart can instant pool, hot blood spurted from the mouth can be, can be frenzied psychosis. Venerable Gotama, the situation occurs for relatives who depend mind, when the mind is under the control of the body. Why? Because the mind is not practice. Venerable Gotama, but there are some recluses, Brahmin, life dedicated mental practice, not the practice of the body. Venerable Gotama, these people feel emotionally unpleasant. The situation has happened, the Venerable Gotama; by unpleasant feelings in mind, paralyzed legs, the heart can be an instant, blood spurted from the mouth can be, can be frenzied psychosis. Venerable Gotama, the situation occurs for relatives who depend heart, when the body under the control of the mind. Why? Because the body is not practiced. This venerable Gotama, then I thought: "Actually, Sravakas disciple of Venerable Gotama lives dedicated to the practice of cultivation of the mind not the body?"
- Hey Aggivessana, he heard about the body practice like?
- As Nanda Vaccha, Kisa Sankicca, Makhkali Gosala, these people, this venerable Gotama, nude, live bohemian no ritual, licked clean hands, begging for food refused to step forward, not getting takeout to not get special food to cook for themselves, do not get invited for a meal, not get food from the pan, do not get food in the doorway, do not get the food placed between the sticks, not getting food placed between rice mortars, did not receive food from two people, not get food from the pregnant woman, not get food from the women who are breastfeeding, do not get food from the woman having sexual intercourse, not receiving spot with dog food stand, not getting food in place flies, does not eat meat, do not drink the cooking, wine yeast, rice husk porridge. The food he received at a house only, only eat a piece, or he just got in the two houses, only eat two pieces, or he just got to eat at seven, he only ate seven pieces. He feeds with one bowl, with just two bowls feed, feed with seven bowls. He ate only one meal a day, a meal for two days, seven days a meal. Thus the conduct he lives under eating abstinence until half months to eat once.
- Hey Aggivessana, they can self-feed with such a reasonable level?
- No, this venerable Gotama. Occasionally, this venerable Gotama, the food they eat hard type wins, they eat the dish type blanket wins, they tasted wins eat, they drink these beverages wins. They ask her dishes body build capacity, make yourself big, making the body fat.
- Hey Aggivessana, so what they originally abandoned, later life they use. Such convergence, has spread (there are, have lost) for this body. This Aggivessana, he heard about the mind practice like?
Niganthaputta Saccaka, Bhagavan was asked to practice the heart, can not answer. Then Bhagavan told Niganthaputta Saccaka:
- Hey Aggivessana, body practice that he just said the first body was not lawful practice in the rule of saint. Aggivessana this, he still does not understand the practice itself, how can he understand the mind practice. And this Aggivessana, how untrained body, the mind does not practice; How is the practice itself, cultivate the mind? Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Niganthaputta Saccaka Bhagavan replied. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Aggivessana Hey, how is the body not practice and how practice is not interested? Here, this Aggivessana, writing worthless mortal pleasures arise. This person is feeling pleasures, craving instant pleasures and fall into the greedy pleasures. If he perish pleasures, pleasures by annihilation, arise unpleasant. He, by the unpleasant feeling, should sorrow, lamentation, weeping, beating his chest, leading to unconsciousness. This Aggivessana, pleasures that arise for the other, and dwell dominant center, so the body does not practice. Unpleasant feeling arises that dominates the mind and dwell, because the mind is not practice.
Aggivessana this, no matter who that both vehicles are pleasures arise, dominant center and dwell, by themselves do not practice; unpleasant arises, dominates the mind and dwell, because the mind is not practice. Thus, this Aggivessana, he was not practicing and Friendly, untrained mind. And this Aggivessana, how the body and mind cultivation practice? Here, this Aggivessana, pleasant feeling arises for disciples heard many saints. This is the sense of touch to your life, but do not crave pleasures, not falling into the greedy pleasures. If he perish pleasures, pleasures by annihilation, arise unpleasant, he feels unpleasant but not sorrow, lamentation, weeping, beating his chest, leading to unconsciousness. This Aggivessana, pleasures that arise for the other, non-dominant, and not dwell mind, cultivated by themselves; unpleasant feeling that arises for the other, non-dominant, and not dwell mind, because the mind can practice. Aggivessana this, no matter who that both vehicles are pleasures arise, not dominant and not dwell mind, cultivated by themselves; unpleasant arises, not dominant and not dwell mind, because the mind has to practice, so this Aggivessana, he was practicing Friendly, centered practice.
- So, I have the confidence to Venerable Gotama. The venerable Gotama is the Friendly practice and practice center.
- Hey Aggivessana, oil for the words of Mr. seems patronizing and provocative, but I will answer for him. This Aggivessana, when I shaved, covering robe-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, ... and really pleasant feeling arises in me, and dwell dominant center, or really unpleasant feeling arises in me, mind and dwell dominant, such a situation can not happen.
- Affordable, not a pleasant feeling arises where Venerable Gotama a way that makes life lost can not govern and dwell Center, Affordable an unpleasant feeling arises where Venerable Gotama an unpleasant way that makes impossible heart and dwell dominant?
- Aggivessana Hey, why can not that be? Here, this Aggivessana, before I awakened, no evidence Enlightenment, as a Bodhisattva, I thought as follows: "Family life was cramped, dusty road full of life. Live the monastic life as the middle of nowhere. It's very difficult to live in families that can live completely full, completely pure pure holy life. Let's shaved, covered robes-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life ". This Aggivessana Then, after a while, when I was a teenager, the young ... (such as the Bible page 366 to page 372 players, with this Aggivessana this world for monks) ... And I, this Aggivessana, I sat down in his seat and thought: "it's worth trying to be diligent in this place."
This then Aggivessana, three examples arise in me, wonderful, never heard before: Hey Aggivessana, such as with a stick wet, sappy and placed in water. A man came, holding fire tools with the thought: "I will kindle a fire, the heat will appear." Aggivessana this, how do you think? He took stick wet, sappy placed in this water, then rubbed with fire tools may kindle the fire, that fire out okay?
- No, the Venerable Gotama. Why? This venerable Gotama, because the tree was wet, sappy to be soaked in water, so he is just tired and frustrated. Also, this Aggivessana, the recluse or Brahmin living without detachment of physical fitness, what for we belong to such sexual lust, sexual love, sex marriage implies, sexual desire, sexual brain temperature, the interior has not been well-rid, not smart lighten, if the venerable recluse or Brahmin is suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, vehemently, fierce, the evidence he can not be knowledge, supreme Enlightenment, and if the venerable recluse or Brahmin does not suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, drama paralysis, severe, and he will not be able to witness are knowledge, supreme Enlightenment. Aggivessana this, it is the first example, subtle, never heard before, was started up in me.
This Aggivessana, then a second example, subtle, never heard before, was started up in me. This Aggivessana, such as with a stick wet, sappy, was salvaged from the water, placed on dry land. A man came, holding fire tools with the thought: "I will kindle a fire, the heat will appear." Aggivessana this, how do you think? He took stick wet, sappy, was rescued from the water, was placed on dry land, then rubbed with fire tools, can kindle the fire, the heat made out okay?
- No, the Venerable Gotama. Why? This venerable Gotama, because his stick wet, sappy, oil was recovered from the water and placed on dry land, he should just be tiring and frustrating.
- Also, this Aggivessana, the recluse or Brahmin living without detachment of physical fitness, what for he belongs to such sexual lust, sexual love, sex yesterday hinted, sexual desire , brain fitness heat, the interior has not been well-rid, not lighten smart. If the venerable recluse or Brahmin is suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, fierce, fierce, the evidence he can not be knowledge, supreme Enlightenment . And if the venerable recluse or Brahmin does not suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, fierce, fierce, and nor can he attained knowledge, supreme chief Equiangular. This Aggivessana, which is the second example, subtle, never heard before, was started up in me.
This Aggivessana, then a third example, subtle, never heard before, was started up in me. This Aggivessana, such as a dry stick, not plastic, are fished out of the water, placed on dry land. Having someone to hold fire tools with the thought: "I will kindle a fire, hot fire will appear." Aggivessana this, how do you think? He took dry stick, not plastic, was salvaged from the water, placed on dry land, then rubbed with fire tools, can kindle the fire, the heat made out okay?
- Ladies are, Venerable Gotama. Why? This venerable Gotama, because his stick dry, not plastic, to be fished out of the water, placed on dry land.
- Also, this Aggivessana, the venerable recluse or Brahmin living detachment of physical fitness, what for he belongs to education, such as sexual desire, sexual love, sex darker, fitness desire, sexual brain temperature, the interior was well-rid. If the venerable recluse or Brahmin is suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, fierce, fierce, and he can be attained supreme knowledge Enlightenment. And if the venerable recluse or Brahmin does not suddenly feeling the pain sensation, fierce, fierce, they have also attained supreme knowledge Enlightenment. This Aggivessana, which is the third example, subtle, never heard before, was started up in me.
Aggivessana this, then I thought: "Let the gnashing of teeth, the tongue on the roof locked throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart!" Hey Aggivessana, then I gritted teeth, tongue glued on top of the throat , take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart. When I was gnashing of teeth, the tongue on the roof locked throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, heart beat, sweaty armpits escape from my place. This Aggivessana, as a top athlete grabbed a sick or took over, can conquer, convince and beat him. Aggivessana this, when I'm gnashing of teeth, the tongue on the roof locked throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, heart beat, sweaty armpits escape from my place, this Aggivessana, oil refined We press center need, diligently, to paddle, to conceive dwell oil does not fluctuate, but my body still agitated, not calm, because I am driven by the diligent due diligence against him unpleasant. However, this Aggivessana, unpleasant that arises in me, to exist but not dominate my mind.
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "Let us hold your breath meditation". And this Aggivessana, and I held my breath very, exhale through the mouth and through the nose. Aggivessana this, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth and through the nose, then an awful wind blows up, past the ears. This Aggivessana, such as the terrible sound coming from the pedestal is blowing bellows of a blacksmith. This Aggivessana Likewise, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth and through the nose, when a terrible wind blew up, past the ears. This Aggivessana, oil refined We need media attention, diligence, to paddle, to conceive dwell oil does not fluctuate, but my body still agitated, not calm, because I was influenced by the crystal ton due diligence against him unpleasant. But this Aggivessana, unpleasant that arises in me, to exist but not dominate my mind.
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "Let us hold your breath meditation". And this Aggivessana, and I held my breath very, exhale through the mouth, through the nose, and across the ear. Aggivessana this, I held my breath while exhaling through the mouth array, passed through the nose and ears, they have terrible wind blew sharp pain in my head. This Aggivessana, such as an athlete who beheaded another man with a sharp sword, so this Aggivessana, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, then the wind terrible blow to my head ached. Aggivessana this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent, to paddle, to conceive dwell oil does not oscillate, but my body still agitated, not calm, because I am driven by the diligence, due diligence against him unpleasant. But this Aggivessana, unpleasant that arises in me, to exist but not dominate my mind.
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "Let us hold your breath meditation". And this Aggivessana, and I held my breath very, breathe out, through the mouth, nose and passed through the ears, I feel a headache, a horrible way. This Aggivessana, such as an athlete who took a hard leather belt wrapped round his head and tightens its grip; also, this Aggivessana, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth, through the nose, and across the ear, I felt a terrible headache. Aggivessana this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent paddle, oil dwell conceivable without wavering, but I loved still agitated, not calm, because I was influenced by the crystal ton due diligence against him unpleasant. However, this Aggivessana, unpleasant that arises in me, to exist but not dominate my mind.
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "Let us hold your breath meditation". And this Aggivessana, and I held my breath very, breathe out, through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear. Aggivessana this, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, a terrible wind that cut across my belly. This Aggivessana, such as a skilled butcher or butcher disciples abdomen cut with a sharp steak knives. Also, this Aggivessana, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, a terrible wind that cut across my belly. Aggivessana this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent, paddle, although conceivable to dwell, not fluctuating but my body still agitated, not calm, because I am driven by the diligence, due diligence against him unpleasant. But this Aggivessana, unpleasant that arises in me, to exist, but does not dominate my mind.
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "Let us hold your breath meditation". And this Aggivessana, and I held my breath very, breathe out, through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear. Aggivessana this, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, there is a terrible heat arises in my body. This Aggivessana, such as two athletes after holding a weaker hand, grilled him, burned him on a flaming coal pits. Also, this Aggivessana, I held my breath when numerous, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, there is a terrible heat arises in my body. Aggivessana this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent, to paddle, to conceive dwell oil, without wavering, but I loved still agitated, not calm, because I is dominated by diligence, due diligence against him unpleasant. However, this Aggivessana, unpleasant that arises in me, to exist but not dominate my mind. Again, this Aggivessana, gods saw it said the following: "recluse Gotama was already dead." Some gods say: "recluse Gotama is not dead, but the recluse Gotama about to die." Some gods say: "recluse Gotama is not dead. Recluse Gotama, nor dying. Recluse Gotama is the Arhat level, the life of an Arhat is so ".
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "Let's absolutely true." This then Aggivessana, gods to me and say: "Hey Good is rewarded, Sage has absolutely not true. This Good is rewarded, if Sage had absolutely true, we will put all these dishes Devas through the pores for Sage, and Sage so alive ". This then Aggivessana, I thought as follows: "If I absolutely real and this Devas Devas pour the dish through the pores to me and so I am still alive, so I lied when I" . Aggivessana this, I dismissed her gods and said: "That is enough."
Aggivessana this, then I think the following order: "Let's minimize eating, eat less drop by drop, like green bean soup, black bean soup or soup nuts or small pea soup". And this Aggivessana, while I minimized the diet, eat every single drop, such as mung bean soup, black bean soup or soup nuts or small pea soup, my body became extremely emaciated. Because I eat too little, my limbs became like the grass or the burning frame withered vines; because I eat too little, round table I became like toenails camels; because I eat too little, exposing my spine like a ball chain; because I eat too little, the emaciated my ribs like a stilt columns rui corruptible; because I eat too little, so my pupils glitter lies deep in the hole eyes, like light sparkling water located deep in a deep water well; because I eat too little, my scalp becomes dry as disheveled white pumpkin and bitter cut before nine, were hot wind for arid disheveled. Aggivessana this, if I thought: "Let's abdominal skin touch", the very backbone was I grabbed. If I thought: "Let's touch spine", then the abdominal skin was I grabbed. Because I eat too little, this should Aggivessana, my belly skin clinging to the spine. Aggivessana this, if I thought, "I defecated or urinated" then I collapsed, face down on the ground, because I eat too little. Aggivessana this, if I want to soothe my body, hands to massage the limbs, then this Aggivessana, while I massage the limbs, loss of hair from the body decay Me, for I eat too little. Again, this Aggivessana, someone saw it said the following: "recluse Gotama with blacks". Some people say: "recluse Gotama, black skin, recluse Gotama with gray leather." Some people say: "recluse Gotama is not black skin, the skin is not gray." Some people say: "recluse Gotama is not black skin, skin gray, recluse Gotama with deep yellow skin ". Until such a degree, this Aggivessana, my skin which pure, innocent perish because I eat too little.
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "In ancient times there are recluse or Brahmin suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, fierce, fierce. The suffering is paramount, can not have anything more. About the future, there is the recluse or Brahmin suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, fierce, fierce. The ultimate suffering is nothing more impossible. In the present, there are recluses or Brahmin suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, fierce, fierce. The suffering is paramount, can not have anything more. But I, with the fierce ascetic like this, there's no upper legal evidence, knowledge worthy saint wins. Or is there any other path to enlightenment? "
Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "I know, while my father, in the course of Sakka (Sakyamuni) are plowed and I was sitting under the shade tree-line-salt (jambu), Ta sexual ly , glass immoral law first Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. " When dwell so, I thought: "This Act may disclose to enlightenment reasonable?" And this Aggivessana followed that idea, this consciousness arises in me: "This is the path to enlightenment" . Aggivessana this, then I thought: "I have this fear of affordable pleasures, a glass of sexual pleasures, isolation measures immoral?" Hey Aggivessana, then I thought: "I am not afraid to touch this life, a glass of sexual pleasures , glass immoral law. "
This Aggivessana Then, I thought: "Now it's not easy to attain his pleasures, with appalling infirm body like this. I actually eat a meal of sour crude. " This then Aggivessana, I actually eat raw, sour meal. This Aggivessana, at that time, five monks were servant I thought: "When legal recluse Gotama, he'll tell us." Aggivessana this, see my real raw food, eating yogurt and he hated me, walked away and said: "This recluse Gotama full physical life, abandoning diligent, prosperous life callbacks" .
And this Aggivessana, after eating real rough and strength back, I sexual ly, ly immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, there can reach the quarterfinals. This Aggivessana, such pleasures arise where I exist but not dominate my mind. Removal Games and quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, single-mindedly internal static. This Aggivessana, such pleasures arise in me, to exist but not dominate my mind. Hy Ly discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, the body feels the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. This Aggivessana, such pleasures arise in me, to exist but not dominate my mind. Discharging exhaust communication line, killing pros have feelings before the wedding, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, neutral, exhaust purification concept. This Aggivessana, such pleasures arise in me, to exist but not dominate my mind.
With a calm mind, purity of light not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I lead the mind, afferent to the intelligent network Tuc. Reminiscent of the past life, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty died, thirty-life, life forty, fifty life, a hundred lives, a thousand life, a hundred thousand generations, many lifetimes havoc, many lives, and the lives much damage. I remember saying, "At the other place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After dying in there, I was born in and there. At that place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. " I remember so many past lives with the outline and details. This Aggivessana, which is the first smart was the night I saw a crop, destroy ignorance, intelligent being, possessed anti, light birth, so I live without distractions, zealous, ardent. Thus, this Aggivessana, where I was born pleasures exist but not dominant mind Me.
With a calm mind, purity of light not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I lead the mind, attention to intellectual direction of the birth and death of beings. I and the pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. I know that all beings, inferior people who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, unfortunate wretch because their careers are. These beings do evil deeds of the body, words and thoughts, defamation the sages, according wrong to make the wrong career under; these people, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. And yet these beings do the deeds of the body, words and thoughts, not defame the saint, in the right view, create now follow the right view; the damage to your body after public network, was born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. So I and the pure divine eye, superhuman, seeing life and death of beings. I know that all beings, inferior people, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, wretch, are now due to their virtues. This Aggivessana, proving that Monday night I saw was centered, ignorant killing, intelligent being, possessed kill, light being, because I live without distractions, zealous, ardent. Thus, this Aggivessana, pleasures born in me, to exist but not dominate my mind.
With a calm mind, pure, clear, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I lead the mind, afferent to take place Gonorrhea. I know as fact: "This is suffering", known as the truth: "This is the cause of suffering", known as the truth: "This is the Cessation of suffering", known as the truth: "This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering" , know as fact: "these are the cankers", know as truth: "This is the cause of gonorrhea or" know as truth: "This is the eradication of illicit or" know as truth: "This is the the road leading to the eradication of the defilements. " By understanding this, so aware, my mind rid of illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape from ignorance. For itself has freed so, I rise to understanding: "I have liberated" I already knew: "Birth was killed, dignity has, to-do was made, after the present life is no life any other life. " This Aggivessana, proving that I was third in the soup stock is the end, destroy ignorance, intelligent being, possessed kill, light being, because I live without distractions, ardent zeal. This Aggivessana Thus, the birth place of my pleasures, exist but do not dominate my mind.
Aggivessana this, I know that when I preach to the mass of hundreds of people, each one thinking like this about me: "Especially for me, recluse Gotama sermon". Aggivessana this, do not have this understanding. When Tathagata preached to the public, it is only for the purpose of teaching. And I, this Aggivessana, after termination of such a lecture, I dwell within, making the net only, make the most attention, makes the static on the First Minister was, and so I lived Security permanent, everlasting, forever.
- Thus, Venerable Gotama reliable truth, because He is the One Arhat, Enlightenment. But do not know Venerable Gotama allow sleeping during the day?
- Hey Aggivessana, I have allowed, on the lower end of the month, after begging for, after folding clothes sanghati (modern medicine) into four, mindfulness and awareness, I lay down to sleep, is the right hand.
- This venerable Gotama, so some recluses, Brahmin called dwell where si possessed.
- Hey Aggivessana, so not si si implied or not implied. This Aggivessana, how and how si referring si not imply? Listen and heuristic techniques, I would say.
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Niganthaputta Saccaka Bhagavan replied. Bhagavan said as follows:
- For one, the illegal or not the exception, the contraband or related afflictions, arise post-existence, worthy of fear, related afflictions, arise post-existence, worthy of fear, leading to suffering results independent horror, toward birth, aging, death in the future, he also called si I possessed. This Aggivessana, for whom the cankers have been the exception, the cankers, leading to suffering allergic fruit maturity, toward birth, aging, death in the future, he called non si I possessed. Aggivessana this, the contraband or is not the exception renders si. This Aggivessana, for the Tathagata, the cankers have been the exception, the contraband or related afflictions, arise post-existence, worthy of fear, leading to suffering allergic fruit maturity, toward birth, aging, death of relative hybrid, we cut the root, made like a tree ta-la beheaded, making rebirth can not, can not be born again in the future. This Aggivessana, such as tree ta-la severed head, did not grow up; also, this Aggivessana, for the Tathagata, the cankers have been the exception, the contraband or related afflictions, arise post-existence, worthy of fear, leading to suffering allergic fruit maturity, toward birth, aging, die in the future, we cut the root, made like a tree ta-la beheaded, making rebirth can not, can not be born again in the future.
When they heard that, Niganthaputta Saccaka venerable sir:
- It miraculously, Venerable Gotama! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama oil for opposition ironically, attacked oil with words charged in the dialogue, color venerable still wise, venerable countenance still happy, as an A-la welding, Enlightenment. This venerable Gotama, I confirm my argument with Purana Kassapa, this position being questioned me verbally, immediately dodge with another issue, answered out the problem, and reveals indignation, anger, resentment. Venerable Gotama remaining oil opposition ironically, attacked oil with words charged in the dialogue, color venerable still lucid, venerable countenance still happy as an A-La- drought, Enlightenment. This venerable Gotama, I certify that I, along with Ajita Makkhali Kesakambala Gosa-la ... ... ... Sanjaya Pakudha Kaccayana Nigantha Nataputta Belatthiputta ... along with the argument, this position when I use words to question instant avoided with a different issue, answered out the problem and reveals indignation, anger and resentment. Venerable Gotama remaining oil opposition ironically, attacked oil with words charged, in the dialogue, color venerable still lucid, venerable countenance still happy as an A-la welding, Enlightenment. And this venerable Gotama, we now have to go, we have a lot of work, there is much work to do.
- Hey Aggivessana, he do what he thinks is the right time.
Then Niganthaputta Saccaka happy, credit life Exalted word preached, from the seat up and farewell.

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