Friday 22 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential at his residence. In That Respect, the National call-on stilts, "the Male-stilts". -"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-Here, the Male-stilts, have Female-stilts said up Chief Justice (annam) as follows: "I like this:" tri wisdom have to take advantage, has become, people should have done, no longer back this status. " The Male-stilts, speech of Male-stilts, should not concur the exclamation should not be dismissed. Don't scatter exclamation, not dismissed, it should ask the question: "this Gentle, there are four forms of this claim is That Religion, False Prophet, False Knowledge level, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice talking up leg Triangle Inequality. What are the four? What was found was speaking up as seen. What was heard speaking up is heard. What was the feeling was speaking up as the feel. Something to be aware of the speak up as to be aware of. Four forms of this statement, this Gentle, is That Religion, the False Prophet, False steps, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice say chon TAM Sense Class. But knows something, saw something, for four forms of this statement, false Religion can say is at the heart of the false Religion are freed from the pirated or not accept the seat? "
The Male-stilts, with Female-stilts, the pirated or austerities, paragraph into complacency, the work to be done was done, have put the burden down, have achieved the goal, had using unlawful possession, and except paragraph have been freed thanks to the Chief Justice position, optional answers (anudhamma) are as follows: "this divine Sage, I don't feel nabagesera , not opposition, independent, not bound, freed, no implications, an stay with no restrictions, for these things to be seen ... hearing ... feeling ... be aware. Chu Ja, because that I know so, seen as so, for four forms of this statement, I have to say my mind is freed from the contraband or, not accept the seat ".
The Male-stilts, Female-she needs to be on stilts scatter exclamation, to be customized with the wedding: "Heal instead! After the approval the exclamation, the wedding with the words: "instead of Healing, one more question needs to be asked:" Hey Buddy, in this Respect, that aggregates the player ranks Tri, Fake Comments, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice talking up leg Triangle Inequality. What is the year? I.e. colors its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player craft ideas, craft aggregates, sense its aggregates. In this Gentler, assuming this aggregates player, is That Religion, False Prophet, False Knowledge level, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice talking up leg Triangle Inequality. But knows something, saw something, for years the seat of this false Religion, aggregates can speak the mind of false Religion are freed from the contraband or, not accept the seat? "
The Male-stilts, with Female-stilts the smuggled or austerities, paragraph into complacency, the work to be done was done, have put the burden down, have achieved the goal, had using unlawful possession, and except paragraph have been freed thanks to the Chief Justice position, the answer of the options are as follows: "this divine Sage, after knowing this is an infinite force , turn right, safe, non-destructive for the colors is the media player dispute (upayupadana), is the Centre of bigotry, accept, hypnosis, for the time, with the separatist paragraph, paragraph, paragraphs, except paragraph, paragraph discharge, I freed my mind tri wisdom. This Gentle, after Chu Shou ... Chu Ja, after this idea ... This Gentle practice, after Chu ... This Gentle, after Chu know this recipe is infinitely variable, ruined, not an okay, for the the media player, is the accepted Centre of bigotry, accept, hypnosis. For the formula, with the paragraphs, sections, paragraphs, except paragraph, the discharge, I freed my mind tri wisdom. Chu Ja, because that I know like that, seeing as such, for years the seat of this, I can say that aggregates my heart to be liberated or pirated, not accept the seat ".
The Male-stilts, Female-she needs to be on stilts scatter exclamation, to be customized with the wedding speech: "instead of Healing". After the approval the exclamation, Hy with: "instead of Healing", a further question needs to be asked, adding: "this Gentle, six world be That Religion, the False Prophet, False steps, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice say chon TAM Sense Class. What are the six? Boundaries, marine world, world, world, world, not style. Six world this false World, was Gentler, ton, Fake, Fake Comments, Tri-level tier A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class comes up. But knowing something, see something with six world, false Religion can say the mind of false Religion are freed from the contraband or, not accept the seat? "
The Male-stilts, with Female-stilts the smuggled or austerities, paragraph into complacency, the work to be done was done, have put the burden down, did reach purpose, unlawful possession, except paragraph already and have been freed thanks to the Chief Justice position, the answer of the options are as follows: "Divine Sage, I went to the boundaries as not ego , and (going to) the ego as no subject boundaries. For the French is the media player dispute subject boundaries, is the center of bigotry, accept, hypnosis; for France, with the paragraphs, sections, paragraphs, except paragraph, the discharge, I freed my mind tri wisdom. Chu Ja, after this I went to the marine world. Chu Ja, after this I went to the fire ... Chu Ja, after this I went to the Maple world. Chu Ja, after this I went to no. .. Chu Ja, after this I went to form about as ego, and not (go to) the ego as no subject knowledge. For the French is the media player dispute subject consciousness about, are the center of bigotry, accept, hypnosis; for France, with the paragraphs, sections, paragraphs, except paragraph, the discharge, I freed my mind tri wisdom. Chu Ja, because that I know so, seen as so, for six world, I have to say my mind is freed from the contraband or, not accept the seat ".
The Male-stilts, Female-she needs to be on stilts scatter exclamation, need not be the bone marrow Hy with the words: "instead of Healing". After the sui tbot entries with the wedding canopy: "instead of Healing", a further question needs to be asked: "Hey Buddy, this is how the exterior of the six-ton, Fake, Fake Voter ranks, ranks A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice say chon TAM Sense Class. What are the six? The eye and the ear, the nose, and colors, and scents, tastes, tactile and body and blades, Italy and France. Six exterior of this Sage, this is Like Religion, the False Prophet, False steps, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class comes up. But knows something, saw something, see something for six exterior of this, false Religion can say the mind of false Religion are freed from the contraband or, not accept the seat ".
The Male-stilts, with Female-stilts the smuggled or austerities, paragraph into complacency, the work to be done was done, have put the burden down, have achieved the goal, had using unlawful possession, and except paragraph have been freed thanks to the Chief Justice position, the answer of the options are as follows: "Chu Hien, for eyes , for, for, for the French label was aware by the label, that means there's nothing sexual, nothing, nothing, nothing, that means rea Hy had the media player dispute, the French Center of bigotry, accept, hypnosis. For France, with the paragraphs, sections, paragraphs, except paragraph, the discharge, I freed my mind tri wisdom. Chu Ja, because that I know like that, seeing as such, for the six exterior of this, I have to say my mind is freed from the contraband or, not accept. Chu Ja, for, for, for the Turkish formula; Chu Ja, for, for, for the female form; Chu Ja, with respect to the tongue, where, with respect to any damage; Chu Ja, for yourself, for promotion, for the body of knowledge; Chu Ja, for Italy, for France, for consciousness, for France was aware by consciousness, chums have what sex, what, what, what, voracious craving Hy had the media player dispute, the Centre of bigotry, accept, hypnosis; for France, with the paragraphs, sections, paragraphs, except paragraph, the discharge, I freed my mind tri wisdom. Chu Ja, because that I know like that, seeing as such, for the six exterior of this, I have to say my mind is freed from the contraband or, not accept the seat ".
The Male-stilts, Female-she needs to be on stilts scatter exclamation, need to be customized with the wedding speech: "Heal instead!" After the approval the exclamation, Hy with: "instead of Healing", a further question needs to be asked, adding: "But this Gentleness, do know anything, see anything, because for the environmentally conscious and for all general out of false Religion, have to say about the romantic options" I made hypnosis, in my Department who do " the port option of hypnosis, false Respect are paragraph except in a completely ".
Chu, female-stilts, for Female-stilts the smuggled or austerities, paragraph into complacency, the work to be done, did, have put down, has reached the goal, had using unlawful possession, and except paragraph have been freed thanks to the Chief Justice position, the answer of the options are as follows: "Divine Sage, Oldtimer, when I have spice , I was foolish. I was Like, disciples Like Hybrid theory. After listening to France. I have a net credit for Such hybrid. Net credit achievement, I think: "full of strong family life be full of dust, the road of life. Spice Bohemian life as frivolous. Truth is difficult for a person living in a family can live happy Offense completely full, completely white, shell-like. So we should remove the hair, beard shaved up Austria spice, KESA abandon, not family life ".
"Divine Sage, some time later, I abandoned the small property or give up big properties, abandoned her children bereaved in small or abandon her progeny in large, hair removal, shaving Austria KESA, renunciation and Disclaimer, no family life. When the export countries like that, I'm learning achievement and the National lifestyle-stilts, I abandoned the police being, avoid friction being, abandon the staff remove the engine, the know very good you have, from, live mercy all beings and the kind of love. I quit taking the air for, avoid taking of not only taking the animal, went for the wishes, had to live pure self, no thieves. I abandon Africa Piracy, live happy, live Breaking away (non-happy Offense), abandoned the lewd continue to France. I quit lyin, avoid lying, say these words real, y chon TAM just on truth, surely, reliably, not against life. I say stay away from blade says blade; hear what here, not to say over there for being divisive in these people; heard this in there, don't go telling these people, to split in the others. I live in harmony the incoming glass of cockroaches, encourage these guys wedding Festival, harmony in harmony, comfort in harmony, rejoice in harmony, said the testimony brought to harmony. I say evil words, evil word away, I said the words softly, Shun tai, cute, sympathetic to the mind, elegant, pleasing to many, I am saying the words say so. I abandoned the said judgment, stay away from frivolous to say, right time, say the words true, say the words mean, say the words of the Chief Justice of France, say the words of the law, said the word was worth preserving the positive, trendy to have coherent systems, there are benefits. I do not do harm to the same seed and plants, taking one day at a packed, don't eat at night, abandoned not eat Africa forecast. I don't see the dance, theatre, music, the performing. I give up no jewelry with wreaths, aromatherapy oil, DAB, the fashion, the time. I did not use the high bed and large beds. I don't get the seeds. I don't get the living flesh. I don't get to her daughter. I don't get the slaves girls and boys. I don't get the sheep and goats. I do not accept poultry and hogs. I don't get the elephant, cow, horses and ponies. I don't get the rice field and the land Lady. I don't get the broker or broker to do it yourself. I abandon no trafficking. I abandoned the swindle by money and weight measurement. I abandoned the deviant as bribes, almond insincere, scams. I don't hurt, kill, end, the, theft, looting. I consent to the (tri University) with the y plate to cover the body with food, qifu mumo carried to feed the belly, go in place would also bring (medicine Bowl). For as the bird flew to the spot would also bring the two wings; also, I consent to the plate to cover the medical, food, go to foster real qifu gangui in place would also bring (medicine Bowl). I am the Holy world achievements of this Club feeling, aggregates in the inner life, do not mistake. When the eye sees colors, I'm not holding the general public, not holding separate General. What causes, because the eye is not tame cause the craving, bi, the real evil charity France kicked up, I tame the cause, households maintained his eye, practicing the households maintained his eye. When the ear heard ... smell nose ... tongue taste ... the emotional body ... the perception of Italy and France, I'm not holding the general public, not holding separate General. What causes, because Italy was based was not tame cause craving bi pros, the real evil charity France kicked up, I tame the cause, households maintained Italy, practicing the households maintained Italy based. I maintained the household Saints achievement, the sense of touch in the inner life, not bullshit opaque. When going to, when going back and forth, I all the sensations. When looking straight, when looking around, I all the sensations. When the co hands, when stretching arms, are the buds. When carrying the dual y, y Bowl, are the buds. When eating, drinking, chewing, swallowing, are the buds. When the bowel, bladder, are the buds. When away, standing, sitting, lying, formula, say, quiet, are the buds.
"And I are both Holy achievement world aggregates, achievements of this the maintenance household Saints and Holy accomplishment mindfulness the this sense Select a radio spot away, President of miluo city such as forests, trees, ravines, caves, tha Beach ma, Pine Grove, outdoor, piles of straw. After going about qifu gangui and ate, I sit old-urban planner, said the spot on the back straight and stay in front of mindfulness. I abandoned the craving in life, living with the escapist craving, craving attention erase. Give up anger, I live with the heart not anger, kindness from introspection mercy all beings, erase the mind off the pitch are pleased to. Quit the Swiss deposits, kisses I live escape divorce Swiss deposits, with the idea of heading to light the mindfulness, Erase attention kissing Swiss deposits. Clear trạo foreign election too, I live not trạo election, too foreign, reticent inner mind erase most of trạo elections, foreign too. Abandon doubts, I live to escape suspicion, not reluctant, hesitant Erase doubt for the friendly attention in France.
"I give up the slopes of the year, the French make the heart defile, make you this brief history of intelligence, ly, ly real friendly France, certified and stay the first Meditation, a loving Cup by education status of birth have had four. I kill games and four, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, not four, the Cabinet for the mind. I ly Hy stay discharge, mindfulness the sensory, sensory life optimism stems that the Saints called discharge anniversary peanuts stay,and stay third Meditation. I discharge, discharge gauge, destroy life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation,no suffering, no discharge of pure concepts.
"With static, defined NET-NET, No texture, No negativity, Nanette nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy, so serene, I lead the mind, driven to take advantage of the smuggled. I know as fact: "this is agony", know as fact: "this is the cause of suffering", know as fact: "this is a miserable destruction", know as fact: "this is the path taken to" gauge, know as fact: "these are pirated or", know as fact: "this is the cause of pirated or", know as fact: "this is the contraband or is the paragraph except" , know as fact: "this is the path taken to the smuggled or eradicate".
"I know so, thanks to see so, I quit gymnastics smuggled, pirated useful escape, escape from ignorance pirated. for autologous have freed so I kicked up my understanding: "We've been freed". I said: "take advantage, Piracy has become, How did; no longer back this status. "
"Divine Sage do so, seeing as such, for the environmentally conscious and for all General off, custom hypnosis: the port "I do, in my Department is doing", the side option of this hypnosis be the paragraph except in a completely ".
The Male-stilts, Male-he needs to be on stilts scatter exclamation, need to be customized with the wedding speech: "Heal instead!" After the approval the exclamation, customized wedding with: "Heal" changes the position he needs to say the following: "real benefits instead of us, really smart benefits instead of us, when we are seeing a live happy Offense as false Religion".
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts Hy Festival life That taught Respect lyrics credit.

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