Wednesday 27 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA), on Mount Isigili. In That Respect it calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts"-"white World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, He has seen the mountain Vebhara (sub)?.
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, this is just a different title for this Vebhara mountain, a different name. The Male-stilts, you see the mountain of Pandava (White Charity)?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, this is just a different title to mount this Pandava, a different name. The Male-stilts, He has seen the mountain Vepulla (Prussia)?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, this is just a different title for this Vepulla mountain, a different name. The Male-stilts, you see the mountain of Gijjhakuta (Thứu)?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, this is just a different title for this Gijjhakuta mountain, a different name. The Male-stilts, He has seen this Isigili mountain?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, this is just a title of Mount Isigili, a different name.
Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, there are five hundred Enlightened Buddha Poison live in a fairly long period of time, in the mountains this Isigili. What he saw going on in the mountain (but) when it goes on then not seen again. The public saw that said the following: "the mountain swallow the hermit (Isi gilatiti Ime) should be Isigili MIASTA. The Male-stilts, I will tell Poison the name Buddhist Sense; the Male-stilts, We will preach the Buddhist sense of Exclusive name. Please listen and carefully test failure, I would say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts she well responded That Religion, That Religion says as follows:
-Arittha (A-benefits-construction), the Female-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Uparittha (she-boon-sá) this the Male-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Tagarasikhi this, the Male-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Yasassi this, the Male-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Sudassana (Friendly), the Female-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Piyadassi, the Female-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Gandhara, the Female-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. This National, Pindola-stilts, is its Sensory Toxicity was on the mountain in this Isigili long stay. Upasabha this, the Male-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Nitha, the Female-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. This National, Tatha-stilts, is its Sensory Toxicity was on the mountain in this Isigili long stay. Sutava this, the Male-stilts, is of exclusive taste Sensations name Siddharta on long mountain in this Isigili stay. Bhavitatta this, the Male-stilts is its Sensory Toxicity was on the mountain in this Isigili long stay.
Divine love,
No suffering, no craving,
Private Prime itself,
Chief Justice College (invisible)
Jesus WINS, upper
Beyond the arrow shot,
Make digital headset, slang
I will chorus:
Uparittha, Tagarasikhi, Yasassi, Arittha
Sudassan, Buddha Piyadassi
Gandhara, Pindola,
Upasabha, Sutava, Bhavitatta, Tatha, Nitha.
Sumbha, Subha, Methula,
Atthama, Athassumegha,
Anigha, Sudatha
The independent Buddhist Sense, Jesus
Paragraph except the source reborn.
Hingu and well blended Hinga
Jesus the great power,
Two hermit Jali
And then came the Atthaka,
The Buddha Kosala,
Next came Subahu.
Mr. Upanemi, both Mr. Nemi,
Mr. Santacitta, Mr. true, ranks
Live like the foot, glass ceiling,
Also the degrees of Sage.
Kala, Upakala, Vijita, Jita
Anga, Panga and Gutijjita
Considered abandoned accept players
Radical roots of suffering.
Aparajita, defeated the army of ghosts,
Satthà, Pavatta, Sarabhanga, Lomahansa,
Uccangamaya, Asita, Anasava,
Manomaya paragraph except be accident,
And Bandhuma,
Tadadhimutta invisible texture UE,
And Ketuma.
Ketumbaraga and Ariya Matanga,
Accuta, Accutagama, Byamaka,
Sumangala, Dabbila, Supatitthita
Asayha, Khemabhirata and Sorata,
Durannaya, Sangha, then to Ujjaya,
Then the hermit Sayha,
With extraordinary courage
Ananda, Nanda, Upananda,
All is twelve.
The last hull maintenance life, Bharadvaja
Bodhi, Mahanama, including Bharadvaja
Upper WINS, have hair and handsome Spire,
Tissa, Upatissa, Upasidari
Now, the urban planner, organic phase was
And Sidari, except paragraphs were craving.
The Buddha name Mangala,
With the exception,
Usabha has cut the net base framework.
Upanita, net, security certification
Uposatha, Sundara, Saccanama,
Jeta, Jayanta, Paduma, Uppala and
And Pabbata Rakkhita,
Manatthaddha, Sobhita, Vitaraga,
And The Buddha Kanha
With the mind is freed.
These, another
Is the Toxic level,
The Powerful University,
Has the source paragraph reborn.
Please Jesus, ceremony, wealthy girl
The great hermit immeasurable,
Win every battle,
Reached the nirvana of Bowl.

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