Thursday 14 April 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in at Savatthi (Dormitory-protection), (da-LAM) Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential residence he (Anathapindika). And singer Vekhanassa go to place like Religion in, after arriving, talking up the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear visitors, raising questions of standing aside. Stand on one side, du Vekhanassa doctor uttered words of inspiration here in front of world Religion:
-This Identity is paramount, this identity is paramount.
-But why do you say, Kaccana this as follows: "this Identity is paramount, this identity is paramount"?
-False Religious identity, not a Gotama shades more WINS than the sharp, vindictive, this is paramount.
-But she's excellent, excellent Kaccana this something that no other colors more vindictive than win?
-False Religious identity without identity, Gotama to another more vindictive than WINS, her identity is paramount.
-Hey, his explanation Kaccana only so long, He had to explain more widely. If He says: "the false Religion would have no identity, Gotama shades more vindictive than does best, winning is paramount", he does not specify colors. This, for someone as Kaccana says: "I love and a beautiful girl nabagesera in this country". There are fishermen who i ask: "Hey You, pretty girl that You love and you know, nabagesera was the working class would:-the Roman Empire is the seat, or Ba-la-, or Phệ-XA, or Player-da?" When asked, people answered do not know. People ask: "Hey You, pretty girl You love and you know, nabagesera, name them something great, people, low or high? Black skin, dark black skin or d ' état d ' état pinky? In any village, any town or city? " When asked, he answered do not know. Someone asked: "is this You, so are you in love and a person you don't know nabagesera, do not see?" asked so, he replied to. This, he thought, how Kaccana? The situation is such, the person's words there should be no performance?
-White Corrugated imitation of Gotama, the situation is such time he's speech really is no performance.
-Also, this, when he said Kaccana: "fake Religion Gotama when colors would not have a more excellent, more WINS, vindictive she is paramount", he does not specify colors.
-Such as false Respect, Sir, a Gotama Yuri Bao Chau, the beautifully throughout, has eight sides, manual files, smart sharpening being set on a pale curtains, itself lit up, dazzling up, flashes lights up. With sharp fins, the ego is not having the disease, after death.
This, he thought Kaccana-? A the Yuri Bao Chau, throughout the spectacles, has eight sides, manual files manual grinder, placed on a pale curtains, itself lit up, dazzling up, flashes light up, or worm spotted in the hazy darkness đôm, between two excellent optical, optical colors that magic and enemy more WINS?
-Dear fake Religious đôm worm spotted, Gotama in the dark night of this marvelous range than the hazy and enemies win over between two excellent optics.
This, he thought Kaccana-? Đôm worm spotted in dark night blind or oil lamp in the dark night blindness, optic, optical identity between two colors that magic and enemy more WINS?
-Dear fake Religious oil lamp in the night, Gotama darkness blind, (excellent optical lamp oil) marvelous than vi and the enemies of this win more than between two excellent optics.
This, he thought Kaccana-? Oil lamp in the dark night blind, or is a large fire in the dark night blindness, optic, optical identity between two colors that magic and enemy more WINS?
-Ladies large bonfires, Gotama fake Religion in dark night blindness, this outstanding optical range magic and enemy wins over between two excellent optics.
This, he thought Kaccana-? A large fire in the dark night blind or the star mai in the am not clouds at dawn, between the two best optical optical colors marvelous than that this and the enemies more WINS?
-Dear fake Religion in bright star, Gotama not clouds at dawn, this outstanding optical range magic and enemy wins over between two excellent optics.
This, he thought Kaccana-? (Thai star) in the bright skies Morningstar does not, in the dawn or the moon while standing, in a sky of cloudless morning at midnight, in the Uposatha day (Dad-slaps) on Culture. this identity, optical between the two (optical) colors would more and more micro-magic winner vengeance?
-Mr. Ton fake Moon, Gotama while standing, in a clear sky, no clouds, at midnight in the Uposatha day (Dad-slaps) on the full moon, this outstanding optical range magic and enemy wins over between two excellent optics.
This, he thought Kaccana-? The moon while standing, in a clear cloudless sky, at midnight in the Uposatha day (Dad-slaps) on the full moon, or the Sun in at the ball, stand in a clearing sky no clouds, at noon, in the last month of the rainy season last fall, between the two best optical, optical colors that magic and enemy more WINS?
-Mr. Suen Sun, while Gotama fake stand ball, in a clear sky no clouds, at noon, in the last month of the rainy season last fall, this marvelous micro optics and enemies win.
This, than all Kaccana-optical colors have a lot, a lot of Chu, that the light of the Moon, the Sun may not illuminate. We know the Natural and We do not say: "there is an excellent optical and magical foes that more excellent optical victory. Still, he said: Kaccana this "this excellent Optical inferior, weak more than excellent optical worm optical's best spots, đôm up WINS", and he not only optical clear colors.
This exercise, there are five major nursing Kaccana. What is the year? The colors by eye perception, stylishly, Lac, Italy, Hy, related to education, attractive; the encyclopedia due to the ear perception ... the flavors do the cognitive bow ... you do the tongue ... tactile perception by perception, stylishly, Lac, Italy, Hy, related to education, attractive. This legislation, as Kaccana this year education Chief. And Hy Kaccana this would run up, with five chief nursing education, known as exercise. As such, because there should be education, education; from where, the ultimate sex club sex referred to here is paramount.
Be heard so, du Vekhanassa World white artists to honor:
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton! Real World, Bach changed owners hope to honor! False religion Gotama has cleverly said: "because there should be education, education; from where, the ultimate sex club sex referred to here is paramount ".
-It's hard for something He can understand, this, or about education, Kaccana tribe, or the ultimate sex. He is the person in the other comments, meager in the other ring, mosaic in other purposes, in another practice, in the other direction. Kaccana, but for this Male-stilts is A-la-Han, the pirated or take advantage, austerities into complacency, did what to do, have put the burden down, have achieved the goal, had using unlawful possession, except paragraph was freed thanks to the Chief Justice position, the position he said: "Education, education, education or the paramount tribe".
When told that, du Vekhanassa artists, outrage and discontent, yelled at the nhiếc ton, pejorative at all World Religion and says:
-Sa-Gotama subjects will be fallen.
And you, Sir Vekhanassa singer of world Religion:
-But so, here, there are a number of Sa-Ba-la-Mon Mon, don't know about the past, not seen on the future, but the order for: "Being destroyed, has become, what should do did, from now on do not back this life anymore". The words say so of them proved to be worth the laugh, self demonstrates fairness, order proved to be empty, self proved to be damaged.
This, the Sa-Kaccana-subjects, She-la-keeper would not know about the past, not the future, but for me is: "Being happy, did take advantage, should have done, no longer back this life anymore," disclaimers such criticism about them is legal. But this Kaccana, skip, skip past the future. Come, who has Tri not insincere, not cunning, and chon Tam said as follows: "We teach, we French theory". If the practice as taught, not how long he knows himself, found himself: "so real that has freed the primary binding that is bound by ignorance". For this, such as Kaccana, a child, small, weak, supine, tied with bondage in place, most likely made of wire. After it grew up, after the grounds it mature, it is freed from the bondage, when no longer bind again, it said: "We are free". Also, this person has the position, go to Kaccana not insincere, not cunning, and chon Tam said as follows: "We teach, we French theory". If the practice as taught, not how long he knows himself, found himself: "so real that has freed the primary binding, i.e. the binding of ignorance".
When told that, du Vekhanassa World white artist to honor:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ... Please fake Religious disciple children Gotama. From now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.

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