Thursday 28 April 2016

121. The MINOR is NOT.

Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi (Xa-protection), at Pubbarama (East Park), the castle of Migaramatu (Loc Template). And then the fake Religious Ananda, in the afternoon, from exclusive residential NET Meditation stood up, went to the Religious World, after the ceremony of world Religion, and wealthy girl to sit down one side, false Religion That Religious white: Ananda
-A forecast, Bach World Religion, That Religion stay between the Sakka (Like-ca). Nagaraka is the name of a commune of Sakka. In the White World, the Religious right, was heard in front of world Religion, I remembered before the (World) as follows: "this we stay safe thanks to Ananda, should present an stay lots". Affordable, transparent World, what you've heard is heard properly, remember the right, correct, correct maintenance of Italy?
-Indeed, this thing he had heard, Ananda is heard properly, remember the right, correct, correct maintenance life of Italy. Oldtimer and now this, said safety, not stay at the Ananda, should present an stay very much. For as this Form of LOC Castle no elephant, cow, horse, horses, no gold and silver, no women, men gathered, and the only one not not, i.e. consensus (ekattam) by our National coast-on stilts; Likewise, this billion-not on stilts, and author Ananda Italy countryside idea, works not only Italian author, nhơn Italian consensus, because the charm forest idea. The mind of her was like rejoice, an stay, toward the forest. Her position as follows: "the Prophet Solomon sorrow due to the rural charm of the idea are not present here; the sorrow caused by the human imagination charm not present here. And only a sorrow, i.e. consensus due to Lam ởng t charm ". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category has no idea of Hamlet". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category has no human thought". And only this one does not, i.e. consensus (ekattam) by Lam coast idea ". And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's the wisdom, the voters: "the other has, this one has". As such, this, this is where Ananda was then so, really there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, not before.
Again, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts not volitional human ideas, not the ideas, only provisional volitional Italy consensus due to the local coast. The Center's location is exciting, joyful, an ideal place to stay. For this, as the bulls leather panels, Ananda is stress on a hundred wooden piles, skin panels except the Tanh (vigatavasika?); Likewise, this billion-no, stilts, Ananda partner Italy for all objects on this ground: dry land and marshland, rivers and marshland, the tree stems and prickly, mountain and land by, the Italian author's consent because of local charm. The Center's location is exciting, joyful, an ideal place to stay. Her position as follows: "the Prophet Solomon sorrow because no human charm here; the sorrow caused by forestry coast idea not present here. And only a sorrow, consensus by local coast idea ". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "type of idea no thought of Nhon". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Type of Lam no ideas, and the only one that is not is not, i.e. consensus due to the local coast idea". And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's the wisdom unit tri: "the other has, this has". This Ananda, this one is for real, so there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, not before.
Again, this doesn't work with male-stilts, Ananda Italy Lin thought, not the local volitional thought, Italy consensus due to charm Not boundless. The Center's location was intrigued, joy, security, towards boundless Not made. Her position as follows: "the Prophet Solomon sorrow, so no idea Lam coast here; the sorrow caused by the local coast idea not present here. And only a sorrow, i.e. consensus do Not charm of boundless idea ". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Type of Lam no idea". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category does not have the idea, and the only one that is not is not unanimous, that is Not made by the boundless charm of the idea". And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's position said: "the other has, this has". This Ananda, this one is for real, so there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, not before.
Again, this doesn't work with male-stilts, Ananda Italy venue idea, not the idea of boundless Not volitional, only unanimous by the volitional Form of boundless charm. The Center's location was intrigued, joy, security, towards boundless Knowledge of. Her position as follows: "the Prophet Solomon sorrow due to the local coast idea not present here; the sorrow caused by non-ideal of boundless charm not present here. And only a sorrow, i.e. consensus due to boundless Awareness charm of ideas ". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category does not have the idea". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "type of idea no thought of boundless, and only this one's not, i.e. consensus due to boundless Awareness charm of ideas". And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's the wisdom unit tri: "the other has, this has". This Ananda, this one is for real, so there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, not before.
Again, this doesn't work with male-stilts, Ananda Italy Does not work, the idea of boundless sense of boundless idea, only Italy consensus due to the endless coast property of ideas. The Center's location was intrigued, joy, security, geared to Invisible property. Her position as follows: "the Prophet Solomon sorrow by the boundless imagination of No charm no here; the sorrow caused by the conscious thought of boundless charm not present here. And only a sorrow, i.e. consensus due to the endless coast property of ideas ". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "type of idea no thought of boundless". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category has no Sense of boundless idea, and only one this is not unanimous, that is not due to the endless coast property of ideas". And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's the wisdom, the voters: "the other has, this one has". This Ananda, this one is for real, so there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, not before.
Again, this doesn't work on stilts, the Ananda-boundless sense of ideas, not the work of Italian property of ideas, only unanimous by the volitional thought thought of phi Phi charm. The Center's location was intrigued, joy, security, towards Africa thought phi phi thought of. He knows the position as follows: "The sorrow caused by the conscious thought of boundless charm here; the sorrow caused by the endless coast property of ideas not present here. And only a sorrow, i.e. consensus due to non-ideal coast Africa Africa thought of ideas. Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category does not have boundless Knowledge of ideas". Her position: "this type of voter rights without Loads of possession, and the only one this is not unanimous, that is not due to non-ideal coast Africa Africa thought of ideas. And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's the wisdom, the voters: "the other has, this one has". This Ananda, this one is for real, so there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, not before.
Again, this doesn't work with male-stilts, Ananda Italian property of ideas, not the ideal phi phi Phi volitional thought of Italian cooperation, consensus due to the endless charm who did taste centering General was intrigued, joy, security, towards Infinity General mind set. Her position as follows: "the Prophet Solomon sorrow due to the endless coast property of ideas not present here; the sorrow caused by the African coast thought phi phi not of ideas here. And only a sorrow, i.e. six enter the network with this body, charm ". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category does not have Loads of possession". Her position: "this type of voter rights have no idea idea of phi Phi. And only this one does not, i.e. the six enter the network with this body, charm ". And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's the wisdom unit tri: "the other has, this has". This Ananda, this one is for real, so there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, not before.
Again, this billion-unit on stilts, Ananda non-volitional Infinity ownership of ideas, not volitional Africa thought phi phi idea of ideas, Infinite charm position depth of General mind set. The Center's location is exciting, joyful, an Infinite mind, driven to the General plan. Her position as follows: "tri wisdom General mind in this property, due to the Center. Everyone will get something useful in vi, by Center creates, that is impermanent, subject to paragraph removal ", he emphasized such voters. Due to her wisdom, so find such voters, the mind is freed from the exercise, the mind is freed for illicit possession contraband, the mind is freed from ignorance pirated. During the liberation, is understanding (nana) that has been freed. Taste her wisdom to the voters: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer have to return this status." He emphasized: "the voters taste sorrow due to pirated sex Tutty is absent here; the sorrow caused by illicit owners not present coast here; the sorrow caused by ignorance pirated coast not present here. And only in a sorrow, i.e. six enter the network with this body, charm ". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "type of idea no pirated sex". Taste her wisdom to the voters: "this Category has no possession contraband". Her position: "this idea Kind tri wisdom no ignorance pirated. And only this one does not, i.e. the six enter the network with this body, charm ". And what's not here, then something is not there. But for the rest, here's position said: "the other has, this has". This Ananda, this one is for real, so there, not crazy, make absolutely pure, Not before.
This means that there are, Ananda Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the past after reached syndrome, has an infinite upper wing purity research stay Not Tanh (Sunnatam), all the symptoms are only achieved after an infinite upper wing purity research stay Not the names. This means that there are, Ananda Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the future, after the witness reached an infinite upper wing rescue will stay pure are not family identity, all the evidence after reaching an infinite wing rescue stay are upper purity Not this name. This means that there are, Ananda Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects in the present, after the witness reached and an infinite upper wing purity research stay Not the names, all the evidence after reaching an infinite upper wing rescue stay if pure are not family identity. Consequently, this evidence, after reaching Ananda would stay saved countless petals pure upper-Not the names. So, you need to Ananda in this study.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Ananda Religion teaches.

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