Friday 1 April 2016


Thus have I heard:
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). Then Brahmin Pingalakoccha come to Bhagavan in, after to speak with Bhagavan's words asking, social praise, then sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, Brahmin Pingalakoccha venerable sir:
- Venerable Gotama, there are recluses, this Brahmin was the Conference host, Hambo, chief monk of the Church, has a good reputation, with fame, when The sect, revered by the population , Purana Kassapa like, Makkhali Gosa-la, Ajita Kesakambali, Pakudha Kaccayana, Sanjaya Belatthiputta, Nigantha Nataputta, all these people claiming to be Nhut or all of omniscience is not omniscience Nhut, or some of the omniscience Nhut and a set of location Nhut not?
- Well, just then, the Brahmin, let's stop here: "All these people call themselves Nhut or all of omniscience is not omniscience Nhut? Or some are Nhut omniscience and some not Nhut omniscience? "Hey Brahmin, I will preach to him, listen and smart volition, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Brahmin Pingalakoccha Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Hey Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, the core bypass trees, tree sensory ignore, ignore mantle, outer bypass, cut foliage, take them away and thought that it is the core tree. A person with eyes saw it they said: "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree sensory not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, the tree upright core, core people ignore the tree, the tree senses ignore, ignore mantle, outer bypass, cut foliage take them away, thought that is the core tree. And people do not achieve the purpose for which the tree cores can achieve. "
This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, tree feeling ignored, ignored in the shell, tight outer shell, take them away, that is the core idea tree. A person with eyes saw it they said: "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree sensory not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. Before a large tree, upright, tree core, core people ignore the tree, the tree senses ignore, ignore mantle, tight outer shell, take them away, that is the core idea that tree. And people do not achieve the purpose for which the tree cores can achieve. "
This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree standing straight with wood pulp and wood pulp ignore him, ignore sensory plants, cut peel in, take them away, that is the core idea that tree. A person with eyes saw it they said: "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree sensory not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, tree-core people ignore, ignore sensory trees, tight shell of carried away, which is the core idea that tree. And people do not achieve the purpose for which the plant can achieve the core. "
This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, cut the tree feeling carried away, which is the core idea that tree. A person with eyes saw it they said: "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree sensory not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. Before a large tree, upright, tree core, core people ignore the tree, cut the tree feeling carried away, which is the core idea that tree. And people do not achieve the purpose for which the plant can achieve the core. "
This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, before a large upright tree, tree core, core tight tree person, carried away and know that it is the center of the plant. A person with eyes saw it, we can say: "This person said the tree core, said visual tree, known in the shell, said outer shell, said foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, core tight tree person, carried away and know that it is the center of the plant. And people achieve goals that are attainable tree cores ".
Also, this Brahmin, here, someone ordained by faith abandons family life is not, "I sunk during birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain sunk in misery, is dominated by suffering, very likely the entire aggregates suffering can end. " He ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. Because avaricious, reverence, this fame, he happy, smug. Because avaricious, reverence, this fame, he complimented her, belittle people: "We are so avaricious, so fame, while other monks lesser known, less powerful". And he does not arise desire and effort trying to prove the other is more noble, than the avaricious wins, revered, fame. He became lazy and passive. This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, tree feeling ignored, ignored mantle, outer bypass, cut foliage, take them away, that is the core idea that tree. And he will not achieve the goals that are attainable tree core. This Brahmin, I said, He is like his example.
But here, this Brahmin, someone for monastic faith, abandoning the family, not family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain sunk in misery, is governed by the suffering. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " Then he ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He is not so avaricious, reverence, this fame, happy, self-satisfied. He is not so avaricious, reverence, this fame, give me, belittle people. And he arose and desire trying diligently to witness the nobler alternative, wins over the avaricious and honor, fame. He did not become lazy and passive. He moral achievements. Because of this moral achievement, he happy, smug. Because of this moral achievement, he complimented her, belittle people: "I am over the world, according to the dhamma. Other monks broke gender, according to the legal evil ". And he does not arise desire and effort trying to prove the other is nobler, more moral wins. He became lazy and passive. This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, tree feeling ignored, ignored in the casing, casing tightly, take them away, thought that it was duramen. And this will not achieve the purpose for which the plant can achieve core. This Brahmin, I say, people like her example.
But here, this Brahmin, someone for monastic faith, abandoning the family, not family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, pain, grief, brain, sunk in misery, driven by misery. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " Then he ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He, not because avaricious, reverence, this fame, happy, self-satisfied. He is not so avaricious, reverence, this fame, give me, belittle people. And he arose and desire trying diligently to witness the nobler alternative, wins over the avaricious and honor, fame. He did not become lazy and passive. He moral achievements. Because of this moral achievement, he happy but not cocky. He did not because this moral achievement, compliment her, belittle people. And he arose and desire trying diligently to other legal evidence of nobler, more moral wins. He did not become lazy and passive. He accomplished meditation. This meditation due achievements, he happy, smug. This meditation due achievements, he complimented her, belittle people: "We have Meditation, Nhut mind. Other monks no meditation, the mind distracted. " And he does not arise desire and effort trying to prove the other is more noble, than the achievements wins Meditation. He became lazy and passive. This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, with wood pulp and wood pulp ignore him, ignore sensory plants, cut peel in, get carried away in the shell, which is the core idea that tree. And this will not achieve the purpose for which the plant can achieve core. This Brahmin, I say, people like her example.
But here, this Brahmin, someone for monastic faith, abandoning the family, not family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain sunk in misery, driven by misery. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " Then he ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He, not because avaricious, reverence, this fame, happy, self-satisfied. He, not because avaricious, reverence, this fame, give me, belittle people. And he arose and desire trying diligently to witness the nobler alternative, wins over the avaricious and honor, fame. He did not become lazy and passive. He moral achievements. Due achievements this world, but he is not complacent joy. He did not because this moral achievement, compliment her, belittle people. He arises and diligent desire to witness the nobler alternative, wins over the moral achievements. He did not become lazy and passive. He accomplished meditation. This meditation accomplishment because, he happy but not cocky. He did not because this achievement commended his meditation, belittle people. He arises desire and effort trying to prove the other is more noble, than the achievements wins Meditation. He did not become lazy and passive. He accomplished knowledge. He, by this knowledge, smug joy. He, by this knowledge, my compliments, criticism of people: "I live, see and know. Other monks live not see and do not know ". And he does not arise desire and effort trying to prove the other is nobler, more knowledge wins. He became lazy and passive. This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, cut the tree feeling carried away, which is the core idea that tree. And this will not achieve the purpose for which the plant can achieve core. This Brahmin, I said that this was the same example.
But here, this Brahmin, someone for monastic faith, abandoning the family, not family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain sunk in misery, driven by misery. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " Because he ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He is not so avaricious, reverence, this fame, happy, self-satisfied. He is not so avaricious, reverence, this fame, give yourself belittle people. And he arose and desire trying diligently to witness the nobler alternative, wins over the avaricious and honor, fame. He did not become lazy and passive. He moral achievements. Due to this moral achievement, he happy but not cocky. He did not because this moral achievement, compliment her, belittle people. And he arose and desire trying diligently to witness the nobler alternative, wins over the moral achievements. He did not become lazy and passive. He accomplished meditation. Due Meditation achievements, he happy but not cocky. He is not accomplished by meditation, give yourself, blame him. He arises desire and effort, other legal evidence of nobler, than the achievements wins Meditation. He did not become lazy and passive. He accomplished knowledge. This knowledge he so happy but not cocky. He is not due to this knowledge, give yourself, blame him. He arises desire, trying diligently to substantiate the nobler alternative, wins more than knowledge. He did not become lazy and passive.
And the Brahmin, nobler what these measures, wins than knowledge? Here, the Brahmin, fitness, monks glasses, cups immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a state of bliss, due to sexual ly birth, there can reach the quarterfinals. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, killing monks and reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, internal static, single-mindedly. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, monks cup discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, monks optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, monks took all excellent ideas, thoughts eliminate all obstacles, monks thought: "Nowhere is boundless," boundless residence certificate of origin. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, monks took the land of boundless all, think: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, monks took all the land of boundless consciousness, thought: "There is no object", owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, monks overcome all property Unknown origin, residence certificate Phi Phi non-perception idea. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. Again, this Brahmin, monks took all African ideal non-perception, sensations and perceptions Killing residence certificate (set), after seeing with wisdom, get rid of defilements. This Brahmin, nobler this method, wins more than knowledge. This Brahmin, nobler of this method, wins more than knowledge.
This Brahmin, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he cut tree cores, taken and carried away and know it's core auto plant. And he achieved that goal can be accomplished tree core. This Brahmin, I say, people like her example.
Thus, the Brahmin, this dignity is not for the benefit, avaricious, reverence, honor, not for the sake of moral achievement, not for the sake achievements Meditation, not for the sake of knowledge. And the Brahmin, the mind liberated estate is the purpose of this holy, holy is the core of the tree, is the ultimate goal of dignity.
When they heard that, Brahmin Pingalakoccha venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama, as what upright overturned, exposing what was covered, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, Bhagavan Dharma was presented using various means. And now the venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge in France, refuge monks Increase. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as his disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the lifetime devotion!

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