Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
The Exalted One at Rajagaha (Rajagrha), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), Kalandakanivapa (spot feed the squirrels). Then Prince Abhaya United (Fearless) go to Nigantha Nataputta, after arriving Nataputta Nigantha bowed and sat down on one side. Nigantha Prince Abhaya Nataputta told Wang sat in:
- Hey United element, Wang death go to polemical recluse Gotama with, and so nice following rumors transmissions for Great-mail: "recluse Gotama has such powers, so potent , has been polemical Abhaya United element ".
- Venerable Sir, how can I polemical recluse Gotama has such powers, have such power?
- Hey Wang mail, go to the recluse Gotama, after to tell recluse Gotama, after to tell recluse Gotama as follows: "Buddha, Tathagata can say the words, by his word for others dislike, dislike reasonable? "recluse Gotama If death is Wang asked so and replied as follows:" Hey Wang death, the Tathagata can say words, that statement by the others dislike, do not like ", the Great Prince tell recluse Gotama:" Buddha, if such behavior what time difference between the ordinary man and he? Ordinary man can say the words, because words did others dislike dislike ". If recluse Gotama is United element such questions and answers as follows: "Hey Wang death, the Tathagata can not say words, because words did others not like, do not like", the United-mail please told recluse Gotama: "revered sir, if you behave like that, the why Devadatta was his reply as follows:" to fall into deprivation Devadatta, Devadatta must fall into hell, Devadatta must fall in one life Devadatta could not be cured? "And so he said such words, Devadatta outrage, not happy". This Great Prince, recluse Gotama United element being asked the question two hooks so, will not be able to release it, nor can swallow. For such a hook iron hook into someone's throat, he will not be able to release it, nor could be swallowed. Also, the Great Prince, recluse Gotama United element being asked the question two hooks so, will not be able to release it, nor can swallow.
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Prince Abhaya Nigantha Nataputta yes response, stood up from his seat, bowed Nigantha Nataputta, right hand toward his body and went to the Bhagavan. After arriving, immediately bowed and sat down on one side. Prince Abhaya was sitting to one side, looking at the sun and think: "Today is not the time for polemics recluse Gotama with. Tomorrow, I will comment recluse Gotama war in my house, "instant venerable sir:
- Buddha, tomorrow forward Bhagavan accepted meal, with Him is the fourth person.
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Then Prince Abhaya United, after knowing Bhagavan said yes, immediately stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
Bhagavan, after you have accomplished night, morning robes, carrying medicine bowl, go to the site of the Great Prince Abhaya, having sat on the seat to have prepared. Then Prince Abhaya United solicitations hand, makes Exalted satisfied with epigastric dish, kind of hard and soft types. Prince Abhaya wait for Bhagavan after finished, bowl left hand, and he took a low seat and sat down on the other side. After sitting on one side, King Prince Abhaya venerable sir:
- Buddha, Tathagata can say these words because those words others dislike, dislike reasonable?
- Hey Wang death, affordable here, (the question) is intended one way?
- Buddha, the position has been paralyzed Nigantha here.
- Hey Wang death, why the United-mail back saying something like this: "Buddha, the position has been paralyzed Nigantha here before"?
- Buddha, here, I went to Nigantha Nataputta, after arriving the Nataputta Nigantha bowed and sat down on one side. Buddha, Nigantha Nataputta told you were sitting on one side: "Hey King-mail, go to the United element polemical recluse Gotama with, and so nice following rumors transmissions for Great-mail:" Sa jelly Gotama have such powers, so potent, was Great Prince Abhaya polemical ". Buddha, when said that, I said to Nigantha Nataputta: "Venerable Sir, but how, I can comment recluse Gotama war, a position with such powers, so potent? "-" Hey King-mail, go to the recluse Gotama, after to tell recluse Gotama as follows: "Buddha, Tathagata can say words, by that statement, others not Popularity, dislikes reasonable? "recluse Gotama If death is Wang asked so and answered as follows:" Hey Wang death, the Tathagata can say words, by that statement, others dislike dislike " , the Great Prince tell recluse Gotama: "revered sir, if you behave like that, what's the difference between ordinary guys with him? Ordinary man can say words, by that statement, others dislike, do not like ". If recluse Gotama is United element such questions and answers as follows: "Hey Wang death, the Tathagata can not say words, because words did others not like, do not like", the United-mail please told recluse Gotama: "Buddha, if still behave like that, the why Devadatta was his reply as follows: to fall into deprivation Devadatta, Devadatta must fall into hell, Devadatta must fall in one life , Devadatta could not cure? And because he said such words, Devadatta outrage, not happy ". This Great Prince, recluse Gotama, he was asked questions United element two such machines, will not be released, nor be swallowed. Because as a iron hook stuck in the throat of a man, he will not be able to release it, nor could be swallowed. Also, the Great Prince, recluse Gotama, he was asked questions United element two such machines, will not be able to release it, nor can swallow. "
At that time, there naive kid on his knees in the middle of Great Prince Abhaya. Then Bhagavan told United Prince Abhaya:
- Hey Wang death, Wang thought how death? If this kid, because of the death of Great inadvertent or unintentional due from most breast, poke a stick or swallowing a stone in his mouth, so Wang to death to do?
- Buddha, you must hook out. Venerable sir, if you can not hook up immediately, the child with his left hand holding his head back, with his right hand fingers to do the hook, the hook for that object will, the oil has to be bleeding. Why? Venerable sir, because I have a great love for children.
- Also, the United-mail, word Tathagata does not know as fact, not as truth, does not correspond to the purpose, and that statement makes others dislike, dislike, the Tathagata does not speak words Hey. What words are as true as Lai said, such as the legs, does not correspond to the purpose, and that statement makes others dislike, dislike, the Tathagata does not say those words. And yet words are as true as Lai said, such as pins, respectively for the purpose, and that statement makes others dislike, dislike, Tathagata here know the time to explain that statement. Single word Tathagata know is not realistic, not as truth, does not correspond to the purpose, and that statement makes others preferred, Tathagata not say those words. What words are as true as Lai said, such as the legs, does not correspond to the purpose, and that statement made popular and relevant others, the Tathagata does not say those words. And yet words are as true as Lai said, such as pins, respectively for the purpose, and that statement and makes others prefer like, here, said Tathagata explains that statement. Why? United this death, the Tathagata has great compassion for all living beings.
- Buddha, the Sat-insole-seat with position, the Brahmin has location, the location Homeowners have, the recluse had this position, after the prepared questions, to the Tathagata and ask: "Buddha, do not understand Bhagavan had previously thought in mind as follows:" If anyone comes to me and asks so, are such questions, I'll answer it, "or Tathagata answered immediately ( site)? "
- Hey Great Prince, now here I will ask Wang to death, if the United Prince happy, answer that question. United this death, Wang thought death like? Prince has good parts about the difference a trailer?
- Ladies and yes, lord, how well they're about the difference a department car.
- Dear Wang death, Wang thought how death? If there are people to death and asked Wang as follows: "The division of the car, called what?", Do not know Wang Zi had previously thought in mind as follows: "If there are those who come to me and ask me thus, we will respond to them as such ", or the Great Prince answered immediately (spot)?
- Buddha, because you are famous charioteer, very good in parts difference in a car so I will answer right away (on site).
- Also, the Great Prince, the capital has Sat-substrate-position, the Brahmin has location, the location Homeowners have, the recluse had this position, after the prepared questions, to Tathagata and asked, as Tathagata will respond immediately (on site). Why? Dear Wang death, the legal world (Dhammadhatu) was Tathagata cleverly said. And so cleverly said Tathagata Tathagata legal world should respond immediately (on site).
When saying this, venerable sir United Prince Abhaya:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! Buddha, like people standing up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions to those who go astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan presented.
Bhagavan now I take refuge, refuge in France and the refuge we monks Increase. I do recognize the Blessed One lay, between now and the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.

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