Friday 22 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika Essential at his residence (Anathapindika). In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:-"this the Male-stilts, I will preach to Him about disciplines should act, should not be released. Please listen and carefully test failure We will preach "-" white World "Respect Sir. The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, say stems have two types: "should act, should not be issued; and here is the relative of the fuselage ". The Male-stilts, we say there are also two types of action: password "should act, should not be issued; and here is the relative between password ". The Male-stilts, say Italy also has two types: "should act, should not be issued; and here is the relative middle of Italy ". The Male-stilts, who said being also has two types: "should act, should not be issued; and here is the relative birth center between ". The Male-stilts, a prime ideal is said also to have two categories: "should act, should not be issued; and here is the relatively privileged idea. "between This, the National Prime-comments on stilts, I say also has two types: "should act, should not be issued; and here is the relatively Prime (ditthipatilabha) "Ant in between. Leanne this National, Prime fall-on stilts, I say also has two types: "should act, should not be issued; and here is the relatively privileged "Leanne fell between.
Be heard so false Religion of the White World Religion: Sariputta
-White World, this speech was That Religion comes up, not brief interpreted broadly, I understand the meaning in a way broadly as follows:
Stems, the Female-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the fuselage relative ". What Religion has to say so. And by what he is saying words charm up? The White World Religion if a bulb does when administering maintenance, real friendly France growth, friendly France reduced stems, rotten as such should not be released. The White World, and a bulb would conduct any friendly time maintenance when France reduced French growth friendly, rot, bulb so should act.
The White World Religion, what stems when administering maintenance forecast real growth in France, the French charity Charity rot lose? Here, Bach World Religion, someone close being, cruel blood working laboriously hand (?), the Center specializes in murder, hurt, compassion for the kind of love. This person of not for, any Member anything of others, or in villages or in the forested mountains, not for him, he stole material. He lived in happy pagan desire, fuck the woman has sheltered mother, father, brother, sister, have had her cover, had her husband been simple penalty protection, until the woman was jewelry by wreath. As such, the white stems of world Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French charity rot off.
The White World Religion, what stems when the real time maintenance friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot?
Here, Bach World Religion, someone give up suicide being, avoid friction being, quit, quitting, the staff know very good you have, from, live mercy to happiness of all beings and species of love. He abandoned the take of not for, stay away from taking of for; any Member anything of others, or in villages, or in the forested mountains, not for him, he did not steal material. He abandoned live happy in the deviant desire, not with the woman has sheltered mother, father, brother, sister, have had her cover, had her husband been simple penalty protection, until the woman was jewelry by wreath. As such, the white stems of world Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France reduced French growth friendly rot.
Stems, the Female-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the fuselage relative ". What Religion has to say so and because her words are so charm comes up.
Password, the Female-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the relativity between password ". What Religion has to say so and do what he is saying words charm up? The White World, a password when any real time maintenance friendly France growth, reduced, rotten onion French improve so shouldn't act. The White World Religion and a password when administering maintenance any real friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot password such action should act.
The White World, what administrative action when keeping guns in any friendly forecast growth in France, the French charity reduce rot? Here, Bach World Religion, people's hopes, to the, or to place them, or to the kinship between, or to the middle of the complex, or between people, when derivatives testified and asked: "Hey man, let's talk what you know". The oil does not know, he said: "I know"; oil for people, he said: "I don't know" or oil do not see him, he said: "I saw" or oil for her show, she said: "I do not see". So the words of the people become disappointed, either because the language deliberately causes autism, or because the cause of humanity, or because a few benefits. And who's to say the two tongues, listen to what this to there said to being divisive in these people, listen to what in there, go tell these people to being divisive in the others. As such, he cups the cockroach thugs in harmony, or simply education schemers egos, destructive, fancy cockroach fun like vandalism, like vandalism, say the words brought to ruin. And he was the talk of crude evil words. Any evil, cruel, rough, what makes people miserable, making people angry, linked to outrage, not taken to meditation, he said such words. And he said the judgment, said Africa, saying Africa chon TAM, said the words did not benefit, saying illegal, saying the Philippines, says the words is not worth keeping. Because say Africa forecast should say there is no agreement, there is no coherent, system, no benefits. Password released so, Bach World Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French charity rot off.
The White World, what administrative action when guns maintained the forecast reduction rot, the French charity any donation France growth? Here, Bach World Religion, someone give up hope, keep away from hope, to the, or to place them, or to the kinship between, or to the middle of the complex, or between people, when derivatives testified and asked: "Hey man, let's talk what you know". If known, he said: "I know"; If not known, he said: "I don't know" or if not found, he said: "I do not see" if found, he said: "I see." So he's words do not become disappointed, either because the language deliberately causes autism, or because the cause of humanity, or because a few benefits. Waiver of said blade, avoid saying two tongues, anything in this place, do not go to the other place said to being divisive in these people, listen to what there not to go tell these people to being divisive in the others; as such, he lived in harmony the incoming glass of cockroaches, who favored reconciliation, harmony, love, harmony, harmony said the words brought to harmony. Abandon evil words, stay away from verbal cruelty; so she says the words said, beautiful, cute, sympathetic to the mind, elegant, pleasing to many, please more people. Abandon the frivolous speech, avoid frivolous speech; He said the right time, says the words true, say the words chon TAM, said the words of the Chief Justice of France, say the words of the law, said the word was worth keeping. Because say, positive words, should have a coherent system, beneficial. Password released so, Bach World Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth.
Password, the Female-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the relativity between password ". What Religion has to say so, and because such speech, charm she is speaking up.
Italy, where the Male-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the relativity between password ". What Religion has to say so, and because of what he is saying words charm up? The White World, a baggage when administering maintenance time would note the real friendly France growth, the French charity, action reduction rot like that should not be released. The White World, and a good operating when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, Italy as so issued.
Italy issued what, the White World, while maintaining the time any French growth friendly, friendly France reduce rot? Here, Bach World have Respect people have craving, greed material other guys, think: "Oh, look forward to that every Member of the others become!" Have people who pitch, kicked up harmful, hurtful anniversary as follows: "expect that the species of this tangible being killed, or massacred, or destroyed or suffer harm, or expecting them no longer exists". Italy released so, Bach World Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French charity rot off.
Italy issued what, the White World, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot increase? Here there are people who have no craving, no material greed of others, think: "Oh, look forward to that every Member of the others do not become!" Have people not there, not starting up hurt, hurt, but think: "hoping that this love of living species no hatred, no resentment, no turbulence, be at peace, disturbing in themselves." Italy released so, Bach World Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth.
Italy, where the Male-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not act and as such is the relativity between Italy". What Religion has to say so, and because such speech, charm she is speaking up.
The heart of this birth, the Female-stilts, I say also has two types: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". What Religion has to say so. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? The White World, if a birth center when released, the real growth of the French charity, the charity France reduced such beings, mind rot should not act. And a birth center, the White World, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, birth center as such should act.
Birth center, the White World, while maintaining the time any French growth friendly, friendly France reduce rot? Here, the White World, there are people, who live with the sentence against taking part in education; her anger and live with the sentence against anger; He had hurt the mind and live with the mind question against harm. Birth center as such, Bach World Religion, when the real maintenance friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot. Birth center, the White World, when the real maintenance friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot? Here, Bach World Religion, there are no people took part; live with the mind not the sentence against taking part in education; He has no anger and live with the mind not the sentence against anger; He doesn't mind living with harmful mind not the sentence against harm. Birth center as such, Bach World Religion, if real time maintenance friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot.
The heart of this birth, the Female-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the relative birth center between ". What Religion has to say so and so such charm, her words are speaking up.
Prime ideal, the Female-stilts, I say also has two types: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". What Religion has to say so. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? A prime ideal, the White World, when the real growth, the French charity Charity France reduced prime ideal, rotten as such should not be released. And a prime ideal, the White World, real time maintenance friendly when France fell, the friendly rot France growth, such action should be a prime ideal.
Idea what That white, privileged, while maintaining the time any French growth friendly, friendly France reduce rot? Here, Bach World Religion, people have sex lives with the idea of the sentence against anger, hurt and she lived with the idea of the sentence against harm. Prime ideal so, Bach World Religion, when administering maintenance forecast real growth in France, the French charity Charity rot off. Idea what That white, privileged, when released, real friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot? Here, Bach World Religion, there are people who have no part in education, living with no useful sentences with, he had no anger and no useful sentence to live with anger, he has no heart damage and living with no sentence against harm. Prime ideal so, Bach World Religion, when real time maintenance friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot.
Prime ideal, the Female-stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the relatively privileged idea. "between What Religion has to say so and so such charm, her words are speaking up.
This, the National Prime-comments on stilts, I said there are two types: "should conduct maintenance and should not act; and so is the relatively privileged knowledge "between. What Religion has to say so. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? A DAC, the White World, while maintaining the forecast real growth in France, the friendly friendly France, the reduction of such privileged rot should not act. And a privileged action any time maintenance when France fell, the rot friendly friendly France, the growth of such action should be privileged. Opinion what the White World, Prime, when real time maintenance friendly France growth; friendly France reduce rot? Here, Bach World have Respect people have (TA) opinion as follows: "no Bell, no sacrifices, no ceremony, no results of the evil karma of Shu hetero, no life, no other life, no mother, no father, no chemical type of birth, in life there is no such Sa, the Ba-la-Mon the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, has driven himself to the upper position, and gaining voter syndrome stay this life, other life and taught. " Such a privileged World, comments, when released, the real growth of the French charity, the charity France rot off. Opinion what the White World, Prime, when real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot increase?
Here, Bach World Religion, someone there (Chief Justice) comments as follows: "that he has to sacrifice, there are results, the international Singularity Shu the evil, has this life business, has another life, mother, father, have the kind of birth, chemistry in life have the Sa-Ba-la-Mon, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice has himself with upper jijeung tri Prime witness, and this other life, and life to stay taught. " Such a privileged World, comments, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth.
This, the National Prime-comments on stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the wrong opinion about Dak ". What Religion has to say so, and because such speech, charm she is speaking up.
Leanne this National, Prime fall-on stilts, I say also has two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the relativity between Leanne's fall ". What Religion has to say so, and because of what he is saying words charm up? Leanne white, privileged World fell, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French charity, falls reduction rot such action should not be privileged before. Leanne white, privileged World fell, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, should act in such a privileged Leanne fell. Leanne white, privileged World fell, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity growth reduction rot? Leanne white, privileged fall of world Religion, because the non-contentious start when it., the real French friendly to growth, the French charity rot off. Leanne fell harmless white Religious World, a privileged, because of it. when being run, the real friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth.
Leanne this National, Prime fall-on stilts, I said there are two types: "should act, should not be issued; and so are the differences fell Tanh DAC ". What Religion has to say so, and because such speech's coast are speaking up. The White World, which is That Religion comes up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly, the meaning is understood widely as such.
Evangelical Protestant, instead of this, Sariputta! Instead of this, Sariputta healthy! This is said to be up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly, he understood the meaning of m t so widely.
Stems, the Female-stilts, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the fuselage relative ". We have said so and because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? Stems, Sariputtta, when this real time maintenance friendly France, friendly French growth reduction rot, bulb so should not be released. And bulbous, Sariputtta, when this real time maintenance friendly France reduced French growth friendly, rot, bulb so should act.
What stems from this, Sariputta, when any maintenance friendly France growth, friendly France reduce rot? Here, Sariputta, this someone close being, cruel hand, blood is working laboriously, murdered homepage wound, not compassion for the kind of love. This person of not for; any Member anything of others, or in villages or in the mountain forests, not for him, he stole material. He lived in happy pagan desire, fuck the woman has sheltered mother, father, brother, sister, have had her cover, had her husband been simple penalty protection, until the woman was jewelry by wreath. So this, Sariputta stems, while the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French charity rot off.
What stems from this, Sariputta, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot increase? Here, Sariputtta, who have abandoned this observation being, avoid friction being, quit, quitting, the staff know very good you have, from, live mercy to happiness of all beings and species of love. He abandoned the take of not for, stay away from taking of for; any Member anything of others, or in villages, or in the mountain forests, not for him, he did not steal material. He quit to live happy in the deviant desire, not with the woman has sheltered mother, father, brother, sister, have had her cover, had her husband been simple penalty protection, until the woman was jewelry by wreath. So this, Sariputta stems, while the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth.
Stems, the Female-stilts, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the fuselage relative ". We have said so and so such charm, her words are speaking up.
Password, the Female-stilts, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not be issued; and so is the relativity between password ". I have to say so. And by what he is saying words charm up? Sariputta, this password when any journey time the real friendly France growth, the French charity, action reduction rot like that should not be released. And this, Sariputta, when any act, any friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, such action should be action gun.
What's this, Sariputta, administrative password when administering maintenance time of the real growth of the French charity, the charity France reduce rot? Here, Sariputta, there's hope in this language to the ... (as above). (the changes needed for the fall DAC Leanne ...) "Prime this National, Leanne Fell-stilts, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not be issued; and so is the relatively privileged, "Leanne fell between Us has said so, and so did speech by the coast are speaking up.
Sariputta, this speech is we say in a nutshell, need to understand so widely.
Due to this perception, eye shades Sariputta, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Due to this, Sariputta awareness earrings, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Incense by Cape awareness, Sariputta, I say this there are two types: "should maintain administrative action should not be maintained". Due to this, Sariputta, aware of blades we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Exposure due to the perception of this, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". France by Italy this perception, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance".
When told that, assuming the White World Religious Sariputta:
-White World, this speech was That Religion comes up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly, the meaning is understood broadly as follows:
"Because of this, Sariputta perception eye, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so. And by what he is saying words charm up? Colors would do the eyes perceive white World Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the sharp decrease, rot due to French charity eye perception should not be released. Lust would do the eyes perceive the World when Religion, maintained the forecast real friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, left by sharp eyes such perceptions should be released. "Because of this, Sariputta perception eye, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so and because her words are so charm comes up.
"An awareness of this, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so. And by what he is saying words charm up? The cognitive World of the white-eared due Respect, while maintaining the forecast real growth in France, the friendly friendly France, the fallen, rotten due to disasters such awareness should not be released. The encyclopedia would do the ears aware, Bach World, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot increase, an awareness so should act. "An awareness of this, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so and because her words are so charm comes up.
"Incense by Cape awareness, Sariputta, I say this there are two types:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so. And by what he is saying words charm up? Incense by Cape, white World, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French discount perfume, rot due to the goodwill of the nose such awareness should not be released. Incense by Cape, white World, when released, the real friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, flavour due to perceived nose so should conduct maintenance: "Incense by Cape awareness, Sariputta, I say this there are two types:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so and because her words are so charm comes up.
"Due to this perception, tongue, we say there are two kinds of Sariputta:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so. And by what he is saying words charm. The position would do tongue awareness, the White World, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French charity, the reduction due to rot the tongue such awareness should not be released. The position would do tongue awareness, the White World, real time maintenance friendly when France fell, the friendly rot France growth, due to such awareness should practice tongue. "Due to this perception, tongue, we say there are two kinds of Sariputta:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so and because her words are so charm comes up.
"Exposed by the perception of this, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so. And by what he is saying words charm up? Exposure due to perception, Bach World Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France growth, the French charity, by reducing the canker perception as such should not be released. Exposure due to perception, Bach World Religion, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, exposure due to such perception should be released. "Exposed by the perception of this, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so and because her words are so charm comes up.
"France by Italy this perception, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so. And by what he is saying words charm up? France would by Italy, the White World, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the friendly French growth reduction rot, France by Italy such awareness should not be released. France would by Italy, the White World, real time maintenance friendly when France fell, the friendly rot France growth, France by Italy such awareness should be released. France by Italy this perception, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". What Religion has to say so and because her words are so charm comes up.
The White World, this speech was That Religion comes up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly, the meaning is understood widely as such.
-Fresh, Healthy instead of this, Sariputta! Instead of this, Sariputta healthy! This is said to be up in a nutshell, not interpreted widely, He has to understand the meaning of such widely.
Due to this perception, eye shades Sariputta, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Such words are We talking up. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? ... (as above). France by Italy this perception, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Such words are We talking up and do so, charm her words are speaking up.
Sariputta, this speech is a nutshell up said, meaning the words were widely understood as such.
Y, Sariputta, I say this there are two types: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Qifu gangui, Sariputta, this food, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Ready is located, Sariputta, I say this there are two types: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". The village of Sariputta, I say this, there are two types: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". This, Sariputta town, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". The municipality of Sariputta, I say this, there are two types: "should act, should not act", national maintenance, Sariputta, I say this there are two types: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". Person (Puggala) this, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance".
When told that, assuming the White World Religious Sariputta:
-White World, this speech was That Religion comes up in a nutshell, not interpreted broadly, the meaning is understood broadly as follows:
"Y, Sariputta, I say this there are two types:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". What Religion has to say so. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? Y, the White World, when released, the real growth of the French charity, the charity France rot off, so should not be released. Y, the White World, when the real time maintenance friendly France, the French charity reduction rot growth, so should act. "Y, Sariputta, I say this there are two types:" should act, should not conduct maintenance ". World Religion spoke up so. And because of such charm, her words are speaking up.
"This, Sariputta qifu gangui dishes, we say there are two kinds ... because such a charm, her speech was talking up".
"Ready this, Sariputta is located, we say there are two kinds ... because such a charm, her speech was talking up".
"This, Sariputta Village, we say there are two kinds ... because such a charm, her speech was talking up".
"This, Sariputta town, we say there are two kinds ... because such a charm, her speech was talking up".
"This, Sariputta municipality, we say there are two kinds ... because such a charm, her speech was talking up".
"This, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds ... because such a charm, her speech was talking up".
"This, Sariputta, we say there are two kinds ... because such a charm, her speech was talking up".
The White World, this speech was That Religion comes up in a nutshell, don't explain extensively, I've been out so widely.
-Fresh, Healthy instead of this, Sariputta! Instead of this, Sariputta healthy! This speech was a brief up, they say no extensive explanation, he was widely understood as such.
Y, Sariputta, I say this there are two types: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". We have to speak up. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? Y would this Sariputta, when operating, maintenance time of the real French growth friendly. Due to the charm so, words he is speaking up.
Qifu gangui, Sariputta, this food, we say there are two kinds: "should act, should not conduct maintenance". I have to say so. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? ... Due to the charm so, words he is speaking up.
Ready is located, Sariputta, I say this there are two types: "should act, not act should maintain" ... (as above). Ready is located so should not act. Ready is located so the onions ... (as above). Such villages should not act ... (as above). Such action should the village ... (as above). Such a town should not act ... (as above). Such action should the town ... (as above) ... such municipality should not act ... (as above) ... such municipality should act ... (as above). Such a level of Executive should not be maintained. (as above). Should such action of ... (as above). This, Sariputta, people say there are two kinds: "should conduct maintenance and should not conduct maintenance". I have to say so. And because of what he was saying, his charm comes up? People this, Sariputta. Due to the charm so, words he is speaking up.
Sariputta, this speech was brief, we say that the meaning (verbal) needs to be widely understood as such.
Sariputta, this if all the Police-the Roman Empire-seat, for this speech was brief, I say can understand the meaning of her words so widely, all the will enjoy happiness, peace and long-lasting. Sariputta, this if all the She-la-subjects ... If all the Vessa. Sariputta, this if all of its momentum (Sudda), for the words were brief, they say can understand the meaning of her words so widely, all the will enjoy lasting peace and happiness.
World Religious preaching. Fake wedding Festival, Sariputta religious life That taught Respect lyrics credit.

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