Sunday 3 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time in the middle of the public Exalted Anga (Central-old), in a hamlet of Anga people, named Assapura. At that time the Blessed One called the monks:
- Hey, monks.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
- Salmone! Salmone! This, monks, the people know that he is. And if he was asked, "Who are you!" He had to get the "We are recluses." This, monks, the name he was so, was claiming to be the case, this, monks, and he had to practice as follows: "We will maintain life and legal practice a recluse effects, those effects into Brahmin. Thus, this name of our new self-righteous and we recognize this as truth. And the offerings that we enjoy life robes, alms food, couch, drug treatment results are great, great benefit to us. And we ordained not useless, with the result that performance. "
This, monks, what is the legal effect of recluses, and the working methods of Brahmin? "We will achieve the knife", so, this, monks, and he must practice. This, monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife to this extent, so is sufficient; to this extent, so done. We have achieved the purpose of recluses well. We have nothing further to do. " And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that Mr. This, monks, I declare to Mr: When He aims to recluses happy, do not have to abandon this purpose, while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, how the work should be done more? "Deed we have to be calm, intelligent district, openly, without defect, concealed. But we do not because he personally pure, compliment her, belittle people ". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. This, monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we are pure personally, to this extent, so is sufficient; to this extent, so done. We have achieved the purpose of recluses well. We have nothing further to do. " And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that Mr. This, monks, I declare to you: When He aims to recluses happy, do not have to abandon this purpose, while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, how the work should be done more? "Export act we must be calm, intelligent district, openly, without defect, concealed. But we do not because the border issue was pure, his compliments, criticized people ". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. This, monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we personally pure, pure export operator, to this extent, so is sufficient; to this extent, so done. We have achieved the purpose of recluses well. We have nothing further to do. " And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that he ... (as above) ... while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, how the work should be done more? "The issue we have to be calm, intelligent district, openly, without defect, concealed. But we do not because the act was pure, his compliments, criticized people ". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. This, monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we personally pure, pure export operator, and bodily purity, to this extent, so is just enough ... (as above) ... ". And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that he ... (as above) ... while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, how the work should be done more? "Sanh network we must be calm, intelligent district, openly, without defect, concealed. But we do not because of his pure life, give yourself, blame people ". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. This, monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we personally pure, pure export issue, the pure act, pure life. To this extent so is enough ... (as above) ... ". And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that he ... (as above) ... is still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, is how to do the job is worth more? "We have to holders of units. When the eye sees color, does not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What makes the eye causes uncontrolled, causing craving, offers compassion, evil, immoral law arises, we will conquer that reason, upholding the eye, the practice of upholding the eye . When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotional body ... the perception of things without holding the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What causes that consciousness is not tame, that craving, giving, compassion, evil, immoral law arises, we will conquer that reason, upholding consciousness, upholding the standard practice shallow". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. This, monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we personally pure, pure export issue, the pure act, pure life, and the apartment has to be maintained, to this extent, so is enough ... (as above) ... ". And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that he ... (as above) ... while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, is how to do the job is worth more? "We have to learn moderation in eating, with right thought, we meal, not for fun, not for passion, not for jewelry, not for their beauty itself, but only to this body may be long and maintenance, to (this itself) out of pity, to support the virtues, think: "so we eliminate the old feelings and not give rise to new sensations, and we will not have mistakes, live in peace ". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. But the monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we personally pure, pure export issue, the pure act, pure life, and the apartment has to be maintained, eating with moderation, to this extent, so is enough ... (as above) ... ". And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that he ... (as above) ... while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, how significant dollars to do the job more? "We must be vigilant attention. Daytime walking (or) while sitting, we must cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles. Soup one night walking (or) while sitting, we must cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles. Night centered, we must lie lies lion designs, tilt-hand side, one foot on the other foot, mindful awareness, the mind thinks it's time to wake up. First watch night waking, walking (or) while sitting, we must cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles. " Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. But the monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we personally pure, pure export issue, the pure act, pure life, the apartment has to be maintained, be sober dining, attentive vigilance, to this extent, so is enough ... (as above) ... ". And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that he ... (as above) ... while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, is how to do the job is worth more? "We must be mindful awareness, going forward, you go backward are alert, looking ahead, looking around are aware, when bending, the stretch are aware, while carrying double y, bowl, rooftop y are aware, when eating, chewing, swallowing are aware, when defecation, urination are awakening, when walking, lying, wake, say, silence are aware ". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice. But the monks, and he can start up comments: "We have achieved the knife, we personally pure, pure export issue, the pure act, pure life, the apartment has to be maintained, eating sober, vigilant attention, mindfulness and awareness, to this extent, so is enough ... (as above) ... ". And to the extent that, the self-satisfied he can. This, monks, I recommend that he ... (as above) ... while still considerable work to be done further.
This, monks, is how to do the job is worth more? Here, the monks, monks look a quiet place, solitary, such as forests, trees, ravines, caves, graveyard, arbor, outdoor, haystack. After seeking alms about and eating, he sat cross-legged, back straight, and mindfulness front. He abandoned craving in life, to live with the mind craving escapism, wash all craving attention. Renounce hatred, he does not mind living with anger, merciful kindness introspection all sentient beings, and all hatred wash mind. Abandoning sloth dullness, he survived divorce depression and torpor, with great attention towards the light, mindful awareness, washed out dullness hypnotic mind. Abandoning repentance agitation, agitation he did not live to regret, quiet interior, washed out agitation regret heart. Abandoning doubt, he lived rid of doubt, no hesitation wondering, washed out suspicious mind to dhamma.
This, monks, as a debtor to do the professional immediately. These craft are thriving, people did not pay their debts the old, there is money to feed her balance. He thought, "I do owe former occupations. These craft are thriving, we not only pay the old debts, and have money to feed her balance. " So he was happy, happy. This, monks, as a sick person, pain, severe indigestion, physically weakened. After some time, he recovered, digest food, physical rehabilitation. He thought, "I previously infected, severe pain, indigestion, physically weakened. It is now cured, digest food, physical rehabilitation. " So he was happy, happy. This, monks, as a person is locked up in prison. After a while he was out of jail, consolidating peace, property damage from being dropped. He thought, "I previously locked up in prison, we are now out of jail, consolidating peace, property damage from being dropped. "He was so happy, happy. This, monks, as a slave, not autonomy, others depend, is not freedom of movement. After some time he escaped from slavery, to be autonomous, not dependent on other people, a people out of bondage, to be autonomous, not dependent on others, a liberation, the freedom to travel .
He thought, "I have been locked out slavery, not autonomy, others depend, is not freedom of movement. Now we get rid of slavery, is autonomous, not dependent on others, a liberation, the freedom to travel. " So he was happy, happy. This, monks, as a wealthy, many properties, are going through desert. After some time he went out of his desert, to the beginning of the village, peaceful, no danger and property damage from being dropped. He thought, "I formerly wealthy, many properties, passing through desert. Now we have come across from his desert, peace, no danger and property damage from being dropped. " So he was happy, happy. This too, monks, monks themselves, not consistent detachment five hindrances, such as debt, such as illness, such as prisons, such as slavery, as the road through the desert. This, monks, and no debt, no illness is out of jail, to be free, to be peaceful stopover. This, monks, monks customary five hindrances when they are eradicated.
After five hindrances rid of this, the hindrances to pollute the mind, as intellectual weakness, he sexual ly, ly evil, immoral legal residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state by glass birth sex, can have a range of quad. He instilled, macerated, make prolific, this body was filled with joy by being sexual ly, not somewhere in the body without being sexual bliss was so imbued glass. This, monks, as a servant adept bath or shower maid disciples, after bathing in the brazing powder bronze powder was immediately stuffed with water, bath powder that local water is imbued with wet, mixed trend water wet, wet both inside and outside the country, but does not flow into droplets. Also, this, monks, monks imbued, macerated, make fullness, body filled with joy by being sexual ly, not somewhere on the body is not bliss by being sexual ly he instilled.
Again, monks, monks and anti reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most static inner mind. He instilled, macerated, make prolific, this body was filled with joy by the birth, not somewhere on the body is not bliss because of his being instilled. This, monks, such as a lake, from the rising water, the East is no outflow hole, the West has no outflow hole, the hole is no water flowing north, the south has no hole water came out, and sometimes heavy rain. Cool springs that gush from the lake, imbued, macerated, make prolific, the lake was filled with cool water, not one of the lakes where the water does not cool instilled. Also, the monks, he instilled, macerated, make fullness, filled himself with joy by the birth and not somewhere on the body is not bliss because of his being instilled.
Again, monks, monks cup discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, the body feels the pleasant feeling that the sages called "discharge concept Stay optimistic," Meditation Tuesday residence certificate. He instilled, macerated, make fullness, body filled with optimism that life without joy, not somewhere on the body is not optimistic that life without joy permeates. This, monks, such as the blue lotus pond, lake pink lotus, white lotus pond, there are blue lotus, pink lotus or white lotus. The lotus flower was born in the country, grew up in the country, do not go beyond the water, aquatic farming, from tip to root were imbued, macerated, filled with cool water penetrated by him, not a place yet the whole blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water cooling did not instill. Also, this, monks, monks imbued, macerated, make fullness, body filled with optimism that life without joy, not somewhere on the body is not optimistic that life without joy penetrative.
Again, monks, monks exhaust discharge optimistic suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, neutral, exhaust purification concept. He imbued his body with pure pure heart, not somewhere on the body are not pure in heart that instill morning. This, monks, for such a man, using white cloth hooded, not somewhere on the body are not white cloth that covered thoroughly. Also, the monks, he sat his whole body imbued with pure pure heart, not somewhere on the body are not pure in heart that instill morning.
With a calm mind, pure in the morning, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, he led the mind, afferent to the intelligent network Tuc. He remembered the life of the past, such a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty-life, life thirty, forty died, fifty-life, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, and the lives much damage. He remembered that: "In other places, we called like this, like this family, class like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after the other, I was born in and there. At that place, we have names like this, like this family, class like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after the other, I was born here. " Thus, he remembered many past lives together with the outline and details. This, monks, for such a man away from his village to village, from the village went to another village, and from village to village on his back, he thought, "I went from my village to another village, where we were standing like this, sitting like this, like this said, was quiet like this. From where the other villages, we have returned to our village. " Thus, the monks, the mind calm, clear pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, he led the mind, afferent to , Additional intelligent network. He remembered the life of the past, such a life, two lives ... (as above) ... Thus, he remembered many past lives together with the outline and details.
With a calm mind, pure in the morning, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, he led the mind, attention to intellectual direction of the birth and death of beings. He Thien label with pure, superheroes, see life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch their careers. These beings do evil deeds of the body, words and thoughts, defamation of the saint, according to TA, TA create now follow. These people, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. And yet these beings do the deeds of the body, words and thoughts, not defame the saint, in the right view, create now follow the right view. These people, after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, heaven, on earth. Thus, he with pure label superhuman God, seeing life and death of beings. He knew that all beings, inferior people, who noble, beautiful people who coarse, lucky people, who suffer and are due to conduct their business. This, monks, such as the house has two doors, and here, a man stood in the middle of the eye, people can see who (else) to go into the house, go out, go through, go back. Also, the monks, he with pure Thien labels, superman, see life and death of beings. He knew that all beings, inferior people, who are so well-topping ... their career.
With a calm mind, pure in the morning, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, he led the mind, radial, to take place Gonorrhea. He said as truth: "This is hard," as it's said: "This is the cause of suffering", known as the truth: "This is the Cessation of suffering", known as the truth: "This is the way to end suffering ", known as real:" these are illegal or "know as truth:" This is the cause of the illegal or "know as truth:" This is the exception taints ", known as the truth:" This which led to the elimination of the defilements. " By understanding this, such awareness, his mind escape illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape from ignorance. For itself has freed thus arises understanding: "I have liberated". He insight: "Sanh took advantage, dignity has, what can be done are done, then the present life without any other life." This, monks, such as at a large mountain range with a lake, pure, pure, not contaminated, one eye, standing on the shore will find oysters, scallops, rocks, rock star, the fish swim back and forth or standing in one place. He thought: "This is pure lake, in the morning, not contaminated. These are oysters, scallops, rocks, rock star, the fish was swimming back and forth or standing still. " Also, this, monks, monks known as the truth: "It is ... known as real suffering:" This is the road leading to the eradication of cankers! "By understanding that, by receiving such knowledge, his mind escape illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape from ignorance. For itself was liberated, he insight: "Sanh took advantage, dignity has, what needs to be done has been done, then the present life without any other life."
This, monks, monks so called recluse, is Brahmin, is have a clean bathroom, that may know and understand, the ones with learning, as saints, is Arhat level. This, monks, how, monks are recluses? This position makes stop the evil, the evil law, the law of this pollution, to existence, worthy of fear, suffering brings results, brought to birth, aging, death in the future. Thus, the monks, monks are monks. And this, monks, how monks are Brahmin? This position has a frequency of out of evil, the evil law, the pollution of this law, to existence, worthy of fear, suffering brings results, gave birth to old age, death in the future. Thus, the monks, monks are Brahmin. And this, monks, how monks have a clean bathroom? This position was clean bathing the evil, the evil law ... brought to birth, aging, death in the future. Thus, the monks, monks have clean bathrooms. And this, monks, how the monks have to know and understand? You have to know and understand the evil, the evil law ... brought to birth, aging, death in the future. Thus, the monks, monks have known. And this, monks, how the monks have to learn? You have to destroy the evil, the evil law ... brought to birth, aging, death in the future. Thus, the monks, monks have learned. And this, monks, how the monks are called saints? This position was made legal separation from the evil ... evil brought to birth, aging, death in the future. Thus, the monks, monks are called saints. And this, monks, how the monks called Arhat level? This position was made away from the evil, the evil law ... brought to birth, aging, death in the future. Thus, the monks, monks are Arhat level.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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