Thursday 21 April 2016


(Ganaka Moggallanasuttam)
Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi, Pubbarama, where the castle of Migaramatu (Eastern Park Loc Template lectures). Then She-la-Mon Gananka Moggallana go to place like Religion, after talking up the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side. Sit down one side, She-la-Bach Moggallana Ganaka subjects Like Religion:
-Such as false Respect, Sir, in this Migaramatu Gotama, can see a sequential learning, sequential structures, a sequential route, i.e. the level of the floor upstairs in the end; Dear fake Religious Gotama, too, for the Ba-la-this subject, seen a sequential learning, sequential structures, a sequential route, i.e. the learning (the Vedas). Dear fake Religious Gotama, too, for the Archer, seen a sequential learning, sequential structures, a sequential route, i.e. the art of archery. Please show respect for us, Gotama imitation is the number people, living off the profession of mathematics, also saw a sequential learning, sequential structures, a sequential route, i.e. the payment number. Dear fake Religious Gotama, because that when there are people his disciple, we caught her counting, "One, two, one, two, three, four, three times, four times, five times, six, five, six times, seven, seven, eight, eight, nine, ten, nine times, ten times". And dear fake Religion we count starts to Gotama in a hundred. Can the presentation, Mr. Suen fake French and in this law, Gotama, also have a sequential learning, a sequential works, a week of self directed such disclosure?
-Be able to present this, She-la, in France and this law, there is a sequential learning, there is a sequential works, there is a sequential Highway Director. For this, such as She-la, a fine friendly horse training, after a gentle horse, first trained for it, and then the rope bearing the familiar practice for it the other happy familiarity; also, she-la, As Lai when a person worthy of subduing, first coached him as follows: "to Female-stilts, hold the world, let's live tame with the tame of the world my duty, full of dread primary facilities, see the dangers in those little bugs, and learning about learning". She-la, when Male-stilts holding the world, tame with the tame of the world my duty, full of dread, the Chief facilities see the dangers in those little bugs, and learning is learning about, As the new trainer's position Hybrid more as follows: "to Female-maintained households, make the stilts, when the eye sees colors are also not holding General General Therefore, there is a general private holding. What causes, because the label was based was not tame the cause craving the real evil, friendly bi pros France kicked up, the Male-stilts tame yourself cause, households maintained his eye, practicing the households maintained his eye. When the ear heard ... smell nose ... tongue taste ... the emotional body ... the French perception, the idea is not to hold the general public, not holding separate General. What causes, because Italy was based are not tame, prompting the craving, bi, the real evil French charity run up, Male-stilts overpower her cause, households maintained Italy, practicing the households maintained Italy apartments ". She-la, after Female-maintained households and apartments on stilts, As New Hybrid does add flavour training as follows: "to Female-stilts, be more in dining, chon TAM Chief sensory life survey used the dish, not for fun, not for passion, not for fashion jewelry, not to her beauty, only to this body is maintained , are maintenance, from the household, to accept the maintenance Date, think: "so we eradicate the old life and not to run up the new life; and we will not violate faults, live was an okay ". She-la, after Male-stilts Xue in eating, and then, As the new trainer's position Hybrid more as follows: "to Female-stilts, be watchful attention! On board while administrative and economy while sitting, clean mind erase from the obstacle course; night in the broth first, while administrative and economy while sitting, clean mind erase from the obstacle course; night in the middle of the soup, let's get down to the hips to the right, as is the lion, the foot guards on foot with each other, the sense of mindfulness, mantras oriented to sit up again. Night in the last soup, when awake, while administrative and economy while sitting, clean out the mind erase obstacles. " This, She-la, soon after the Male-centric the stilts, As New Hybrid's position further training as follows: "to Female-stilts, take the mindfulness, achievement when it comes to when going backwards all the buds; When looking straight, when looking around all the buds; When the co hands, when stretching the hands are the buds; When carrying the upper bowl, vase, double y y are all the buds; when eating, drinking, chewing, swallowing, are the buds; When the bowel, the bladder are the buds; when away, standing, sitting, lying, formula, say, quiet are the sensations ". She-la, after the sense of mindfulness and then, As the new trainer's position Hybrid more as follows: "to Female-stilts, please select a radio spot away, President of miluo city, forest trees, such as canyons, caves, the beach tha ma, Pine Grove, outdoor, piles of straw". Then select a location to place the stick away, President of miluo city, such as the forest, tree, beach, caves, ravines tha ma, Pine Grove, outdoor, piles of straw. After going about qifu gangui and ate, then sat Fang-old, straight back in place and secure stay mindfulness in front. The position he relinquished the craving in life, living with the Escapist, erase craving attention craving. Give up anger, he lived with anger, not from introspection mercy all beings, erase the mind off anger. Quit kissing her life unit, the Swiss deposits escape divorce Swiss deposits, with minds towards the light, the sense of mindfulness, erase attention kissing Swiss deposits hypnosis; Quit trạo her life, regret election not trạo election, erase the quiet inner attention trạo BA regrets; abandon the suspect's life, escape from doubts, do not hesitate hesitated, erase the mind out for the French charity.
When the paragraph except in the slopes, the France who pollute, make feeble intellect, he ly, ly real friendly France and stay the first Meditation, a State of physical being, by loving Cup with the reach the quarter finals. He position of killing games and four, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not the Cabinet, quarter-range for the mind. Her taste Cup Hy stay discharge, mindfulness, the sensor body province tho that the Saints called discharge, and stay at the Club anniversary stay third Meditation. Discharge, discharge gauge, destroy life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, don't touch, discharge of pure concepts. She-la, for those Female-stilts is not friendship ranks, achievements, are living in need of such an upper bridge the Translational slopes of yoke, that is the teaching of the same for Him. For the Male-stilts is A-la-Han, the contraband was, austerities into complacency, should have done, was put down, has achieved ideal, take advantage, Chief urban planner owner location except for the rescue, the France he brought to the Club to stay current and mindfulness of the province.
When you say that, She-la-Bach Moggallana Ganaka subjects Like Religion:
-The disciples of Gotama, when subjects were Sa-Sa-subjects such education promotion, Gotama teaching as such, there must be proof all landing wing Nirvana or just have some proof?
-She-la, some of my disciples, when teachers are so, so teaching certificate is saved landing wing, Nirvana, some were not.
-Dear fake do what human, Gotama Respect, due to what the coast in presence of Nirvana, in the presence of your path to Nirvana, while false Respect Gotama is just sugar, yet the disciples of fake Religious Gotama, was encouraging such education, Gotama false teaching as such, some evidence is saved landing wing Nirvana Some were not?
-She-la, here We will ask Mr. If Mr. kham rings, please answer me. She-la, He thought? He is good at your pathway to Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA)?
-Dear, are you good at fake Religious path to Rajagaha.
-She-la, He thought? Here, one person, wanted to go to Rajagaha, this person came to him and said: "Mr. Suen, I like to go to Rajagaha. Please show me the way to go to Rajagaha. " He said to him: "Is this you, here, is the path taken to Rajagaha. Let's follow him for a time. After a while, You will see a name like this. Please come by for a while. After a while, You will see a name like this. Please come by for a while. After a while, You will see the marvelous American gardens Rajagaha, with marvelous American forests, with the marvelous American lands, with the marvelous American pond ". The oil was such a teacher, taught as such, but took the wrong road, go West. And then a second person to, want to go to Rajagaha. This man came to him and asked: "Mr. Suen, I like to go to Rajagaha, expecting the fake Religious path only to me". Then he said to him: "Is this, You, this is the way to Rajagaha. Let's follow him for a time. After a while, you will see a name like this. Let's follow him for a time. After a while, you will see a name like this. Let's follow him for a time. After following him for a while, you will find with us ờn v Rajagaha magic, with the marvelous American forests, with the marvelous American lands, with the marvelous American ponds ". He was strongly Catholic teaching, so He thus travelled to Rajagaha in a safe way.
-She-la, so what, do what the coast, in the presence of Rajagaha, in the presence of the path taken to Rajagaha, while he was the only way, he recommends the oil for such education, teaching as such, a person who took the wrong path, go to the West, while a person can go to Rajagaha safely?
-Dear fake Religious Gotama, here, what are you doing? I just was the only way, my false Religious Gotama.
-Also, she-la, in the presence of Nirvana, in the presence of the road to Nirvana, and while I'm only level road. But the disciples, We are strongly Roman Catholic teaching, such as so, some evidence of being rescued landing wing Nirvana, some were not. Here, she-la, what do we do? As the only Hybrid was the only way.
When I heard that, She-la-Bach Moggalana Ganaka subjects Like Religion:
-Dear fake Religious Gotama, for those not because confidence, just because the livelihoods, families abandon the family, no family life, those crafty, deception, damaged Wei, d., higher balance, wobble, said nhạp, not junk cheese households maintained the grounds, not eating, not attention vigilance , indifferent to the Sa-happy subjects, not revered learning, life is too full, slacking, leading interior rot, from burden far, indolence, the essential need to lowly, furniture, not the sense, not the mind, mind the disarray, paralyzed, mute ngọng; False religion Gotama cannot live with such people. Also the Friendly South Prince for renunciation, abandoning the family, no family, no life, no deception, no damaged Wei, not imbalanced, not romantic, not fluctuations, not to say cheese nhạp junk, households maintained the grounds, eat with, the attention, not lethargy with Sa-happy subjects academic life, reverence, not too full, not slacking, abandoned Interior rot, leading in the far, the essential need, effort, mindfulness, stay, the feeling, the static, depth, wisdom, not dumb ngọng; False religion Gotama (in harmony) with the. Such false Religion in the type of apartment, Gotama, the black sheep sandalwood called paramount; in the type of perfume tree cores, fried sausage sandalwood called paramount; in the type of perfume, incense and precious flowers (jasmine) called paramount. Well so is the words of encouragement of false Religion is considered the highest in Gotama the Christian encouragement words today. True false Respect Sir, marvelous micro Gotama! True false Respect Sir, marvelous micro Gotama! As people stand back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for those who are lost, bringing light into the darkness to anyone who has eyes can see; Likewise, Chief Justice of France has been using various media Gotama fake presentation explains. Please fake Religious refuge Gotama, refuge and we Expect Ton increase. stilts-Rate imitation of Gotama the disciple, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.

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