Wednesday 6 April 2016

55. ECONOMIC Jivaka.

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajagrha), at Jivaka Komarabhacca mango forest. Then Jivaka Komarabhacca come to Bhagavan in, after arriving bowed, sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, Jivaka Komarabhacca venerable sir:
- Buddha, I heard the following: "The recluse Gotama, they killed the creature. And recluse Gotama (yet) know that (still) use are killed for their meat and make yourself ". Buddha, who says as follows: "The recluse Gotama, they killed the creature. And recluse Gotama (yet) know that (still) use of meat is killed (as himself) and made her "lord, who had said the Exalted said, they do not distort the Exalted not true, they answered lawful, legal agreement, and those such as legal, correct theory (legal) agreement (legal) can not rebuke?
- Jivaka, who says as follows: "The recluse Gotama, they killed the creature. And recluse Gotama (yet) know that (still) use of meat is killed (as himself) made themselves ", who did not speak my own words, they misrepresent me, not as truth, not as real. Jivaka, I say in the three cases, the meat is not life used to see, hear and comfortable (for her to kill). Jivaka, I say in the three cases, the meat is not life use. Jivaka, I say in the three cases, the use of meat is life: not seen, heard or suspected (because I kill). Jivaka, I say in the three cases, the meat is life use.
Here, this Jivaka, monks living on a certain village or a town, he meets a local variable with the heart center, and dwell; so the second Tuesday method, likewise the fourth. Thus the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, and all the parish, with the boundless world around, he turned complacent with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger and dwell. A layman or a lay person to him and invited monks tomorrow and this meal Jivaka, monks was accepted. After the night was over, the monks did in the morning robes, holding the bowl y, went over to the other person or people lay the other lay people. After arriving, he was prepared to sit on the seat. And the layman, or a layman that he sometimes used the epigastric alms dish. You did not think, monks: "It is a good replacement, this layman, or a lay person I used this time to the epigastric alms dish. We hope that this layman, or lay people in the future will sometimes we use epigastric dishes such alms ". Monks did not think so. Life he used his alms dishes, with attention not involved before, no attachment, no passion, evident woes, clear sense of renunciation. Jivaka, What do you think? The other monks, while he has thought of self-harm, or harm people think, or think about the harm of both?
- No, venerable sir.
- Jivaka, the other monks, while he had to take the food without guilt?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir. Venerable sir, I heard the following: "Cao rooftop instead, dwell kindness! Buddha, Bhagavan is itself testimony to the presence of this point, Buddha, Bhagavan dwell kindness.
- Jivaka, the so-called participation, the courts, the ignorance, hatred arises therefore, take her, her yard, she was as Lai si rid of, cut to the root, making the trunk as ta-la , which can not be reborn, can not arise in the future. Jivaka, if such is the sense he wanted to say, I agree with Mr time.
- Buddha, so makes sense I mean.
- Here, this Jivaka, monks living on a certain village or a township. He meets a local variable with the heart has compassion ... with joy ... with heart heart heart heart discharge and dwell there; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, they, have turned complacent mind sacrificing, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger and dwell. A layman or a lay person to him and invited monks meal tomorrow. And this Jivaka, monks was accepted. After the night was over, he morning robes, holding the bowl y, lay people come to the other, or the other of a layman. After arriving, he was prepared to sit on the seat. And the layman, or a layman that he sometimes used the epigastric alms dish. Monks did not think: "It's rather good, the lay people, or people sometimes lay the dishes we use epigastric alms. We hope that this layman, or a layman in the future will use the time to do alms dishes such epigastric ". Monks did not think so. He life dishes use begging him to not participate before interest, no passion, no passion, insight into the disaster, clear sense of renunciation. Jivaka, What do you think? The other monks, while he has thought about harming yourself, or think about bad people, or think about the harm of both?
- No, venerable sir.
- Jivaka, the other monks, in the meantime, have to take the food without guilt?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir. Venerable sir, I heard the following: "Cao rooftop instead, dwell sacrificing! Buddha, Bhagavan is itself testimony to the presence of this point. Buddha, Bhagavan dwell sacrificing.
- Jivaka, the so-called participation, the courts, the ignorance, hatred arises therefore, take her, her yard, she was Tathagata si rid of, cut to the root, making the trunk as ta-la , which can not be reborn, can not arise in the future. Jivaka, if so, meaning he wanted to say, I agree with Mr time.
- Buddha, so makes sense I mean.
- Jivaka, who because of the Tathagata, or because practitioners Tathagata which kill an animal, he contained so many non-merit in the cause. When he said the following: "Go and this led to the beast", which is the first cause, he contains many non-merit. Beast, when he was led away, being dragged around your neck, priority should feel unpleasant, that is the second reason, he contains many non-merit. When he said: "Go and kill this beast," that is the third reason, he contains many non-merit. When the beast was killed, feeling pain pros, this is the fourth cause, he contains many non-merit. When he offered Tathagata Tathagata disciples or illegally, that's why Thursday, he contains many non-merit. Jivaka, who because of the Tathagata, or because practitioners Tathagata which kill an animal, he or she will be contained so many non-merit in this cause.
When they heard that, Jivaka Komarabhacca venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Buddha, the real-life monks dishes use legally. Buddha, the real-life monks use dishes with no violations. It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! ... I do recognize the Blessed One lay, between now and the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.

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