Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time he came to reside among the people Bhagga Mahamoggallana, at Sumsumaragira, Bhessakalavana Forest, Deer Park. At that time, Venerable Mahamoggallana're walking outdoors. Then the Devil enters the abdominal venerable Mahamoggallana, in the stomach. Then venerable Mahamoggallana thought as follows: "Now my belly so heavy as anything heavier piling too full?" Then he came to the place of Mahamoggallana step down, go to the monastery, and was prepared to sit on the seat. After sitting, venerable chief Mahamoggallana self volition. Venerable Mahamoggallana see Devil after going into the abdomen, is in the stomach. Seeing this, immediately told Sun Devil author:
- Let's go out, Devil! Go out, Devil! Let no distractions Tathagata Tathagata and disciples. Thou shalt have no cause to be unhappy, suffering long!
Then the Devil thought: "The recluse did not know me, do not see me, to say the following:" Go out, Devil! Go out Devil! Let no distractions Tathagata, the Tathagata and disciples. Thou shalt have no cause to be unhappy, suffering long ". Main Duty counsel you also do not know so fast, how can disciples know me? "
Then venerable Mahamoggallana told the Devil as follows:
- Hey Devil knows You. Do not think: "He does not know me." You are the Devil. This Devil You think as follows: "The recluse did not know me, do not see me, to say the following:" Go out, Devil! Devil go out! Let no distractions Tathagata Tathagata and disciples. Thou shalt have no cause to be unhappy, suffering long! "The Duty counsel you nor me so quickly, how these disciples might know me?"
Then the Devil thinking as follows: "This recluse know me, see me and say:" Go out, Devil! Go out, Devil! Let no distractions Tathagata Tathagata and disciples. Thou shalt have no cause to be unhappy, suffering long ". Then venerable Devil Mahamoggallana mouth came out, and leaned against the door (mouth?). Venerable Mahamoggallana see Devil leaning at the door saw it, they said Devil:
- Devil, here, we see thou. Thou shalt not think: "He did not see me." This Devil You are now standing against the door (mouth?). This Devil Oldtimer, was named Dusi Devil, and she named Kali. Thou her son. Thus You are my grandchildren. This Devil at that time, Bhagavan Kakusandha, Arhat level, the Enlightenment was born. Exalted Kakusandha, steps Arhat Enlightenment two disciples named Vidhura, and Sanjiva, two orders of the supreme, two notches Sage. The Devil, for the disciples of the Exalted Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment nobody here can by Venerable Vidhura about the sermon. The Devil, for this reason, Venerable Vidhura called Vidhura (Matchless). Sanjiva is also venerable forest're, going tree, go the people and the place is not great evidence to exterminate life without difficulty. This Devil ancient, venerable Sanjiva Killing enter life thought sitting under a tree set. The Devil, the cowboy, animal husbandry, farming, the tour saw venerable Sanjiva sitting enter the life thought Removal under a tree, said to each other saw it as follows: "It's rather wonderful, this the venerable! It's rather rare, this the venerable! The recluse died while sitting. Let cremated him! "Then the Devil, the cowboy, animal husbandry, farming and gathering instant travel grass, wood and cow dung Sanjiva overlap venerable body, fire and left. This Devil venerable Sanjiva, after counting was disabled, the instant production, shake off the shirt, morning robes, took care to village begging bowl. The Devil, the cowboy, animal husbandry, farming, the tour saw venerable Sanjiva were begging, saw it immediately thought: "It's rather amazing location, this the venerable! It's rather rare, this the venerable! This monk sitting dead still, this is resurrection ". The Devil, for this reason, he came to be called itself Sanjiva Sanjiva, Sanjiva.
This Devil and Devil Dusi thought as follows: "I do not know where to go and place of the monks have good morality and the law. So now we enter the restaurant Brahmin landlord and said as follows: "Come defamation, vilification, harassment and harm the system responsible position monks have virtue and wholesomeness. Do vilified, defamed, accountability systems and noise caused by the people, he can change the heart and thus have a new opportunity Dusi Devil to govern them. "Then the Devil, Devil Dusi into every Brahmin landlord and defamation, vilification, harassment and harm the system responsible position monks have virtue and wholesomeness is as follows:" Those who are bald , false recluses, means slavery, black slaves, being this self-heel. They said: "We meditate, we meditate" and with indented shoulders down, with head down, wild love wild love, meditation, meditation maze, si meditation, meditation rabies. For as owls perched on tree branches, while lying in mice; meditation, meditation maze, si meditation, meditation rabies; too, who is bald, false recluses, convenience slavery, black slaves, being this self-heel. They said: "We meditate, we meditate." And with indented shoulders down, with head down, wild love wild love, meditation, meditation maze, si meditation, meditation rabies. For example, the author can on the riverbank, while lying in fish; meditation, meditation maze, si meditation, meditation rabies; too, who is bald ... (as above) ... Observatory. For example, the cat sat on piles of rubbish, while lying in mice; meditation, meditation maze, si meditation, meditation rabies; too, who is bald ... (as above) ... Observatory. For as the donkey, burden placed down, is meditation, meditation maze, si meditation, meditation rabies; too, who is bald, false recluses, convenience slavery, black slaves, being this self-heel. They said: "We meditate, we meditate," and with indented shoulders down, with head down, wild love wild love, meditation, meditation maze, si meditation, meditation rabies ". Devil this at the time, most people did after the general body damage must be born in the realm of network data, the Beast, deprivation, in hell.
Then the Devil, Exalted Kakusandha, Arhat level, called Enlightenment, monks:
"- This, monks, the Brahmin landlord Devil Dusi was entered and said:" Come defamation, vilification, accountability systems and monks harmful interference with virtue and wholesomeness. Do vilified, plating implications, accountability systems and noise caused by the people, he can change the mind, and so the new Dusi Devil a chance to dominate them. "
This, monks, go to a local variable with chronic organic heart with the words, then dwell, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with the boundless world around, the calm at the center turn complacent with friendly words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. With the organic mind with compassion ... (as above) ... with organic heart with joy question ... (as above) ..., turned complacency with an ownership interest with the discharge, and then dwell; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with the boundless world around, the calm at the center content with variable exhaust friendly, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger. "
Then the Devil, his monks were Exalted Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment encouraged this, teachers such extension, go to the forest, go to the tree, do not go to the site wilderness, turned complacency with an ownership interest sentence with the word then dwell; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute; so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with the boundless world around, the calm at the center turn complacent with friendly words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. With the organic mind with compassion ... (as above) ... with organic heart with joy question ... (as above) ... turned complacent with an ownership interest with the discharge and dwell; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with the boundless world around, the calm at the center content with variable exhaust friendly, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger.
This Devil Dusi and Mara thought as follows: "In doing so, we can not know where to go or place of the monks have virtue and wholesomeness. So we enter into the Brahmin householders and say: "Come praise, respect, worship offerings to monks have this virtue and wholesomeness. Due to praise, respect, worship, offerings, he can change the heart and thus have a new opportunity Dusi Devil to dominate them. "
Then the Devil, Devil Dusi into the Brahmin landlord and said: "Come praise, respect, worship, offerings to monks have virtue and wholesomeness. These men are the praise Thou, respect, worship, offerings can change the mind, and so the new Dusi Devil a chance to influence them, "Then the Devil, the Brahmin landlord , Devil Dusi being intrusive, praise, respect, worship, offerings to monks have virtue and wholesomeness. This Devil after a while these people and most common network after damage itself is born to improve overall network mammals, Heaven and earth.
Then the Devil, Exalted Kakusamdha, Arhat level, called Enlightenment, monks:
"- This, monks and Brahmin landlord Devil Dusi was compromised and said as follows:" The people come to praise, honor, worship, offerings to monks with morality and wholesomeness. These men are the people of praise, respect, worship, offerings can change the mind and so new Dusi Devil opportunity to dominate them. " This, monks, the impure person to live in the body shop, (shop) boring idea for the dish, (shop) optimistic thought impossible for all the world, impermanence shop for all act ".
And the Devil, the monks he is Exalted Kakusandha encouraging thus encourage teachers so, go to the forest, go to the tree, go to the empty seats, living bars (Nature) impurities in the body , (shop) boring idea for the dish, (shop) optimistic thought impossible for all the world, impermanence shop for all operating.
Then the Devil, Exalted Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment, morning robes, carrying the bowl y, the venerable Vidhura attendant, went to the village to collect alms. Then the Devil, Devil Dusi into a child, holding a stone, hit on the head Venerable Vidhura made tank top. Then the Devil, venerable Vidhura with broken head and with blood, still go back Exalted Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Then the Devil Kakusandha Exalted level Arhat, Enlightenment looked around to look at the elephant god and thinking as follows: "In fact, do not know the Devil Dusi moderate". This Devil when Bhagavan looked around, then Devil Dusi died immediately from his seat and was born into hell. This Devil of hell that are three names: Six emotional hell origin, Set through hell, hell Special unpleasant. Then all hell holder to me and say: "Hey venerable, when iron piles will see piles of iron in the heart of man, you understand the following:" I will be a thousand-year eggs boiling water in hell. "And I, the Devil, I was hit boiling water, cover several years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years in hell. Experiencing a thousand years in hell was great, we were boiling and sensations felt called Vutthanima. Thus, the Devil, we are so close, like human body, and my head is so, like a fish.
How the hell did
Dusi was boiling
As rated Vidhura,
Kakusandha disciples.
There are hundreds of kinds of iron poles,
Self separate sensations
Hell is so,
Dusi was boiling.
As rated Vidhura,
Disciple Kakusandha
Buddhists monks,
Such understanding.
Because thou beat monks,
Kanha suffer life,
Erected between the sea,
The palace underwent many lives,
Dazzling jade lapis,
The luminous splendor.
Fairies dance here,
Jewelry color differences.
Buddhists monks,
Such understanding.
Because thou beat monks,
Kanha suffer Tho,
Bhagavan who encourage,
Monks are witnessing,
With shaking toes,
Castle Vijayanta!
Buddhists monks,
Such understanding.
Because thou beat monks,
Kanha suffer life,
With shaking toes
Vijayanta Castle?
Kabbalah full force,
The gods also panic.
Buddhists monks,
Such understanding.
Because thou beat monks,
Kanha suffer life ,!
Who asked you Sakka,
At Vijayanta floor,
Sage, who has said,
Sincerely seeking liberation certificate?
Sakka was sincere,
Answer questions asked.
Buddhists monks,
Such understanding.
Because thou beat monks,
Kanha suffer life,
Who ever asked Brahma,
Good conditions at the assembly,
Sage still accepted,
The wrong Oldtimer,
Having seen the glorious scene,
Brahma Heaven scene?
Brahma was sincere,
Continue to answer the question:
Venerable, I do not accept,
The Oldtimer wrong!
I see the splendor,
Brahma in Emperor Oh!
Why I say this is,
I generally constant at?
Buddhists monks,
Such understanding.
Because thou beat monks,
Kanha suffer life!
Who with emancipation,
High-profile emotional empowerment,
Videha Forest East,
And people on the ground,
Buddhists monks,
Such understanding.
Because thou beat monks,
Kanha suffer life.
Really do not think the fire:
"I burned fools"
Fools fire raid,
Burned himself.
Also, this Devil
You raid Tathagata.
His burning himself
As fools touch fire,
Create evil karma,
Tathagata harmful interference,
You think affordable, Devil
"Evil is not to our results."
Devil evil doing,
Has long contained,
Evil, avoid the Buddha,
Do not delusions monks!
Monks anti Devil
At Bhesakala forest,
You deleted, frustration,
He disappeared on the spot.

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