Wednesday 13 April 2016

66. ECONOMIC CASE bird tree.

Thus have I heard.
One time, the Exalted in Anguttarapa (Central-old North Phuong Thuy). Apana is one of Anguttarapa towns. Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl care goes into Apana for alms. Apana for alms at the finish, after meals, begging for food on the way back, Bhagavan went to a forest for shelter during the day. Bhagavan go deep into the forest, sitting under a tree for shelter during the day. Venerable Udayi (Advantage-Multi-Cell) morning and robes, holding a bowl care goes into Apana for alms. Apana for alms at the finish, after meals, begging for food on the way back, he came to go to a forest to stay during the day. Venerable going into the forest, and sit under a tree for shelter during the day. Then venerable Udayi, while solitude Meditation, the following reflections arise in the minds Venerable: "Bhagavan really have much except the law for our suffering. Bhagavan really have brought us more optimistic approach. Bhagavan really have much except the legal immoral for us. Bhagavan really have brought us up good. " Then venerable Udayi in the afternoon, from Meditation stood up, went over to the Blessed One, pay homage to him and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, venerable lord Udayi:
- Here, venerable sir, while you are in solitude Meditation, the following thoughts arose in my mind: "Tathagata really have much except the law for our suffering ... As Lai really have brought us up good. " Buddha, we often eat erstwhile afternoon, morning, daytime and non-time. Venerable sir, at that time, Bhagavan called the monks and said: "Hey, monks, give up eating non-daylight time". Buddha, therefore I feel frustrated, I feel sorrow, think: "What kind of dish epigastric hard and soft type, the credit for all our offerings and non-time daytime. Now Bhagavan teaches us to get rid of, Auspicious Career taught us to abandon ". Buddha, among us, those who look to please admirers Bhagavan, with respect and with the knife lap, immediately abandon the non time of day to eat. Then venerable sir, we usually eat afternoon and morning. Buddha, Bhagavan called that time, monks and said: "Hey, monks, give up eating non-time at night." Buddha, therefore I feel frustrated, I feel sorrow, think: "At this food is called epigastric this than either of our meals. Bhagavan teaches us to be rid of grades Auspicious teaches us to give up. " Buddha, ancient people were offered a dish of day he said: "Let this one side dish, and at night we all eat together". Buddha, ordinary things cooking, all done at night, very little to do during the day. Buddha, among us, those who look to please admirers Bhagavan, with respect and with the knife lap, immediately abandon the non-time nighttime eating. Erstwhile, venerable sir, the position typically monks seeking alms in the dark black night, they went wrong in filthy puddles, falling into filthy puddles, went wrong on barbed fence, went wrong on the spot cows sleeping, experiencing all kinds of thieves were operating or not operating the, met the woman invites a underhanded way. Erstwhile, lord, children begging in the dark black night. A woman is washing dishes, while the sun saw the lightning, immediately panicked and shouted: "Oh, horrible for me, demon (run) by me!" Buddha, when they heard that , I said to the woman: "woman, where are not demons. This is the monks are standing alms ". "Father, monks go die! Mother of dead monks let go! This, monks, it is better for him if he's taken a sharp knife cut the butcher His belly, and not because of abdominal hole begging in the dark night. " Buddha, when I remember that, I think as follows: "Bhagavan really have much except the legal size for us. Bhagavan really have brought us more optimistic approach. Bhagavan really have much except the legal immoral for us. Bhagavan really have brought us up good. "
- However, this Udayi, here are some foolish people; when I say: "Let's abolish it" and said as follows: "There is nothing the matter sá details, this pettiness. Salmone this prohibition put too heavy segment fell ". They refused to give up and cause discontent against me and against the monks want to (practice) World School. The fact that, this Udayi, for them, became a strong tie, a solid tie, a tie resilience, a tie does not rot, a large piece of wood. For example, this Udayi with fiddler birds, small roof was broken by vines tied netting, here birds may be harmed, or being in captivity, or death. Udayi this, if anyone says as follows: "The bird was tiny fiddler roof grilles are made of vines tied, here, birds may be killed, captured or trapped, or killed. However for that bird, did not have to make a strong grid, grid was weak, he rotted netting, mesh does not have rigid ". This Udayi, who say that there have not said right feet?
- Buddha, no. Buddha, a small bird that fiddler roof was made of wire mesh climbing bound, there can bird killed or captured captivity, or death. For that bird, that chain is strong, he is a solid mesh, mesh that is resilient, does not rot grid, a large piece of wood.
- Also, this Udayi, here, there are some foolish people, when I say: "Give up this job" and said as follows: "There is nothing sá the details, this pettiness! The recluse puts too heavy on prohibition, reduction piece, "and they refused to give up and cause discontent against me and against the monks want to (practice) study gender. This incident, this Udayi, for them to become a strong tie, a solid tie, a tie resilience, a tie does not rot, a large piece of wood.
But this Udayi, some in southern Shan-mail, when I said: "Give up this incident" and said as follows: "There is nothing sá waiver of the small details, this pettiness that Bhagavan taught us to the exclusion, the steps Auspicious, teach us to give! ". They give up the things, and not cause more discontent against me and against the monks want to (practice) study gender. After quitting his job, they live less whirring, calm, depending others (alms), to live with a mind like a wild animal. Udayi this, so for the other position, the tie did not have to make a strong, was weak bondage, bondage was rotted, the tie was no solid. For example, this Udayi, an elephant of the king, as officials have long tusks plow, big, kind of good seed, taking the battlefield as if bound by a leather bondage harness solid, just easily transfer body, after cutting off, freeing the bound her, might want to go where it wants. Udayi this, if anyone says as follows: "The elephant's tusks as long as a king with his plow rolled, huge, kind of good seed, taking the battlefield as if bound by a leather bondage harness solid, just moving body easily, after the cut, freeing the bound her, might want to go where it wants. Yet on the other elephant, was solid bondage, bondage was resilient, bondage does not rot, a large piece of wood. " This Udayi, who say that there have not said right feet?
- Buddha, no. Buddha, the elephant's tusks as long as a king with his plow rolled, huge, kind of good seed, taking the battlefield as if bound by a leather bondage harness solid, just turn yourself easily, after cutting off, freeing the bound him, might want to go where it wants. For the other elephants, the tie did not have to make a strong, was weak bondage, bondage was rotted, the tie had no resilience.
- Also, this Udayi, here are some in southern Shan mail when I say: "Give up this incident" and said as follows: "Having spent the minutiae sá, this pettiness that Bhagavan taught we have to get rid of, Auspicious Career teach us to give up! "They gave up her job, and did not cause more discontent against me and against the monks want to (practice) study gender. After quitting his job, they live less whirring, calm, depending others (alms), to live with a mind like a wild animal. Udayi this, so for the other position does not bind the strong sure, that weak bondage, bondage was rotted, the tie was no solid.
For example, this Udayi, a poor, no possessions, misery, there is a hut in disrepair, opened for crows, not nice at all, there is a decay of beds, not nice at all , the paddy rice stored in a jar not nice at all, and a beautiful wife, not at all. He sees an Essential monks in residence, washing hands and feet clean, after eating a delicious repast, sitting in the shade, toward epicardial increase. He thought: "An optimistic rather, unfortunate recluse! Countless patients rather, unfortunate recluse! So after shaved, covering robe-sa, let's renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life ". But he will not be able to abandon the hut in disrepair, opened for crows, not nice at all, can not give up the sleepers decay, not nice at all, can not abandon the rice rice stored in a jar not nice at all, can not give up the wife is not beautiful at all, to be able after shaved, covered robes Asa ordained leave home, live homeless. Udayi this, if anyone says as follows: "The man, bound by the bonds would not be able to abandon the hut in decay ... can not abandon his wife not beautiful at all to be able to after shaved, covered robes Asa ordained leave home, no family life. For other people, the bonds did not have to make a strong, he weakly bondage, bondage was rotted, the tie did not have a solid ", this time Udayi, who say so have to say not a righteous way?
- Buddha, no. The other is bound by the ties he can not abandon the hut in disrepair, opened for crows, not nice at all, can not give up beds unsightly disrepair at all, can not give up all kinds paddy rice stored in a jar not nice at all, can not give up the wife is not beautiful at all, to be able, after shaved, covered robes Asa ordained abandon their families, no family life. For another, he firmly bondage, bondage was resilient, bondage does not rot, a large piece of wood.
- Also, this Udayi, here, have some stupid when I say: "Give up this job" and said as follows: "There is nothing the matter sá details, this pettiness. The recluse puts too heavy on prohibition, segment fell! "And they refused to give up and cause discontent against me and against the monks want to (practice) World School. This incident, this Udayi, for them, became a strong tie, a solid tie, a tie resilience, a tie does not rot, a large piece of wood.
For example, this Udayi, a human Homeowners or homeowners, wealth, great wealth, great money, gold and silver piled countless, countless paddy rice piled, heaped countless rice fields, numerous land belt pile, piled countless concubines, servants, countless men piled, countless piled handmaid. This position shows a monks in a remote provinces, washing hands and feet clean, after eating a delicious meal, sitting in the shade, toward epicardial increase. This're thinking: "An optimistic rather, unfortunate recluse! Countless patients rather, unfortunate recluse! So after shaved, covering robe-sa, let's renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life ". You can abandon piled gold, jewelry, can abandon paddy rice piled countless, innumerable can abandon piled upland fields, can abandon the land piled numerous, can abandon piled countless concubines, might abandon servant countless men piled, can abandon countless piled handmaid. Udayi this, if anyone says as follows: "The Human Family The owner or the other, is bound by the ties he may abandon gold, jewelry piled ... can abandon countless women Pi piled to can after shaved, covered robes Asa ordained abandon family, no family life. For another, he firmly bondage, bondage was resilient, bondage does not rot, a large piece of wood. " This Udayi, who said so, did not put it right feet?
- Buddha, no. The other is bound by the ties he may abandon piled gold, jewelry, can abandon paddy rice piled countless, countless might abandon piled upland fields, can abandon countless land piled belt, can waive piled countless concubines, might abandon servant countless men piled, can abandon countless piled handmaid, to be able, after shaved, covered robe-sa, abandoned the family left home, no family life. For other people, the bonds did not have to make a strong, he weakly bondage, bondage was rotted, the tie was no solid.
- Also, this Udayi, here, have some compassion in southern Prince, when I said: "Give up this job" and said as follows: "There are things sá expenditure details, this petty World Religion teaches us to be rid of grades Auspicious teach us to give up! "They gave him the job, and do not cause more discontent against me and against the monks want to (practice) World School. After abandoning the things, they live less whirring, calm, depending others (alms), to live with a mind like a wild animal. This Udayi, so for them, the bonds did not have to make a strong, he weakly bondage, bondage was rotted, the tie was no solid.
Udayi this, there are four classes of people present in the world. Which four? Here, this Udayi, with the living, except the birth toward y, y renunciation birth. But as this life except the birth toward y, y being a waiver, the volition, thinking in relation to the current health delivery arises. This position to accept them, do not get rid of them, not abandon them, not end them, not destroy them. Udayi this, I say: "This man is tied, not unfettered". Why? This Udayi, a difference in the base nature of man was I knew. But here, this Udayi, with the living, except the birth toward y, y renunciation birth. But as this life except the birth toward y, y being a waiver, the volition, thinking in relation to the current health delivery arises. But you do not accept them, except them, abandon them, terminate them, destroy them, Udayi Hey, I said: "This man is tied, not binding". Why? This Udayi, a difference in the base nature of man was I know. " But here, this Udayi, with the living, except the birth toward y, y renunciation birth. But as this life except the birth toward y, y being a waiver, the crazy volition, of volition, thinking related to health delivery, depending on the current at start-up option. This Udayi, sluggish thought arises and this position except the notion that a rapid, quit, terminate, kill (her idea). This Udayi, such as a small two or three drops of water in a boiling pot of water throughout the day. This Udayi water drop slowly as destroyed, annihilate fastly. Also, this Udayi, someone living towards the exception being medical or medical waiver birth. But as this life except the birth toward y, y being a waiver, the crazy volition, of volition, of thinking in relation to the time of birth care option, depending on time, start-up current. This Udayi, sluggish thought arises and this position except the notion that a rapid, quit, terminate, kill (her idea). Udayi this, I say: "This person is bound, not unfettered". Why? This Udayi, a difference in the base nature of man was I knew. But here, this Udayi, some people think: "Birth y is the source of sorrow" after learning this, he of the unborn health, liberation for the destruction of health delivery. Udayi this, I say: "This person unfettered, not tied." Why? This Udayi, a difference in the base nature of man was I knew.
This Udayi, have nurtured in this education. What is the year? Identity awareness by eye, lovable, capable happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive. Known by ear awareness, nose awareness ... taste so ... You realize by the tongue, ... touched by the emotional body, lovable, capable happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate the indulgence, interesting. These phenomena, this Udayi, is nurtured in education. This Udayi that everyone has lost nothing, what joy arises, nurtured by conditions in this education, the wedding was called optimistic sensual, unclean peanuts, peanut ordinary, non Holy optimistic, not to perform, not to initiate training, should not make fullness. It is said that he lost due to fear. Here, this Udayi, fitness, monks cups, glasses immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Removal Games and quarterfinals, he Meditation Monday residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, internal static Nhut mind, ... (as above) ... Tuesday Meditation ... Wednesday Meditation residence certificate. So-called prop cup peanuts, peanut exclusive residence, citizenship tranquility, enlightenment optimism, need to take, need to practice, to make fullness. It is said that communication did not deserve fear.
Here, this Udayi, sexual ly monks ... (as above) ... First Meditation residence certificate. This meditation, this Udayi, I say that in a state of oscillation. And here, something fluctuate? Here, the key is not yet eradicated quad range, the range of this quartet in a state of oscillation. Here, this Udayi, killing monks and reach the quarterfinals ... Monday Meditation residence certificate. This Zen, This Udayi, I say that in a state of oscillation. And here, something fluctuate? Here is the joy has not been eradicated, the main joy in a state of oscillation. Here, this Udayi, monks cup joy ... Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. This meditation, this Udayi, I say in a state of oscillation? And here something fluctuate? Here, the key is not yet eradicated optimistic discharge, the discharge is located in a state of oscillation. Here, this Udayi, monks discharge and discharge suffering touch ... (as above) ... Wednesday Meditation residence certificate. This meditation, this Udayi I say is not in a state of oscillation.
Here, this Udayi, sexual ly monks ... (as above) ... First Meditation residence certificate. This meditation, this Udayi, I said, "Not quite," I said, "Give away", I say: "Let's pass away" and this Udayi, he needs to pass something? Here, this Udayi, monks Removal Games and quad ... (as above) ... Monday Meditation residence certificate, this is what he needs to pass. This meditation, this Udayi, I said, "Not quite," I said, "Give away", I said, "Get over it." And this, Udayi, he needs to pass something? Here, this Udayi, monks cup joy ... (as above) ... Tuesday Meditation residence certificate, this is what he needs to pass. This meditation, this Udayi, I said: "Not completely, I said:" Give away ", I said," Get over it. " And this Udayi, he needs to pass something? Here, this Udayi, monks discharge optimistic ... (as above) ... Wednesday Meditation residence certificate. This is what he needs to overcome. This meditation, this Udayi, I said, "Not quite," I said, "Give away", I say: "Let's pass away" And this Udayi, he needs to pass something? Here, this Udayi, monks took all excellent ideas, thoughts eliminate all obstacles, not the intention for a great horror, monks thought: "Nowhere is boundless," boundless residence certificate coin. This is what he needs to overcome. This meditation, this Udayi, I said, "Not quite," I said, "Give away", I said, "Get over it." And this Udayi, monks took all the land of boundless Nowhere, thought: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin. This is what he needs to overcome. This meditation, this Udayi, I said, "Not quite," I said, "Give away", I said, "Get over it." And this Udayi, monks took all the land of boundless consciousness, thought: "There is no object", owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. This is what he needs to overcome, this meditation, this Udayi, I said: "Not completely," I said, "Give away", I said, "Get over it." And this Udayi, monks overcoming naught origin, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. This is what he needs to overcome. This meditation, this Udayi, I said, "Not quite," I said, "Give away", I said, "Get over it." And this Udayi, monks took all African ideal non-perception, sensations and perceptions Killing residence certificate. This is what he needs to overcome. Therefore (for) this, this Udayi, but I say the destruction of a great ideal non African origin. This Udayi, Do you see anything, there is nothing fetters, small or large, but I have not talked to the extinction?
- Buddha, no.
Exalted such preaching. Venerable Udayi credit joyful life preaching the word Bhagavan.

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