Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time at Anguttarapa Bhagavan. Apana is a town of Anguttarapa. Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding the bowl y, in Apana for alms. After begging for food, eating, begging on the way back, Bhagavan went to a wooded area to take a nap. After going into the same forest, he sat under a tree. Potaliya landlord, wearing full body, carrying umbrellas, slippers, rambling walk everywhere, and go to the same forest. After going into the (forest), Homeowners Potaliya, came to Bhagavan in, after to speak with words asking Bhagavan after talking to those regards, friendship and stood aside. Bhagavan told Homeowners Potaliya standing aside:
- Homeowners Hey, there are seat. If he wants, let's sit down.
Hearing this, Homeowners Potaliya think: "recluse Gotama called me with a title from the Homeowners" should outrage not happy and stand still. Second, Bhagavan told Homeowners Potaliya:
- Homeowners Hey, there are seat. If he wants, let's sit down.
Second, Homeowners Potaliya think: "recluse Gotama called me with a title from the Homeowners', so indignant, joyful and not stand still. The third time, Bhagavan told Homeowners Potaliya:
- Homeowners Hey, there are seat. If he wants, let's sit down.
Hearing this, Homeowners Potaliya think: "recluse Gotama called me with a title from the Homeowners" should outrage, not joy, told Bhagavan:
- Venerable Gotama, it is not appropriate, not justified, he came to call me Homeowners.
- Hey Homeowners, but he envisioned, his general appearance, the form of He is like a landlord.
- Venerable Gotama But, all my operations were abandoned, all the procedures were I to make an end.
- But this Homeowners, how all was Mr operations abandon, all the procedures were Mr. annihilation?
- Here, this venerable Gotama, assets, whole grains, or gold, all delivered to my children inherit. Here, I do not advise, do not dissuade; I live with a minimum of food, clothing. Thus, this venerable Gotama, all my operations were abandoned, all the procedures were I to make an end.
- Hey Homeowners, the cessation of which he said the other process with the cessation of the procedure in the rule of saint.
- Buddha, how is the cessation of the procedure in the rule of the saints? Buddha, heal rather, if Bhagavan preach to me about the cessation of the procedure in the rule of saint.
- Homeowners Hey, listen, and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Homeowners Potaliya Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Hey Homeowners, eight this approach leads to the annihilation of the precepts continue saint. What are the eight? He kept no killing, killing must abandon. He's just not taking no for, taking what is not to have to abandon. He kept the word of truth, lie should quit. He just did not say two blades, said two blades need to abandon. He just does not lust, greed should be abandoned. Y does not defame any anger, hatred defame need to abandon. He kept no part, which parts need to abandon. He just is not too romantic, too chronic need to abandon. Homeowners this, It was said eight briefly, not explained extensively, leading to the cessation of the procedure in the rule saint.
- Buddha This is Exalted eight said briefly, not be interpreted widely, leading to the cessation of the procedure in the rule saint. Venerable sir, if the Blessed One good replacement for a great compassion, eight widely explain this law.
- Homeowners Hey, listen, and so he cleverly volition, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Homeowners Potaliya Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- As was said: "He just does not kill, killing must abandon", conditioned by anything, such words spoken? Here, the landlord, the Saint disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the mercy of any fetters could kill, I make an end, achievements renunciation of his fetters. If we kill, not only blame ourselves because we killing coast, where levels have, after learning, will also grace reprimanded for killing us; and network damage after the general body, the Beast will be waiting for me, for killing coast. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, the killing itself. These cankers, tuberculosis disturb brain temperature can arise, conditioned by killing, for you have given up killing, the heat working illegally or disturb brain so no longer. " "He just does not need to give up killing," so conditioned, so words spoken.
As is said, "He's just not taking no for, taking what is not to have to abandon," conditioned by anything, say so to speak? Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the mercy of any fetters of not we can get to, I make an end, achievements renunciation of his fetters. If we take what is not given, not only blame ourselves because we are not taken by the coast, there are levels where, after learning, will also get reprimanded us because of not predestined; and network damage after the general body, the Beast will be waiting for us, because the grace of not taking. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, it's not for this removal. These cankers, tuberculosis disturb brain temperature can arise conditioned by taking what is not given, for what you gave up taking what is not given, the heat working illegally or disturb the brain so no longer. " "He's just not taking no for, taking what is not to have to give up", so conditioned, so words spoken.
As is said: "He kept the word of truth, lie must abandon", conditioned by anything, such words spoken? Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the mercy of any fetters, one can lie, I make an end, achievements renunciation of his fetters. If we lie, not only do we blame themselves for lying coast, where levels have, after learning, we will also reprimanded for lying coast; and network damage after the general body, the Beast will be waiting for me, for lying coast. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, the lie to this. These illegal workers or disturb brain temperature may arise, conditioned by lying, for you have given up lying, the brain temperature contraband or disturb such labor no longer exists ". "He lied every word of truth should abandon the" so conditioned, so words spoken.
As is said, "He just does not say two blades, said two blades need to abandon", conditioned by anything, such words spoken? Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the mercy of any fetters, we can say the two blades, one annihilation, achievement renunciation of his fetters. If I say two blades, not only scolded ourselves because we say double-edged coast, where levels have, after learning I also reprimanded for talking double-edged coast, and damage the body, after the public network, the Beast will wait I said wait for the two-edged charm. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, it was the talk of this double-edged. These cankers, brain temperature can disturb workers start speaking up conditioned double-edged, for you have given up speaking two blades, the heat working illegally or disturb brain so no longer. " "He just did not say two blades, said two blades should be abandoned," so conditioned, so words spoken.
As is said, "He just does not lust, greed should be abandoned," conditioned by anything, such words spoken? Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the mercy of any fetters, we can have the desire, we make an end, achievements renunciation of his fetters. If we desire, not the self-scolding us because we desire coast, where levels have, after learning I also reprimanded because greed coast; and network damage after the general body, the Beast will be waiting for us because greed coast. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, it is the desire of this. These cankers, brain temperature can disturb TB arises conditioned by greed, to have abandoned craving, the heat working illegally or disturb the brain so no longer. " "He just does not lust, greed should be abandoned," so conditioned, so words spoken.
As is said, "He does not defame any anger, hatred defame should be abandoned," conditioned by anything, such words spoken? Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the mercy of any fetters one can defame anger, I make an end, achievements renunciation of his fetters. If we defame anger, not only do we blame themselves because defame coast, where levels have, after learning, as well as coast reprimand defame our anger; and network damage after the general body will wait Beast defame me because anger coast. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, the main defame this anger. These cankers, brain temperature can disturb TB arises defame conditioned by anger, to have abandoned the contraband defame anger or disturb brain work such heat is no more. " "He does not defame any anger, hatred defame need to abandon", so conditioned, so words spoken.
As is said, "He just does not outrageous brain, brain indignation should be abandoned," conditioned by anything, such words spoken? This Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the fetters goodness we can do somewhat, we make an end, achievements renunciation of his fetters. If we have our brains, not our scolding ourselves for coastal sections, where levels have, after learning, also reprimanded me because fate brain; and network damage after the general body, the Beast will be waiting for us because our brains coast. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, it is the part of the brain. These cankers, brain temperature can disturb TB arises conditioned in part, to have the parts, labor taints heat disturb brain so no longer. " "He just does not outrageous brain, brain indignation should be abandoned," so conditioned, so words spoken.
As is said: "He just is not too romantic, too romantic to be abandoned," conditioned by anything, such words spoken? This Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Due to the fetters goodness do we have too romantic, we make an end, achievements renunciation of his fetters. If it is too romantic, not scolding ourselves because we too romantic charm, with levels after learning place, also rebuked me for romantic charm too; and network damage after the general body, the Beast will be waiting for me, for the romantic charm. It is a fetter, it is a hindrances, the very process of this romance. These cankers, brain temperature can disturb TB arises chronic conditioned too, for what you gave up too romantic, the heat working illegally or disturb the brain so no longer. " "He just is not too romantic, too chronic need to quit", so conditioned, so words spoken.
Homeowners this, eight legal to speak briefly and broadly interpreted, leading to the cessation of the procedure in the rule saint, but really is not comprehensive cessation, whole and entire face all the precepts keep the saint.
- Buddha, how is the cessation comprehensive, whole and entire surface of all the precepts keep the saint? You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One preach to me how is the cessation comprehensive, full, full continuous presence all the precepts of sages.
- Homeowners Hey, listen, and so he cleverly volition, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Homeowners Potaliya Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Hey Homeowners, such as starving dog, depression, go to a butcher to kill the cow. Here, there are people who kill cows or disciple skillful toss it a bone, clever snake, take snakehead, no meat, only with blood. Homeowners this, how do you think? Her dog, as he gnawed bones, clever snake, take snakehead, no meat, only with blood could be starving the exception of its weakness?
- Buddha, no. Why? With clever snake bones, take snakehead, no meat, only with blood on it, venerable sir, the other dog tired only misery only.
- Also, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Bhagavan said, education is such as bones, suffering much, much brain, disaster here as more". Once seen as the foot so with intelligence chief, after abandoning the discharge of a kind type of multiracial, multiethnic y basis, for the discharge of a kind Nhut type strains, strains y insist, here, all clinging to How animals are completely rid of, no residue remains, he practiced the same type of discharge.
Homeowners this, such as the vulture, hawk bird, or eagle consecutive win lifted into the meat; the other vulture bird, another bird hawk or falcon flew chase, chase stealing skirting was torn piece of meat. Homeowners this, how do you think? If bird vulture, hawk or falcon birds did not throw away his right piece of meat, it may be because of conditions that, going to die or go to suffering almost died?
- Ladies have, venerable sir.
- Also, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Bhagavan said, sex is like pieces of meat, a lot of suffering, more cerebral, more woes over here." After seeing such as the legs, with the intelligence chief, after abandoning diverse types of discharge of a kind, he just diverse, for the discharge of a kind Nhut type strains, strains y themselves Nhut, where all clinging to How animals are completely rid of, no residue remains, he practiced the same type of discharge.
Homeowners this, for as a man with a torch burning grass is going against the wind. Homeowners this, how do you think, if he does not immediately throw away his torch, the torch is burning grass that can burn hands, or arms burning, or burning a portion of her relatives, who he can because he predestined, go to die, or go to suffering almost died?
- Ladies have, venerable sir.
- Also, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Bhagavan said, sex is like a torch of grass, a lot of suffering, more cerebral, disaster here as more". After seeing such as foot ... (as above) ... with intelligence chief, he practiced the same type of discharge.
Homeowners this, such as a flaming charcoal pit, deeper body, full of flaming coal, not a flame of fire, smoke fire failed, and one goes to want to live, want not die, want to touch, pain avoidance. But there are two athletes, who gripped his arms and dragged him to a flaming charcoal pit. Homeowners this, how do you think? He had to crouch itself, this material through the material to the other does not?
- Buddha, yes. Why? Buddha, because he said: "If we fall into this flaming coal pits, by the grace of this, I will go to death or suffering is almost dead.
- Also, the laity, the Saint disciples thinking as follows: "Bhagavan said, sex is like a flaming pit coal, more suffering, more cerebral, more woes over here." Once seen as the foot so with intelligence chief ... (as above) ... he practiced such types of discharge.
Homeowners this, such as dreamer, endearing garden, forests endearing, lovable land, lakes endearing; when I woke up, he did not see anything. Also, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Bhagavan said, sex is like a dream bout, suffering much, much brain, disaster here as more". Once seen as the foot so with intelligence chief, ... (as above) ... he practiced such types of discharge.
Homeowners this, such as loan borrowers material resources, vehicles Career deserve luxury, jewelery and fine jewelery magic, and with borrowed objects that, he went into the street market, is (religious key) to go ahead, a lot of people around, and the masses see him he said: "people are really wealthy, and wealthy people lived assets such things." But those who see the other owners anywhere and he took back his possessions. Homeowners this, how do you think? Are the (disguised) of other heterosexual been terminated here?
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir. Why? Buddha, because the owners get back their possessions.
- Also, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Bhagavan said, education is like borrowing material resources, more suffering, more cerebral, disaster here as much more." Once seen as the foot so with intelligence chief ... (as above) ... he practiced such types of discharge.
Homeowners this, such as near the village or township has a group near the forest, there, there is a tree full of ripe fruit, but no fruit falls to the ground. Then someone comes along, wishing fruits, seek fruit, which traveled here to find fruit. He was going into a forest, he saw trees full of ripe fruit. He may think as follows: "This tree full of ripe fruit but not fruit falls to the ground, but we know the tree climbing. So let's swarm eats the delight and wrapped full board (to take). Then he took her to climb trees, eat to delight and wrapped full board (to take). Then a second person to go to, desire fruit, seek fruit, which traveled here to find fruit, and hand carrying a sharp ax. This man was going into a forest, he saw trees full of ripe fruit. This person may think as follows: "This tree full of ripe fruit, but no fruit falls to the ground. But I do not climb trees. So let's cut this tree root, food delight, full of clothes and upholstery (to take) ". Then this person was radically cut down trees. Homeowners this, how do you think? If the other person does not climb down very quickly, time was when the tree falls down, will make the first man, or a broken arm or a broken leg, or broken a public body. And because of conditions that will die or go to suffering almost died.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
- Also, the Homeowners, Saints disciples thinking as follows: "Bhagavan said, education is such as fruit trees, suffering much, much brain, disaster here as more". After seeing such as the intellectual vacuum, after abandoning the discharge of a kind type of multiracial, multiethnic y basis, for the discharge of a kind Nhut type strain, y Nhut strain themselves, here everyone's attachment to objects get rid of completely, no residue remains, he practiced the same type of discharge.
Homeowners this, his disciples Saints after discharge achievement of ultimate pure thoughts, remember the previous life, as a life, two lives, three generations ... (as above) ... He remembered many past lives together with outline and details. Homeowners this, his disciples Saints after discharge achievement of ultimate pure thoughts, pure divine eye with superheroes, see life and death of beings, inferior people who noble, beautiful man who crude bad, lucky wretch ... (as above) ... are so happy our industry. The owner of this saint her disciple, after the achievement supreme pure exhaust this concept, and with the exception of contraband or, where this position with terrace, himself enlightened, attainment and residing within the current ways of liberating the mind, liberating insight.
The host of this, until the cessation is so comprehensive, whole and entire face all the precepts keep the saint. Homeowners this, how do you think? Do you see where he is a further advantage of such segments, like the cessation comprehensive, whole and entire surface of all the precepts keep the saint?
- Buddha, you are one that can have a comprehensive cessation, whole and entire surface of all the precepts keep the saint? Venerable sir, you were very far from comprehensive cessation, whole and entire face, all the precepts keep the saint. Buddha, ancient, for you are not wandering ascetic wins, we see that wins; though they are not wins, our food offerings wins; though they are not wins, we invite them in the abode wins, Buddha, also for monks wins, we see no wins; oil he wins, we are not offering dishes wins; oil he wins, he invites us in the abode no wins. But now, venerable sir, for the wandering ascetic no wins, we will know is not wins; because they were not wins, we will make offerings of food no wins; because they are not our enemy wins will invite them in the abode no wins. As for the monks wins, we'll know he is wins; because he wins, we will be offering dishes wins; because he wins, we'll invite he abode in the wins. Buddha, Bhagavan actually suggested where the love of glass recluse for monks, recluses heart pure credit for recluses, reverence for recluses Sa -nose. It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan presented, explained. Buddha, I take refuge in the Exalted, French refuge and the refuge we monks Increase. Blessed One receive me as his disciple; from now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.

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