Wednesday 27 April 2016


Like I hear. One world Religion stay in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In That Respect, the National call-stilts:-"this the Male-stilts". -"White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-Chums have the fear of birth this National, run what-on stilts, all her fear being run for people, not for the stupid person gentleness (pandita). Chums have the frustration of this, start the National contentious what-all her frustrations, stilts being kicked for stupid, not for the Sage. Chums have the tribulation starting this, the National birth what-stilts, all the tribulation then being run for people, not for the stupid guy. For this, as the Male-stilts, sparks from the House by cane, or from the House by grass, burned the House floor plaster patching, in addition to being hung up, was sheltered from the wind, have locking setting techniques carefully closed Windows; also, the Female-stilts, chums have the fear of birth this National, run what-on stilts, all her fear being kicked for stupid, not for the Sage; chums have the frustration of this, start the National contentious what-on stilts, all the frustration he kicked for being stupid, not for the Sage; chums have the tribulation starting this, the National birth what-on stilts, all the tribulation then being run for people, not for the stupid guy. Thus, the Male-stilts, fools full of fear, the gentler position without fear. Fools full of frustration, the gentler position without frustration. Fools full of tribulation, the Sage doesn't have tribulation. The Male-stilts, have no fear for the gentler, no disappointments for the gentle mind, no tribulation for the Sage. Thus, the Male-stilts, "we are going into the gentler, thinking know learn", thus, the Male-stilts, you need to study.
When told that, assuming the White World Religion: Ananda
-To what extent, the White World Religion, is just enough to say "Male-on stilts was the gentleness, thinking know learn?"
-Until this, Ananda, Female-friendly gender effects on stilts, fine, fine friendly about goodness of pratītyasamutpāda and good craftsmanship made in Africa to the level of about so this, Ananda, is just enough to say "Male-on stilts was the gentleness, thinking know learn".
-To what extent, the White World Religion, is just enough to say: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts?"
This had eighteen, Ananda-world: gender, gender identity labels, label gender awareness; the Atrium, the bar, the Turkish official; male gender, incense, male gender awareness; lost world, the world lost consciousness; gender, body, body consciousness; Italy, France, the world's consciousness. This Ananda, until know, see eighteen world, to such a degree, this is just enough to, Ananda said: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts".
-But the White World, there may be other disciplines is just enough to say: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts?"
-Can this, Ananda. Six of this world: Ananda this boundaries, marine world, world, world, world, not fire. This Ananda, until know, saw six world, to such a degree, this is just enough to, Ananda said: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts".
-But the White World, there may be other disciplines, is just enough to say: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts".
-Can this, Ananda. Six of this world: Ananda, this lost world, world, world, world priorities, discharge of the wedding world, ignorance. This Ananda, until know, saw six world, until the level so this is just enough to, Ananda said: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts".
-But the White World, there may be other disciplines, is just enough to say: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts?"
-Can this, Ananda. In this world, there are six Ananda this: education, gender, education world cups, winning the golf world, hurt, real hurt. This Ananda, until know, saw six world, to such a degree, this is just enough to, Ananda said: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts".
-But the White World, there may be other disciplines, is just enough to say: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts?"
-Can this, Ananda. In this world, there are three Ananda this: sex, gender, gender identity, gender identity. This Ananda, until know, see three world, until the level so this is just enough to, Ananda said: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts".
-But the White World, there may be other disciplines, is just enough to say: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts?"
-Can this, Ananda. Ananda, this world is this: owners of micro and wuwei. This Ananda, until know, found two world, to such a degree, this is just enough to, Ananda said: "Female-friendly gender effects on stilts."
-But the White World, to what extent is just enough to say: "Female-friendly crafts on stilts made of?"
This Cabinet has six, Ananda-origin, foreign country: the eye and the ear, the nose, and colors, and scents, tastes, tactile and body and blades, Italy and France. This Ananda, until know, see the six exterior of this, to such a degree, this is just enough to, Ananda said: "Female-friendly crafts on stilts made".
-But the White World, to what extent is just enough to say: "Female-friendly crafts stilts of pratītyasamutpāda?"
-Here, this billion-stilts, Ananda said the following: If something has, the other one has; due to this being, the other being. If this is not available, the other does not have; due to this removal, the other. That is ignorance, coast, Coast action list, the coast Forms list the colors Green Coast Green Coast entry, entry, exposed coast, AI yanshou, charm, charm tricks of charity; Huu Duyen birth; due to the charm of birth Laozi, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain being kicked. So, this is the start of the episode, Ananda whole miserable aggregates. But due to eradicate, the cup of greed, ignorance the main kill; due to the excellent list removal, removal; due to the excellent reputation of killing, green entered the kill; because of the continental type, contact removal; do contact kill, kill; due to the longevity of killing, craving removal; due to craving, its removal, due to its removal, property destruction; due to the possession, delivery, due to being destroyed, Laozi, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain sections. So is the complete removal of segments suffering aggregates. Until this, so Ananda, is just enough to say: "Female-friendly crafts stilts of pratītyasamutpāda".
-But to what extent, the White World Religion, is just enough to say: male-stilts made of fine African charity made? "
-Here, this billion-stilts, Ananda knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: when a person of achievements (Chief Justice) comments back to the onion (samkhara) and the view is usually longer. Such events do not happen ". And he said that: "this event has occurred, there are available: When a human wife go to the onions and the view is usually longer. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a person of achievements (Chief Justice), can come to life with the concept of tribe. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has occurred, there are available: When a human wife go to the notion of the life lost. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a man of achievements (Chief Justice), can go to France with the notion of ego. Such events do not happen ". And he said that: "this event has occurred, there are available: When a human wife go to France with the notion of ego. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: when a person of achievements (Chief Justice), can kill the mother's life. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When a human wife could kill the mother's life. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a person of achievements (Chief Justice), can kill the father lives. (as above) ... could kill lives A-la-Han ... (as above). The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a person of achievements (Chief Justice) can with malevolence do Future bleeding. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When a wife who do evil with human As Future bleeding. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a person of achievements (Chief Justice) comments can break the harmony Increase. Such events do not happen". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When a human wife can break the harmony with such events has increased.". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a person of achievements (Chief Justice) of Ant can uphold a different direction. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When a Lady of high human a different direction. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When in a world (lokadhatu), two A-la-Han, Chief of College Buds may appear (once) not before not after. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When in the same world, an A-la-Han, Chief of College Buds may appear. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not happened: When in a world of two rotating Switch King can appear (once), not before not after. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When in a world, a London Transfer King might appear. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a woman can become A-La-Han, Chief Justice College. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that this has happened: event: When a female workers can become an A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. Such events have occurred. "He knows that:" this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a woman might formed Sakka (-like). Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened, there exist: when a female workers can become Sakka. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a woman can become devil. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened when a female worker becomes a devil. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a woman becomes Brahma. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When a male worker could become Criminals. This event so there happen ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no inherent evil body: when a passenger can result in newspapers engenders stylishly, Hy, tribe. This event has not occurred ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When an evil body may report results engenders not stylishly, not the wedding, is not available. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When the evil one ... When an evil act that can result in newspapers engenders stylishly, Hy, tribe. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When an evil act that can result in newspapers engenders not stylishly, not the wedding, is not available. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a friendly Act could not stylishly vipāka engenders, not the wedding, is not available. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: As a friendly Act can result in newspapers engenders stylishly, Hy, tribe. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When a charity ... a donation operators can result in newspapers engenders not stylishly, not the wedding, is not available. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When a donation operators can result in newspapers engenders stylishly, Hy, tribe. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: when a person evil body maintenance action, due to personal conduct, evil by evil's executive body after the coast trunk ruined General network, possibly being friendly, gender bias, realms of life. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened: When an operator maintain the evil incarnation, due to personal conduct, evil evil Executive stems charm, due after the General network sabotage body, can bring forth into the realm of evil, evil, fallen, hell. This event has occurred ". The position he knew that this event does not occur, there is no present: When an operator maintenance password ... evil act maintained the evil characters, Italy Italy's administration, led by the evil evil action, Italian coast after the General network, could infiltrate the body being up in good, heaven, the eternal. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has occurred, when an operator maintenance password ... evil, evil idea after public network can sabotage birth relatives on the evil beast, fallen Host, database, hell. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When an operator maintenance-friendly, human-friendly action due to, because she's friendly charm, can bring forth into the realm of evil, evil, fallen, hell. Such events do not happen ". And he said that: "this event has happened: When an operator friendly maintenance, due to the friendly staff, friendly charm by administrative action, can bring forth up friendly animal, heaven, the eternal. Such events have occurred ". The position he knows that: "this event has not occurred, there is no present: When an operator password maintenance friendly ... onions, by a friendly Italian maintained Italy's action by Italian charm, a friendly charity, action can bring forth into the realm of evil, evil, fallen, hell. Such events do not happen ". And he knows that: "this event has happened, there is: when a person maintains administrative password in good operating ... maintained by the charity, Italy Italy's action by Italian charm, a friendly charity, action can birth up friendly animal, heaven, the eternal. Such events have occurred ". To such a degree, is just enough to say "Male-on stilts made of African crafts of charity".
When told that, assuming the White World Religion: Ananda
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton! Real World, Bach changed owners hope to honor! The White World Religion traditions has a name?
-Therefore, this life you French maintenance Ananda is Most about life, please maintain this four disciplines (Dhammadasa) make this the disciplines maintenance life of France (Dhammdasa), is a French Drum maintenance life immortal, please this subject is French maintenance life Senators victory.
World Religious preaching. False religious life That words credit Hy Festival Ananda Religion teaches.

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