Thursday 14 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
The Exalted One at Rajagaha (Rajagrha), on Mount Gijjhakuta (Vulture), Sukarakhata cave. Then wanderer pagan Dighanakha (School awarded) come to Bhagavan, after arrival, speak words of welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends stood aside. Stand aside, wanderer pagan Dighanakha told Bhagavan:
- Venerable Gotama, I have the following theory, I have knowledge as follows: "All of them do not get me excited."
- Hey Aggivessana, knowledge: "All of them do not get me excited," He did not do knowledge excited?
- Venerable Gotama, if knowledge that amuses me, this was the same time, the same thing here.
- Hey Aggivessana, if large numbers of people in life have said as follows: "During this same thing, the same thing here," when they refused to give her knowledge, they cling a different perception. This Aggivessana, if minority people in life have said as follows: "During this same thing, the same thing here," when they will abandon her knowledge and non-attachment a different perception.
 This Aggivessana, some recluses, Brahmin following theory, with knowledge as follows: "It all makes me excited." This Aggivessana, some recluses, Brahmin following theory, with knowledge as follows: "All of them do not interest me." This Aggivessana, some recluses, Brahmin following theory, with knowledge as follows: "An interesting part of me, part of me did not enjoy." Here, this Aggivessana, some recluses, Brahmin following theory, with knowledge as follows: "It all makes me excited," Their knowledge is close to greed , close to bondage, close to pleasure, close to the wrecked front, close to the attachment. Here, this Aggivessana, some recluses, Brahmin following theory, with knowledge as follows: "All of them do not interest me," Their knowledge is not close greed, not close to the previous session close no joy, no clinging close.
When saying this, pagan Dighanakha wanderer said to Bhagavan:
- Venerable Gotama praised my opinion, downright venerable Gotama praised my opinion.
- Here, this Aggivessana, the recluses, Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows: "An interesting part of me, part of me did not enjoy." What's in this knowledge do they find near craving, near defilements, almost joyful, nearly wrecked before, clinging close? Something of this knowledge as they do not find nearly no desires, no bondage close, almost no joy, no wrecked near the front, close to non-attachment?
Here, this Aggivessana, the recluses, Brahmin following theory, with knowledge as follows: "All of them interested me." Here, where people have to think like this: "If I say this is my prophet," All of them interested me ", and if we bigotry, knowledge firmly accept this and said:" This is the truth besides, a delusion ", so as opposed to two classes of people: recluse or Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows:" It all makes me not enjoy ", and recluse or Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows:" part amuses me, the part I do not enjoy doing. " I will as opposed to two classes of people. When is the opposite of the debate; whenever there is the opposing argument; when there is opposition to the annoyed ". Thus, this position because he sees the opposite, debate, opposition and annoyance should abandon this knowledge, no other knowledge of clinging. Such is the knowledge rid of this, such as the cancellation of this knowledge. Here, this Aggivessana, if there are recluses, Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows: "All of them do not interest me." Here, where people have to think like this: "If I say this is my prophet," All of them do not interest me, "and if we bigotry, consistently accept this knowledge and said:" This is the In fact, besides a delusion, "then so, are the antithesis of the two categories of people: recluse or Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows:" it all makes me enjoy "and recluse or Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows:" an interesting part of me, part of me did not enjoy. " I will as opposed to two classes of people. When is the opposite of the debate; whenever there is the opposing argument; when there is opposition to the annoyed ". Thus, this position because he sees the opposite, debate, opposition and irritated, should abandon his knowledge, no other knowledge of clinging. Such is the knowledge rid of this, such as the cancellation of this knowledge. Here, this Aggivessana, if there are recluses, Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows: "An interesting part of me, part of me did not enjoy." Here, where people have to think like this: "If I say this is our prophet:" Part amuses me, part I do not enjoy your work, "and if we bigotry, consistently accept this knowledge and "it is true that in addition falsehoods", then so, are the antithesis of the two categories of people: recluse or Brahmin that the following theory, with knowledge as follows: "All All of which makes me excited "and recluses or Ba la-theoretical subjects are as follows, with knowledge as follows:" All of them do not interest me. " I will as opposed to two classes of people. When is the opposite of the debate; whenever there is the opposing argument, when that time has upset opposition ". Thus, the opposition saw this as debate, opposition and irritated, should abandon his knowledge, no other knowledge of clinging. Such is the knowledge rid of this, such as the cancellation of this knowledge.
But this Aggivessana, has excellent body, by four great success, due to the birth parents, nurtured by rice gruel, impermanent, turn septic, dark stool, break, decay, should be observed as impermanence, suffering , such as illness, such as tumors, such as arrows, as misfortune, such as illness karma, as enemies, such as vandalism, is not, is selfless. When he observed this body is impermanent, suffering, disease, such as tumors, such as arrows, as misfortune, such as illness karma, as enemies, such as vandalism, is not, is selfless, the body , body fitness, friendly, submissive body are eradicated.
This Aggivessana, three this life: pleasures, unpleasant, unpleasant feeling any pain. This Aggivessana, while feeling optimistic feeling, the feeling that time is not unpleasant, not feeling any pain unpleasant feeling optimistic life expectancy only. This Aggivessana, while unpleasant feeling, the sense of touch when he is not feeling, not feeling any pain any pleasant feeling, just feeling unpleasant. This Aggivessana, while feeling no pain no life lost, the sense of touch when he is not feeling, not unpleasant feeling, just feeling no pain no pleasures. This Aggivessana, optimistic life is impermanent, compounded, conditioned by birth, were annihilated, destroyed, was in decline, destroyed. This Aggivessana, unpleasant as impermanent, compounded, conditioned by birth, was annihilated, harmful canceled, waning, destroyed. This Aggivessana, no unpleasant suffering life is impermanent, compounded, conditioned by birth, were annihilated, destroyed, was in decline, destroyed. Seeing this, the Aggivessana, the disciple of St. Multicultural pleasures cover glass, glass cover unpleasant, glass cover any suffering any pleasures. Due to the cover glass, he has no desire. Do not lust, he was freed. For itself has freed thus arises understanding: "I have liberated". He said: "Sanh was destroyed, virtue has, to-do has been done. After the current life, without any other life. " With such freedom of mind, this Aggivessana, monks do not speak upon by someone, do not argue with someone, just say in words were used in life, without grasping (his words).
At that time the venerable Sariputta behind Bhagavan and Bhagavan are fans. Then venerable Sariputta thought as follows: "Bhagavan spoke to us the segments excluding the legal position was due to win. Auspicious has spoken to us through his own money to win the French position ". When Venerable Sariputta such thoughts, the mind (the Venerable) are freed of defilements, no attachments. As for pagan Dighanakha wanderer, dharma glass ceiling, no structure is started up: "What crime is started up, all measures that are eradicated". Then Dighanakha see wanderer pagan law, evidence law, compensation law, may enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence is self-confidence, do not care for themselves in other people's religion professor faith, instant venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for that which was lost, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; too, Dharma was Venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. Now the venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge in France and refuge them monks. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as laymen, from now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.

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