Thursday 14 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Kosambi (Qiao-award-di), at the monastery Ghosita (Cu-monk-la). At that time, residing in the cave wanderer Sandaka with mass Pilakka wanderer, wanderer about five hundred degrees. Then Venerable Ananda, in the afternoon, from solitude Meditation stood up, and said to the monks:
- Chu Hien, let's go to Devakatasobbha to see the cave.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did Venerable Ananda replied yes. Then Venerable Ananda with a large number of monks went to Devakatasobbha. At that time, wanderer Sandaka wanderer sat with them are loud, high voice, loudly discussing frivolous issues like the story of kings, the story of the theft, the story of the great god, story the soldiers, horror stories, war stories, the story of the food, the drinks story, the story of the clothing, the story of the bed, the story of a wreath, the story of incense data, the story of her son, the story of a vehicle, the story of the village, the story of the town, the story of the city, the story of the national level, the story of a woman, the story of the hero , stories roadside spot for water story, the story of the dead, the voice magazine story, a story about the current state of the world, the current state of the oceans, the story of existence and non current organic. Wanderer Sandaka see remote venerable Ananda went to, at that instant his recommendation we:
- The venerable let small hours! The venerable please Crossfade! This disciple of recluse Gotama, recluse Ananda coming. When the disciples of the recluse Gotama residing in Kosambi, the recluse Ananda is in a position in him. The venerable liking him quiet, the quiet practice, praised the quiet, if they know the quiet, can look here.
Then the Vacchagotta were silenced. Venerable Ananda towards wanderer Sandaka. Wanderer said to the venerable Ananda Sandaka:
- Come, Venerable Ananda! Compassion hybrid, Venerable Ananda! Venerable Ananda has long created this opportunity, means to come here. Venerable Ananda sit, this is the seat already prepared.
Venerable Ananda was prepared to sit on seats. Wanderer Sandaka took a low seat and sat down on the other side. Venerable Ananda told wanderer Sandaka was sitting on one side:
- Hey Sandaka, the location of this meeting together here, what matters is the table? And nothing between your story interruptions?
- Venerable Ananda, let's set aside the issue we are discussing meeting. Venerable Ananda heard a little while back and without difficulty. You instead, if Venerable Ananda Dharma lecture for his guru.
- So this Sandaka, hear and skillful attention, I will explain:
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Wanderer Sandaka venerable Ananda replied yes. Venerable Ananda said as follows:
- Hey Sandaka, four non-virtues this stay legal, so Exalted, Wise, Ant author, Tier Arhat, Enlightenment claims, legal insecurity and four virtues were declared. Here, people can not place himself celibate, and if alive, they can not succeed (right) guidance, legal and (even) good.
- Venerable Ananda, four permanent legal fees by virtue Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not place himself celibate, and if alive, they can not succeed (right) guidance, legal and (even) good; four non-virtues legal residence was what?
- Here, this Sandaka, with the master have theory as follows, with the following opinion: "There is no generosity, no sacrifice, no sacrifices, no results acclimatization of good and evil now, neither this world, no other life, no mother, no father, no chemicals being, in life there are no monks, chief Brahmin direction, right action, after himself position with wins enlightened statement about this life and the next. This man formed by four elements, the common destiny and place shall enter university boundaries, marine fishery agency shall enter the world, the fire shall enter fire world, the wind shall enter the style world, the senses into nothingness. (Four) people, with people carrying coffins in the coffin was carried away in the dead bear, towards cremation and uttered narrative, characteristics of the dead. The gray bones like a dove, and the offerings become ashes. Only stupid people extolling alms, they are empty words, false, useless as they accept the theory "the existence (Atthikavada)". As well as the wise fools, after public network itself will damage cessation, furniture consumption, ceased to exist after death. "
Here, this Sandaka, whose reflection position as follows: "The Sun engineers, the theory of justice like this, like this perspective:" There is no generosity, no sacrifice ... (as above) .. . No longer exist after death. " If teachers have always been telling the truth, what time did here is not to do, something to live here is not to live, but both of us here are peer effective when evidence recluses, and do not say: "Both of us, after the body damage the public network, will be annihilated, pepper losses, will not exist after death." It is really unfortunate transition naked, bald, diligently sat for them, plucking the hair of teachers have always been; while we live in the family are the children covered are bound, sheep-herd used Kasi life, bearing wreaths used, flavoring powder wax, at the age of gold, silver, and in the next life we ​​will peer with the Sun this professor place of birth of life. Thus, what we know, what we will see celibate under these masters? "He said the non-virtues after this stay, cover glass and left him happy. So, this is Sandaka first permanent non-virtues, is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement and here people can not position themselves well to live up to that , and if alive, they can not succeed (right) guidance, legal and (even) good.
Again, this Sandaka, here comes the master have theory as follows, with the following opinion: "DIY or make people do, kill or cause people to kill, cook and makes the fuel burn cook, annoying late, or that the person causing sorrow, causing brain shirt brain shirt makes the cause, itself causes fear or makes people fear, killing, taking what is not given, but to break the door, robbed, hijacked a lonely, robbed blocked roads, private information his wife, lying, no such action crime. If we take a sharp wheel killing all living beings on this earth, make a pile of meat, meat into a stack, so that there is no crime, crimes. If traveling on the south bank of the Ganges killing, massacres, killing, causing killing, cooking gas, causing gas to cook, so there are not crimes, crimes. If traveling on the northern shore of the Ganges alms, makes the giving, sacrifice, makes the sacrifice, not so with blessings, blessings created. Generosity, self-serving, self-control, to tell the truth without merit, do not make merit ".
Here, this Sandaka, whose reflection position as follows: "The Sun engineers, there are theoretical reasons like this, the opinion says:" DIY, makes people do ... (as above) ... not make merit ". If teachers have always been telling the truth, what time did here is not to do, something to live here not to live; but both of us here are peer when certified results recluses, and we can not say: "Action both (we) do not generate crime". It is too high ... (as above) ... but we will celibate under these masters? "He said the non-virtues after this stay, cover glass and left him happy. Thus, this is the non-virtues resident Sandaka second is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment was declared and a location here can not live by yourself happy he, and if alive, they can not succeed (right) guidance, legal and (even) good.
Again, this Sandaka, here, with the master with such theoretical, with views like this: "No workers, no grace, the infected cell beings; no workers, no grace, these beings will be defiled. No workers, no grace, these beings are pure, not non-affinity human, sentient beings will be pure. No power, no effort, no human, no human efforts. All beings, all beings, all living kinds, all lives are not in order, not force, not diligent. They were led driven by fate, by coincidence, by nature. They enjoy the painful feeling optimistic, according born six categories. "
Here, this Sandaka, whose reflection position as follows: "The Theory Sun engineers have thus, is of the opinion, saying," No workers, no grace ... (as above) ... they peanut unpleasant effects, according born six categories. " If teachers have always been telling the truth, what time did here is not to do, something to live here is not to live, but both of us here are peer effective when evidence recluses, and we can not say: "Both of us, no workers, no grace will be pure." It is too high ... (as above) ... well we will live under these masters that? "He said the non-virtues after this stay, cover glass and left him happy. Thus, this is the non-virtues resident Sandaka Tuesday, is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to he, and if life time can not attain (right) guidance, legal and (even) good.
Again, this Sandaka, there have theoretical guru like this, the opinion says: "There are seven bodies had not been made, not made, being creative, uncreative, unproductive often in such initiations mountain, standing upright like pillar. We estate, do not change and harming each other. They can not touch or affect each other suffering, or suffering and lost both. What is seven? Place yourself, marine body, the body of fire, friendly style, size, peanuts, and Saturday is chronic. Seven bodies had not been made, not made, being creative, uncreative, unproductive, often in such peaks, upright like pillar. We estate, do not change and harming each other. They can not touch or affect each other suffering, or suffering and lost both. Here, no killing or being killed, the listener or the speaker, who knows or who caused said, when someone using a sharp blade beheaded, no one deprived of life of anyone , the blade just fall between seven relatives only. There are all kinds of 14 hundred thousand reincarnate, is adding 60 one hundred and six hundred. There are 5 types of business and a 5 percent now (according to 5 units), now has 3 (of body, speech and mind), now has full (physical and verbal), semi-industrial (standard), there are 62 directors, 62 Mid-life, 6 class, 8 local staff; Born 4900 now, 4900 pilgrims, 4900 of species accommodation Naga, 2000 apartments, 3000 hell, 36 earthly, 7 great thai, thai mindless 7, 7 more contraceptive (birth from burning, or a glass of thai system? ) 7 species Thien, 7 men, 7 species Devils, 7 lakes, 7 pavutas (mountain or small lake), 7000 pavutas, 700 papatas (abyss), 7 dream, dream with 8,400,000 700 eons, during he fools people time and place, after flows, reincarnation, will extirpate suffering. No prayer: "With this world, with this precept, with this austerity, or the virtues of this, I would make the industry is ripe is not mature, or eliminate the already mature industry, by the continuous ring life can not be measured, suffering and lost with the measurement object, in reincarnation is no up or down, no high-low. For such rolls will be released only extends to a certain extent. Likewise, the fools and the wise, after the flow of reincarnation will end suffering. "
Here, this Sandaka, whose reflection position as follows: "The Sun engineers have thus theory, have views like this:" There are seven of this body ... (as above) ... will end suffering oil". If teachers have always been telling the truth, what time did here is not to do, something to live here is not to live, but both of us here are peer effective when evidence recluses, and we can not say: "Both of us, after the flow of reincarnation will end suffering." It is really unfortunate transition naked, bald, diligently sat for them, plucking the hair of teachers have always been, while we live in the family, surrounded by children are bound, sheep-herd life Kasi use, bring used wreaths, aromatherapy, wax chalk, at the age of gold, silver, and in the next life we ​​will peer with the Sun this master of life birth place. So we know nothing, I saw nothing but happy that we will live up to these masters? "He said the non-virtues after this stay, cover glass and left him under conduct. Thus, this is the non-virtues Sandaka Wednesday residence, is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to he, and if alive, they can not succeed (right) religion, law, and (even) good.
This Sandaka, four non-permanent virtues are Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here, where people can not conduct themselves in accordance with his life, and if alive, they can not succeed (right) justice, law, and (even) good.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Ananda! Four non-resident discounts were happy Exalted, Wise, Ant fake wicks Arhat, Enlightenment declared permanent non-virtues, and here, where people can not live by yourself happy he, and if alive, they can not succeed (right) justice, law, and (even) good. Venerable Ananda, how is legal insecurity four virtues is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here where people can not live by yourself happy he, and if alive, they can not succeed (right) religion, law, and (even) good?
Here, this Sandaka with intellectual gurus Nhut Nhut setting is set at itself proved to be complete knowledge: "When I go, I stand, sleep and waking, tri, is being abides in me , continuously, without interruption. " He went into an empty house, not receiving alms food, and the dog he bites, he met fierce elephants, met the evil, see evil cows, and he asked my name and they are a woman, a man, and asked the name of the village roads, the town. He was asked: "Why like this?", And replied: "I have an empty house, so we have to; we must not get alms food, so we did not get alms food. (Some people) have been bitten by a dog, so we were dog bites. (Some people) have met fierce elephants, so we met; horses must meet the data, so we've met, the data must meet cows, so we met. Someone should ask their names and a woman, a man, so I have to ask. (Some people) to ask the name of the streets of the village, the town, so we had to ask. " Here, this Sandaka, whose reflection position as follows: "The Sun engineers is necessarily intellectual, circuit set is ... (as above) ... so I have to ask." After he said: "Happy is insecurity", should cover her glass and walked away happy. Sandaka this, well this is the first Real Security discounts, is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to that , and if life time can not attain (right) guidance, legal and (even) good.
Again, this Sandaka, here, with health guru legends themselves, (see) the legend is true, this position sermon according to legend, the Legend and tradition, in the prestigious (St.) organs. This Sandaka, if health guru legends themselves, see the legend is true, he (somewhat) well-remembered, (have) not smart memory, (as is) like this, (as is) like other. Here, this Sandaka, whose mind thinking: "This medical teachers have kept the legend, see the legend is true, this position sermon according to legend, the Legend and tradition, in the prestigious (St.) donate. If health guru legends themselves, see the legend is true, he (somewhat) well-remembered, (have) not smart to remember, (sometimes) like this, (when they) like another. After he said: "Happy is insecurity", should cover her glass and walked away happy. Sandaka this, well this is insecurity discounts Monday, is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to that , and if alive, they can not succeed (right) religion, law, and (even) good.
Again, this Sandaka, here there is the master theorist, is the inference. Due to the demolishing of medical theory and according to reason, this position on the principle sermon composed himself. This Sandaka, if the guru is the theorist, is the inference, he (somewhat) well-reasoned, (have) not well-reasoned, (sometimes) like this, (as is) like other. Here, this Sandaka, whose mind thinking: "The Sun engineers are theorists, is the inference. Due to the demolishing of medical theory and according to reason, this position on the principle sermon composed himself. If the guru is the theorist, is the inference, he (somewhat) well-reasoned, (have) not smart reasoning, (sometimes) like this, (when they) like another. After he said: "Happy is insecurity" should cover her glass and walked away happy. Sandaka this unfortunate this is insecurity Pham Tuesday, is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to that, and if life can not be successful (district) justice, law, and (even) good.
Again, this Sandaka, here comes the master was stupid, as stupid people. Because dumb stupid, when asked about this issue, other issues, he used words such sophistry bending slithering eel: "I think not so, I was not like the other, in my opinion no other such, in my opinion it is not so, I do not not like that ". Here, this reflection Sandaka a location: "The Sun engineers are idiot, cretin is ... (as above) ... in my opinion it is not so". After he said: "Happy is insecurity", should cover her glass and walked away happy. Sandaka this, well this is insecurity discounts Wednesday, is Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to that and if life can not succeed (right) guidance, legal and (even) good.
This Sandaka, four insecurity virtues are Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment statement, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to that, and if life can not be successful (district) justice, law and (even) good.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Ananda! Four virtues legal insecurity was the Exalted, Wise, author Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment declared unsafe Pham happy, and here people can not position themselves well to live up to that , and if life can not succeed (right) justice, law, and (even) good. Dear Venerable Ananda, guru what he teaches, claiming that, but here, people can place themselves celibate, and to live, can succeed (right) justice, law, and ( Release) good?
- Here, this Sandaka, Tathagata appears in the world, is the degree Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Exalted. Tathagata after self-realization with its own rooftop ... again declared position that he had discovered the theory ... He taught completely full of dignity, purity. Or people who patriarchal paternalism, or a person born in the class (abjection) was listening to the French ... (like Beijing Kandaraka of this episode, pp. 20 - p. 25). Once rid of these hindrances, the defilements centered approach, making feeble intellect he became sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence and dwell reached Admin meditation, a blissful state by being sexual ly , with the range, with the quarterfinals. This Sandaka, if a disciple prevail specific evidence such as a guru, time here people can place themselves celibate, and when life can succeed (right) justice, law, and (press) charity. Again, this Sandaka, the monks kill and reach the quarterfinals ... Two ... Three Zen meditation ... and dwell attained charity. This Sandaka, if a disciple gained such ascendancy particular under a guru ... (as above) ... (Secretarial) justice, law, and (even) good ".
With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, need fine, easy to use, so a solid estate, he, radial location to network sufficiency. He remembered the life of the past, such a life, two lives ... so, he remembered many past lives together with the outline and details. This Sandaka, if a disciple gained such ascendancy particular under a guru ... (as above) ... (Secretarial) justice, law, and (even) good. With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, need fine, easy to use, solid, immobile so, he afferent to the birth and death of intellectual beings. He with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch ... are so happy their careers. This Sandaka if a disciple prevail specific evidence such as a guru ... (as above) ... (right) guidance, legal and (even) good. With a calm mind pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, need fine, easy to use, solid, immobile so, he afferent to illegally take place. He lifelike said: "This is suffering" ... as indeed he said: "This is the way to kill cankers". He said so because, by seeing this, the mind is freed from illegal sex, the mind is freed from illegal possession, the mind is freed from ignorance. For itself has freed thus arises understanding: "I have liberated". He said: "Sanh was destroyed, virtue has, to-do was made; after the present life, without any other life. " This Sandaka, if a disciple prevail specific evidence such as a master who, in this time people can place themselves celibate, and when life can succeed (right) guidance, legal, and (press) charity.
- But, sir Venerable Ananda, a bhikkhu is level Arhat, the contraband was to take, practice of contentment, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, property took advantage except fetters, was freed by right knowledge, the monks life he can not use these desires?
- Hey Sandaka, the monks do is level Arhat, the contraband was to take, practice of contentment, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, took advantage except organic fetters, was freed by right knowledge, he can not violate five things: the monks, took advantage of contraband can not intentionally destroy the life beings; You monks took advantage of contraband can not take what is not given, is called stealing; You monks took advantage of contraband can not lewd acts; You monks of illegally took advantage may not intentionally lie; You monks took advantage of contraband can not enjoy the sexual life of the stockpiled material as before even at home. This Sandaka, a Career monks is Arhat, the contraband was to take, practice of contentment, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, took advantage except organic fetters, was freed by right knowledge, he can not breach this year.
- Dear Venerable Ananda, the monks do is level Arhat, the contraband was to take, practice of contentment, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, took advantage except organic fetters, was freed by right knowledge, when he went, standing, sleeping and waking, there must be knowledge he abides continuously, without interruption: "the mine was illegal or paragraph new"?
- Hey Sandaka, I will give an example He, through the example here, where some people will know what it means saying. For example, this Sandaka, a tight limbs; when he is walking, standing, sleeping and waking, hands and feet were cut continuously, without interruption, and when he thought about the matter, he said: "My arms and legs were cut off." Also, this Sandaka, the monks do is level Arhat, the contraband was to take, practice of contentment, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, had success ideal, took advantage except organic fetters, was freed by right knowledge, when he went, standing, sleeping and waking, taints is continuously annihilation, without interruption, and when he thought about this issue, the he said: "These cankers have been annihilation".
- But, Venerable Ananda, how many supreme leaders in law and this?
- Hey Sandaka, not only one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, but many leaders supreme law and more in this.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Ananda! No self endorsed his approach, there is no legal defame other people, but both the sermon with the practice (ayatane) and lots supreme leader so was seen (here). And alongside this pagan evil are the children of mothers without children, they commended his self-criticism canopy, and they only have three supreme leader, ie Nanda Vaccha, Kisa Sankicca and Makkhali Gotama.
Then wanderer Sandaka told them his map:
- Chu venerable, go and celibate recluse Gotama below, though this is not easy to do for us to abandon the rights, respect and reputation.
Thus wanderer Sandaka gave them my map celibate recluse Gotama below.

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