Thursday 21 April 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Vesali (Bhikkhu-dormitories-ly), in Forestry, in Infections of the lectures (Kutagarasala). At the time, many Male-stilts, in front of world Religion claims to have proof of position sensory: "we know that the birth did take Offense, has become, what to do, did not return this status." Sunakkhatta Licchaviputta (Elf-Cup Charity) is heard: "Many Female-stilts. (as above) ... this again ". Then go to place like Licchaviputta Ton sunakkhatta, after arriving, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and then sat down on one side. Sit down on one side, What Sunakkhatta Bach Licchaviputta Ton:
-How can you Respect is listening to Bach as follows: "Many Female-stilts. (as above) ... this again ". The White World Religion, the Female-stilts, in front of world Religion claims to have proof of position sensory: "we know that the birth did take Offense, has become, what should do did, no longer return this status." The White World, didn't know the Male-stilts claims a way chon TAM Chief witness, or spot here has some Male-stilts, because increasing the upper port side has the certificate of location?
-The National, Sunakkhatta, this-on stilts before me has the certificate of position sensory: "we know that the birth did take Offense, has become, what should do did, no longer return this status." Here, there are some Female-stilts have primary sensory evidence statement position chon TAM; but here, there are also a number of Female-on stilts because of rising upper beam, has certified location. Here, what Sunakkhatta, this Male-stilts would have primary evidence statement chon TAM position, for the time, it is rightly so. But for the Female-stilts would, because of the increase of the upper beam has evidence, here, Sunakkhatta, this Hybrid As think as follows: "We take the theory". And so, here, Sunakkhatta, this Hybrid As thinking: "We take the theory". But here, if there are some foolish person, presentation of the question, to ask As Lai; Here, Sunakkhatta, this Hybrid As think as follows: "let the sermon to the people". As Lai such thinking, there is no other work.
-Now has the correct time for the sermon, Bach World Religion! Now have time for the sermon, Bach Was a friendly! how theory of world Religion, after hearing That Suen is completed, the Male-stilts will tho.
-So listen, and cleverly Sunakkhatta, this work of Italy, We will preach.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Sunakkhatta Licchaviputta Yes responses to world Religion. What Religion says as follows:
Sunakkhatta, This five-head of nursing education. What is the year? The colors by eye perception, stylishly, Hy, Lac, Italy, linked to education, attractive; the encyclopedia due to the ear perception...; the flavors do the cognitive bow ...; you do realize ... the tongue; the exposure due to the emotional body, stylishly Hy, Lac, Italy, linked to education, attractive. Sunakkhatta, this legislation this year is Education Minister.
But the situation, Sunakkhatta, this happens when there is a heavy bias users about the material world. For people with severe bias about the material world, Sunakkhatta, this story (like with him) must depend on how to fit in with her thinking games and thought, and he just communicating with people who would enjoy him. But if the story only says to contact real estate, time's not listening, not slang and not an ear, stay on alert. And is not communicating with the people that he does not like it. For as this long, someone not Sunakkhatta stay in villages or towns, and can see a person just from her village or commune. People would ask him about the security of the village or town, on the map and on less affluent eating illness, and he will talk to this person about the safety of the village or town, on the map and on less affluent eating diseases. Sunakkhatta, this you think? There are people who will listen to the other ear, slang, Center stay on position and who will that's communicating with the people like?
-Ladies right so, Bach World Religion.
-Also, Sunakkhatta, this situation occurs when there is a heavy bias users about the material world. For people with severe bias about the material world, Sunakkhatta, this story is relevant to the subject of how to fit in with her thinking games and thought, and he just communicating with people that people enjoy. But if the story only says to contact real estate, time's not listening, not slang and does not mind an stay in upper position, and not communicating with the people that he does not like it. He should be understood as follows: "the class Is heavy bias about the material world".
Sunakkhatta, this the situation occurs, when some heavy bias on the estate. For people with severe bias about this Sunakkhatta, estate, appropriate story (with him) must depend on how to fit in with her thinking games and thought, and he just communicating with people that people enjoy. But if the story only says, linked to the material world, he doesn't hear, doesn't mind the ear and not slang an stay in upper position, and not communicating with the people that he does not like it. Such as this, a gold-leaf Sunakkhatta, dried, leaving the stems, green no longer returned; also, Sunakkhatta, this class of heavy bias on the estate, has left the unlawful use of material world. He should be understood as follows: "this is the class does not use unlawful physical contact, world heavy on real estate".
Sunakkhatta, this situation – this happens. Here, have some heavy bias on the Disabled property. For people with severe bias about Infinity, Sunakkhatta, this story is relevant to the subject of how to fit in with her thinking games and thought, and he just communicating with people that people enjoy. But if the story only says to contact real estate, not listening, time slider ng forecast not slang, and not stay in position, and not communicating with the people that he does not like it. Such as this, Sunakkhatta, a rock broke can not connect it back; also, Sunakkhatta, this class of people to natural heavy on Myriad owns, severed from the immovable used unlawful, he should be understood as follows: "this is not the real history of unlawful contact, heavy on Myriad owns".
Sunakkhatta, this situation – this happens. Here, have some heavy bias on Phi phi phi idea idea. For the heavy Heaven about Africa thought phi phi, Sunakkhatta, this idea, the story relevant to the subject of how to fit in with her thinking games and thought, and he just communicating with people that people enjoy. But if the story is just saying Myriad of property-related, he does not listen, not slang, and not stay on the alert, and not communicating with the people that he does not like it. Such as this, a man Sunakkhatta, ate the food America and threw up. Sunakkhatta, this you think? She preferred to eat food again?
-The White World did not Respect. Why is that? Because of that, the White World, he dishes are considered disgusting.
-Also, Sunakkhatta, this class of heavy bias on African people thought Africa Africa thought of, was to a Myriad of ownership history of unlawful parties. He should be understood as follows: "this is not the contact history of unlawful ownership of Countless, heavy on Phi phi phi idea of ideas".
This is the situation Sunakkhatta, this, as here, the number of heavy bias of Chief Nirvana. For natural person-class heavy on Chief Nirvana, Sunakkhatta, this story is relevant to the subject of how to fit in with her thinking games and thought, and he just communicating with people that people enjoy. But if the story just says contact to the idea of phi phi, he forecast ideas not heard, the ear and the mind, not the slang not an stay on location. And he doesn't communicate with people whom he dislikes. For as this tree, Sunakkhatta, Ta-la severed tree tops cannot be large; also, Sunakkhatta, this class of heavy bias on the Chief of Nirvana, has cut unlawful use Phi phi phi made ideas, ideas were severed from the roots, make like tree-la could not reborn, could not start up again in the future. People need to be understood as follows: "this is not the class contact unlawful use Phi phi phi, the origin thought ideas heavy on Chief Nirvana".
Sunakkhatta, this situation – this happens when here, have some thoughts as follows: "the craving to be Sa-keeper called arrow. The poison of ignorance do brain damage (human) with exercise, take part,. We were craving arrow segment removal; the poison of ignorance have been take out; We're heavy bias of Chief of Nirvana ". He can be proud of the position with the purpose of the present. The position he can demand what is not suitable to primary tendencies Nirvana, eyes she can taste excellent bridge is not suitable, the ear can access, the bridge is not suitable, the nose can bridge the divisions are not appropriate, the tongue can access the bridge are not appropriate, can access inappropriate contact bridge , Italy may access requirements are not appropriate. When the eye sharp bridge access is not appropriate, the ears, the bridge access not suitable access requirements, nose incense is not appropriate, the tongue proper not bridge access, environmentally inappropriate contact bridge access, the access requirements are not appropriate, the physical location to center of turbulence parameter. He was due to take part in a sex position turbulence going to die or go to gauge almost dead.
Such as this one, people were Sunakkhatta, arrow shooting, did name the poison laced very thick. Dear friends, your blood for him to invite a surgeon. Taste her surgeon can cut around the mouth of the wound with a knife; After cutting around the mouth of the wound with the knife, the surgeon can detect the arrow with a search. After detecting the arrow with a search, could doctors pulled the arrow out. Doctors could take out most of the poison, also leave a little but thought no poison would rest, doctors said the following: "this Gentle, your arrows have drawn the poison was take, no leftovers, and there's nothing more dangerous for You, but You have to just eat the proper food and please, keep, if not appropriate, ate your wound will make pus, and is usually a must for washing of wounds, often tends to be anointing themselves medication for mouth wounds. While often to wash the wound, usually oral medications for anointing themselves wounds, OK have to close old blood dry on a mouth wound and be careful when going out between wind and sunshine; be careful when going out between wind and sunshine, if not, the dust and noise can harm nhớp mouth wounds. And you, if You take care of the wound, the wound will be healed. " He thought as follows: "the arrow has been removed (body), the venom has to be take out, no leftovers, and we got rid of the dangerous". And people eat the food. Because he ate food not suitable, so the wound do LaTeX back. And often people don't wash ng message wounds, often not anointing themselves smoking mouth wounds. Because people often do not wash the wound, because people often do not anointing themselves smoking mouth wound, so the old blood coagulate on the mouth of the wound. And he often travels between wind and sunshine. Because he often travels between wind and sunshine, dust and harmful interference nhớp mouth wounds; and because he does not take care of the wound should not be wound heals. Because he did not own, and because the poison was take out the residual, but because both it should can wound mouth sores to than before. Due to erosion, the wounds he can go to die or suffer almost dead.
This, too, Sunakkhatta, this event occurred, when here are some Female-stilts thought as follows: "the craving to be Sa-level subjects, called arrow, poison of ignorance do brain damage (human) with exercise, take part,. We were craving arrow segment removal; the poison of ignorance have been take out. We're heavy bias of Chief of Nirvana ". He can be proud of the position with the purpose of the present. The position he can demand what is not appropriate with the primary trend is Nirvana. The eyes can bridge the colors are not appropriate, the ear can access, the bridge is not suitable, the nose can bridge the divisions are not appropriate, the tongue can access the bridge are not appropriate, can access inappropriate contact bridge, Italy may access requirements are not appropriate. When the eye sharp bridge access is not appropriate, the ears, the bridge access not suitable access requirements, nose incense is not appropriate, the tongue proper not bridge access, environmentally inappropriate contact bridge access, the access requirements are not appropriate, the physical location to center of turbulence parameter. The taste left by taking education center of turbulence, go to die or go to gauge almost dead. As such, Sunakkhatta, this is dead in the precepts of the Holy steps, when he abandoned the practice, complete return, and as such, this is like death agony, Sunakkhatta, when he committed a sin unclean.
Sunakkhatta, this the situation occurs, when here are some Female-stilts to think as follows: "the craving to be Sa-level subjects, called arrow, poison of ignorance do brain damage (human) with exercise, take part,. We were craving arrow segment removal, the poison of ignorance have been take out. We're heavy bias of Chief of Nirvana ". Because of the heavy bias on the Chief Justice, the Nirvana cannot access what bridge is not suitable for heavy bias on the (tendency) Nirvana, eyes sharp bridge access not inappropriate, not ear, the bridge is not suitable, the tip won't bridge the divisions are not appropriate, the tongue is not appropriate, not bridge access trunk not visit inappropriate contact bridge Italian not French Bridge, is not appropriate. Because the eye does not bridge the color position is not appropriate, because the ears do not gain access, the bridge is not suitable, because the nose does not access the globe walkthrough is not appropriate, because the tongue does not access the bridges are not appropriate, because the relatives did not contact bridge access not suitable because Italy does not access requirements are not appropriate, should exercise no perturbation of mind , because of sex, not the center of turbulence; should not position go to die or go to gauge almost dead. Such as this, a person with the name, Sunakkhatta shoot, and arrows were poison laced very thick. Dear friends, your blood for him to invite a surgeon. Taste her surgeon can cut around the mouth of the wound with a knife; After cutting around the mouth of the wound with the knife, the surgeon can detect objects with a name search. After detecting the arrow with a search, could doctors pulled the arrow out ... Doctors can take off poison no longer to balance again and know that no longer to balance again. The position was as follows: "Hey You, your arrow was drawn, the poison was take, no balance, but still dangerous for You ... And You keep eat the proper food, shalt not eat food not suitable makes the wound can make pus; and often wash the wound, often go anointing themselves smoking mouth wound, usually washed the wound, usually oral medications anointing themselves wounds, old blood dry close to OK again on the mouth of the wound. And shalt have come out between wind and sunshine; comes out between the wind and the Sun, OK to dust and harmful jamming nhớp mouth wound, make this wound, keeping alive You, and the wound will heal. " He thought as follows: "the arrow has been drawn off, the poison was take, no balance. And I have yet to get rid of danger ". And he can only eat the proper food. Due to only eat the proper food for the mouth of the wound can not make pus. And often the position he can wash the wound, often can anointing themselves smoking mouth wounds. Due to the often wash the wound, by anointing themselves often smoking mouth wounds, old blood can not close to dry again on the mouth of the wound. Laodicean's who goes between the wind and the Sun. Due to the Laodicean he goes between the wind and the Sun, dust and harmful interference may not nhớp the mouth of the wound and the wound, and keeping alive the wounds are healed. Because he only did the appropriate thing and because the poison was not take the leftovers, because the two (multiply's coast) the wound is closed. When the wound was sealed back cover skin, he is not going to die or not go to gauge almost dead.
This, too, Sunakkhatta, this event occurred, when here are some Female-stilts to think as follows: "the craving to be Sa-level subjects, called arrow, poison of ignorance do brain damage (human) with exercise, take part,. We were craving arrow segment ... (as above) ... no access demand what is not appropriate. The eye does not access the globe colors are not appropriate, not ear, the bridge is not suitable, the tip won't bridge the divisions are not appropriate, the tongue is not appropriate, not bridge access trunk won't bridge the exposure inappropriate, not access requirements are not appropriate. Due to the eye's sharp bridge access not inappropriate, because the ears do not gain access, the bridge is not suitable, due to the nose bridge is not inappropriate, because the flavor of the tongue does not access the bridges are not appropriate, because the relatives did not contact bridge access not suitable, do not access requirements are not appropriate, the exercise is not harmful interference. Because the mind does not suffer harm, harassment, sexual reference should he not going to die, or not go to gauge almost dead.
Sunakkhatta, this I say this example with the purpose of clarifying the meaning. The meaning here is as follows: wound, Sunakkhatta, this is synonymous with six made contact (phassayatana); this poison, Sunakkhatta, is synonymous with ignorance; Sunakkhatta, this arrow is synonymous with craving; This search, widgets, Sunakkhatta is synonymous with celebration; Sunakkhatta, this knife, is synonymous with Holy wisdom. Locate this Sunakkhatta, surgeon, is meant As a hybrid, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. Indeed, Sunakkhatta, this Male-stilts hedge yourself against the six emotions, thought: "y (Upadhi) is the basis of suffering", after knowing so, he becomes an infinite being y, freed thanks to the paragraph's Position y. contentious removal notices his torso on contentious medical or interested in being the situation, so y not happening. For this, such as drinking water, a cup of Sunakkhatta bronze, and beautiful scent, and he left poison laced cups. Then a man came, to live, to die, to want to touch, cover glass. Sunakkhatta, this you think? He has to drink the cup of this copper is not, if he said: "after I drink from it, I'm going to die or go to the almost dead?"
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Also, Sunakkhatta, this Male-stilts she sure protective for six made contact. "Y is the basis of suffering", after that, he became invisible beings y, freed thanks to the contentious removal segment y's tastes of notes left on the contentious health care delivery, health, so the situation does not occur. For this, like a snake, Sunakkhatta downright malicious, and one person comes in, to live, to die, to want to touch, glass gauge. Sunakkhatta, this you think? She put the hands or heel for this non-toxic snake, if he said: "If I were the serpent to bite, we'll go to death or suffering almost dead?"
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Also, Sunakkhatta, this Male-stilts she sure protective six exposure. "Y is the basis of suffering", after that, he became invisible beings y, freed thanks to the contentious removal segment y's tastes of notes left on contentious medical, or interested in being the situation, so y not happening.
World Religious preaching. Sunakkhatta Licchaviputta Hy-life lyrics That Religious belief from Festival to teach.

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