Wednesday 6 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika Fine amnesty he (Grant-she-toxic). Then Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey, monks!
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Even the monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted lecture as follows:
- Hey, monks, there are four types of this practice. Which four? This, monks, have kind of lost current practice, future suffering retribution. This, monks, with the current type of practice and future pain and suffering retribution. This, monks, the current practice kind of suffering, lost future retribution. This, monks, with the current type of communication practice, and future are also optimistic retribution.
This, monks, are the kind of optimism the current practice, future suffering retribution? This, monks, there are some recluses following theory, there is basis as follows: "There is no error in the education". These men immersed in the education, pleasure with the girls wandering hair wrap on top. They say: "How did the venerable recluse, another Brahmin show fear the future of education, comes to rid the education, raise understanding about sex. Pleasures rather, touching the smooth hairless hands of young girls this hike! "Once immersed in sex, the body damage the public network, he must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Here, they are feeling the feelings of pain, anguish, intense. They say: "The venerable recluse, this Brahmin show fear the future of education, comes to rid the education, raise understanding about sex. But we, as human by this education, this education by the coast, to the feeling of feeling pain, anguish, intense ". This, monks, such as the heating season in late October, a kelp seeds and vines crack this, monks, a creeper seeds fall under a tree root sa-la. This, monks, the gods above tree-la sa was afraid, scared, and panicked. Dear friends, relatives by blood on the tree gods that sa-la, god garden, forest god, the god of trees, magic herbs, grasses, forest back meetings, comforted as follows: "This venerable, do not be scared! This venerable, do not be scared! Because the seed, can swallow stripping mammoth, deer can eat, fire can burn, forest workers can pick up on, the termites can eat, or seeds can not germinate. " But the monks, the seed, not to swallow stripping mammoth, deer do not eat, do not burn the forest fire, forest people do not pick up on, the termites do not eat, and seeds can germinate. Are rain clouds through the right season, seeds were grown up, and a young vines, soft, feathery, slowly sprouting and adhesive sa-la tree was. This, monks, the gods on the tree sa-la was thinking as follows: "Do not understand why these venerable and dear friends, her blood relatives, the god of gardens, forest spirit, tree spirit, the gods on herbs, grass, woods, saw the fear in the seeds of the future, meetings again, comforted as follows: "this venerable, do not be scared! This venerable shalt have no fear! Since her seed, Duke can swallow mammoth, deer can eat, fire can burn, forest workers can pick up on, the termites can eat, or seeds can not germinate. " Pleasure instead of touching young vines soft, furry listened to! "Creeper plants that can cover that sa-la, after the cover, immediately made into a tree canopy above him, and arises under a dense canopy. When starting up under a thick grove of trees, large branches of trees that can sa-la muffled. This then, monks, stay on the tree gods sa-la was thinking as follows: "As a show fear of the future, the seeds of which are vines that venerable, dear friends, relatives blood that system, the garden god, god of the forest, the tree gods, the gods above herbs, grass, woods, gathered and comforted as follows: "Hey, do not be scared venerable! This venerable, fear not! Because the seed, can swallow stripping mammoth, deer can eat, fire can burn, forest workers can pick up on, the termites can eat, or seeds can not germinate. " And now we, for some reason the seed vines, feeling the sense of suffering, anguish, intense ". Also, the monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin following theory, there is the following basis: "There is no error in the education". These men immersed in sex, their joy with the girl wandering with hair wrapped around her head. They say: "How did the venerable recluse, Brahmin sees fear the future of education, comes to rid the education, raise understanding about sex. Pleasures rather, touching the smooth hairless hands of young girls this hike! "Once immersed in sex, while corrupt public network itself, they have to be born into the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, hell. Here, they are feeling the feelings of pain, anguish, intense. They say: "The venerable recluse, Brahmin sees fear the future of education, comes to rid the education, raise understanding about sex. But we, as people of this education, because education charm of this, to sensations of feeling pain, anguish, intense ". This, monks, so called touch current practice, future suffering retribution.
This, monks, how is the current practice and future pain and suffering retribution? Here, the monks, some nude, live bohemian, not ritual, licked clean hands, begging for food refused to step forward, to beg refuses to stand back, not get takeout to not get special food to cook for themselves, do not get invited for a meal, not get food from the pots and pans, food does not get placed in the doorway, do not get the food placed between the sticks, not getting food placed between the rice mortar, not get food from two people are eating, do not get food from the pregnant woman, not get food from the women who are breastfeeding, do not get food from the woman are copulation, not getting away donated food, local food does not get dog stand, not getting food in place with flies, do not eat fish, meat, no alcohol cooking, wine yeast, bran porridge. He only ate at a home, only eat a piece, or he only ate at two houses, only eat two pieces, or he just got to eat at seven, he only ate seven pieces. He feeds with one bowl, with just two bowls feed, feed with seven bowls. He ate only one meal a day, a meal for two days, seven days a meal. Thus he lived under the almond diet abstinence until half months to eat once. He only ate rice grass to live, rules rice, brown rice, mustard seed nivara eating, food parings, eat bran, rice flour drink, eat sesame powder, herbivore dung, eat fruits, edible roots in the forest, eating fruits fall to live. He wore coarse linen, wearing coarse linen cloth and with others, wearing a linen cloth soaked slingshot, wearing fabric care chalk algae, wear clothes made of bark tikitaka, wearing black leather chamois child, wearing braided leather pieces blackbuck child, dressed with sand grass wall, wearing a bark, wood dressed with small plates, dressed with braided hair into blankets, dressed with braided ponytail, dressed in fur owl. He is the living spit hair, who lives customary to spit hair, was a follower of the well generally not using seat stand, who sat for them, live by them happy sitting diligently, as users thorns making the bed, often sleeping on the bed of thorns, wooden planks used as a bed life, living on the ground to the ceiling, usually a side sleep, dust and filthy living to conceal himself, live and sleep outdoors, where cultivating contacts lying there, live feed on unclean things, according to the well eat the unclean animals, live not drink cold water, do not drink cold water to cultivating, living bath three times a night, according to the well in the water bath (to cleanse sins). Thus, he lives to cultivating much pain so many forms. He shared network damage after the body was to be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. So, this, monks, is called the current practice and future pain and suffering retribution. This, monks, how is the practice currently suffering, lost future retribution? Here, the monks, some people are born too heavy nature of craving, always feeling the sensation of suffering caused by craving birth advantages; there are people who are born too heavy nature of anger, there is always the feeling of superiority felt by the hatred born of suffering; there are people who are born too heavy nature of delusion, always feeling the pain felt by the delusion born pros. With suffering and with priority, with the tears and crying, he lived under the holy, pure completely full. He shared network damage after the body, improve animal is born, Heaven, this world. So, this, monks, is called the current practice of suffering, lost future retribution.
This, monks, how is the current practice and future communications also optimistic retribution? Here, the monks, some people are born nature is not too heavy on the craving, not always feeling the pain sensation craving superiority by birth; someone nature engenders hatred is not too heavy, not always feeling the pain sensation being given by anger; nature person born of ignorance is not too heavy, not always feeling the feeling of superiority because of ignorance born of suffering. Exercise He cups, glasses and immoral legal residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state by being sexual ly, there can reach the quarterfinals; Removal Games and quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most static inner mind; Hy cup discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, life itself feels optimistic that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, it abides Tuesday Meditation; peanuts and discharging exhaust suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. He shared network damage after the body, improve animal is born, Heaven, this world. Thus the monks, called the current practice and future communications also optimistic retribution. This, monks, such as four types of practice.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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