Thursday 14 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajagrha). Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), in Kalandakanivapa (foster care places). At that time, wanderer Sakuludayi at Moranivapa (Peacock Lam), a wanderer Fine amnesty, along with mass wanderer. Then Bhagavan morning robes, took care to bowl on Rajagrha alms. Exalted arises thought: "Now it is too early to go begging in the United-amnesty, amnesty 'Let us go to Tinh Lam Peacock wanderer, wanderer to Sakuludayi". Then Bhagavan went to the wanderer Peacock Crystal Lam amnesty. At that time, wanderer sitting with mass Sakuludayi wanderer, is loud, high voice, loud talk more frivolous matters, such as discussing the king, stealing discuss, talk about the Great god, talk about war , discusses the fear, talk about fighting, discussing the food, the drinks table, discussing clothes, beds discuss, discuss wreaths, aromatherapy discuss, talk about people, talk about vehicle , discusses the village, town to discuss, discuss national level, to discuss women, discuss heroes, stories roadside spot for water story, the story of the dead, to junk desk, discusses the world, sea discuss, discuss existing and not existing. Wanderer saw Bhagavan remote Sakuludayi go to, see them so closely its recommendations:
- The venerable let small hours! The venerable please Crossfade! Recluse Gotama now this is coming. Recluse Gotama liking of peace, tranquility praise. If this peace we know, can look here.
Then the Vacchagotta were silenced. Bhagavan towards wanderer Sakuludayi. Wanderer Sakuludayi venerable sir:
- Buddha, Bhagavan come! Buddha, Bhagavan hybrid friendly! Bhagavan has long this new opportunity, that is coming here. Exalted sit! This is the place already prepared.
Bhagavan was prepared to sit on seats. Wanderer Sakuludayi took a low seat and sat down on the other side. Bhagavan told wanderer Sakuludayi sitting on one side:
- Hey Udayi, this predicates several meetings here, what matters is the table? And what story between you interrupt?
- Buddha, let's set aside the issue we're discussing meeting. Later Bhagavan also listen again without difficulty. Venerable sir, when you are not near them this, this time we sat talking frivolous stories. And lord, when this child near us, this time we children sat looking straight face and think: "Salmone Udayi what the sermon, we will listen." Buddha, Bhagavan when this comes to us this time and we watched the straight face Exalted and think: "What sermon Bhagavan, we will listen."
- This Udayi So, let's say what matters here, so I can talk.
- Long ago, venerable sir, very ancient, Career know all, see all claiming to have knowledge not redundant: "When I go, when I stand, when we sleep and when we wake, knowledge is continuous permanent existence ". When he asked me questions about the past, instant avoided with a different question, answer from the text, and reveals indignation, anger, and resentment. Therefore, venerable sir, I arose happy anniversary to Bhagavan: "Bhagavan Really, really Career Career Auspicious is skillful on this law."
- Hey Udayi, the level is to know all, see all and claiming to have no knowledge of excess: "When I go, when I stand, when I sleep, when I wake, knowledge exist, inter permanent procedure "? He is someone that when he asked questions about the past consecutive avoided with a different question, answer from the text, and reveals outrage, anger and resentment?
- Buddha, he is Nigantha Nataputta.
- Udayi Hey, you do remember the past life as a difference in his life, two lives ... remember many past lives together with outline and details. Or is he asking me questions about the past, or is he asking me questions about the past. Or is he making my mind satisfied with answers questions about the past; or whether I made his mind is satisfied with the answers questions about the past. Udayi this, the third eye with pure, superhero see life and death of beings, he knew that inferior beings who noble people, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch. .. were so happy their careers. Or is he asking me questions about the future, or is he asking me questions about the future. Or is he making my mind satisfied with answers questions about the future, or that I did so his mind is satisfied with the answers questions about the future. And well, this Udayi, stop in the past, stop in the future! I will preach to Mr: This is present here is the present; because this is the birth, the birth here. This is what is not present is not present; by this killing, the killing here. "
- Buddha, to the extent experienced with this self (Attabhava), I can not even remember the outline and details, from where you can remember many past lives, as one life, two lives ... I can remember many past lives, with the outline and details like Bhagavan? Buddha, now you also can not see the demons adventure style (pamsapisacaka), from where the pure divine eye can superhuman insight that human beings inferior people who noble, beautiful people who coarse, the the unfortunate luck ... you can know the beings are so happy their careers, as Bhagavan? Therefore, venerable sir, when Bhagavan told me the following: "Hey Udayi, stop in the past, stop in the future. I will preach to Mr: "This is what this present is present; because this is the birth, the birth here. This is what is not present is not present; by this killing, the killing here, "much less the children identify multiplied. However, venerable sir, I can do Exalted mind correspond to answer questions about their masters.
- Hey Udayi, masters of what he taught?
- Buddha, our masters taught us that: "Lust is paramount, this is the supreme excellence."
- Hey Udayi, when His gurus teach He said: "This is the ultimate Sac, this identity is paramount," the supreme excellence was what color?
- Buddha, when one does not have a color other colors nobler, or more wins, the supreme excellence was excellent.
- Udayi Hey, what color was excellent, the color does not have a color other more noble, or more wins?
- Buddha, when one does not have a color other colors nobler, or more wins, the supreme excellence was excellent.
- Hey Udayi, His explanation only so long, he had to explain more widely. If "The Buddha, when a sharp color that does not have a superior or other more wins, that identity is the supreme excellence of his identity he did not specify. Udayi this, as some people say, "I love and attachment a beautiful girl in this country". Someone asked: "Hey you, beautiful girl that you love and attachment that, you know what class of people, are Sat-imperial-town, or Brahmin, or Phệ-amnesty, or Autumn momentum? "When asked, he did not know. Someone asked: "Hey you, beautiful girl that you love and attachment, you know what name they do, great people, less people, or middle? Dark skin, dark or tan skin glow? In any village or township, or city? "When asked what he does not know the answer. Someone asked: "Hey you, so must you fell in love and were craving a friend, you do not know, do not see?" Asked so, he answered to. - Udayi Hey, how do you think? The situation is such that the words of the men have no performance is not?
- Buddha, the situation is such that the words of the performance really is not.
- Also, this Udayi, when he said: "O Bhagavan when a color other color that does not have a superior or more wins, that is the identity of the ultimate identity", the identity he did not specify.
- Buddha, such as a stone lapis gem, beautiful, transparent, octahedral, clever sanding, grinding smart, placed on a light-colored veil, itself lit up, bright up, brighten up ; with such identity, the ego is not the disease, after death.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? A gem stone lapis yet, beautiful, transparent, octahedral, smart cuticle cleverly grinding, placed on a light-colored veil, itself lit up, bright up, lit up; or worm fireflies in the dark night blindness, optic between the two colors, the colors yet more subtle, and more wins?
- Buddha, worm fireflies in the dark night blindness, optic This wonderful colors and wins more than two optical excellence.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? Worm fireflies in the dark night blindness or oil lamp in the dark night blindness, this identity between two optical, optical excellence and yet more wonderful than wins?
- Buddha, oil lamp in the dark night blindness, optic excellent (oil lamp) is more subtle and more wins between the two optical excellence.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? Oil lamp in the dark night blindness, or a large fire in the dark night blindness, between the optical fiber color identity yet more wonderful and more wins?
- Buddha, a large bonfire in the dark night blindness, optic This wonderful colors and wins more than two optical excellence.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? Large fire in the dark night blindness, or morning star in a bright cloudless sky at dawn, between two optical excellence, the (optical) yet subtle colors and more wins?
- Buddha, the morning star shining in a cloudless sky at dawn, the subtle optical excellence and wins more than two optical excellence.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? Star (stars Thai Bach) Daystar in cloudless skies in the morning, the dawn, the moon or ball while standing in a bright cloudless sky at midnight, the day uposatha (Bodhisattva ) on the full moon day, the identity between the two rays, optical and identity any more wonderful than wins?
- Buddha, moon ball while standing in a cloudless sky clear, at midnight, the day uposatha (potash) to the full moon day, the subtle optical excellence and wins more than two optical sharp.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? Moon ball while standing in a cloudless sky clear, at midnight, the day uposatha (Bodhisattva) on the full moon day, or the sun while standing shadow, in a clear sky, no cloudy, at noon, in the last months of the rainy season in the fall, this identity between two optical, optical and identity any more wonderful than wins?
- Buddha, the sun while standing shadow, in a clear sky cloudless, at noon, in the last months of the rainy season in the fall, this optical subtle colors and more wins.
- Hey Udayi, optical excellence than all that has many, many gods, but the light of the moon the sun can not shine. I know that the Devas. And I do not say: "There is a subtle optical other than colors and optical excellence than he wins. He also, this Udayi, he said: "This excellent Optics, inferior, weaker optic fireflies worm colors, dark fiber was excellent win". And He did not specify optical excellence.
- Bhagavan has cut off the story. Auspicious has cut off the story.
- Hey Udayi, so he said, "Bhagavan has cut off the story. Astronomical severed story? "
- Buddha, the guru of us teach as follows: "This is the ultimate color Optics, optical excellence is paramount." But venerable sir, of our masters when Bhagavan for survivors, kidney distress, problems, (self-revelation is) empty falsehoods, failures.
- But this Udayi, there is a world Nhut direction not touch? There is a reasonable path that lead to the world attain optimistic Nhut direction?
- Buddha, of our masters have taught the following: "There is a world of communication Nhut direction. There is a reasonable path taken to attain world Nhut towards optimism ".
- Hey Udayi, logical path to attain world put Nhut direction What is lost?
- Here, venerable sir, someone cut through killing, renounce killing, get rid of do not give, do not give up your retrieve, except adultery, fornication abandoned, except lying, from quit lying, or life after life over a kind of asceticism. Venerable sir, it is a reasonable path taken to attain world Nhut optimistic direction.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? While rid kill, abandon killing, while his ego is Nhut direction or even touch the pain located?
- Buddha, both located both suffering.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? While get rid of do not give, do not give up your retrieve, in the meanwhile, lost self is Nhut direction or even touch the pain?
- Buddha, both located both suffering.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? While rid of fornication, adultery abandoned, while her self is Nhut towards optimism, or even touch the pain?
- Buddha, both located both suffering.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? While rid lie, lie abandoned, while her self is Nhut towards optimism, or even touch the pain?
- Buddha, both located both suffering.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? While living a kind of ascetic life over, while his ego is Nhut towards optimism, or even touch the pain?
- Buddha, both located both suffering.
- Udayi Hey, how do you think? Thus the path to attain a world Nhut optimistic direction, the path that both the format interspersed optimistic?
- Bhagavan has cut off the story, Auspicious broke off the story.
- Hey Udayi, so he said thus: "Bhagavan has cut off the story, Auspicious broke off the story?"
- Buddha, of our masters have taught the following: "There is a world of communication Nhut direction, there is a logical path to attain world Nhut towards optimism". But our masters when Bhagavan for survivors, kidney distress, problems, (self-revelation is) empty falsehoods, failures. But lord, there is a world of optimism not Nhut direction? There is a reasonable path taken to attain a world Nhut direction not touch?
- Hey Udayi, with an optimistic world Nhut direction; there is a reasonable path taken to attain world Nhut optimistic direction.
- Buddha, how reasonable is the path that leads to the world attain optimistic Nhut direction?
- Here, this Udayi, the monks ly ... attain fitness and Meditation first residence; after killing Games and quad ... Monday ... attained Zen and Zen residence Tuesday. So, this is Udayi reasonable path taken to attain world Nhut optimistic direction.
- Buddha, his path is not the path taken to attain world Nhut optimistic direction. Such attainments, lord (affordable) is the world Nhut optimistic direction?
- Hey Udayi, attained such a world is not optimistic Nhut direction. His path is the only logical path to attain world put Nhut optimistic direction.
When told that the congregation of the wanderer Sakuludayi loud, high voice, loud as follows:
- Here, we have heard from the guru. Here, we've been hearing from the guru. We do not know anything more than that.
Then wanderer Sakuludayi after making Vacchagotta Crossfade you down, immediately venerable sir:
- Right to the point, how new is the world attained optimistic Nhut direction?
- Here, this Udayi, monks attaining rid of optimism ... and dwell Wednesday Meditation; How many gods are born into the world of touch Nhut direction, monks stand with her gods, the same talk, the same conversation. Until such a degree, this Udayi, is the world attained Nhut optimistic direction.
- Buddha, is only because the appropriate direction to attain world Nhut optimistic that the celibate monks under the (indication) of Bhagavan?
- Hey Udayi, not only because the appropriate direction to attain world Nhut optimistic that the celibate monks under the (indication) of Ta. Udayi this, there are other more noble, more wins. Since the attainment of legal multiplication coast then, the celibate monks under the guidance of Me.
- Buddha, how is the nobler method, wins more, because multiplication coast attainment of that law, the celibate monks under the direction of the Blessed One?
- Here, this Udayi, Tathagata appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha , Exalted ... after five hindrances rid of this, those defile the mind, intellect black comb, glass sex, glass unwholesome Zen approach ... first residence certificate. This is the law, this Udayi, nobler and more wins, predestined by this method attained celibate monks under the guidance of Me. This Udayi Again, monks Removal Games and Zen II quarterfinals ... ... third ... abides Meditation To Charity. This is the law, this Udayi, nobler and more wins, predestined by this method attained the celibate monks under the guidance of Me. With a calm mind, pure, pure without defilements, the defilements are the exception, needs fine, easy to use, solid, immobile so, he radial location to network sufficiency. He remembered many generations in the past, such a life, two lives ... many lives in the memory of the past, with the outline and details. This is the law, this Udayi, nobler and more wins, because his legal attainments multiplication coast, celibate monks under the guidance of Me. With a calm mind, pure, clear, no defilements, the defilements are the exception, easy to use, highly skilful estate so, he afferent to the location of birth and death of beings. He with pure divine eye, superhuman, apparent life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch ... are so happy their careers. This is the law, this Udayi, nobler and more wins, multiplication coast attained by this method, the celibate monks under the guidance of Me. With a calm mind, pure, clear, no defilements, the defilements are the exception, easy to use, highly skilful, solid, immobile so monks radial position to illegally take place. He lifelike said: "This is suffering" ... "This is Suffering" ... "This is the Cessation of Suffering" ... "This is the way to destroy suffering". He lifelike said: "These are illegal or" ... "This is the cause of gonorrhea or" ... "This is the eradication of illicit or". He lifelike said: "This is the path to the eradication of defilements. By understanding this, see this, his mind is rid of illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape from ignorance. For the self is freed so, he arose understanding: "I have liberated". He said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, to-do was made, after the present life does not have any other life." This is the law, this Udayi, nobler, more wins, predestined by this method attained, the celibate monks under the guidance of Me. This is the law, this Udayi, nobler, more wins, the multiplication coast attain this approach, the celibate monks under the guidance of Me.
When they heard that wanderer Sakuludayi venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan explained presentation. Son of the Blessed One for refuge, refuge in France and refuge monks Increase. Buddha, Bhagavan forward-home child, under the direction Bhagavan, Bhagavan desire for the ordained.
When they heard that, they wanderer wanderer of Sakuludayi told Sakuludayi:
- Venerable Udayi, do not be celibate under the direction of recluses Gotama. Venerable Udayi, was gurus, this may not live as disciples. As a good water smashed, melted holes this country; Venerable Udayi actions will be the same. Venerable Udayi Let no celibate under the direction of recluses Gotama! Venerable Udayi was gurus, this may not live as disciples.
Thus, the wanderer's Sakuludayi they did a legal obstacle for Sakuludayi celibate wanderer under the direction of the Exalted.

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