Thursday 28 April 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA). Veluvana (Lisa), spot the foster care (Kalandakanivapa). At the time, Sa-di Aciravata (Sa-Tan) are in PM furniture Aranna. Then Prince Jayasena while walking to travel, go to Sa-di Aciravata, after to say up with Sa-di Aciravata the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and then sat down on one side. Sitting on one side, Prince Jayasena told Sa-di Aciravata:
The fake religious Aggivessana, I have heard the following:
"In this Male-stilts live is not ample magnification, zealous, essential need, will be depth of mind."
-This is so, the Prince! This is so, the Prince! Here, Female-stilts live is not ample magnification, zealous, essential needs will prove to be depth.
-What is good if the fake Religious Aggivessana theory for me as was heard, as were studied.
This Prince, I don't-maybe the sermon for the Prince as has been heard, as were studied. If I present the sermon for the Prince as has been heard, as has been learned, and if the Prince does not understand what I say, so would make me tired, make me sorrow.
-False Religious Aggivessana, make the sermon for me as was heard, as were school! Most likely, I will understand the meaning of the words of false Religious Aggivessana.
-Prince, I would This theory for the Prince as has been heard, as were studied. If the Prince can understand the meaning of my words, so is nice. If the Prince can not understand my words, stop on the State itself, it has to ask me more!
-False Religious Aggivessana, make the sermon for me as was heard, as were school! If I could understand the meaning of the words of false Religion is so nice, Aggivessana. If I can not understand the meaning of the words of false Religious Aggivessana, I will stop on the my status here, I will not ask the fake Religious Aggivessana more.
Then Sa-di Aciravata theory for Prince Jayasena as was heard, as were studied. When hearing that, Prince said with Sa-di Aciravata as follows:
-The work is not so fake, Aggivessana; such is not the case, that Female-stilts live is not ample magnification, zealous, essential needs can be a prime witness for the mind.
Then Prince Jayasena after it comes up with Sa-di Aciravata the not so and so not a case, from the seat to stand up and leave.
Then Sa-di Aciravata, after Prince Jayasena out not how long, how soon, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side. Sitting on one side, Sa-di Aciravata for That Suen all conversations with Prince Jayasena.
When I heard that, World Religion told Sa-di Aciravata:
-So, Aggivessana, this would have the benefit of what? Prince Jayasenna life between life, enjoy the exercise, was the thought of sex, is brain exercise heat grates chewing burned, earnestly access, the bridge can know, can see, or can watch (the fruit) has only sex glasses knows, only the separation exercise see. Only the glass of the new education achieved, or only new evidence was sex glasses; such events do not occur. Aggivessana, such as this one between elephants, horses or cows are taught subduing two elephants, two horses or two cows are taught, the training manual; and there are two elephants, two horses or two cows not cleverly subduing, not smart coaching. Hey Aggivessana, do you think? The two elephants, two horses or two cows, are subtly subduing, Le train, you can go to the possibility of subduing (dantakaranam), can reach up to subduing the Prefecture?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
-The two elephants, two horses or two cows are taught subduing, but not skilled, not subduing a coaching manual, the child he was subduing, may go to the ability to serve, not be served can reach subduing, like two elephants, two horses or two cows are subtly subduing Le, coaching there?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Also, this Aggivessana, Prince Jayasena life between life, enjoy the exercise, was the thought of sex, is brain exercise heat grates chewing burned, earnestly access, the bridge can know, can see, or can watch (the fruit) has only sex glasses knows, only glass education see, only the glass of the new education achieved new evidence of sex, glasses, has only been, such events do not occur.
For this, a Aggivessana, as the big mountain not far from the village or commune. And there are two friends, hand in hand goes out of villages or townships, and go to the mountains. After arriving, a friend standing at the foot of the mountain, while the other friend climbing onto the top of the mountain. The person you stood at the foot of the mountain he can talk with the person you stand on top of the mountain: "Hey Buddy, You stand on the top of the mountain, you what?" The other said: "Hey friend, standing on the top of the mountain I saw the garden, stylishly stylishly forests, the land with ponds, stylishly available AI". The other said: "without this event, this friend, do not have this, You stand on the top of the mountain again can find the stylishly garden, stylishly, forest land with ponds, stylishly available AI". And then you have people standing on top of the mountain, after going down to the foot, fist you, causing you to climb to the top of the mountain, so you break a breath of time, and then said: "well, now You can see what, when You stand on the top of the mountain?" And you can say: "Hey Buddy, now standing on the mountain top, I saw the gardens, stylishly stylishly forests, the land with ponds, stylishly available AI". Other people can say the following: "recently, this close, we understand You said:" this event could not have this, You, can not be the case, You stand on the top of the mountain again can find the stylishly garden ... stylishly ponds ". But now I understand You say: "this dear, now standing on the mountain top, I saw the gardens stylishly ... stylishly ponds". The other says the following: "this dear, because I been obscured by this Ridge, should not see the things worth seeing."
Also, but larger than this, Aggivessana, is Prince Jayasena, obscured, were all standing, were hindrances, besieged by ignorance aggregates. Prince Jayasena life between life, enjoy the exercise, was the thought of sex, is brain exercise heat grates chewing burned, earnestly access, the bridge can know, can see or can watch (the fruit) has only sex glasses knows, only glass education see, only the glass of the new education achieved new evidence of sex, glasses, only to have been; such events do not occur. If this example is He referring to Prince Jayasena, Prince Jayasena naturally believed him and once that trust, will act as a person has to trust Him.
-But how, Bach World Religion, two examples to start from where the Prince Jayasena, set up for a natural, never before heard, like Religion?
-For this, such as Aggivessana, a King-the Roman Empire-seat café was the wealthy girl elephant rider: "this Audience monk, go horseback riding, go into the jungle Kingdom child legs elephant; When He saw the forest elephant, take it back to the ancient columns of the United Kingdom ". -"Sir, your Majesty". Aggivessana this, the audience monk well according to the word of the Emperor-King-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, did ride the United Kingdom, to the forest elephant, saw jungle elephant, column (forest elephant) to the ancient Kingdom. The United Kingdom objects to drag it out of place. Until this Aggivessana thus, the forest elephant is going to the outdoors. But Aggivessana, the forest elephant, this also has a good relationship with IE for the forest elephant. The audience with the King my Lord master-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did about elephants. "My Lord, the forest elephant were out of place in the outdoors". Then the King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl did the subduing elephants: "come, take elephant, subduing this subduing the forest elephant this by subduing its forest lifestyle, by subduing the mind forest investment, by subduing the pros, tired of the heat, the brain for its mountain forests by making it with villages and, by making it familiar to human lifestyle ". -"Sir, your Majesty". Aggivessana this, the subduing elephants well according to King-Emperor-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, played a major pile on land, forest elephants, the old column to subduing its forest lifestyle, to subduing the mind forest investment, to subduing the thought, tired of the heat, the brain of the mountain forests, to make it enjoy the villages and make it familiar to the human lifestyle. And then people say elephants with subduing it by gentle words, beautiful, friendly, come to mind, dainty, made many people happy, many wedding Festival. This Aggivessana the forest elephant, and when speaking with these gentle, beautiful, friendly, come to mind, dainty, made many people happy, made many people listening, sailings, the wedding Festival slang ears, stay focused on learning (anna?). Next came the subduing elephant grass and water for bring the forest elephant.
-Aggivessana, when This elephant grass and water, who get the Woods subduing new Elephants think: "Now the forest elephants will live". And then the elephant made subduing (the forest elephant) do add an else: "You, pick up! Hey You, put down! " Aggivessana this, after the United Kingdom objects well according to the subduing of elephants, follow teachings picks up, put down and then, the subduing of elephants make it do one more other movements: "Hey You, go to! You go back! " Aggivessana this, after the United Kingdom objects well according to the subduing of elephants, do the right thing by going to the teachings, going back, the subduing of elephants make it do one more other movements: "You, get up! Hey You, sit down! " Aggivessana this, after the United Kingdom objects well according to the subduing of elephants, do the right thing according to the teachings, stand up, sit down, and then, the elephant make it work of subduing an other moves called "real". It shields a wooden column on nozzle of large animals, and a man holding a spear sitting on the neck, and around some people holding a spear standing enclosure. And the subduing of elephants, holding a spear with a long tree, standing at the front. The elephant's doing real, no mobile front legs, no legs, no mobile mobile front fuselage, no fuselage, no Mobile Mobile Mobile, no ears, no ivory, no mobile taps mobile. The United Kingdom is the elephant ring probably bear knife, make, name, guillotine shot hammer, ring bear echoes of the big drum, tambourine, whistle, (as is) Eraser clean the net gold Bhikkhu stain profane, worthy of a King (used), a possession of the King, a symbol of the King.
Also, this Aggivessana, here, As Lai appeared in life, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan. .. (As of episode I, 120-page 121 Results Subjects Sa) ... Renunciation renunciation, no family life. So here, Aggivessana, is this disciple Saints come to the outdoors. But Aggivessana, the Angel in this, have this craving, i.e. in education in Germany. Then, As more training for Hybrid (the disciples): "come, this Male-stilts, keep, tame tame with the living of his duty fully, Patimokkha dread primary facilities, see danger in these little bugs, and tu in French!" This Aggivessana, after the Saints were disciples kept tame with the living world overpower the duty of the Patimokkha, dread full primary facilities, see danger in these little bugs, and tu learned in French, As Lai back coaching more for her disciples: "come, n y Male-stilts, make the protection! When the eye sees colors, shalt not be holding General General, shalt not have general private holdings. What causes, because the label was based are not tame, prompting craving bi pros, the real evil charity France kicked up, tame yourself cause, households maintained his eye, practicing the households maintained his eye. When the ear heard the smell, nose, tongue, body, emotions, tastes Italian awareness of France, had also not holding General General, shalt not have general private holdings. What causes because Italy was based are not tame, prompting craving bi pros, the real evil charity France kicked up, overpower the cause, households maintained Italy, practicing the households maintained Italy apartments ". Aggivessana, after this Holy disciple was households maintained the grounds, such as the Futuristic train's disciple Saints: "come, this Male-stilts, be more in dining, chon TAM Chief sensory life survey used the dish, not for fun, not for passion, not for fashion jewelry, not to his beautiful DIY This body, only to be maintained, maintenance, from the household, to accept the maintenance Date, think: "so we eradicate the old life and not to run up the new life. And we will not violate faults, live was an okay ". This Aggivessana, after the Saints were disciples in eating, As Lai back coaching her taste more: "come, this Male-stilts, be watchful attention! The day when going to administrative and business while sitting, please clean erase from the mind obstacle of France. Night in a soup, while administrative and economy while sitting, please clean erase from the mind obstacle of France. Night in the middle of the soup, let's get down to the hips to the right, as is the lion, the foot guards on foot with each other, the sense of mindfulness, mantras oriented to sit up. Last soup night, when awake while going to administrative and business while sitting, please clean out the mind erase obstacles. " Aggivessana, after this Holy disciple was watchful attention, As does add coaching: Hybrid "come, this Male-stilts, make achievements mindfulness the sensations! When go to when going backwards all the buds; When looking straight, when looking around all the buds; When the co hands, when stretching the hands are the buds; When carrying the upper bowl, vase, double y y are all the buds; when eating swallowing all the buds; When the bowel, the bladder are the buds; When sitting, lying, standing, talking, quiet are the sensations ". This Aggivessana, after the Saints were disciples of achievements of the province, such as mindfulness training again he tastes more Futuristic: "come, this Male-stilts, please select a stay of the stick away, trees, forests, mountains, wilderness, mountain, cave, forest, ma tha Beach, piles of straw!" Then select a location to stay of the bar away, trees, forests, mountains, wilderness, mountain, cave, forest, ma tha Beach, piles of straw. Locate him after dinner, on the real return to qifu gangui, sit down, Fang-old, keep your back straight, for stay before the anniversary. The position he relinquished the craving in life, living with the Escapist, erase craving attention craving, give up anger, who lives with her taste not anger, kindness from introspection mercy all beings, erase the mind off anger. Quit kissing her life unit, the Swiss deposits escape divorce Swiss deposits, with minds towards the light, the sense of mindfulness, erase attention kissing Swiss deposits. Waiver of foreign election does, too trạo life trạo no foreign election too, the quiet mind, erase foreign election trạo attention too. Abandon the suspect, who lives with her escape from doubts, do not hesitate hesitated, erase the mind out for the French charity. Her position after the paragraph except in the slopes of this, the slopes of the polluting the mind, the intellect, the feeble made him live the contemplate on the fuselage, zealous, the sensations, mindfulness, to join the pros in subduing his life, on the life feeling ... the Cafe Central on the mind ... the French Consulate on the France, zealous, the sensory Mindfulness, to join the pros in subduing his life.
Such as this, a Aggivessana, subduing elephants play a large cylindrical piles on land, forest elephant stock column to subduing its forest lifestyle, to subduing Center its mountain forests, to the concerns of brain heat hard mountain forests, to make it enjoy the villages and make it familiar to human lifestyle; also, this Aggivessana, this is the origin of the notion of four wire center column to subduing the names of renunciation, for subduing Center homeless musician, to the concerns of subduing tired brain heat of the renunciation, to reach the Chief Justice (naya), to enlightenment Nirvana.
And then As he add coaching: Hybrid
-Come, this Male-stilts, please stay consistent on the fuselage, and shalt not be reflecting on the games related to the fuselage; Please stay consistent on the longevity, and shalt not be reflecting on the games related to the life sense; Please stay consistent on the mind, never have thoughts on the games related to the mind; Please stay consistent France on France, and shalt not be reflecting on the contact range to France. The taste makes stop games and four, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not the Cabinet, quarter-range for the mind, ... and stay the third Meditation ". Her position with the specified static ... (as an economic centre of the episode I, Sa, 142 page Subject to page 155). The position he knew no such life.
Female-stilts kham ring cold, heat, hunger, thirst, the contact of mosquitoes, flies, wind, the Sun and the reptiles, the evil, the noun words yelled at, he lived the life rings with mosaic familiarity about the body, suffering, pain, painful, vehemently, real love, not like, pain to death, are cleaned from infected UE clean on taking , si. Her taste worthy of donation, respect, respect, accept the hands, upper Phuoc is filled.
If this, Aggivessana, a United States statue of old age and die, not subduing, not trained, the United Kingdom objects old age was called dead with death are not costume thing. If this, Aggivessana, a United Kingdom Idol years high school; If this, Aggivessana, a United Kingdom youth statues die, not subduing, not trained, the United Kingdom, the statue known as the youth was dead with death are not costume thing. Also, if elders, Aggivessana this Male-stilts died with smuggled or have yet to take advantage of the passage of time, the elder Male-stilts called dead with death are not costume thing. If this, Aggivessana, a Female-Middle stilts; If this, Aggivessana, a Female-teen dies with stilts pirated or not the front piece, Female-stilts called the teenager had died with the death are not costume thing. If this, Aggivessana, a United Kingdom Idol age old fella, subduing, the coaching manual die, time the United Kingdom objects old age was called dead with death is the thing. If this, Aggivessana, a United Kingdom Idol years high, if this, Aggivessana, a United Kingdom youth statue cleverly subduing, the coaching manual die, a United Kingdom youth statue called the dead with death was subduing. Also, this Aggivessana, if an elder Male-stilts with smuggled or had sections make the die, the Presbyterian Female-stilts called has died, with this death. If this, Aggivessana, a middle-aged Male-stilts; If this, Aggivessana, a teen Male-stilts, with smuggled or had sections make the die, teenage taste National forecast-stilts called dead, with the death has been restored.
World Religious preaching. SA-di Aciravata Hy-life lyrics That Religious belief from Festival to teach.

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