Monday, 18 April 2016

92. SELA

Like I hear.
A world Religious travel in Anguttarapa along with Female mass-stilts a thousand two hundred and fifty, and go to a Anguttarapa called Apana. Hair braided Keniya was heard: "Sa-subjects, like spice Gotama from Sakya lineage, traveling in Anguttarapa along with Female mass-stilts a thousand two hundred and fifty, and was to the Apana. Good reputation here about false Religion Gotama was started up: "this is Like Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Friendly Tournament, World, Sergeant, Dwell Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Professor, Buddha, World Religion. With the win, He self-certified food poisoning the world with heaven, heaven, along with Sa-keeper, She-la, the species and species. When were there any theoretical claim, what evidence he had food poisoning. Mr. sermon charity profile, middle, late van full meaning friendly. He taught happy Offense completely full, clean. Nice replacement of the admire an A-la-Han so! ".
Then hair braided Keniya go to world Religion, after arriving, talking up the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side. World Religion with the French braid hair for a stubs Keniya phone sitting on one side, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival. Hair braided Keniya after That opening a dialogue with France to honor, encourage, make excited, make instant white World, Religious wedding Festival:
-Looking forward to honor the invitation of the Gotama fake tomorrow dinner with them, female-on stilts.
Be heard so That the hair braided Keniya says with Respect to:
-Our National-stilts, Keniya This very large, up to one thousand two hundred and fifty Female-stilts, and He gave credit to the Ba-la-Mon.
Second, hair braided white Keniya World Religion:
-Ladies mock them National oil, Gotama Respect-huge stilts, to one thousand two hundred and fifty Female-stilts, and oil the have the credit with Her-la, look forward to honor the invitation of Gotama fake child, dinner tomorrow with them Female-stilts!
Second, the hair braided Keniya says with Respect to:
-Our National-stilts, Keniya This very large, up to one thousand two hundred and fifty Female-stilts, and He gave credit to the Ba-la-Mon.
The third time, hair braided white Keniya World Religion:
-Ladies mock them National oil, Gotama Respect-huge stilts, to one thousand two hundred and fifty Female-stilts, and oil the sense of credit into the She-la, eager to honor the invitation of Gotama fake child, dinner tomorrow with them Female-stilts!
World Religious silence. Hair braided Keniya, after being know that Religion has accepted the invitation, from the seat to stand up, go to the property after his Glass to the sailings of the blood, dear:
-Dear gentlemen, your blood. SA-keeper Gotama was I invited to dinner tomorrow with Male-on stilts. So you take a self help work for me.
-Sir, false Religion.
Friends, your blood of Keniya hair braided hair braided Keniya responded well. Have the time to dig pits (furnaces); someone fucking firewood; There are people who wash dishes; someone arranged ghè water; someone edited compose seats; longer hair braided Keniya himself erected a circular flower truss (Mandalamala?). At the time She-la-Mon Sela in this position, three intelligence Apana episode Veda, with vocabulary, language, rituals, and the fifth series, understand words and grammar, deep understand how Pros comment and General officers. This unit teaches note (manta) to three hundred youth Ba-la-Mon. At the time, hair braided Keniya have credit with Ba-la-Mon Sela. Then She-la-Mon Sela, with three hundred young She-la-surrounded subject, walking to travel go to Essential hair braided Keniya residences. BA-la-Mon Sela found in property of Keniya hair braided Glass, have the time to dig pits (furnaces); someone fucking firewood; There are people who wash dishes; someone arranged ghè water; someone edited compose seats; longer hair braided Keniya himself erected a circular flower truss. Thus, She-la-keeper and he told the hair braided Keniya Sela:
-There are hair braided Keniya strawberry or procession will will take the bride, or a great health forums are prepared, or King Bimbisara Seniya Magadha countries be invited tomorrow with both the troops?
-Ladies mock Religious procession, I do have Strawberry Sela, also don't put strawberries, King Bimbisara Seniya Magadha water does not have to be invited tomorrow with both the troops, but I am preparing a health forum. SA-subjects, like spice Gotama from their lines Like, now are traveling in Anguttarapa with our Male-stilts consists of one thousand two hundred and fifty Female-stilts, came to Anguttarapa. Good reputation here was started up on the fake Religious Gotama: "... (as above). Buddha, World Religion ". Her taste was invited to dinner tomorrow with Male-on stilts.
-False Religion are you talking, Keniya the Buddha?
-Ton fake Sela, yes I said Buddha.
-False Religion are you talking, Keniya the Buddha?
-Ton fake Sela, yes I said Buddha.
Then fake Her Respect-la-Mon Sela thinking "Just a sound, this Buddha is also hard to find in life. According to our Scriptures was about thirty-two General officers, who has thirty-two General will choose one of two paths, there is no other way: If is in the home, will move into the Holy Kingdom of conquer every rotation speed, full of seven treasure dishes. The seven treasures dish is the car, elephant, horse, treasure, treasure, jewellery and treasure Saturday as General treasure. And it has more than a thousand of the son is the hero, the lẫm type, the victory of foreign troops. This taste life utriusque Earth end to the ocean, and ruled with the Chief Justice of France, do not use sticks, do not use the donation. If the renunciation, abandoning the family, life does not, it will prove the fruit A-la-Han, Chief Dan, wipe out Mexican mistakes in life. False Religion today, Keniya this false Religious Gotama, he ranks A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class he stay?
When I heard that, hair braided Keniya, stretch the arms face, say-la-Mon Sela:
-False Religion in other evergreen forests, Sela.
Then She-la-Mon Sela, with three hundred youth go to world Religion. BA-la-keeper told the youth:
-You go to a silent way, put his foot down step by step, the World's Respect as Lions live alone, it is difficult to close (or preferred NET security-Durasada). If we have discussions with the Sa-Mon, false Religious shalt Gotama interrupting us. Chu said wait fake Religion.
Then She-la-Mon Sela went to World Religion, after coming up with the Religious World say Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear asking and then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, She-la-Sela subjects find thirty-two General officers on the Religious life, She-la-Mon Sela saw the majority of thirty two on the General's life, except for the two investors. As for the two officers, generals or being, hesitant beings, not yet satisfied, not yet satisfied, i.e. General audio coding and long wide tongue General Museum. Then Religious thoughts: "Ba-la-Mon this body We see on Sela majority thirty-two General officers, except the two generals, for the two officers, generals or being, hesitant beings, not yet satisfied, not yet satisfied, i.e. General audio coding and long wide tongue General Museum". World of instant Respect user spirit makes you pine-la-Mon Sela saw negative code of General World Religion, and That Religion le tongue, removable to, licking up to two ears; overload to, licking to the nostrils, and tongue le throughout the region. Then She-la-Sela binge thinking: "Sa-keeper Gotama achievements thirty-two General's full, not inadequate, but we have yet to know Buddha's taste or not Buddha. However, I have heard the She-la-seniors, large Greek subjects, the studying, studying, said the following:" The World's Respect , the A-la-Han, Chief Dan, when the exclamation of his he was talking to, the self he does figure out ". So let's face That evening of the Su shelf worthy ". Then She-la-Mon Sela, Gotama subjects before the Sa-n the shelves as follows:
Full bodied enough brilliance,
The affidavit of birth and beauty,
That yellow color, Religion
Smooth teeth, lang, essential need.
With respect to the affidavit of birth,
The general good,
Are You on the fuselage,
All of the great general staff.
Bright eyes, round face is full,
Balance, straight, United States of America,
Between Sa-Mon Increase,
He glare as the Sun.
Beautifully located Male-stilts,
Skin bright as dazzling gold,
Happy with Sa-Mon, Mr
What can the Supreme identity.
He deserves the ranks,
London transfer, steps Things Dwell,
Winning all over the world,
The ultimate Match-match level.
United Kingdom, proud Phu United Kingdom,
As his vassal,
Is King among Kings,
Is the Pope.
Let's reign, of
False religion Gotama!
World Religion replied:
SELA, I'm King,
Ranks France United Kingdom loads,
We moved the French wheel,
The wheel has not been moved.
He claimed the false sense of
SELA asked more,
"The invisible Kingdom, France Ranks
We're turning wheel ",
He answered so.
False religion Gotama,
Who will be the General?
Is the fake Religious disciples?
Credit disciples into position?
Masters level worthy?
After him, one will move,
Falun you've moved?
Sela, This
We moved the French wheel,
Wheel loads.
Sariputta, Principal
Turning the wheel of the French Chief Justice,
Succession As Lai.
Need to know, we know,
Tu tu, we need,
Need to remove, I gave up.
So I am Buddha,
Oh, false Religious Offense releases!
Nothing left in Me,
Let's hang up a party,
Please get rid of them,
Oh, false Religious Offense releases!
See Primary ranks,
Real natural nan nan, great wall
Primary Sensory level,
Real natural nan nan van!
I am the Primary ranks,
Ranks Y United Kingdom disabled,
Oh, false Religious Offense releases!
Brahma is hard to match,
Stock photography the ghost army.
Offering all antagonistic,
We live the wedding Festival Center,
Do not fear anyone,
Where not tremble.
Chu Ton, please listen!
Such steps have the eyes,
Ranks Y United Kingdom, heroes,
Dragons lion jungle.
See irrational Brahma,
NIE offers the ma army,
Who does not credit the,
Until the perpetrator down.
Anyone want to, follow me,
Do not want to, please,
Here, we're exporting countries,
The Supreme Intelligence ranks!
(The She-la-Mon):
If false Religious beliefs,
Dhamma Primary ranks,
We also export,
The Supreme Intelligence ranks!
Pham Chi, three hundred
Hand pieced together would be allowed:
We live the Piracy,
Due to the Religious leaders of the World!
World Religion answers: Sela,
Pham Le, almond
Practical right now,
Beyond time.
Here the renunciation,
With who does not launch, Yi
The essential professional learning in tu tons.
BA-la-Sela subjects along with the assemblies are exported under the leadership of world Religion, modern life.
Then She-la-Keniya subjects, after night, at his residence, after Ejaculation to compose the upper dish, sort of hard and soft types, the newspaper time sailings up to world Religion: "fake time, Gotama Respect! Ready rice ". You show respect in the morning up y, y bowls, go to the property of hair braided Keniya Elf, after arriving, mainland sat on seats already compose available along with them, female-on stilts. Then braid the hair Keniya after freelance offer them Female-on stilts with the Buddha was the leader and make satisfied with epigastric, kind of hard and soft types. Then braid the hair Keniya, after That dinner, the Religious left the bowl, grab a low seating other sailings and sat down on one side. World Religion told hair braided Keniya lyrics customized Hy merit the post following shelves:
The Economic Forum is paramount,
In the international ceremony of fire,
Savitti is paramount,
Between poems Veda.
The King is the Supreme rank,
Between the human world,
The ocean is paramount,
Between types of live Stinger.
The Moon is paramount,
Between the stars shining,
They Increase the ultimate truth,
With alms,
The mind desires,
World Religion article this shelves after saying the word customized hair braided with merit Keniya Hy, from seats stand up and leave.
And then the fake Religious Sela with assemblies living alone is not ample magnification, an enthusiasm, diligence. And not long, fraud is the Supreme purpose that the Friendly South spice has abandoned the family, family not living towards. That is infinitely superior to current Date in almond, self certification and security. Birth Date, has already become, what should I do after this life, did not have another life. It said so and the fake Religious Sela with the assemblies become the A-la-Han. And then the fake Religious Sela with assemblies go to World Religion, after arriving, up into a side role, piecing together medical instruction to world Religion and World Religious articles to read up the shelves:
Glass white French label, ranks
The previous eight days ago,
We have to come to him,
Ask (pray) refuge.
World Religion in seven nights,
Has photography offers us,
(Already tame us),
In his teachings.
He is the false sense of hierarchy,
He is Professor and Director,
He is of degree,
Won ma pants.
After Him, except paragraph
Pass (sea of birth and death),
He helps this contentious pants,
The same pass (suffering).
Sanh y You pass,
Pirated or crushes,
He is a lion (the Lord),
No, not fear.
Three hundred billion-on stilts,
Brass upright hand pieced together,
Oh, victory, hero
Let's stretch the foot steps.
Let the officers
Masters degree ceremony, wealthy girl.

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