Saturday 2 April 2016


 Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in the garden in the wooded forest Gosinga ta-la with a majority Venerable famous disciples like Venerable Sariputta (Sariputta) Venerable Mahamoggallana (General Category-devout-linked) , Venerable Mahakassapa (Oscar-lettuce), Venerable Anuruddha (a-na-law-momentum), Venerable Revata (Ly-she-majority), Venerable Ananda (Ananda), along with a number of followers Ven other celebrities. Then venerable Mahamoggallana in the afternoon, after meditating stood up, went over to the venerable Mahakassapa, after arriving he told the venerable Mahakassapa:
- Sage Kassapa, let us go to venerable Sariputta place to hear French.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
Venerable Venerable Mahamoggallana Mahakassapa yes answer. Then venerable Mahamoggallana, venerable and venerable Anuruddha Mahakassapa come to Venerable Sariputta to hear French. Venerable Ananda saw venerable Mahamoggallana, venerable and venerable Anuruddha Mahakassapa come to Venerable Sariputta to hear the law, after seeing this venerable place went to Revata and told venerable Revata:
- Hey Sage Revata, the upper level so people went to the Venerable Sariputta to hear the law. This Revata Sage, let's come to Venerable Sariputta to hear French.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
Venerable Venerable Ananda replied yes Revata. Then Venerable Ananda Revata and venerable come to Venerable Sariputta to hear the law. Venerable Sariputta saw venerable Revata, Venerable Ananda remotely go to, after seeing the Venerable Ananda said to:
- Venerable Ananda come here, good hybrid, Venerable Ananda, Exalted attendant, the attendant Bhagavan. This sage Ananda, endearing rather Gosinga woods! Moonlit night of the full moon, I am the flowering plants extensively, flavor heaven as spreading everywhere. This sage Ananda, ranking monks can do brilliant Gosinga forests?
- Here, this Sage Sariputta, monks heard, keep things heard, listened to accumulate things. These measures improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, office ordination means, speak up entirely of dignity, purity, these are measures that he heard and preserved carefully, loudly repeated, is the thinking, is cleverly observes knowledge; he preached for four congregations with literature owl dung, fluency, with the aim of every option except the newspapers. This sage Sariputta, monks classes can do Gosinga bright forests.
When they heard that, venerable Sariputta told venerable Revata:
- Hey Sage Revata, Venerable Ananda answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Revata: Hey Sage Revata, endearing rather Gosinga a forest ... (as above) ... Hey Sage Revata, what do class monks Gosinga bright woods?
- Here, this Sage Sariputta, monks settled preferred pure life, pure pleasure residence life, inner practitioners, only pure, unbroken meditation, consistent achievement happy, always hanging around no president seat. This sage Sariputta, monks classes can do Gosinga bright forests.
When they heard that, venerable Sariputta told venerable Anuruddha:
- Hey Sage Anuruddha, venerable Revata answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Anuruddha: Hey Sage Anuruddha, endearing rather Gosinga a forest ... (as above) ... Hey Sage Anuruddha, how do classes, monks Gosinga bright woods?
- Here, this Sage Sariputta, monks, with pure divine eye, supernatural, observe thousands of the world. This sage Sariputta, such as the one with the eyes on the top floor a nice house, to observe a thousand detours around. Also, the Sage Sariputta, monks, with pure divine eye, supernatural, observe thousands of the world. This sage Sariputta, monks such classes can do Gosinga bright forests.
When they heard that, venerable Sariputta told venerable Mahakassapa:
- Hey Sage Kassapa, venerable Anuruddha answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Kassapa: Hey Sage Kassapa, endearing rather Gosinga a forest ... (as above) ... Hey Sage Kassapa, what do class monks Gosinga bright woods?
- Here, this Sage Sariputta, monks, themselves living in mountainous and praising life in the jungle, take himself alms, and praise life begging, dressed themselves and spreading pollen algae well-dressed carbon chalk algae, living on their own with three health care and praised the well three, take himself happy least minimum education and training and praise, know enough to live on their own and well-known praise enough, on their own and live in solitude praising happy living in solitude, living on their own secular infection and uninfected praised secular virtues, themselves ardent, diligent and ardent praise virtues, effort, achievement itself and praised the virtues achievements morality, meditation itself achievements and praised the achievements of meditation, intellectual achievement itself and praised the intellectual achievement, accomplishment freed himself and praised the achievements of liberation, his self-knowledge to achieve liberation and praised the achievements of liberation by knowledge. This sage Sariputta, monks such classes can do Gosinga bright forests.
When they heard that, he came to say venerable Sariputta Mahamoggallana:
- Sage Moggallana, venerable Mahakassapa answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Mahamoggallana: Hey Sage Moggallana, endearing rather Gosinga woods! ... Hey Sage Moggallana, ranking monks can do Gosinga bright woods?
- Here, this Sage Sariputta, two monks conversation about Abhidhamma (A-Pi-talk). He asked the same questions, and when asked, the answer to be together and not stop (not answer), and conversations about continuing legal. This sage Sariputta, monks such classes can do Gosinga bright forests.
Then venerable Mahamoggallana told venerable Sariputta:
- Sage Sariputta, we answered according to our interpretation. Here, now, we asked Venerable Sariputta: Hey Sage Sariputta, rather endearing, Gosinga woods! Moonlit night of the full moon, Ta-la flowering plants extensively, spreading incense sun as everywhere. This sage Sariputta, monks classes can do Gosinga bright forests?
- Here, this Sage Moggallana, monks control their minds, not the monks do not control their minds. Dwelling any jobs he wants to dwell in the morning, that he abides in the morning results; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, that he abides result noon; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his performance in the afternoon. Sage Moggallana, such as a king or a king's courtiers have a closet filled with the coat of many colors. Pair any king wants to wear clothes in the morning, the king wore his shirt in the morning pairs; pair the king wanted to wear shirts at noon, the king wore his shirt at noon pairs; pair the king wanted to wear shirts in the afternoon, the king wore his shirt in the afternoon pairs. Also, the Sage Moggallana, monks control their minds, not the monks do not control their minds. Dwelling any jobs monks wanted to dwell in the morning, that he abides in the morning results; dwell any jobs monks wanted to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his results at noon; dwell any jobs monks wanted to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his performance in the afternoon. This sage Moggallana, such classes, monks can do Gosinga bright forests.
Then venerable Sariputta told him Venerable:
- Reverences, we answered according to our interpretation. Chu Hien, let's come to Bhagavan and narrated in this matter to Bhagavan clearly. Bhagavan answer we like, so we will maintain life.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The venerable venerable Sariputta he replied yes. Then he went to the place he came to Bhagavan in, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, venerable and Venerable Ananda Revata to the site in order to hear the law. Buddha, you see Venerable Venerable Ananda Revata remote and go; I saw that, I said to Venerable Ananda:
"- Venerable Ananda, come here, Venerable Ananda friendly hybrid, Bhagavan attendant, the attendant Bhagavan. This sage Ananda, endearing rather Gosinga woods! Moonlit night of the full moon, ta-la flowering plants extensively, spreading incense sun as everywhere. This sage Ananda, ranking monks can do Gosinga bright woods? "
Buddha, was asked this, Venerable Ananda replied with the following:
"- Here, Sage Sariputta, monks heard, keep things heard, listened to accumulate things. These measures improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, office ordination means, speak up entirely of dignity, purity, these are measures that he heard and preserved carefully, loudly repeated, is the thinking, is cleverly observes knowledge. He preached for four congregations with literature owl dung, fluency, with the aim of every option except the newspapers. This sage Sariputta, monks classes can do Gosinga bright forests. "
- You instead, rather benign, Sariputta! If the answer is right feet, Ananda have to answer that. This Sariputta, Ananda is a multicultural level, keeping things heard, listened to accumulate things. These measures improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, office ordination means, speak up entirely of dignity, purity, these are measures that he heard and preserved carefully, loudly repeated, is the thinking, is cleverly observes knowledge. He preached for four congregations, with text fluently owl dung, for the purpose of any option except the newspapers.
- Buddha when they heard that, I told venerable Revata:
"- Hey Sage Revata, Venerable Ananda answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Revata:
"- Hey Sage Revata, endearing rather Gosinga a forest ... (as above) ... Hey Sage Revata, ranking monks can do Gosinga bright forests".
"- Here, this Sage Sariputta, monks settled preferred pure life, pure pleasure residence life, inner practice only pure, unbroken meditation, consistent achievement happy, always hanging around no president seat. This sage Sariputta, monks classes can do Gosinga bright forests ".
- You instead, rather benign, Sariputta! If the answer is right feet, Revata have to answer that. This Sariputta, Revata residents prefer pure life, pure pleasure residence life, inner practice only pure, unbroken meditation, consistent achievement happy, always frequented the place is not president.
- Buddha, it is said that, I told venerable Anuruddha as follows:
"- Hey Sage Anuruddha, venerable Revata answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Anuruddha:
"- Hey Sage Anuruddha, endearing rather Gosinga a forest ... (as above) ... Hey Sage Anuruddha, how do classes, monks Gosinga bright woods?"
Buddha, is said so, venerable Anuruddha told me:
"- Hey Sage Sariputta, here, monks with supernatural pure divine eye, observing thousands of the world. This sage Sariputta, such as the one with the eye, on the top floor a nice person and observe a thousand detours around. Also, the Sage Sariputta, monks with supernatural pure divine eye observation of thousands of the world. This sage Sariputta, monks such classes may brilliance Gosinga forests ".
 - You instead, rather benign, Sariputta! If the answer is right feet, Anuruddha have to answer that. This Sariputta, key Anuruddha with supernatural pure divine eye observation of thousands of the world.
- Buddha, so to speak, I told venerable Mahakassapa:
"- Hey Sage Kassapa, venerable Anuruddha answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Kassapa:
"- Ability to replace a forest kindness Gosinga! ... (As above) ... Hey Sage Kassapa, what do class monks Gosinga bright forests?"
Buddha, is said so, Venerable Mahakassapa told me:
"- Here, this Sage Sariputta, monks themselves living in mountainous and praising life in the jungle, living on their own and praise alms begging life, dressed himself and praised the algae powder well-dressed chalk algae, take himself to three robes and conduct three medical praised, personally and praised sex life happy least sexual minorities, take himself knew well enough and know enough praise, themselves living in solitude and canopies admiration happy solitude, living on their own secular infection and uninfected praised secular virtues, themselves ardent, diligent and ardent praise virtues, effort, achievement himself praised the virtues and achievements morality, meditation on their own achievements and praised the achievements of meditation, intellectual achievement itself and praised the intellectual achievement, freed himself and praised the achievements of liberation, personally achievements liberating knowledge and praised the achievements of liberation by knowledge. This sage Sariputta, monks classes that can do Gosinga bright forests. "
- You instead Sariputta! If the answer to be true, to answer such Kassapa. This Sariputta, Kassapa himself lived in jungles and praising life in the jungle ... yourself attain release praises the knowledge and achieve liberation by knowledge.
- Buddha, so to speak, I told venerable Mahamoggallana:
"- Sage Moggallana, venerable Mahakassapa answered according to his interpretation. Here, now, we ask Venerable Mahamoggallana:
"- Hey Sage Moggallana, endearing rather Gosinga woods! ... Hey Sage Moggallana, ranking monks can do Gosinga bright woods?"
Buddha, is said so, Venerable Mahamoggallana told me:
"- Here, this Sage Sariputta, two monks conversation about Abhidhamma, (A-Pi-talk). They ask each other questions, and when asked, they answered together, do not stop because not answer, and conversations about their approach to continue. This sage Sariputta, monks such classes can do Gosinga bright forests. "
- You instead Sariputta! If the answer is right feet, Moggallana have to answer that. This Sariputta, Moggallana is the One theory about the Dharma.
So to speak, venerable lord Mahamoggallana:
- Buddha, I told venerable Sariputta, as follows:
"- Sage Sariputta, we answered according to our interpretation. Here, now, we asked Venerable Sariputta:
"- Hey Sage Sariputta, endearing rather Gosinga woods! Moonlit night of the full moon, ta-la flowering plants extensively, spreading incense across the sky like. This sage Sariputta, monks classes can do Gosinga bright forests? "
- Buddha, is said so, Venerable Sariputta said to me:
"- Here, this Sage Moggallana, monks control their minds, not the monks do not control their minds. Dwelling any jobs he wants to dwell in the morning, that he abides in the morning results; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his results at noon; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his performance in the afternoon. Sage Moggallana, such as a king or a king's courtiers have a closet filled with the coat of many colors. Pair any king wants to wear clothes in the morning, the king wore his shirt in the morning pairs; pair the king wanted to wear shirts at noon, the king wore his shirt at noon pairs; pair the king wanted to wear shirts in the afternoon, the king wore his shirt in the afternoon pairs. Also, the Sage Moggallana, monks control their minds, not the monks do not control their minds. Dwelling any jobs monks wanted to dwell in the morning, he abides monks that results in the morning; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his results at noon; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his performance in the afternoon. This sage Moggallana, such classes, monks can do ?. ​​Gosinga bright forests "
- You instead, rather benign, Moggallana! If the answer is right feet, Sariputta to answer that. This Moggallana, Sariputta control their minds, not Sariputta not control their minds. Dwelling any jobs he wants to dwell in the morning, that he abides in the morning results; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his results at noon; dwell any jobs he wants to dwell in the afternoon, he abides his performance in the afternoon.
When saying this, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
- Buddha, the public has cleverly answered (questions posed)?
- Hey Sariputta, all cleverly replies respectively. And what I said he Hear ranking monks can do Gosinga bright woods? Here, this Sariputta, monks, after meals, after seeking alms on, sit fetters-old, back straight, put the idea before, and thought: "I will not sit with both legs-old left until when my heart was cleverly extricate the defilements, no attachment. " This Sariputta, monks such classes can do Gosinga bright forests.
Exalted such preaching. The Venerable was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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